limits line segment to the boundry of rectangle - algorithm

I use the following code to extend line segment to the boundry of rectangle, it work well if points within the rectangle, but if there's a point out of the rectangle boundry it fail
static void extend(Rectangle bounds, ref PointF start, ref PointF end)
if (start != end) // this to avoid small changes in orientation
float slope = (end.Y - start.Y) / (end.X - start.X);
if (Math.Round(start.Y, 2) == Math.Round(end.Y, 2) || Math.Abs(slope) <= 0.01d) // 0.01 is offset to check if the slope is very small
start.X = bounds.X;
start.Y = start.Y;
end.X = bounds.X + bounds.Width;
end.Y = end.Y;
if (Math.Round(start.X, 2) == Math.Round(end.X, 2) || Math.Abs(slope) <= 0.01d)
start.X = start.X;
start.Y = bounds.Y;
end.X = end.X;
end.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height;
// based on (y - y1) / (x - x1) == (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
// => (y - y1) * (x2 - x1) == (y2 - y1) * (x - x1)
// y_for_xmin = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (xmin - x1) / (x2 - x1)
float y_for_xmin = start.Y + ((end.Y - start.Y) * (bounds.X - start.X) / (end.X - start.X));
// y_for_xmax = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (xmax - x1) / (x2 - x1)
float y_for_xmax = start.Y + ((end.Y - start.Y) * (bounds.X + bounds.Width - start.X) / (end.X - start.X));
// x_for_ymin = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (ymin - y1) / (y2 - y1)
float x_for_ymin = start.X + ((end.X - start.X) * (bounds.Y - start.Y) / (end.Y - start.Y));
//x_for_ymax = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (ymax - y1) / (y2 - y1)
float x_for_ymax = start.X + ((end.X - start.X) * (bounds.Y + bounds.Height - start.Y) / (end.Y - start.Y));
if ((bounds.Y <= y_for_xmin) && (y_for_xmin <= bounds.Y + bounds.Height))
if ((bounds.X <= x_for_ymax) && (bounds.X <= bounds.X + bounds.Width))
start.X = bounds.X;
start.Y = y_for_xmin;
end.X = x_for_ymax;
end.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height;
if ((bounds.X <= x_for_ymin && x_for_ymin <= bounds.X + bounds.Width))
start.X = bounds.X;
start.Y = y_for_xmin;
end.X = x_for_ymin;
end.Y = bounds.Y;
if ((bounds.Y <= y_for_xmax) && (bounds.Y <= bounds.Y + bounds.Height))
if ((bounds.X <= x_for_ymin) && (x_for_ymin <= bounds.X + bounds.Width))
start.X = x_for_ymin;
start.Y = bounds.Y;
end.X = bounds.X + bounds.Width;
end.Y = y_for_xmax;
if ((bounds.X <= x_for_ymax) && (x_for_ymax <= bounds.X + bounds.Width))
start.X = x_for_ymax;
start.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height;
end.X = bounds.X + bounds.Width;
end.Y = y_for_xmax;
any idea how to solve the case of points of line out of the rectangle

static bool intersection(PointF a1, PointF a2, PointF b1, PointF b2, ref PointF ans)
float x = ((a1.X*a2.Y - a1.Y*a2.X)*(b1.X - b2.X) - (a1.X - a2.X)*(b1.X*b2.Y - b1.Y*b2.X)) / ((a1.X - a2.X)*(b1.Y - b2.Y) - (a1.Y - a2.Y)*(b1.X - b2.X));
float y = ((a1.X*a2.Y - a1.Y*a2.X)*(b1.Y - b2.Y) - (a1.Y - a2.Y)*(b1.X*b2.Y - b1.Y*b2.X)) / ((a1.X - a2.X)*(b1.Y - b2.Y) - (a1.Y - a2.Y)*(b1.X - b2.X));
if(x == float.NaN || x == float.PositiveInfinity || x == float.NegativeInfinity || y == float.NaN || y == float.PositiveInfinity || y == float.NegativeInfinity)
{ // the lines are equal or never intersect
return false;
ans.X = x;
ans.Y = y;
return true;
static void extend(Rectangle bounds, ref PointF start, ref PointF end)
List<PointF> ansFinal = new List<PointF>();
PointF ansLeft = new PointF();
bool hitLeft = intersection(start, end, new PointF(bounds.X, bounds.Y), new PointF(bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height), ansLeft);
if(hitLeft && (ansLeft.Y < bounds.Y || ansLeft.Y > bounds.Y + bounds.Height)) hitLeft = false;
if(hitLeft) ansFinal.Add(ansLeft);
PointF ansTop = new PointF();
bool hitTop = intersection(start, end, new PointF(bounds.X, bounds.Y), new PointF(bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y), ansTop);
if(hitTop && (ansTop.X < bounds.X || ansTop.X > bounds.X + bounds.Width)) hitTop = false;
if(hitTop) ansFinal.Add(ansTop);
PointF ansRight = new PointF();
bool hitRight = intersection(start, end, new PointF(bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y), new PointF(bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y + bounds.Height), ansRight);
if(hitRight && (ansRight.Y < bounds.Y || ansRight.Y > bounds.Y + bounds.Height)) hitRight = false;
if(hitRight) ansFinal.Add(ansRight);
PointF ansBottom = new PointF();
bool hitBottom = intersection(start, end, new PointF(bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height), new PointF(bounds.X + bounds.Height, bounds.Y + bounds.Height), ansBottom);
if(hitBottom && (ansBottom.X < bounds.X || ansBottom.X > bounds.X + bounds.Width)) hitBottom = false;
if(hitBottom) ansFinal.Add(ansBottom);
if(!hitLeft && !hitTop && !hitRight && !hitBottom)
throw new Exception("No interections");
PointF[] ans = ansFinal.Distinct().ToArray();
if(ans.Length < 2)
throw new Exception("Corner case *wink*");
start.X = ans[0].X; start.Y = ans[0].Y;
end.X = ans[1].X; end.Y = ans[1].Y;
// the following is sufficient to cull out corner to corner, one corner
for(int x=ansFinal.Count-1; x>=1; x--)
if(ansFinal[x] == ansFinal[x-1])
if(ansFinal.Count < 2)
throw new Exception("Corner case *wink*");
start.X = ansFinal[0].X; start.Y = ansFinal[0].Y;
end.X = ansFinal[1].X; end.Y = ansFinal[1].Y;
EDIT I wrote this inside the browser so there may be a few syntax errors...
