I have a string like this,
str = "uu#p, xx#m, yy#n, zz#m"
I want to know how to convert the given string into a hash. (i.e my actual requirement is, how many values (before the # symbol) have the m, n and p. I don't want the counting, I need an exact value). The output would be better like this,
{"m" => ["xx", "zz"], "n" => ["yy"], "p" => ["uu"]}
Can help me anyone, please?
Direct copy/past of an IRB session:
>> str.split(/, /).inject(Hash.new{|h,k|h[k]=[]}) do |h, s|
.. v,k = s.split(/#/)
.. h[k] << v
.. h
.. end
=> {"p"=>["uu"], "m"=>["xx", "zz"], "n"=>["yy"]}
Simpler code for a newbie :)
str = "uu#p, xx#m, yy#n, zz#m"
h = {}
str.split(",").each do |x|
v,k = x.split('#')
h[k] ||= []
p h
FP style:
grouped = str
.split(", ")
.group_by { |s| s.split("#")[1] }
.transform_values { |ss| ss.map { |x| s.split("#")[0] } }
#=> {"m"=>["xx", "zz"], "n"=>["yy"], "p"=>["uu"]}
This is a pretty common pattern. Using Facets.map_by:
require 'facets'
str.split(", ").map_by { |s| s.split("#", 2).reverse }
#=> {"m"=>["xx", "zz"], "n"=>["yy"], "p"=>["uu"]}
Suppose I have following hash or nested hash:
h = { :a1 => { :b1 => "c1" },
:a2 => { :b2 => "c2"},
:a3 => { :b3 => "c3"} }
I want to create a method that takes hash as a parameter and recursively convert all the keys (keys that are symbol eg. :a1) to String (eg. "a1"). So far I have come up with the following method which doesn't work and returns {"a1"=>{:b1=>"c1"}, "a2"=>{:b2=>"c2"}, "a3"=>{:b3=>"c3"}}.:
def stringify_all_keys(hash)
stringified_hash = {}
hash.each do |k, v|
stringified_hash[k.to_s] = v
if v.class == Hash
What am I doing wrong and how do a get all the keys converted to string like this:
{"a1"=>{"b1"=>"c1"}, "a2"=>{"b2"=>"c2"}, "a3"=>{"b3"=>"c3"}}
If you are using ActiveSupport already or are open to using it, then deep_stringify_keys is what you're looking for.
hash = { person: { name: 'Rob', age: '28' } }
# => {"person"=>{"name"=>"Rob", "age"=>"28"}}
Quick'n'dirty if your values are basic objects like strings, numbers, etc:
require 'json'
Didn't test this, but looks about right:
def stringify_all_keys(hash)
stringified_hash = {}
hash.each do |k, v|
stringified_hash[k.to_s] = v.is_a?(Hash) ? stringify_all_keys(v) : v
using plain ruby code, the below code could help.
you can monkey patched it to the ruby Hash, to use it like this my_hash.deeply_stringfy_keys
however, I do not recommend monkey batching ruby.
you can adjust the method to provide the deeply_strigify_keys! (bang) version of it.
in case you want to make a different method witch does not stringify recursively, or to control the level of stringifying then consider re-writing the below method logic so you can have it written better with considering the other variation mentioned above.
def deeply_stringify_keys(hash)
stringified_hash = {}
hash.each do |k, v|
if v.is_a?(Hash)
stringified_hash[k.to_s] = deeply_stringify_keys(v)
elsif v.is_a?(Array)
stringified_hash[k.to_s] = v.map {|i| i.is_a?(Hash)? deeply_stringify_keys(i) : i}
stringified_hash[k.to_s] = v
Im looking to split an array of strings and creating a hash out of it.
I have an algorithm that splits a string into an array by commas this:1, is:1, a:1, string:1
def split_answer_to_hash(str)
words = str.split(',')
answer = {}
words.each do |w|
a = w.split(':')
h = Hash[ *a.collect { |v| [ v, a[1] ] } ]
answer = h
What I need to do now is to make the left side of the colon the key to the hash and the right side of the colon the value of the hash. example: {"this" =>1, "is"=>1, "a"=>1, "string"=>1 }
*a.collect is iterating through the array and making the value another key. How can I go about this with out that happening?
