What's the most reliable way to parse a piece of text out into paragraphs in RealBasic that will work on Windows, Mac, and Linux? - realbasic

I'm writing a piece of software using RealBASIC 2011r3 and need a reliable, cross-platform way to break a string out into paragraphs. I've been using the following but it only seems to work on Linux:
dim pTemp() as string
pTemp = Split(txtOriginalArticle.Text, EndOfLine + EndOfLine)
When I try this on my Mac it returns it all as a single paragraph. What's the best way to make this work reliably on all three build targets that RB supports?

EndofLine changes depending upon platform and depending upon the platform that created the string. You'll need to check for the type of EndOfLine in the string. I believe it's sMyString.EndOfLineType. Once you know what it is you can then split on it.
There are further properties for the EndOfLine. It can be EndOfLine.Macintosh/Windows/Unix.
EndOfLine docs: http://docs.realsoftware.com/index.php/EndOfLine

I almost always search for and replace the combinations of line break characters before continuing. I'll usually do a few lines of:
yourString = replaceAll(yourString,chr(10)+chr(13),"<someLineBreakHolderString>")
yourString = replaceAll(yourString,chr(13)+chr(10),"<someLineBreakHolderString>")
yourString = replaceAll(yourString,chr(10),"<someLineBreakHolderString>")
yourString = replaceAll(yourString,chr(13),"<someLineBreakHolderString>")
The order here matters (do 10+13 before an individual 10) because you don't want to end up replacing a line break that contains a 10 and a 13 with two of your line break holders.
It's a bit cumbersome and I wouldn't recommend using it to actually modify the original string, but it definitely helps to convert all of the line breaks to the same item before attempting to further parse the string.


ZPL and mixing subsets

we have a new client that needs there bar code created with mixing subset C and A. We are using the ZPL language to print to a zebra printer and I've followed the Zebra programming guide but cant get the output I'm after. I need the bar code to read:
My code looks like this:
and outputs this with some other characters that are not even ascii:
9931265099999891 S7M &* ...
Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong
thank you
I figured out my own problem....
Thanks Magoo for taking time to look at my question...
When switching to subcode A you cannot just use the letters you want to display but must use a table (in the ZPL programming guide) that shows the characters that represent the characters that need to be displayed. I used this to get it to work, notice after changing to sub-code A (>7) you need duo characters to represent the characters you actually want displayed i.e..
36 = D
42 = J
51 = S
Hope my solution helped someone else
cheers all
I got this to work using
^BCN,200,Y,N,N ^FD>;9931265099999891>6DJS1>52345670100060020^FS
Note that this switches to code B instead of A.
The final string of digits is an odd number of characters and it seemed to lop off the final character in code C. The string I constructed uses an even number of digits for each of the code-C sections and the remaining characters in code-B.
I could not get code-A to work at all, but I'm using an old printer (A300) which may not have the latest firmware.

GS1-128 barcode with ZPL does not put the AI in ()

i was expecting this command
to generate a
(420) 11118888
interpretation line, instead it generates
anyone have idea how to generate the expected output?
If the firmware is up to date, D mode can be used.
D = UCC/EAN Mode (x.11.x and newer firmware)
This allows dealing with UCC/EAN with and without chained
application identifiers. The code starts in the appropriate subset
followed by FNC1 to indicate a UCC/EAN 128 bar code. The printer
automatically strips out parentheses and spaces for encoding, but
prints them in the human-readable section. The printer automatically
determines if a check digit is required, calculate it, and print it.
Automatically sizes the human readable.
The ^BC command's "interpretation line" feature does not support auto-insertion of the parentheses. (I think it's safe to assume this is partly because it has no way of determining what your data identifier is by just looking at the data provided - it could be 420, could be 4, could be any other portion of the data starting from the first character.)
My recommendation is that you create a separate text field which handles the logic for the parentheses, and place it just above or below the barcode itself. This is the way I've always approached these in the past - I prefer this method because I have direct control over the font, font size, and formatting of the interpretation line.

Is there any character that is illegal in file paths on every OS?