The concept is you test using Line to Line intersection with each side of the rectangle. If an intersection exists you make sure it's within the bounds of the rectangles side (line segment).


How to implement snapping effect and collision detection between two objects using Threejs?

We are able to detect the collision but could not implement a snapping/magnetic effect like Snap edges of objects to each other and prevent overlap
we need help with 3D objects here and we are using Vec3 for the active object's position.
With the following approach, collision detection is working perfectly for all cases, and magnetic effect is somehow working - not perfectly.
It's working well when the object is moving along x or z-axis but when the object's movement is in diagonal direction (moving along x and z-axis simultaneously) that is where the problem comes.
Though am not satisfied with the following approach that's why am looking for new approach to implement both magnetic and collision detection features.
It is not necessary to have the solution in Threejs, any general solution or algorithm of coordinates can be converted into Threejs.
let collide = this.detectCollisionCubes(activeObject, collidingObject, vec3);
let magneticEffect = new MagneticEffect(activeObject, vec3, collidingObject);
vec3 = magneticEffect.setNewPosition();
detectCollisionCubes = function(a, d, vec3){
// a is active object's positon
// d is colliding object
let aHeight = Math.abs(a.getHeight());
let aWidth = Math.abs(a.getWidth());
let aDepth = Math.abs(a.getDepth());
let b1 = vec3.y - aHeight / 2;
let t1 = vec3.y + aHeight / 2;
let r1 = vec3.x + aWidth / 2;
let l1 = vec3.x - aWidth / 2;
let f1 = vec3.z - aDepth / 2;
let B1 = vec3.z + aDepth / 2;
let dHeight = Math.abs(d.getHeight());
let dWidth = Math.abs(d.getWidth());
let dDepth = Math.abs(d.getDepth());
let b2 = d.position.y - dHeight / 2;
let t2 = d.position.y + dHeight / 2;
let r2 = d.position.x + dWidth / 2;
let l2 = d.position.x - dWidth / 2;
let f2 = d.position.z - dDepth / 2;
let B2 = d.position.z + dDepth / 2;
if (t1 < b2 || r1 < l2 || b1 > t2 || l1 > r2 || f1 > B2 || B1 < f2) {
return false;
return true;
Trying to create magnetic effect via
this.currentObject = currentObject;
this.collisionObject = collisionObject;
this.collisionType = null;
this.objectType = null;
this.currentPosition = currentPosition;
this.currentObjectHeight = Math.abs(currentObject.getHeight());
this.currentObjectWidth = Math.abs(currentObject.getWidth());
this.collisionObjectHeight = Math.abs(collisionObject.getHeight());
this.collisionObjectWidth = Math.abs(collisionObject.getWidth());
this.collisionObjectDepth = Math.abs(collisionObject.getDepth());
this.objectTop = currentObject.position.y + (this.currentObjectHeight/2);
this.objectBottom = currentObject.position.y - (this.currentObjectHeight/2);
this.collideTop = collisionObject.position.y + (this.collisionObjectHeight/2);
this.collideBottom = collisionObject.position.y - (this.collisionObjectHeight/2);
this.zAxisDifference = Math.abs(Math.abs(currentPosition.z) - Math.abs(collisionObject.position.z));
this.xAxisDifference = Math.abs(Math.abs(currentPosition.x) - Math.abs(collisionObject.position.x));
// Extra code here
if (
this.objectTop < this.collideBottom
) {
this.collisionType = collisionTypes.verticalBottom;
} else if (
this.objectBottom > this.collideTop
) {
this.collisionType = collisionTypes.verticalTop;
} else if (
this.currentPosition.x > this.collisionObject.position.x &&
this.zAxisDifference < 2
) {
this.collisionType = collisionTypes.horizentalXLeft;
} else if (
this.currentPosition.x < this.collisionObject.position.x &&
this.zAxisDifference < 2
) {
this.collisionType = collisionTypes.horizentalXRight;
} else if (
this.currentPosition.z > this.collisionObject.position.z &&
this.xAxisDifference < 2
) {
this.collisionType = collisionTypes.horizentalZLeft;
} else if (
this.currentPosition.z < this.collisionObject.position.z &&
this.xAxisDifference < 2
) {
this.collisionType = collisionTypes.horizentalZRight;
MagneticEffect.prototype.setNewPosition = function () {
if (this.collisionType === collisionTypes.verticalBottom) {
this.currentPosition.y = this.collideBottom + 0.5;
} else if (this.collisionType === collisionTypes.verticalTop) {
this.currentPosition.y = this.collideTop - 0.5;
} else if (this.collisionType === collisionTypes.horizentalXRight) {
this.currentPosition.x = this.collisionObject.position.x - this.collisionObjectWidth - 0.5;
} else if (this.collisionType === collisionTypes.horizentalXLeft) {
this.currentPosition.x = this.collisionObject.position.x + this.collisionObjectWidth + 0.5;
} else if (this.collisionType === collisionTypes.horizentalZRight) {
this.currentPosition.z = this.collisionObject.position.z - this.collisionObjectWidth - 0.5;
} else if (this.collisionType === collisionTypes.horizentalZLeft) {
this.currentPosition.z = this.collisionObject.position.z + this.collisionObjectWidth + 0.5;
return this.currentPosition;

Halide JIT vs Generator Differences

While playing around with Halide, I see that totally different pseudocodes are created for a same pipline when using JIT and a generated function approaches. It looks like I'm missing something and so I'd very appreciate and hint. Here is what I did:
A simple 'dilate' pipline is defined as:
int jit_main ()
Target target = get_jit_target_from_environment ();
const int width = 1280, height = 1024;
Buffer <uint8_t> input (width, height);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
input (x, y) = rand () & 0xff;
