Is a singleton REST database resource a good idea? - spring

Here's my situation. I have a class called somethingDao that contains all my logic for querying a table.
Then, I also have somethingDaoResource, which is a Jersey API resource, but also a Singleton, and is instantiating a somethingDao object via Spring (i.e., I'm injecting a datasource into somethingDao).
Then, I have a Jersey API businessLogicResource that does:
somethingDaoResource.getInstance().getsomethingDao() which gets me the somethingDao object at which I then fire multiple queries.
My question is, is this considered a good design? My main concern is that every time someone sends a HTTP request to my businessLogicResource, if the somethingDaoResource wasn't a Singleton (or a static?), then that would create a new instance of somethingDao, and open a new connection, which takes a while to do.
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
PS - I also have a c3p0 connection pool.

The most common practice is to have DAO objects as stateless singletons. Instead of opening and closing a connection they would borrow one from a pool and then return it when done. You can limit the maximum number of connections in the pool.
Having something statefull and a singleton in a web application is usually a bad idea. It might cause all kinds of read/write conflicts or thread locking. This approach also kills any possibility of distributing your application over a number of servers, which breaks one of the REST architectural constraints.


Common resource (almost stateful) object (bean) (no HTTP session related) in Play Framework?

I have external library that requires very long initialization time (approx. 2 minutes) and I need to call it in almost every HTTP request that is handled by Play Framework Controller-Action. Is there mechanism to instantiate such Scala object (e.g. put into some global scope, some Configuration bean, some specialized Cache) and retrieve it upon request in Controller-Action?
This object is not fully stateful object. It is stateful in the meaning that it requires some complex initialization. But when it is ready up and running then it is stateless - it can serve any request in any time (of course, some queuing may be necessary, but I can implement it with some tricks), it is common resource in this sense.
My Play application is purely stateless API, so, there is no HTTP session. I was thinking about use of Spring in Play (I guess, it is possible), but Spring session scope is related to HTTP sessions and servlets, so, this is not solution.
I have not managed to find uses cases which uses J2EE session beans in Play, maybe that is not possible.
I am reading about ThreadPools and configuration facility of the Play framework, but currently I feel quite skeptical that Play Framework can have such statful/preinitialized/common-resource.
Context: the mentioned common resource is quite heavy mathematical library that can do some AI/automated reasoning, I plan to use Play framework to create API around it and then use this API from the Python machine learning scripts.
I am considering using Cache API . I will expand my answer further when I will be able report results of my efforts.

Downside/Performace Impact in using reactive spring data (mongdb) with blocking methods

I am very new to reactive programming, and currently working on microservice where in spring mvc is used and Spring Data MongoDb for database connectivity.
As I am going through spring data mongo db docs, there is support for reactive repositories, reative template api etc.
So Is there going to be any downside if I choose to use reactive templates and repository with blocking nature ?
reactiveMongoTemplate.update(id, entity).block()
Also is there any significant difference with using calls like above than using blocking repository and template api itself ?
The answer depends on which stack you use: Spring WebFlux or Spring Web MVC.
In case of Spring WebFlux the choice is obvious: you have to use ReactiveMongoTemplate and never call block on it, instead return Mono/Flux as you get it from the template.
In case of Spring Web MVC you are free to use both the regular blocking MongoTemplate and ReactiveMongoTemplate with block. Although, in most cases you should go with the good old MongoTemplate for sake of simplicity and performance. ReactiveMongoTemplate has some overhead compared to the blocking MongoTemplate because the reactive types Mono/Flux put some additional pressure on memory.
I can imagine one use case where ReactiveMongoTemplate can provide some advantage even in Spring MVC: when during one HTTP request you have to execute multiple Mono operations concurrently. If you used blocking MongoTemplate then you would need to set up a thread pool and delegate the query execution there. However, with ReactiveMongoTemplate you could use the many operators of Mono and Flux to accomplish this task without worrying about threads, thread pools and scaling issues.
In the traditional programming you usually own the thread that you're running on, in the reactive programming its not the case. This "underlying unit of execution" (cpu resources consumer if you wish) is not yours, but rather a "global" thing that currently happens to execute your task, but can switch to do other things really soon.
So when you block, you say to this "global unit of execution" like "hey, stop doing anything else, wait for me". In the traditional approach, its kind of ok, because you have a thread associated with the current request, other requests (or flows if your system is not web based) are supposed to be executed with other threads taken from a fairly large thread pool. In the reactive system however, its not the case since you're trying to utilize a small amount of these "global units of execution".
Ok, so if you block, the events all over the place will stop emitting and will get start to buffer. And this may lead to the whole system becoming unusable.