Is there any character that is guaranteed not to appear in any file path on Windows or Unix/Linux/OS X?
I need this because I want to join together a few file paths into a single string, and then split them apart again later.
In the comments, Harry Johnston writes:
The generic solution to this class of problem is to encode the file paths before joining them. For example, if you're dealing with single-byte strings, you could convert them to hex strings; so "hello" becomes "68656c6c6f". (Obviously that isn't the most efficient solution!)
That is absolutely correct. Please don't try to do anything "tricky" with filenames and reserved characters, because it will eventually break in some weird corner case and your successor will have a heck of a time trying to repair the damage.
In fact, if you're trying to be portable, I strongly recommend that you never attempt to create any filenames including any characters other than [a-z0-9_]. (Consider that common filesystems on both Windows and OS X can operate in case-insensitive mode, where FooBar.txt and FOOBAR.TXT are the same identifier.)
A decently compact encoding scheme for practical use would be to make a "whitelisted set" such as [a-z0-9_], and encode any character ch outside your "whitelisted set" as printf("_%2x", ch). So hello.txt becomes hello_2etxt, and hello_world.txt becomes hello_5fworld_2etxt.
Since every _ is escaped, you can use double-_ as a separator: the encoded string hello_2etxt__goodbye___2e_2e uniquely identifies the list of filenames ['hello.txt', 'goodbye', '..'].
You can use a newline character, or specifically CR (decimal code 13) or LF (decimal code 10) if you like. Whether this is suitable or not depends on what requirements you have with regard to displaying the concatenated string to the user - with this approach, it will print its parts on separate lines - which may be very good or very bad for the purpose (or you may not care...).
If you need the concatenated string to print on a single line, edit your question to specify this additional requirement; and we can go from there then.

Inserting characters before whatever is on a line, for many lines

I have been looking at regular expressions to try and do this, but the most I can do is find the start of a line with ^, but not replace it.
I can then find the first characters on a line to replace, but can not do it in such a way with keeping it intact.
Unfortunately I donĀ“t have access to a tool like cut since I am on a windows machine...so is there any way to do what I want with just regexp?
Use notepad++. It offers a way to record an sequence of actions which then can be repeated for all lines in the file.
Did you try replacing the regular expression ^ with the text you want to put at the start of each line? Also you should use the multiline option (also called m in some regex dialects) if you want ^ to match the start of every line in your input rather than just the first.
string s = "test test\ntest2 test2";
s = Regex.Replace(s, "^", "foo", RegexOptions.Multiline);
footest test
footest2 test2
I used to program on the mainframe and got used to SPF panels. I was thrilled to find a Windows version of the same editor at Command Technology. Makes problems like this drop-dead simple. You can use expressions to exclude or include lines, then apply transforms on just the excluded or included lines and do so inside of column boundaries. You can even take the contents of one set of lines and overlay the contents of another set of lines entirely or within column boundaries which makes it very easy to generate mass assignments of values to variables and similar tasks. I use Notepad++ for most stuff but keep a copy of SPFSE around for special-purpose editing like this. It's not cheap but once you figure out how to use it, it pays for itself in time saved.

Fortran: line to long / append line - but with text at the end?

I have a line of Fortran code, which includes some text. I'm changing the text, which makes the code line too long for Fortran, so I split it over two lines using 'a'.
WRITE(iott,'(A) (A)') 'ABC=', SOMEVAR
Changed to:
WRITE(iott,'(A) (A)') 'ABC DEF GHI JK
a ' // 'L=', SOMEVAR
My question is, on the new line (starting with 'a'), does the white space between the 'a' and the first ' get appended to the string? Or do I need the ' to be the char next to a to prevent additional white space?
As you can tell, I'm not used to Fortran...
If you're worried about exceeding a 72 column limit, then I assume you're using Fortran 77. The syntax for Fortran 77 requires that you start with column 7, except for continued lines, which need a continuation character in column 6. I use the following method to tell me how many lines are continued for one statement (the first line is just to show the columns):
write(*,*)"Lorem Ipsum",
1 " Foo",
2 " Bar"
This would print:
Lorem Ipsum Foo Bar
You don't have to worry about spaces that aren't in quotes. All whitespace gets compressed in Fortran, anyway.
It's worthwhile learning how to use format statements. They can make output a lot easier. It's somewhat similar to printf statements, if you're coming from C. You specify a format with different types of parameters, then give variables or literals to fill out that format.
And don't worry that you're not working with the hot, new, language of the day. You can learn a lot from Fortran, even Fortran 77, and when used properly, Fortran can even be elegant. I've seen Fortran 77 written as if it were an object oriented language, complete with dynamic memory. I like to say, "old.ne.bad".
It's been too long for me to remember the old column requirements of FORTRAN (and they may not even be as strict as they were way back when).
But - isn't this something that a quick test run will tell you straight off?
Yes, the a is a continuation character and basically it just means append the rest of this line starting after the continuation character (col 6, right?) to the previous line.
Your Fortran compiler probably has an option to turn on "free form" input instead of using "fixed form" input. Use this and you won't have to worry about line length.
If your Fortran compiler is older than F90 -- which is when I think the free form input ability started, you have my condolences.
#Mike B:
In an ideal world yes, but in this case the code is developed on one machine, and submitted to a build server which has the appropriate 3rd party software / SDK's / licenses available to it to build. The build isn't exactly quick either.