Var x ("x_1"), y ("y_1");
Func clamped ("clamped_1");
clamped = BoundaryConditions::repeat_edge (input);
Func max_x ("max_x_1");
max_x (x, y) = max (clamped (x - 1, y), clamped (x, y), clamped (x + 1, y));
Func dilate ("dilate_1");
dilate (x, y) = max (max_x (x, y - 1), max_x (x, y), max_x (x, y + 1));
tick (NULL);
Buffer<uint8_t> out = dilate.realize (width, height, target);
tick ("inline");
dilate.print_loop_nest ();
dilate.compile_to_lowered_stmt ("dilate_1_.html", {}, HTML);
The resulting pseudocode looks as follows (fragment):
produce dilate_1 {
let t125 = ((dilate_1.min.1 * dilate_1.stride.1) + dilate_1.min.0)
for (dilate_1.s0.y_1, dilate_1.min.1, dilate_1.extent.1) {
let t128 = max(min(dilate_1.s0.y_1, 1024), 1)
let t126 = max(min(dilate_1.s0.y_1, 1023), 0)
let t127 = max(min(dilate_1.s0.y_1, 1022), -1)
let t129 = ((dilate_1.s0.y_1 * dilate_1.stride.1) - t125)
for (dilate_1.s0.x_1, dilate_1.min.0, dilate_1.extent.0) {
dilate_1[(dilate_1.s0.x_1 + t129)] = max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1278), -1) + (t126 * 1280)) + 1)], max(b0[(max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1279), 0) + (t126 * 1280))], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1280), 1) + (t126 * 1280)) + -1)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1280), 1) + (t127 * 1280)) + 1279)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1279), 0) + (t127 * 1280)) + 1280)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1278), -1) + (t127 * 1280)) + 1281)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1280), 1) + (t128 * 1280)) + -1281)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1279), 0) + (t128 * 1280)) + -1280)], b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1278), -1) + (t128 * 1280)) + -1279)]))))))))
Then I defined a generator:
class Dilate0Generator : public Halide::Generator <Dilate0Generator>
Input<Buffer<uint8_t>> input_0 {"input_0", 2};
Output<Buffer<uint8_t>> dilate_0 {"dilate_0", 2};
Var x {"x_0"}, y {"y_0"};
void generate ()
Func clamped_0 {"clamped_0"};
clamped_0 = BoundaryConditions::repeat_edge (input_0);
Func max_x_0 {"max_x_0"};
max_x_0 (x, y) =
max (clamped_0 (x - 1, y), clamped_0 (x, y), clamped_0 (x + 1, y));
dilate_0 (x, y) =
max (max_x_0 (x, y - 1), max_x_0 (x, y), max_x_0 (x, y + 1));
dilate_0.print_loop_nest ();
HALIDE_REGISTER_GENERATOR (Dilate0Generator, dilate_0)
And it's pseudocode is completely different (fragment):
produce dilate_0 {
let dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue = min(max((input_0.min.1 + 1), dilate_0.min.1), (dilate_0.extent.1 + dilate_0.min.1))
let dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3 = min(max(max((input_0.min.1 + 1), dilate_0.min.1), ((input_0.extent.1 + input_0.min.1) + -1)), (dilate_0.extent.1 + dilate_0.min.1))
let t166 = (dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue - dilate_0.min.1)
let t168 = ((input_0.min.1 * input_0.stride.1) + input_0.min.0)
let t170 = ((dilate_0.min.1 * dilate_0.stride.1) + dilate_0.min.0)
let t167 = (input_0.extent.1 + input_0.min.1)
let t169 = (input_0.extent.0 + input_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.y_0, dilate_0.min.1, t166) {
let t171 = ((max(min((t167 + -1), dilate_0.s0.y_0), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t168)
let t173 = ((max((min((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 2), t167) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t168)
let t174 = ((max((min(dilate_0.s0.y_0, t167) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t168)
let t175 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t170)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, dilate_0.min.0, dilate_0.extent.0) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t175)] = (let t132 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t169) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t133 = max(min((t169 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t134 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t169) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t132 + t171)], max(input_0[(t133 + t171)], max(input_0[(t134 + t171)], max(input_0[(t134 + t173)], max(input_0[(t133 + t173)], max(input_0[(t132 + t173)], max(input_0[(t134 + t174)], max(input_0[(t133 + t174)], input_0[(t132 + t174)])))))))))))
let t183 = (dilate_0.extent.0 + dilate_0.min.0)
let t184 = (input_0.extent.0 + input_0.min.0)
let t185 = max((input_0.min.0 + 1), dilate_0.min.0)
let t178 = min(max((t184 + -1), t185), t183)
let t177 = min(t183, t185)
let t176 = (dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3 - dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue)
let t179 = ((input_0.min.1 * input_0.stride.1) + input_0.min.0)
let t181 = ((dilate_0.min.1 * dilate_0.stride.1) + dilate_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.y_0, dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue, t176) {
let t189 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t190 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + -1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t187 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t191 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t181)
let t186 = (t177 - dilate_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, dilate_0.min.0, t186) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t191)] = (let t140 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t141 = max(min((t184 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t142 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t140 + t187)], max(input_0[(t141 + t187)], max(input_0[(t142 + t187)], max(input_0[(t142 + t189)], max(input_0[(t141 + t189)], max(input_0[(t140 + t189)], max(input_0[(t142 + t190)], max(input_0[(t141 + t190)], input_0[(t140 + t190)])))))))))))
