ArgumentError invalid date in DateTime#change - ruby

When doing
startTime =
startTime = startTime.change(:min => (startTime.min / 5.to_f).ceil * 5)
our production server occasionally produces the following exception
A ArgumentError occurred in controller#action:
invalid date
/opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2009.10/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1519:in `civil'
vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/activesupport-3.0.9/lib/active_support/core_ext/date_time/calculations.rb:37:in `change'
And I just can't figure out what causes the problem nor reproduce it in my development environment. Am I doing something wrong, or what is happening here? What I want to do is create a DateTime instance which is rounded up to the closest 5 min from now.

If > 55, then you are setting the min value to 60.
If you only need the time part:
startTime =
new_minute = startTime.min / 5.to_f).ceil * 5
new_hour =
if new_minute == 60
new_minute = 0
new_hour = new_hour + 1
new_time = startTime.change(:min => new_minute, :hour => new_hour)
if you need more than this, I'd suggest using activesupport. Then you could do
new_time = startTime + (new_minute - min).minutes


Time Delta problem in Hackerrank not taking good answer / Python 3

The hackerrank challenge is in the following url:
I got testcase 0 correct, but the website is saying that I have wrong answers for testcase 1 and 2, but in my pycharm, I copied the website expected output and compared with my output and they were exactly the same.
Please have a look at my code.
# Complete the time_delta function below.
from datetime import datetime
def time_delta(tmp1, tmp2):
dicto = {'Jan':1, 'Feb':2, 'Mar':3,
'Apr':4, 'May':5, 'Jun':6,
'Jul':7, 'Aug':8, 'Sep':9,
'Oct':10, 'Nov':11, 'Dec':12}
# extracting t1 from first timestamp without -xxxx
t1 = datetime(int(tmp1[2]), dicto[tmp1[1]], int(tmp1[0]), int(tmp1[3][:2]),int(tmp1[3][3:5]), int(tmp1[3][6:]))
# extracting t1 from second timestamp without -xxxx
t2 = datetime(int(tmp2[2]), dicto[tmp2[1]], int(tmp2[0]), int(tmp2[3][:2]), int(tmp2[3][3:5]), int(tmp2[3][6:]))
# converting -xxxx of timestamp 1
t1_utc = int(tmp1[4][:3])*3600 + int(tmp1[4][3:])*60
# converting -xxxx of timestamp 2
t2_utc = int(tmp2[4][:3])*3600 + int(tmp2[4][3:])*60
# absolute difference
return abs(int((t1-t2).total_seconds()-(t1_utc-t2_utc)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
t = int(input())
for t_itr in range(t):
tmp1 = list(input().split(' '))[1:]
tmp2 = list(input().split(' '))[1:]
delta = time_delta(tmp1, tmp2)
t1_utc = int(tmp1[4][:3])*3600 + int(tmp1[4][3:])*60
For a time zone like +0715, you correctly add “7 hours of seconds” and “15 minutes of seconds”
For a timezone like -0715, you are adding “-7 hours of seconds” and “+15 minutes of seconds”, resulting in -6h45m, instead of -7h15m.
You need to either use the same “sign” for both parts, or apply the sign afterwards.

Subtract Time from CSV using Ruby

Hi I would like to subtract time from a CSV array using Ruby
time[0] is 12:12:00AM
time[1] is 12:12:01AM
Here is my code
time_converted = DateTime.parse(time)
difference = time_converted[1].to_i - time_converted[0].to_i
p difference
However, I got 0
p time[0].to_i gives me 12
is there a way to fix this?
You can use Time#strptime to define the format of the parsed string.
In your case the string is %I:%M:%S%p.
%I = 12 hour time
%M = minutes
%S = seconds
%p = AM/PM indicator
So to parse your example:
require 'time'
time = %w(12:12:00AM 12:12:01AM)
parsed_time = { |t| Time.strptime(t, '%I:%M:%S%p').to_i }
parsed_time.last - parsed_time.first
=> 1
Use the Ruby DateTime class and parse your dates into objects of that class.

How to make os.time() compatibility on a 32bit machine in Lua 5.1?

As a result of the Year 2038 problem(, we get nil after calling os.time({year=2039, month=1, day=1, hour=0, sec=1}) on a 32bit machine.How to make it compatible in the lua layer,and get result like running on a 64bit machine?
Is it prosible to write a function like the following? Otherwise, how to achieve it?
local function time32Compatibility(timeTable)
local kMaxYearIn32Bit = 2037;
if timeTable and timeTable.year and timeTable.year >= kMaxYearIn32Bit then
local originalTable = clone(timeTable);
timeTable.year = kMaxYearIn32Bit;
local deltaTime = calculateDeltaTime(timeTable,originalTable)
return os.time(timeTable) + kMaxYearIn32Bit*;
return os.time(timeTable);
How to write calculateDeltaTime()?
local orig_os_time = os.time
function os.time(timeTable)
if timeTable then
-- assume that all years divisible by 4 are leap years
local four_year_ctr = math.floor((timeTable.year - 2000) / 4)
timeTable.year = timeTable.year - four_year_ctr * 4
local result = orig_os_time(timeTable) + four_year_ctr * ((365*4+1)*24*60*60)
timeTable.year = timeTable.year + four_year_ctr * 4
-- make a correction for non-leap years 2100,2200,2300, 2500,2600,2700,...
-- subtract ("March 1, 2000" - 12 hours) and divide by 100 "wrong" years
-- It should work for all time zones from UTC-1200 to UTC+1200
local centuries = math.floor((result - (951868800 - 12*60*60)) / (25*(365*4+1)*24*60*60))
local wrong_feb29_ctr = math.floor((centuries * 6 + 7) / 8)
return result - wrong_feb29_ctr * (24*60*60)
return orig_os_time()
-- Example:
print(os.time{year = 1002017, month = 9, day = 27, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0})
-- Will Lua be alive after million years?
-- Will 32-bit Linux systems be alive after 2038?