Using correctly the #Scope annotation is Spring 3 web application

I recently readed carefully about the spring mvc 3 beans scope, specifically the web ones(session, request and global session) and i have some doubdts:
If i have a controller, why should i annotate him with other scope aside of singleton? I mean, the controllers are supossed to handle the requests and instantiate the view resources of all the app, so why give them a, for instance, session scope? what is the advantage of do that?
Is advisable making the services layer session scoped?
And finally, is there any convention or good practices that dictates where and when is more convenient the use each one of the web scopes? If there is, can somebody provides me the link or information about it? Not necessary convention or good practices, also your experience about it.
Thanks very much.
I mean, the controllers are supossed to handle the requests and
instantiate the view resources of all the app, so why give them a, for
instance, session scope?
In an average web application, you have various objects that exist on a per-session basis. Example can be user profile, or some kind of cabinet, or wallet, etc.
To be able to use those objects in service, every time you should get from session, and pass through the service chain. Instead of doing this, of course it is better to have those available in your service, without a need to pass it explicitly.
Really good example (in practice) you can find here.
An ideal practical example of request scope bean is HttpServletRequest, which should be unique obviously for each request, therefore it is request scoped and created for each request.
From my experience, without any explicit need for a case, you don't need to bother yourself with changing scopes. It is not without reason that default scope is Singleton, it is by purpose - because in most of the applications and basic scenarios you need beans as singleton. However as your main concern was with Session and Request scopes, the above examples are cases which you need often in web application.

How expensive are transactions in Grails?

I'm looking at performance issues with a Grails application, and the suggestion is to remove the transactions from the services.
Is there a way that I can measure the change in the service?
Is there a place that has data on how expensive transactions are? [Time and resource-wise]
If someone told you that removing transactions from your services was a good way to help performance, you should not listen to any future advice from that person. You should look at the time spent in transactions and determine what the real overhead is, and find methods and entire services that are run in transactions but don't need to be and fix those to be nontransactional. But removing all transactions would be irresponsible.
You would be intentionally adding sporadic errors in method return values and making your data inconsistent, and this will get worse when you have a lot of traffic. A somewhat faster but buggy app or web site is not going to be popular, and if this doesn't help performance (or not much) then you still have to do the real work of finding the bottlenecks, missing indexes, and other things that are genuinely causing problems.
I would remove all #Transactional annotations and database writes from all controllers though; not for performance reasons, but to keep the application tiers sensible and not polluted with unrelated code and logic.
If you find one or more service methods that don't require transactions, switch to annotating each transactional method as needed but omit the annotation at class scope so un-annotated methods inherit nothing and aren't transactional. You could also move those methods to non-transactional services.
Note that services are only non-transactional if there are no #Transactional annotations and there is a transactional property disabling the feature:
static transactional = false
If you don't have that property and have no annotations, it will look like it's ok, but transactional defaults to true if not specified.
There's also something else that can help a lot (and already does). The dataSource bean is actually a proxy of a proxy - one proxy returns the connection from the pool that's a being used by an open Hibernate session or transaction so you can see uncommitted data and do your queries and updates in the same connection. The other is more related to your question: org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy which has been in Spring for years but only used in Grails since 2.3. It helps with methods that start or participate in a transaction but do no database work. For the case of a single method call that unnecessarily starts and commits an 'empty' transaction, the overhead involved includes getting the pooled connection, then calling set autocommit false, setting the transaction isolation level, etc. All of these are small costs but they add up. The class works by giving you a proxied connection that caches these method calls, and only gets a real connection and invokes these method on it when a query is actually run. If there are no queries and the only calls are those transaction-related setup methods, there's basically no cost at all. You shouldn't rely on this and should be intentional with the use of #Transactional annotations, but if you miss one this pool proxy will help avoid unnecessary work.

Should service layer classes be singletons?

I am using Spring framework. Should my service classes be created as singletons? Can someone please explain why or why not? Thanks!
Yes, they should be of scope singleton.
Services should be stateless, and hence they don't need more than one instance.
Thus defining them in scope singleton would save the time to instantiate and wire them.
singleton is the default scope in spring, so just leave your bean definitions as they are, without explicitly specifying the scope attribute.
You can read more about scopes in the spring docs.
Spring is easier to use if you stick with singleton-scoped beans. Singletons are its "default position", if you like. Yes, it supports other scopes (using scope="xyz" in the XML file), but it makes things harder to use and hurts performance.
Essentially, unless you have a good reason to do otherwise, stick with singletons.
You need mostly singletons. (Spring default.) Singletons must be thread-safe, because parallel requests will use the same single instance. In fact, they must be completely stateless, because it can be destroyed and recreated at any time.
If you need to keep track of state inside of your bean (you should not, this should be in the database or stored in the request), you will get many instances of the same type of bean, memory usage goes up with the number of requests, whereby with singletons you will still have just one instance.
Even if you scope you beans to a request, they must still need be at least thread-safe (requests coming from the same browser at the same time).
Service layer should be Singleton, otherwise for every incoming request a new object will be created and these objects are heavy contains business logic and lots of line of code. They must be Singleton.