let t194 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t195 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + -1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t193 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t196 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t181)
let t192 = (t178 - t177)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, t177, t192) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t196)] = max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t193) + 1)], max(input_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t193)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t193) + -1)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t194) + -1)], max(input_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t194)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t194) + 1)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t195) + -1)], max(input_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t195)], input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t195) + 1)]))))))))
let t200 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t201 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + -1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t198 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t202 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t181)
let t197 = (t183 - t178)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, t178, t197) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t202)] = (let t152 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t153 = max(min((t184 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t154 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t152 + t198)], max(input_0[(t153 + t198)], max(input_0[(t154 + t198)], max(input_0[(t154 + t200)], max(input_0[(t153 + t200)], max(input_0[(t152 + t200)], max(input_0[(t154 + t201)], max(input_0[(t153 + t201)], input_0[(t152 + t201)])))))))))))
let t203 = ((dilate_0.extent.1 + dilate_0.min.1) - dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3)
let t205 = ((input_0.min.1 * input_0.stride.1) + input_0.min.0)
let t207 = ((dilate_0.min.1 * dilate_0.stride.1) + dilate_0.min.0)
let t204 = (input_0.extent.1 + input_0.min.1)
let t206 = (input_0.extent.0 + input_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.y_0, dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3, t203) {
let t208 = ((max(min((t204 + -1), dilate_0.s0.y_0), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t205)
let t210 = ((max((min((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 2), t204) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t205)
let t211 = ((max((min(dilate_0.s0.y_0, t204) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t205)
let t212 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t207)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, dilate_0.min.0, dilate_0.extent.0) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t212)] = (let t161 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t206) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t162 = max(min((t206 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t163 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t206) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t161 + t208)], max(input_0[(t162 + t208)], max(input_0[(t163 + t208)], max(input_0[(t163 + t210)], max(input_0[(t162 + t210)], max(input_0[(t161 + t210)], max(input_0[(t163 + t211)], max(input_0[(t162 + t211)], input_0[(t161 + t211)])))))))))))
The generated version runs in an order of magnitude faster, which is not surprising, given that the pseudocode for it looks a lot more optimized.
It runs even faster that an existed example
My noob question is how comes that JIT can not create the same representation?
Thanks a lot for any answer/idea/help/hint...
The difference between the two is that in the JIT case, the size of the input (and thus the location of the boundary condition) is known at compile-time.
However the generated code should be similar. I think the fact that you don't get five separate cases in the JIT case is a bug in Halide. I have opened an issue on the Halide github repo.
EDIT: Thanks for uncovering a bug! Fixed in

Rotate an image with bicubic interpolation without imrotate

I have implemented a code for image warping using bilinear interpolation:
Matlab image rotation
I would like to improve the code by using bicubic interpolation to rotate the image WITHOUT using the built-in functions like imrotate or imwarp and interp functions in MATLAB.
I successfully managed to implement a full working example.
Code is based on Anna1994's code: Matlab image rotation
Biqubic code is also based on Java (and C++) implementation posted here:
The following code applies image rotation example using biqubic interpolation:
function BicubicInterpolationTest()
close all;
% clear all;
img = 'cameraman.tif';
input_image =double(imread(img))./255;
H=size(input_image,1); % height
W=size(input_image,2); % width
th=120*pi/180; %Rotate 120 degrees
s0 = 2;
s1 = 2;
x0 = -W/2;
x1 = -H/2;
T=[1 0 x0 ; ...
0 1 x1 ; ...
0 0 1];
RST = [ (s0*cos(th)) (-s1*sin(th)) ((s0*x0*cos(th))-(s1*x1*sin(th))); ...
(s0*sin(th)) (s1*cos(th)) ((s0*x0*sin(th))+(s1*x1*cos(th))); ...