why doesn't this ruby code work

here's a practice question - Write a method that will take in a number of minutes, and returns a string that formats the number into hours:minutes.
def time_conversion(minutes)
hours = minutes / 60
mins = minutes % 60
time = hours + ":" + mins
return time
the following are tests to see if this works. if they return true then it means my code works correctly.
puts('time_conversion(15) == "0:15": ' + (time_conversion(15) == '0:15').to_s)
puts('time_conversion(150) == "2:30": ' + (time_conversion(150) == '2:30').to_s)
puts('time_conversion(360) == "6:00": ' + (time_conversion(360) == '6:00').to_s)
sometimes i get true for the first two tests but the third test line shows false even though the code will print out exactly the required.
other times I get the following error:
String can't be coerced into Fixnum (repl):4:in +' (repl):4:intime_conversion' (repl):1:in `initialize'
please assist.
The error mainly refers to this line
time = hours + ":" + mins
hours & mins are Fixnum, whereas ":" is String
As the error message indicates, "String can't be coerced into Fixnum".
You could either do time = hours.to_s + ":" + minutes.to_s or time = "#{hours}:#{minutes}".
Because Fixnum#+ takes a Numeral argument, not a String.

Calculating the difference between durations with milliseconds in Ruby

TL;DR: I need to get the difference between and as HH:MM:SS:ms
What I need:
Here's a tricky one. I'm trying to calculate the difference between two timestamps such as the following:
In: 00:00:10.520
Out: 00:00:23.720
Should deliver:
Diff: 00:00:13.200
I thought I'd parse the times into actual Time objects and use the difference there. This works great in the previous case, and returns 00:0:13.200.
What doesn't work:
However, for some, this doesn't work right, as Ruby uses usec instead of msec:
In: 00:2:22.760
Out: 00:2:31.520
Diff: 00:0:8.999760
Obviously, the difference should be 00:00:8:760 and not 00:00:8.999760. I'm really tempted to just tdiff.usec.to_s.gsub('999','') ……
My code so far:
Here's my code so far (these are parsed from the input strings like "0:00:10:520").
tin_first, tin_second = ins.split(".")
tin_hours, tin_minutes, tin_seconds = tin_first.split(":")
tin_usec = tin_second * 1000
tin =, 1, 1, tin_hours, tin_minutes, tin_seconds, tin_usec)
The same happens for tout. Then:
tdiff =
For the output, I use:
Is there any faster way to do this? Remember, I just want to have the difference between two times. What am I missing?
I'm using Ruby 1.9.3p6 at the moment.
Using Time:
require 'time' # Needed for Time.parse
def time_diff(time1_str, time2_str)
t = Time.parse(time2_str) - Time.parse(time1_str) )
(t - t.gmt_offset).strftime("%H:%M:%S.%L")
out_time = "00:00:24.240"
in_time = "00:00:14.520"
p time_diff(in_time, out_time)
#=> "00:00:09.720"
Here's a solution that doesn't rely on Time:
def slhck_diff( t1, t2 )
ms_to_time( time_as_ms(t2) - time_as_ms(t1) )
# Converts "00:2:22.760" to 142760
def time_as_ms( time_str )
re = /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?/
parts = time_str.match(re)
# Converts 142760 to "00:02:22.760"
def ms_to_time(ms)
m = ms.floor / 60000
"%02i:%02i:%06.3f" % [ m/60, m%60, ms/1000.0 % 60 ]
t1 = "00:00:10.520"
t2 = "01:00:23.720"
p slhck_diff(t1,t2)
#=> "01:00:13.200"
t1 = "00:2:22.760"
t2 = "00:2:31.520"
p slhck_diff(t1,t2)
#=> "00:00:08.760"
I figured the following could work:
out_time = "00:00:24.240"
in_time = "00:00:14.520"
diff = Time.parse(out_time) - Time.parse(in_time)"%H:%M:%S.%L")
# => "01:00:09.720"
It does print 01 for the hour, which I don't really understand.
In the meantime, I used:"00:%M:%S.%L")
# => "00:00:09.720"
Any answer that does this better will get an upvote or the accept, of course.
in_time = "00:02:22.760"
out_time = "00:02:31.520"
diff = (Time.parse(out_time) - Time.parse(in_time))*1000
puts diff
8760.0 millliseconds
Time.parse(out_time) - Time.parse(in_time) gives the result in seconds so multiplied by 1000 to convert into milliseconds.
