Any tips for debugging or tracing your program in the development process? - debugging

I've been programming for quite some time and I've never been able to make consistent ways of debugging or tracing my program. So far in Java and C# I've been working with the console and simply use System.out in java or Console in C#.
However, I have not much experience with actually deploying a program or "selling" it but I think it's not a proper way to have like Console.WriteLine() everywhere.
I would like to know if there are other methods. I was thinking of using a logger and write it to a text file which uses a debug variable to write or not based on severance (like php E_ALL etc.) or have an active multi-line textbox active that shows everything.
However, the first method will not allow me to view it directly and I have to open the file after the program shuts down as it can't write to an open file. The second method is real-time but it closes with the program.
Is there a nice way of somehow combining this? Should I write an external app that reads/closes/waits for updates from a log file and then shows it to me? Or is the console the way to go? I could add a custom class that only permits logging when debugging.
Thanks for reading!

Don't reinvent the wheel. Search Google for "Loggin framework" and your favorite language and you'll probably find something that answers your need.
For Java, you'll probably want to go with Log4j, and for C# you have log4net. There are many more options if you don't like these particular two.


How to clear console in Windows

I want to clear the console
I tried using this, but it doesn't work for Windows
Is there an easy way to clear the console?
I think I need some clarification first, on what you're attempting to do. Regardless, this is my best attempt at answering your question <3
Given that different terminals work differently and have different APIs, I think you probably will want to use a crate that provides this functionality in a cross-plaform manner.
I'm assuming from here on that you want cross-platform functionality and that you don't mind using external dependencies. If this is correct, you might be happy to know that the terminal interaction crates are actually really developed in the Rust ecosystem. I have heard only good things about them.
With that out of the way, let's move on.
Do you want to just perform actions on the terminal?
If you just want to perform some actions on the terminal, like "clearing", "scrolling", "moving the cursor" and whatnot, I think you will be satisfied with the terminal crate. It allows to perform many actions, like clearing, independently of the platform you're in. It also allows for using interactivity features like interacting with the Mouse and the Keyboard :3
Or do you want to write a GUI for the terminal?
If what you want to do is write a Console-based User Interface though, I think that what might work for you instead is the tui crate. It has all of what you need to build terminal GUIs, from clearing of the console up to graphical widgets. Tools like gitui are written with tui.
Did I answer your question? Feel free to follow up if I fell short :)
I've found a way to clear the console in rust
By using console crate, console.clear() method

Pass process output over a websocket in tty format

This is question is about the general architecture, I do not require anyone to solve this little hack for me, although I won't be angry if someone does ;).
Suppose I have a web app that spawns standard unix processes (like Travis CI). While it seems simple enough to pick the stdout of such a process, I'd rather like to make the whole thing asynchronous (like e.g. Travis). So I thought of passing the whole output through a websocket and into some web-based terminal emulator.
However, the only emulators I could find were fully interactive (i.e. they allow for user input and thus have some custom server-side component). My goal would be to have a piece of client side code and just stuff the output into it.
So what is necessary to create a websocket, attach it to the stdout of a server-side process (preferably emulating a tty for colors and fancyness) and display a terminal client-side? I recon there are control codes to distinguish a tty from a text file and these control codes need to be encoded on the websocket somehow, but is there some documentation on this?
I have done this for .NET applications. I think this may be worth for you as example.
I have a small .NET project named NLog.Contrib.Targets.WebSocketServer that is a log watcher with WebSocket and AngularJS. Basically, it broadcasts the data that is being logged through a WebSocket, and there is an AngularJS directive that shows the data. How to highlight data is more a presentation stuff, so it will depend on the framework you use. Basically, this component attaches to whatever .NET application that uses NLog as logging framework, so you can try to find some extensibility point in Travis yourself and attach your thing there.
About attaching to stdout, I have a proof of concept about a web interactive CMD.exe also in .NET, although you can disregard the stdin part. If you use Mono, probably is the same thing than in Windows.
I think this is very similar to what you are looking for. If you have a more specific question let me know.
You can use STDWebsocket in order to achieve this. For examples, simply read the index.html script tag. It should solve your problem (or anyone that go through this question)