0 0 1];
N = inv(M);
for i=1:W
for j=1:H
x = [i ; j ; 1];
y = N * x;
a = y(1)/y(3);
b = y(2)/y(3);
%Nearest neighbor
% a = round(a);
% b = round(b);
%Bilinear interpolation (applies RGB image):
% x1 = floor(a);
% y1 = floor(b);
% x2 = x1 + 1;
% y2 = y1 + 1;
% if ((x1 >= 1) && (y1 >= 1) && (x2 <= W) && (y2 <= H))
% %Load 2x2 pixels
% i11 = input_image(y1, x1, :); %Top left pixel
% i21 = input_image(y2, x1, :); %Bottom left pixel
% i12 = input_image(y1, x2, :); %Top right pixel
% i22 = input_image(y2, x2, :); %Bottom right pixel
% %Interpolation wieghts
% dx = x2 - a;
% dy = y2 - b;
% %Bi-lienar interpolation
% output_image(j, i, :) = i11*dx*dy + i21*dx*(1-dy) + i12*(1-dx)*dy + i22*(1-dx)*(1-dy);
% end
x1 = floor(a);
y1 = floor(b);
%Bicubic interpolation (applies grayscale image)
if ((x1 >= 2) && (y1 >= 2) && (x1 <= W-2) && (y1 <= H-2))
%Load 4x4 pixels
P = input_image(y1-1:y1+2, x1-1:x1+2);
%Interpolation wieghts
dx = a - x1;
dy = b - y1;
%Bi-bicubic interpolation
output_image(j, i) = bicubicInterpolate(P, dx, dy);
%Verify implementation by comparing with Matalb build in function imwarp:
tform = affine2d(M');
ref_image = imwarp(input_image, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d(size(input_image)), 'Interp', 'cubic');
figure;imshow(output_image - ref_image)
max_diff = max(abs(output_image(:) - ref_image(:)));
disp(['Maximum difference from imwarp = ', num2str(max_diff)]);
%double cubicInterpolate (double p[4], double x) {
% return p[1] + 0.5 * x*(p[2] - p[0] + x*(2.0*p[0] - 5.0*p[1] + 4.0*p[2] - p[3] + x*(3.0*(p[1] - p[2]) + p[3] - p[0])));
function q = cubicInterpolate(p, x)
q = p(2) + 0.5 * x*(p(3) - p(1) + x*(2.0*p(1) - 5.0*p(2) + 4.0*p(3) - p(4) + x*(3.0*(p(2) - p(3)) + p(4) - p(1))));
% double bicubicInterpolate (double p[4][4], double x, double y) {
% double arr[4];
% arr[0] = cubicInterpolate(p[0], y);
% arr[1] = cubicInterpolate(p[1], y);
% arr[2] = cubicInterpolate(p[2], y);
% arr[3] = cubicInterpolate(p[3], y);
% return cubicInterpolate(arr, x);
% }
function q = bicubicInterpolate(p, x, y)
q1 = cubicInterpolate(p(1,:), x);
q2 = cubicInterpolate(p(2,:), x);
q3 = cubicInterpolate(p(3,:), x);
q4 = cubicInterpolate(p(4,:), x);
q = cubicInterpolate([q1, q2, q3, q4], y);
I verified implementation by comparing to Matalb build in function imwarp
The following example uses the "CachedBicubicInterpolator" code version, and also supports RGB image:
function BicubicInterpolationTest2()
close all;
% clear all;
img = 'peppers.png';
input_image = double(imread(img))./255;
H=size(input_image,1); % height
W=size(input_image,2); % width
th=120*pi/180; %Rotate 120 degrees
s0 = 0.8;
s1 = 0.8;
x0 = -W/2;
x1 = -H/2;
T=[1 0 x0 ; ...
0 1 x1 ; ...
0 0 1];
RST = [ (s0*cos(th)) (-s1*sin(th)) ((s0*x0*cos(th))-(s1*x1*sin(th))); ...
(s0*sin(th)) (s1*cos(th)) ((s0*x0*sin(th))+(s1*x1*cos(th))); ...
0 0 1];
N = inv(M);
for i=1:W
for j=1:H
x = [i ; j ; 1];
y = N * x;
a = y(1)/y(3);
b = y(2)/y(3);
x1 = floor(a);
y1 = floor(b);
%Bicubic interpolation (applies grayscale image)
if ((x1 >= 2) && (y1 >= 2) && (x1 <= W-2) && (y1 <= H-2))
%Load 4x4 pixels
P = input_image(y1-1:y1+2, x1-1:x1+2, :);
%Interpolation wieghts
dx = a - x1;
dy = b - y1;
%Bi-bicubic interpolation
output_image(j, i, :) = bicubicInterpolate(P, dx, dy);
%Verify implementation by comparing with Matalb build in function imwarp:
tform = affine2d(M');
ref_image = imwarp(input_image, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d(size(input_image)), 'Interp', 'cubic');
figure;imshow(abs(output_image - ref_image), []);impixelinfo
max_diff = max(abs(output_image(:) - ref_image(:)));
disp(['Maximum difference from imwarp = ', num2str(max_diff)]);
function [p0, p1, p2, p3] = list4(P)
P = squeeze(P);
p0 = P(1, :);
p1 = P(2, :);
p2 = P(3, :);
p3 = P(4, :);
% public void updateCoefficients (double[][] p) {
% a00 = p[1][1];
% a01 = -.5*p[1][0] + .5*p[1][2];
% a02 = p[1][0] - 2.5*p[1][1] + 2*p[1][2] - .5*p[1][3];
