Maven cargo plugin - redeploy specific deployable in standalone container? - maven

I'm currently working on a project that consists of several services written in Java that are accessed by a Ruby/Rails front-end. In an attempt to simplify local development, I've created a separate project that adds all of our service WAR projects as dependencies, and uses the cargo-maven-plugin to deploy each of these as a deployable inside of a single embedded Jetty instance.
The issue I'm having is that I'd like to be able to tell cargo to re-deploy a single WAR out of the several that are being run at a time. Starting the entire set of services from scratch takes a bit, and is really unnecessary when only one deployable has actually changed. As far as I can tell, the cargo:redeploy goal only works for non-standalone containers, and I also haven't been able to find any documentation that its possible to specify what you want to re-deploy on the command line.
Is there a way to tell cargo to re-deploy a single deployable from the command line? I'm thinking of something along the lines of mvn cargo:redeploy -DartifactId=baz
Apologies if this isn't clear, or if there is a different approach that I should be taking entirely - I'm relatively new to Java development and Maven.
Thanks for any help.

Download the latest war file to your local machine, then redeploy using the following pattern:
mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=baz -Dversion=1.x -Dpackaging=war -Dfile=C:/cargo.jar


How to Deploy an artifact programmatically using Maven

I have a mission to develop an integration tool which allows from a source code folder to generate a WAR or OSGI Bundle and then deploys it in Tomcat or Karaf. I used Maven Embedder to create the artifacts, now my problem is how to configure my pom.xml to automatically deploy these artifacts.
on the internet I can't find any examples and also I'm new to the world of JEE and Maven.
please help me.
Find out how you can deploy artifacts to Tomcat or Karaf (without Maven).
Find out how you can deploy artifacts to Tomcat or Karaf programmatically.
Find a Maven plugin to use that deployment method.
The simplest solution would be to use something like the maven-resources-plugin to copy your built artifacts to the servers deployment directory but I am pretty sure that there are more sophisticated methods like for deploying out of maven without plain file system mechanisms.
On a wider scale when working on problems like yours it always helps to take a step back and think about the abstract use case ("How to deploy something somewhere" followed by "How to deploy something somewhere programmatically") before going into detail and think about Tomcat or other application servers - and in most cases you will find out that there were hundreds of other who already had the same problem and solved it some way or the other.

Can I automate my spring-boot docker builds with the dockerfile or would Jenkins be more appropriate?

After first attempts of setting up automated docker builds for my personal spring-boot github repos (I'm a newbie) they were constantly failing due to the jar file not being found. While my first impression was that I had the pathing wrong, it dawned on me that docker wasn't building the jars before attempting the builds.
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ARG JAR_FILE=target/myjar*.jar
ADD ${JAR_FILE} myjar.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","/myjar.jar"]
While I have found a couple of resouces that describe how to integrate maven into the Dockerfile, it seemed like my image could easily get too big too easily with that approach. Has anybody tackled this issue before and could recommend recommend a way to integrate maven into the Dockerfile build? An alternative I've given thought to is to learn Jenkins and develop a solution that way for a pipeline.
There are many approaches to achieve this.
Approach 1
Rely on the maven with its docker maven plugin
This indeed allows building the image during the maven build.
This approach will work in general and allows a level of customizations sufficient for
many use cases. Usually, spring boot applications come as a single Jar with all the dependencies packed inside it, so there is no need for multiple layers in docker image (at least in my experience).
The point here is to call the plugin when the jar of spring boot is already built.
The jar is prepared with the help of another plugin and it is usually invoked in package phase, so if you go with this approach, make sure that you invoke the image creation plugin after the spring boot maven plugin that builds the single jar artifact.
The artifact must reside in <you_module>/target folder and it will be pretty big in size. The original module will reside next to it but will have the suffix .original.
Approach 2
Let maven build the artifact but not the image. Maven will end after this step.
Then invoke a script in Jenkins that will run the docker build command and it will build the image.
The result will be the same, you'll work here with docker directly possibly utilizing all its perks if you really need it.
Both approaches can work for you, choosing between them depends on the following factors:
You're more a Java / maven guy rather than devops guy - then go with approach 1 otherwise go with approach 2
You would like to actually locally run the image that you've built, for example, if you have a kubernetes cluster installed locally - in this case, go with approach 1
You need to utilize some latest features of docker not available for use from the plugin - then go with approach 2

Slow Appengine build with Maven and Modules

I just converted my GAE application to using modules and started using maven as well. I used the standard appengine archetype to create the project structure.
However, when I run mvn install this takes over a minute to build my project. Most of the time is taken building .war and .ear files. Are these needed for appengine builds?
If not, how do I get these .war and .ear files to not be packaged for appengine projects?
You should stop in the default life cycle of Maven somewhere before package, say test.
mvn test
Any point at or after package will lead to building a package.
b.t.w. I'm learning how to build an App Engine app with modules. May I ask which archetype did you use? It looks to me this doesn't create a multi-module layout,
Another question is how to launch the devserver for modules like the example shown here,

Using OSGI bundles with sbt or maven

I had this crazy idea since a long time so decided to finally ask. Is there some project for integrating bundles directly into the the build process without explicitly doing extra work of including an osgi container and adding bundles etc. So the basic idea being in you build.sbt or pom.xml you just specify your dependency like you normally do and instead of fetching the jars, sbt or mvn fetches bundles (if available) for your dependency. And on building the project a container of your choice would be downloaded and bundles (and jars) would be added to it automatically ? Just like a fairy tale.
EDIT: By the last part i meant something along the lines of felix gogo which will create a script for adding bundles to run container with them. Althogh thats too much to ask for but after the build i can just run a script and my whole project will run on an osgi container free from jar hell.
This already works today. You simply use the maven bundle plugin to create a bundle of your code during the build process. Many of the jars in maven central already are bundles. So you just specify them as normal dependencies.
I am not sure what you want to achieve in the last part. Downlaoding the container and adding the bundles. The build process just creates the jar. Why should it load a container?
If you want to do this for testing purposes then pax exam is what you search. It does exactly what your describe for your unit tests. It downloads a container, adds your bundles and deploys and runs your test in the container.

Automatic deployement with Jenkins/jetty

I would like to setup a continuous integration environment whereby after committing the source code, it triggers a build process that checks out the code, runs tests, constructs a war file and deploys the same to jetty server such that the users/testers can access the application on the browser.
Is this possible ?
Am using maven and jetty (I am not willing to change this. I use jetty both for development and in production). For CI, I am exploring Jenkins but am open to other opensource solutions.
If possible, how do I setup the environment.
I found a maven plugin named cargo. It has everything that I needed. I added it into my pom so that I could deploy and undeploy using mvn cargo:deploy/mvn cargo:undeploy. I created a new jenkins job and added undeploy, package deploy maven goals as build steps. Everything is working perfectly.
it's definitely possible. In a previous project, the build server (teamcity) copied the war to a shared nfs location between the build server and the application server and run a little shell script that connected to the application server and restarted jetty.
We used ant inside maven to manage the deployment, I remember we used the copy and sshexec tasks.
I'm sure that there are many other solutions, but that one worked for us.
I reviewed a lot of posts like this but I want something that is maven independent. Look here, this is selfcontained runner in on hudson/jenkins. You only need 'war', even manual jetty installation is not needed. Deploy war on jetty in Jenkins or Hudson job
