Is it possible, to have text written vertical in a TextBox(or other component prehaps), in Visual Studio 2010 Report Designer? (Like normal text, just tiltet 90 degrees clockwise). I could't find anything under properties, but I might have missed it.
If so, how? :)
I found the feature. It can be done with the ´WrittenMode´setting.
It can be found in the complete VS-property window. I don't think it's in the popupwindow-property for a Rectangle.
If it is something that does not need to be filled with data you could use a image.
Either this is found in Tools Options Fonts and Colors, or it's something editable with Visual Studio Color Theme Designer 2022 (an extension from Microsoft DevLabs).
As you can see, the word cast is white on pale-blue, which is very hard to read (and impossible at smaller scale). I have not been able to locate the setting that will adjust this.
I found a process: the blue in the picture is #FFC4D5FF. In the Theme editor, sorting by Color, I found about 50 items colored with this color. Among those is it
Cider -> ListItemMouseOver?
SearchControl ->PopupControlMouseOverBackgroundGradientMiddle2?
I have no clue. I changed all of them to #FF2362FF. Apply/save, and go to my editor, and I get:
So one of the 50 items is the thing I needed to change. Who knows what else changed. The labels are all very obscure to me. In the event something of these is trouble, I'll have to delve more deeply into the set of elements.
A previous question - Visual Studio 2010 element names for theming - has partially answered this, but not what I'm asking, so please don't forward me there.
First, I'm looking for the name of the tooltip background used in the theme editor (Color theme editor for visual studio 2019.)
Secondly, is there a more efficient method of finding these element names? I built this theme mostly by replacing known colors and then for unknowns, screen-shotting, paste to GIMP, get the HEX code search the xml file for the color, find the name, then return to the theme editor with the name and change the color.
The background color to the tooltip as you can see in the following image (outlined in red) is white, making the info generally unreadable. In the menu dialog mentioned in the referenced question, only the foreground color can be changed. The theme editor does not seem to have a field strictly for the tooltip background, so it is likely pulling this background from another unrelated field as visual studio tends to do.
To add to the confusion, in the above image is from a .cs file; on a .cshtml file, the tooltip looks like this. Evidently there are multiple tooltips, as there is also no syntax highlighting in the following example.
I realize this isn't strictly a coding question, but I still believe this to be the most appropriate place to ask the question - If I'm wrong, mods, please direct me to the proper place.
There is a color documentation made by microsoft (with screenshots). Maybe it could help you finding what you are looking for.
Smart tags are almost impossible to see when using the dark theme on visual studio 2012. how do i change the color of smart tags.
Going to tools>options>environment>fonts and colors>smart tags does not work
just to be clear, in the image above, i am talking about the small blue box under the 't', not the red squiggly line
It's in Tools/Options/Environment/Fonts and Colors:
Show settings for: Text Editor
Display Items: Compiler Error
You can change the Item Foreground property to get the color of the squiggly to change.
Microsoft confirmed it as a problem and has added this defect to their backlog:
I don't have visual studio in front of me, but I believe that is under the text editor options.
As far as I can remember that color is hard-coded to a constant, so you can't change it. Use Ctrl + . to invoke smart tags when there is one on the screen, it is much easier than hunting it down via the mouse.
A few years ago I read an article about a neat way to analyze a large code-base.
The idea was to zoom out so far that patterns of indentation and block length are all that is really visible.
The author wrote about printing out code with very small fonts and looking at the results from 10 feet back. I believe the author also had some tools for reformatting code and producing images for this technique, in such a way that paper could be avoided.
I can't find the right search query to bring this up. Anyone have any ideas?
The text editor Sublime Text has a zoomed-out overview of your code on the left of the window, and can be used to scroll.
I've done this myself, that is print to paper with very small fonts and step back. If you want to avoid the paper route then perhaps you can print to PDF?
Or use and editor that can zoom in and out by changing font size. I use SciTE and Komodo Edit, both based on the Scintilla code editing engine and both allow me to hold down the ctrl key and use the mousewheel to change font size (just like web browsers).
With a bit of Google-fu I found references that this (ctrl+mousewheel) may also be implemented in Visual Studio and XCode. Can anyone confirm?
I think you are referring to Software Visualization? If you search for Code Visualizer, you maybe able to find a few products out there that does it but there are more focusing on aggregating the measurements information/metrics together for software comprehension and not necessary as a way to view or navigating to code only.
Some of the tools include Code city, code crawler or code visualizer. Michele Lanza and his team did some great work in this area in the recent years, however some only has support for certain language/platform so be mindful if they are going to be useful for you.
Could extract all the types, classes, etcetera, and put them into a tool such as graphviz and generate a graph.
I have text objects on a Crystal Report in Visual Studio with an initial capital. When I print the report, the text is all lower case.
And the reason is?
We have found a workaround for this problem. Not sure how this works :) - can any expert explain?
We found that this problem of case change was happening whenever the extent of text within any page / section of the report was going beyond the settings of the page size minus gutter, left/right margins, top/bottom margins set for the report.
As a workaround, we have asked all our reports developers to keep the text (for A4 size reports) to within 7.5 inches X 7.5 inches. The problem does not happen when this is adhered to.
Would definitely like to know exact reasons for the misbehavior though.
This might be affecting by some of the settings.
But if you go and edit the field , you can see it automatically change to lowercase.
If you agains change it back your case, then it will work fine.
It looks like it happend for one time. To be honest, I don't know why this happend