% a03 = -.5*p[1][0] + 1.5*p[1][1] - 1.5*p[1][2] + .5*p[1][3];
% a10 = -.5*p[0][1] + .5*p[2][1];
% a11 = .25*p[0][0] - .25*p[0][2] - .25*p[2][0] + .25*p[2][2];
% a12 = -.5*p[0][0] + 1.25*p[0][1] - p[0][2] + .25*p[0][3] + .5*p[2][0] - 1.25*p[2][1] + p[2][2] - .25*p[2][3];
% a13 = .25*p[0][0] - .75*p[0][1] + .75*p[0][2] - .25*p[0][3] - .25*p[2][0] + .75*p[2][1] - .75*p[2][2] + .25*p[2][3];
% a20 = p[0][1] - 2.5*p[1][1] + 2*p[2][1] - .5*p[3][1];
% a21 = -.5*p[0][0] + .5*p[0][2] + 1.25*p[1][0] - 1.25*p[1][2] - p[2][0] + p[2][2] + .25*p[3][0] - .25*p[3][2];
% a22 = p[0][0] - 2.5*p[0][1] + 2*p[0][2] - .5*p[0][3] - 2.5*p[1][0] + 6.25*p[1][1] - 5*p[1][2] + 1.25*p[1][3] + 2*p[2][0] - 5*p[2][1] + 4*p[2][2] - p[2][3] - .5*p[3][0] + 1.25*p[3][1] - p[3][2] + .25*p[3][3];
% a23 = -.5*p[0][0] + 1.5*p[0][1] - 1.5*p[0][2] + .5*p[0][3] + 1.25*p[1][0] - 3.75*p[1][1] + 3.75*p[1][2] - 1.25*p[1][3] - p[2][0] + 3*p[2][1] - 3*p[2][2] + p[2][3] + .25*p[3][0] - .75*p[3][1] + .75*p[3][2] - .25*p[3][3];
% a30 = -.5*p[0][1] + 1.5*p[1][1] - 1.5*p[2][1] + .5*p[3][1];
% a31 = .25*p[0][0] - .25*p[0][2] - .75*p[1][0] + .75*p[1][2] + .75*p[2][0] - .75*p[2][2] - .25*p[3][0] + .25*p[3][2];
% a32 = -.5*p[0][0] + 1.25*p[0][1] - p[0][2] + .25*p[0][3] + 1.5*p[1][0] - 3.75*p[1][1] + 3*p[1][2] - .75*p[1][3] - 1.5*p[2][0] + 3.75*p[2][1] - 3*p[2][2] + .75*p[2][3] + .5*p[3][0] - 1.25*p[3][1] + p[3][2] - .25*p[3][3];
% a33 = .25*p[0][0] - .75*p[0][1] + .75*p[0][2] - .25*p[0][3] - .75*p[1][0] + 2.25*p[1][1] - 2.25*p[1][2] + .75*p[1][3] + .75*p[2][0] - 2.25*p[2][1] + 2.25*p[2][2] - .75*p[2][3] - .25*p[3][0] + .75*p[3][1] - .75*p[3][2] + .25*p[3][3];
% }
% public double getValue (double x, double y) {
% double x2 = x * x;
% double x3 = x2 * x;
% double y2 = y * y;
% double y3 = y2 * y;
% return (a00 + a01 * y + a02 * y2 + a03 * y3) +
% (a10 + a11 * y + a12 * y2 + a13 * y3) * x +
% (a20 + a21 * y + a22 * y2 + a23 * y3) * x2 +
% (a30 + a31 * y + a32 * y2 + a33 * y3) * x3;
% }
function q = bicubicInterpolate(P, x, y)
[p00, p01, p02, p03] = list4(P(1, :, :));
[p10, p11, p12, p13] = list4(P(2, :, :));
[p20, p21, p22, p23] = list4(P(3, :, :));
[p30, p31, p32, p33] = list4(P(4, :, :));
a00 = p11;
a01 = -.5*p10 + .5*p12;
a02 = p10 - 2.5*p11 + 2*p12 - .5*p13;
a03 = -.5*p10 + 1.5*p11 - 1.5*p12 + .5*p13;
a10 = -.5*p01 + .5*p21;
a11 = .25*p00 - .25*p02 - .25*p20 + .25*p22;
a12 = -.5*p00 + 1.25*p01 - p02 + .25*p03 + .5*p20 - 1.25*p21 + p22 - .25*p23;
a13 = .25*p00 - .75*p01 + .75*p02 - .25*p03 - .25*p20 + .75*p21 - .75*p22 + .25*p23;
a20 = p01 - 2.5*p11 + 2*p21 - .5*p31;
a21 = -.5*p00 + .5*p02 + 1.25*p10 - 1.25*p12 - p20 + p22 + .25*p30 - .25*p32;
a22 = p00 - 2.5*p01 + 2*p02 - .5*p03 - 2.5*p10 + 6.25*p11 - 5*p12 + 1.25*p13 + 2*p20 - 5*p21 + 4*p22 - p23 - .5*p30 + 1.25*p31 - p32 + .25*p33;
a23 = -.5*p00 + 1.5*p01 - 1.5*p02 + .5*p03 + 1.25*p10 - 3.75*p11 + 3.75*p12 - 1.25*p13 - p20 + 3*p21 - 3*p22 + p23 + .25*p30 - .75*p31 + .75*p32 - .25*p33;
a30 = -.5*p01 + 1.5*p11 - 1.5*p21 + .5*p31;
a31 = .25*p00 - .25*p02 - .75*p10 + .75*p12 + .75*p20 - .75*p22 - .25*p30 + .25*p32;
a32 = -.5*p00 + 1.25*p01 - p02 + .25*p03 + 1.5*p10 - 3.75*p11 + 3*p12 - .75*p13 - 1.5*p20 + 3.75*p21 - 3*p22 + .75*p23 + .5*p30 - 1.25*p31 + p32 - .25*p33;
a33 = .25*p00 - .75*p01 + .75*p02 - .25*p03 - .75*p10 + 2.25*p11 - 2.25*p12 + .75*p13 + .75*p20 - 2.25*p21 + 2.25*p22 - .75*p23 - .25*p30 + .75*p31 - .75*p32 + .25*p33;
x2 = x * x;
x3 = x2 * x;
y2 = y * y;
y3 = y2 * y;
% q = (a00 + a01 * y + a02 * y2 + a03 * y3) +...
% (a10 + a11 * y + a12 * y2 + a13 * y3) * x +...
% (a20 + a21 * y + a22 * y2 + a23 * y3) * x2 +...
% (a30 + a31 * y + a32 * y2 + a33 * y3) * x3;
q = (a00 + a01 * x + a02 * x2 + a03 * x3) +...
(a10 + a11 * x + a12 * x2 + a13 * x3) * y +...
(a20 + a21 * x + a22 * x2 + a23 * x3) * y2 +...
(a30 + a31 * x + a32 * x2 + a33 * x3) * y3;

How to make a vertical wave with using canvas?

I changed the script by adding text instead of an image.