The easiest way is:
string = 'this:1, is:1, a:1, string:1'
hash = Hash[*string.split(/:|,/)]
#=> {"this"=>"1", " is"=>"1", " a"=>"1", " string"=>"1"}
Having just one answer to this question just won't do:
str = "this:1, is:1, a:1, string:1"
.tap { |h| h.keys.each { |k| h[k] = h[k].to_i } }
#=> {"this"=>1, "is"=>1, "a"=>1, "string"=>1}
Object#tap is used merely to convert the values from strings to integers. If you'd prefer:
h = Hash[str.scan(/(?:([^:]+):(\d+)(?:,\s)?)/)]
h.keys.each { |k| h[k] = h[k].to_i }
#=> {"this"=>1, "is"=>1, "a"=>1, "string"=>1}
For Ruby 2.1, you can replace Hash[arr] with arr.to_h.
Say I have
str = "a=2&b=3.05&c=testing"
I run
require 'cgi'
out = {}
CGI::parse(str).each { |k,v| out[k] = v[0] }
When I output a, 2 is a string, when I want it to be an Int
out['a'] // "2" (instead of int 2)
out['b'] // "3.05" (instead of float 3.05)
Is there any way to correct the types from the query string?
Added this method to test for numbers
def is_a_number?(s)
s.to_s.match(/\A[+-]?\d+?(\.\d+)?\Z/) == nil ? false : true
and during the parse
CGI::parse(url).each do |k,v|
val = v[0]
if is_a_number? val
val = val.include?('.') ? val.to_f : val.to_i
out[k] = val
Seems to work with basic examples. Is there anything unsafe about this?
The short answer is no, there's no way to just get the correct type out. You could write your own parser that tries to guess based on regex matches. The typical way this is handled is that you parse them manually based on the expected type of each parameter. You can call methods like to_i and to_f to convert them to the types you want.
Edited: This works
require 'cgi'
str = "a=2&b=3.05&c=testing"
out = {}
def typecasted(str)
[str.to_i, str.to_f, str].find { |cast| cast.to_s == str }
CGI::parse(str).each do |key, val|
out[key] = typecasted val.first
p out
# => {"a"=>2, "b"=>3.05, "c"=>"testing"}
If you parse it like this you shouldn't have a problem
out = {}
CGI::parse(str).each do |k, v|
v, v = (v = v.first), (v if v[/[a-zA-Z]/]) || [v.to_i, v.to_f].max
out.merge!(Hash[k, v])
Combined with the technique of AJcodez this gives
out = {}
CGI::parse(str).each do |k, v|
v, out[k] = (v = v.first), [v.to_i, v.to_f, v].find { |c| c.to_s == v }
Or as a one-liner
Hash[*CGI::parse(str).map {|k, v| v = v.first; [k, [v.to_i, v.to_f, v].find { |c| c.to_s == v }]}.flatten]
{"a"=>2, "b"=>3.05, "c"=>"testing"}
I can't think of a way with that input string you have, but if you can change that to
str = "a=2&b=3.05&c='testing'"
(notice the single quotes), you could use the eval function on each value and let ruby guess the types.
There is an array with 2 elements
test = ["i am a boy", "i am a girl"]
I want to test if a string is found inside the array elements, say:
test.include("boy") ==> true
test.include("frog") ==> false
Can i do it like that?
Using Regex.
test = ["i am a boy" , "i am a girl"]
test.find { |e| /boy/ =~ e } #=> "i am a boy"
test.find { |e| /frog/ =~ e } #=> nil
Well you can grep (regex) like this:
test.grep /boy/
or even better
Also you can do
test = ["i am a boy" , "i am a girl"]
msg = 'boy'
test.select{|x| x.match(msg) }.length > 0
=> true
msg = 'frog'
test.select{|x| x.match(msg) }.length > 0
=> false
I took Peters snippet and modified it a bit to match on the string instead of the array value
ary = ["Home:Products:Glass", "Home:Products:Crystal"]
string = "Home:Products:Glass:Glasswear:Drinking Glasses"
ary.partial_include? string
The first item in the array will return true, it does not need to match the entire string.
class Array
def partial_include? search
self.each do |e|
return true if search.include?(e.to_s)
return false
If you don't mind to monkeypatch the the Array class you could do it like this
test = ["i am a boy" , "i am a girl"]
class Array
def partial_include? search
self.each do |e|
return true if e[search]
return false
p test.include?("boy") #==>false
p test.include?("frog") #==>false
p test.partial_include?("boy") #==>true
p test.partial_include?("frog") #==>false
If you want to test if a word included into the array elements, you can use method like this:
def included? array, word
array.inject([]) { |sum, e| sum + e.split }.include? word
I have a simple array:
arr = ["apples", "bananas", "coconuts", "watermelons"]
I also have a function f that will perform an operation on a single string input and return a value. This operation is very expensive, so I would like to memoize the results in the hash.
