Windows: running a process on a remote machine - windows

How can I launch a program on a remote windows machine, so that it uses the remote's machine processor and ram.
i have mapped another computers folder to a local drive. in this folder i want to launch an exe via a windows batch file so that it uses the remote computers ressources and not the local ones.

Use sysinternals (now on microsoft) PsExec.

As far as I know, You can't launch an exe on a remote machine unless you are logged into that remote machine in some way. Either by Remote Desktop Connection or through some shell.


Batch for windows to excute a remote executable / command in local system

Is there a way via batch that a program hosted in a remote desktop be executed locally in a local system?

obtain a full remote file size from a running remote process using command line tools

I need to get the filesize of a remote executable file which its process is running on a remote xp machine.
it must be done from a Windows system using only a batch file and only from a command line.
sigcheck.exe cannot be used because it does not take control over remote files.
I can not even map the remote disk to do that.
Hope someone have a good solution.
thanks in advance.

Start Windows GUI program in the PuTTY shell

I created an SSH session into my localhost through PuTTY. I am running OpenBSD server on the localhost which is a Windows 7 machine. The login was successful. Now I want to start programs in the PuTTY shell for example notepad.exe. I changed the directory to c:\windows\system32. The command start notepad runs without error but I don't see any window.
Is the notepad running in the background without a windows. If yes, how to make the window visible??
Yes, it's quite likely the Notepad is run in an invisible Windows session on the server. Note that it does not make a difference in this case that the server is the local machine.
If you hoped for the window to appear on the "local" machine magically, you are out of luck.
Generally, it's possible to run a GUI application on remote machine and see the GUI locally. On Unix it's quite common. Typically X Window is used for that.
But Windows GUI applications cannot be "tunneled" via SSH session to a local machine.

Build automation, VMWare server 2.0, Final builder

I have a database in a VMWare Server 2.0 Virtual machine. I also have a web application in the IIS (7) in the VM.
Now I want to execute some database scripts that are in the VM, from the Host machine.
Also I have a VB script in the VM that I want to run from the Host machine.
How do I go about setting this up. I can buy Final builder if that will help me.
Since I am looking to automate the above from the Host machine, I was wondering what I would have to do to execute the database and the VB scripts that are in the VM, but execute them from the Host machine, so that these update the database and IIS (vb script thing) in the VM.
The easiest approach is to configure the VM with a network connection that is reachable from the host machine, and run the scripts across the network connection the same as you would if you had a physical machine instead of a virtual machine. If your goal is to keep the VM isolated from your existing network and servers, then you need merely configure a private network between the host and the guest, and use that. With this approach, you don't need any extra software.
I'd suggest to attach a host share as a network drive and then use vmrun. Here is an example:
vmrun -T server -h https://hostname:8333/sdk -u root -p mypassword -gu administrator -gp guestpaswd
runProgramInGuest "[Vol1] win2008-1/win2008-1.vmx" -activeWindow "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"
Surely, the VmWare Tools are to be installed.

How do I remotely get a checksum for a file on a Windows machine?

I'm trying to check, using an automated discovery tool, when JAR files in remote J2EE application servers have changed content. Currently, the system downloads the whole JAR using WMI to checksum it locally, which is slow for large JARs.
For UNIXy servers (and Windows servers with Cygwin), I can just log in over SSH and run md5sum foo.jar. Ideally, I'd like to avoid installing extra software on the remote servers (there may be thousands), so is there a good way to do this on vanilla Windows servers?
You could try the Sysinternals PSExec tool. You would need a checksum utility available on the remote machine. Unfortunately since they became part of Microsoft they don't make any source code available.
Alternatively, you could install the Cygwin SSH daemon on the remote machines and use ssh but that's a bit more involved.
Microsoft has a free checksum tool you could run with PSExec above.