I want to wave was vertically downwards. I know that a little editing but I tried different options and it did not work.
var options = {
var ca = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = ca.getContext('2d');
ctx.canvas.width = 400;
ctx.canvas.height = 150;
ctx.font = 'bold 45pt Arial';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
ctx.fillText('Hello World', 170, 60);
w = canvas.width,
h = canvas.height,
od = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, w, h ).data;
setInterval(function() {
var id = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, w, h ),
d =,
now = ( new Date() )/options.period,
sq = ( y - h/2 ) * options.squeeze,
for ( y = 0; y < h; y += 1 ) {
lastO = 0;
shade = 0;
sq = ( y - h/2 ) * options.squeeze;
for ( x = 0; x < w; x += 1 ) {
px = ( y * w + x ) * 4;
pct = x/w;
o = Math.sin( x/options.wavelength - now ) * options.amplitude * pct;
y2 = y + ( o + sq * pct ) << 0;
opx = ( y2 * w + x ) * 4;
shade = (o-lastO) * options.shading;
d[px ] = od[opx ]+shade;
d[px+1] = od[opx+1]+shade;
d[px+2] = od[opx+2]+shade;
d[px+3] = od[opx+3];
lastO = o;
ctx.putImageData( id, 0, 0 );
You just flip the values around so that x is affected instead of y -
... vars cut, but replace y2 with x2 ...
/// reversed from here
for (x = 0; x < w; x += 1) {
lastO = 0;
shade = 0;
sq = (x - w * 0.5) * options.squeeze;
for (y = 0; y < h; y += 1) {
px = (y * w + x) * 4;
pct = y / h;
o = Math.sin(y/options.wavelength-now) * options.amplitude * pct;
/// the important one: you might need to compensate here (-5)
x2 = x - 5 + (o + sq * pct) | 0;
opx = (x2 + y * w) * 4;
shade = (o - lastO) * options.shading;
d[px] = od[opx] + shade;
d[px + 1] = od[opx + 1] + shade;
d[px + 2] = od[opx + 2] + shade;
d[px + 3] = od[opx + 3];
lastO = o;
ctx.putImageData(id, 0, 0);

Find the distance from camera to vanishing point in matlab

I have this program that finds the vanishing point for a given set of images. Is there a way to find the distance from the camera and the vanishing point?
Also once the vanishing point is found out, I manually need to find the X and Y coordinates using the tool provided in matlab. How can i code a snippet that writes all the X and Y coordinates into a text or excel file?
Also is there a better and simpler way to find the vanishing point in matlab?
Matlab Calling Function to find Vanishing Point:
clear all; close all;
dname = 'Height';
files = dir(dname);
files(1) = [];
files(1) = [];
for i=1:size(files, 1)
original = imread(fullfile(dname, files(i).name));
original = imresize(original,0.35);
im = im2double(rgb2gray(original));
[row, col] = findVanishingPoint(im);
The findVanishingPoint function:
function [row, col] = findVanishingPoint(im)
DEBUG = 0;
IM = fft2(im);
ROWS = size(IM,1); COLS = size(IM,2);
PERIOD = 2^floor(log2(COLS)-5)+2;
SIZE = floor(10*PERIOD/pi);
E = 8;
[C, S] = createGaborBank(SIZE, PERIOD, SIGMA, NORIENT, ROWS, COLS, E);
D = ones(ROWS, COLS);
AMAX = ifftshift(real(ifft2(C{1}.*IM)).^2+real(ifft2(S{1}.*IM))).^2;
for n=2:NORIENT
A = ifftshift(real(ifft2(C{n}.*IM)).^2+real(ifft2(S{n}.*IM))).^2;
D(find(A > AMAX)) = n;
AMAX = max(A, AMAX);
if (DEBUG==1)
if (DEBUG==2)
T = mean(AMAX(:))-3*std(AMAX(:));
VOTE = zeros(ROWS, COLS);
for row=round(1+SIZE/2):round(ROWS-SIZE/2)
for col=round(1+SIZE/2):round(COLS-SIZE/2)
if (AMAX(row,col) > T)
indices = lineBresenham(ROWS, COLS, col, row, D(row, col)*pi/NORIENT-pi/2);
VOTE(indices) = VOTE(indices)+AMAX(row,col);
if (DEBUG==2)
if (DEBUG==2)
[b index] = sort(-VOTE(:));
col = floor((index(1:M)-1) / ROWS)+1;
row = mod(index(1:M)-1, ROWS)+1;
col = round(mean(col));
row = round(mean(row));
The creatGaborBank function:
function [C, S] = createGaborBank(SIZE, PERIOD, SIGMA, NORIENT, ROWS, COLS, E)
if (length(NORIENT)==1)
orientations = NORIENT;
NORIENT = max(orientations);
for n=orientations
[C{n}, S{n}] = gabormask(SIZE, SIGMA, PERIOD, n*pi/NORIENT);
C{n} = fft2(padWithZeros(C{n}, ROWS, COLS));
S{n} = fft2(padWithZeros(S{n}, ROWS, COLS));
The gabormask function:
function [cmask, smask] = gabormask(Size, sigma, period, orient, E)
if nargin < 5; E = 8; end;
if nargin < 4; orient = 0; end;
if nargin < 3; period = []; end;
if nargin < 2; sigma = []; end;
if nargin < 1; Size = []; end;
if isempty(period) & isempty(sigma); sigma = 5; end;
if isempty(period); period = sigma*2*sqrt(2); end;
if isempty(sigma); sigma = period/(2*sqrt(2)); end;
if isempty(Size); Size = 2*round(2.575*sigma) + 1; end;
if length(Size) == 1
sx = Size-1; sy = sx;
elseif all(size(Size) == [1 2])
sy = Size(1)-1; sx = Size(2)-1;
error('Size must be scalar or 1-by-2 vector');
hy = sy/2; hx = sx/2;
[x, y] = meshgrid(-hx:sx-hx, -hy:sy-hy);
omega = 2*pi/period;
cs = omega * cos(orient);
sn = omega * sin(orient);
k = -1/(E*sigma*sigma);
g = exp(k * (E*x.*x + y.*y));
xp = x * cs + y * sn;
cx = cos(xp);
cmask = g .* cx;
sx = sin(xp);
smask = g .* sx;
cmask = cmask - mean(cmask(:));