I know I can make the desired hash with something like this:
h = {}
arr.each { |a| h[a] = f(a) }
What I'd like to do is not have to initialize h, so that I can just write something like this:
h = arr.(???) { |a| a => f(a) }
Can that be done?
Say you have a function with a funtastic name: "f"
def f(fruit)
fruit + "!"
arr = ["apples", "bananas", "coconuts", "watermelons"]
h = Hash[ *arr.collect { |v| [ v, f(v) ] }.flatten ]
will give you:
{"watermelons"=>"watermelons!", "bananas"=>"bananas!", "apples"=>"apples!", "coconuts"=>"coconuts!"}
As mentioned in the comments, Ruby 1.8.7 introduces a nicer syntax for this:
h = Hash[arr.collect { |v| [v, f(v)] }]
Did some quick, dirty benchmarks on some of the given answers. (These findings may not be exactly identical with yours based on Ruby version, weird caching, etc. but the general results will be similar.)
arr is a collection of ActiveRecord objects.
Benchmark.measure {
100000.times {
Hash[arr.map{ |a| [a.id, a] }]
Benchmark #real=0.860651, #cstime=0.0, #cutime=0.0, #stime=0.0, #utime=0.8500000000000005, #total=0.8500000000000005
Benchmark.measure {
100000.times {
h = Hash[arr.collect { |v| [v.id, v] }]
Benchmark #real=0.74612, #cstime=0.0, #cutime=0.0, #stime=0.010000000000000009, #utime=0.740000000000002, #total=0.750000000000002
Benchmark.measure {
100000.times {
hash = {}
arr.each { |a| hash[a.id] = a }
Benchmark #real=0.627355, #cstime=0.0, #cutime=0.0, #stime=0.010000000000000009, #utime=0.6199999999999974, #total=0.6299999999999975
Benchmark.measure {
100000.times {
arr.each_with_object({}) { |v, h| h[v.id] = v }
Benchmark #real=1.650568, #cstime=0.0, #cutime=0.0, #stime=0.12999999999999998, #utime=1.51, #total=1.64
In conclusion
Just because Ruby is expressive and dynamic, doesn't mean you should always go for the prettiest solution. The basic each loop was the fastest in creating a hash.
h = arr.each_with_object({}) { |v,h| h[v] = f(v) }
Ruby 2.6.0 enables a shorter syntax by passing a block to the to_h method:
arr.to_h { |a| [a, f(a)] }
This is what I would probably write:
h = Hash[arr.zip(arr.map(&method(:f)))]
Simple, clear, obvious, declarative. What more could you want?
I'm doing it like described in this great article http://robots.thoughtbot.com/iteration-as-an-anti-pattern#build-a-hash-from-an-array
array = ["apples", "bananas", "coconuts", "watermelons"]
hash = array.inject({}) { |h,fruit| h.merge(fruit => f(fruit)) }
More info about inject method: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/Enumerable.html#method-i-inject
Another one, slightly clearer IMHO -
Hash[*array.reduce([]) { |memo, fruit| memo << fruit << f(fruit) }]
Using length as f() -
2.1.5 :026 > array = ["apples", "bananas", "coconuts", "watermelons"]
=> ["apples", "bananas", "coconuts", "watermelons"]
2.1.5 :027 > Hash[*array.reduce([]) { |memo, fruit| memo << fruit << fruit.length }]
=> {"apples"=>6, "bananas"=>7, "coconuts"=>8, "watermelons"=>11}
2.1.5 :028 >
in addition to the answer of Vlado Cingel (I cannot add a comment yet, so I added an answer).
Inject can also be used in this way: the block has to return the accumulator. Only the assignment in the block returns the value of the assignment, and an error is reported.
array = ["apples", "bananas", "coconuts", "watermelons"]
hash = array.inject({}) { |h,fruit| h[fruit]= f(fruit); h }