visualization of flows that happened in the code

I am looking for some tool that can show me what flows happened in the code when I
used some functionality ?
Like some visualization or imaging of what code was called, or from where in the code some variables were touched .
Thanks for help.
For just about every programming language there's an IDE with a debugger and a profiler, and some profilers generate call graphs, which sounds like what you're after.
For C, for example, there's the venerable gprof:, for PHP there's xhprof:, and there's one for Microsoft Visual Studio as well:
If you're only interested in particular function calls and changes to particular variables, then it might actually be better to add code yourself to dump lines with interesting events to a logfile while your program runs and then use a script to convert the log lines into a DOT file (, and use graphviz ( or Omnigraffle ( to generate pretty pictures for you.
Good luck.
you dont necessarily need visual tools to examine flows or to study runtime behavior. Logging mechansim is meant exactly for this. You could add log msgs in appropriate places in your code and study the log contents to gain insights on behavior.

How to control the mouse pointer outside our application

I want to control the mouse pointer with my application and be able to interact with other programs using my program,
For example I want my application to be able to click on a button on another application
How should I go about solving this problem?
(Any programming language would work, also if you have any suggestion please let me know)
I want to do it in windows operating system and want to test my GUI to see if it works in different scenarios. Any language would work for me since this is not part of the final product but I prefer one of these languages (Python, Java, C# or MATLAB)
There are many ways of doing this, and you didn't mention any details of your application (system, target goal, etc...).
If your goal is menial automation, I'd recommend whipping together a quick AutoIt script on Windows.
If this isn't what you're looking for, please give more details.
Okay, this one is really operating system and windowing specific. But the phrase you're looking for is "mouse grabbing".
As #Mitch suggests, unless you've got a really good reason — like maybe a GUI testing app? — then grabbing the mouse and messing with it in that way is very bad form.

Macro/Scripting language for non-developers with a simple GUI-based editor

We wish to provide people to be able to add some logic to their accounts(say, given a few arguments, how to compute a particular result). So, essentially, this would be tantamount to writing simple business rules with support for conditionals and expressions. However, the challenge is to provide them a simple online editor where they can create the logic (preferably) by completely visual means (drag/drop Expr-tree nodes maybe -- kinda like Y! pipes).
Does anybody know of a scripting/macro/domain-specific language that lets people do this? The challenge is the visual editor, since we don't wish to invest in developing the UI to do the editing. The basic requirements would be:
1. Embedded into another language, or run securely (no reboot -n or <JUNK-DANGEROUS-COMMAND> >> ~/.bashrc)
2. Easily accessible to users without coding background (no need of any advanced features)
3. Preferably have a simple GUI based editor to create the logic programs accessible to non-developers (kinda like spreadsheets)
4. Some ability to generate compile-time warnings (invalid code) would be good (Type safety?)
5. Ability to embed some data before execution which is available to the interpreter (Eg., name, birthday, amount)
Anybody tried doing something like this and got any ideas? I looked at Lua, Io, Python, Ruby and a host of others, but the challenge essentially is that I don't think non-programmers will be able to understand the code all that much. Something that could be added via "meta-programming" to say a Ruby would be good as well, if an editor could be easily developed!
As a matter fact, Microsoft is developing Oslo, which is right up your alley.
Chris Sells has been writing a lot about it recently.
It is designed to be a way to author DSLs and also to visually author these models with a graphical tool called Quadrant. Sounds very very similar to what you are looking for.
Open source wise, Ruby I think can be close, as you can see if you look at _whytheluckystiff's Try Ruby or Hackety.
I don't think you'll find anything that isn't too generic, especially regarding the GUI editor. There's no generic tools as far as I know that will be able to automatically interface with your program and be able to query data from it and interpret the script into commands in your software -- if there is I'd like to have a copy. Not being flippant, but you will have to do some (probably alot) of work to get this working. It will probably result in you writing a custom DSL.
I would take a look at PowerShell. You could surface all the activities a user would like to script in a very readable way.
There is some talk of using PowerShell to create a DSL on the PowerShell team blog and Bruce Payette, the technical lead, talks about this in his book Windows PowerShell in Action from Manning.
At the other end of the scale is to write something simple as a HyperText Application (HTA) -- assuming Windows of course -- along the lines of my Clive tool. The article on the blog doesn't mention the HTA version, but essentially I could enter VBScript-ish code into one textarea and interpret it on the spot, output going into another text area on the form.
With HTAs giving you all the form control of HTML, plus the DOM, you could come up with something interesting fairly quickly.