cmask = cmask/sum(abs(cmask(:)));
smask = smask - mean(smask(:));
smask = smask/sum(abs(smask(:)));
The padWithZeros function:
function out = padWithZeros(in, ROWS, COLS)
out = padarray(in,[floor((ROWS-size(in,1))/2) floor((COLS-size(in,2))/2)],0,'both');
if size(out,1) == ROWS-1
out = padarray(out,[1 0],0,'pre');
if size(out,2) == COLS-1
out = padarray(out,[0 1],0,'pre');
The findHorizonEdge function:
function row = findHorizon(im)
DEBUG = 2;
ROWS = size(im,1); COLS = size(im,2);
e = edge(im,'sobel', [], 'horizontal');
dd = sum(e, 2);
row = 1;
M = 0;
for i=1+N:length(dd)-N
m = sum(dd(i-N:i+N));
if (m > M)
M = m;
row = i;
The findHorizon function:
function row = findHorizon(im)
DEBUG = 2;
IM = fft2(im);
ROWS = size(IM,1); COLS = size(IM,2);
PERIOD = 2^floor(log2(COLS)-5)+2;
SIZE = floor(10*PERIOD/pi);
E = 16;
orientations = [NORIENT/2-10:NORIENT/2+10];
[C, S] = createGaborBank(SIZE, PERIOD, SIGMA, orientations, ROWS, COLS, E);
ASUM = zeros(ROWS, COLS);
for n=orientations
A = ifftshift(real(ifft2(C{n}.*IM)).^2+real(ifft2(S{n}.*IM))).^2;
if (DEBUG==1)
ASUM(1:round(1+SIZE/2), :)=0; ASUM(end-round(SIZE/2):end, :)=0;
ASUM(:,end-round(SIZE/2):end)=0; ASUM(:, 1:1+round(SIZE/2))=0;
dd = sum(ASUM, 2);
[temp, row] = sort(-dd);
row = round(mean(row(1:10)));
if (DEBUG == 2)
imagesc(ASUM);hold on;line([1:COLS],repmat(row,COLS));
The lineImage function:
function v = lineimage(x0, y0, angle, s)
if (abs(tan(angle)) > 1e015)
a(1,:) = repmat(x0,s(1),1)';
a(2,:) = [1:s(1)];
elseif (abs(tan(angle)) < 1e-015)
a(2,:) = repmat(y0,s(2),1)';
a(1,:) = [1:s(2)];
k = tan(angle);
hiX = round((1-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
loX = round((s(1)-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
temp = max(loX, hiX);
loX = max(min(loX, hiX), 1);
hiX = min(s(2),temp);
a(1,:) = [loX:hiX];
a(2,:) = max(1, floor(s(1)-(k*a(1,:)+(s(1)-y0+1)-k*x0)));
v = (a(1,:)-1).*s(1)+a(2,:);
The lineVector function:
function [abscissa, ordinate] = linevector(x0, y0, angle, s)
if (rad2deg(angle) == 90)
abscissa = repmat(x0,s(1),1);
ordinate = [1:s(1)];
k = tan(angle);
hiX = round((1-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
loX = round((s(1)-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
temp = max(loX, hiX);
loX = max(min(loX, hiX), 1);
hiX = min(s(2),temp);
abscissa = [loX:hiX];
ordinate = k*abscissa+((s(1)-y0+1)-k*x0);
The lineBresenham function:
function [i] = lineBresenham(H,W,Sx,Sy,angle)
k = tan(angle);
if (angle == pi || angle == 0)
Ex = W;
Ey = Sy;
Sx = 1;
elseif (angle == pi/2)
Ey = 1;
i = (Sx-1)*H+[Ey:Sy];
elseif k>0 & k < (Sy-1)/(W-Sx)
Ex = W;
Ey = round(Sy-tan(angle)*(Ex-Sx));
elseif k < 0 & abs(k) < (Sy-1)/(Sx-1)
Ex = 1;
Ey = round(Sy-tan(angle)*(Ex-Sx));
Ey = 1;
Ex = round((Sy-1)/tan(angle)+Sx);
Dx = Ex - Sx;
Dy = Ey - Sy;
if(abs(Dy) <= abs(Dx))
if(Ex >= Sx)
D = 2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = 2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sx-1)*H+Sy;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X < Ex)
if(D >= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X + 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X + 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (X-1)*H+Y;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
D = -2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = -2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(-Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sx-1)*H+Sy;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X > Ex)
if(D <= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X - 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X - 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (X-1)*H+Y;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
Tmp = Ex;
Ex = Ey;
Ey = Tmp;
Tmp = Sx;
Sx = Sy;
Sy = Tmp;
Dx = Ex - Sx;
Dy = Ey - Sy;
if(Ex >= Sx)
D = 2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = 2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sy-1)*H+Sx;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X < Ex)
if(D >= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X + 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X + 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (Y-1)*H+X;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
D = -2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = -2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(-Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sy-1)*H+Sx;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X > Ex)
if(D <= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X - 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X - 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (Y-1)*H+X;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
The vanishing point is at infinity hence the distance to the camera is of no use.
Use xlswrite or dlmwrite to write into excel or text file respectively.
