ASP.NET MVC3 Razor - Maintain scroll position on postback -

How can i maintain scroll position on postback after sorting a grid table that uses MvcContrib framework?

The usual way is to use some javascript to set the current scroll position to a hidden field, then restore that position on page load (usually in a jquery ready event).
However, that's really just a side effect. You should be doing some kind of ajax command to update the grid rather than a postback, then no scrolling required.

Use jQuery and client side cookie.
var posName = location.href + "_top";
$(window).unload(function() {
var top = $(document).scrollTop();
$.cookie(posName, top);
var goTop = parseInt($.cookie(posName));
if (goTop) {
$.cookie(posName, "");
Hope this code.

A useful solution is posted here :
var top = parseInt($.cookie("top"));
if(top) $(document).scrollTop(top);
$(document).scroll(function() {
var top = $(document).scrollTop();
$.cookie("top", top);
This is a very old thread but I have posted this for developer who will be searching for this kind of issue, may help.


Set page size on client side telerik grid

I have tried a lot but didn't find the way to change page size of telerik grid on client side
Till now I have this on my grid
.Pageable(pager => pager.PageSize(25, new int[] { 25, 50, 100 })
.Style(GridPagerStyles.NextPreviousAndNumeric | GridPagerStyles.PageSizeDropDown))
It works fine but I want to bind page change event with one of my dropdowns.
I didn't find any event that telerik grid's page dropdown call that I can use to call with my dropdown change.
Is it possible to achieve this?
Found the way to do this
function pageSizeChanged(pageSize) {
if (pageSize == '#')
return true;
var grid = $('#StudentGrid').data('tGrid');
grid.pageSize = pageSize;
This works like a charm! :)

MVC Action getting called twice?

I am using Asp.Net MVC3, for a project.
In one of the page, I am using MS Charts. In View I have a Image which shows the chart as follows:
<img src="#Url.Action("RenderCharts", "Home", new
XAxisColor = ViewBag.XAxisColor,
YAxisColor = ViewBag.YAxisColor,
})" alt="Charts" runat="server" />
I have 2 CheckBoxes, which is used to change Chart Axes Colors. When the checkbox is clicked, page is submitted and checkbox status is stored and based on that Chart is rendered:
bool XAxisColor = (#ViewBag.XAxisColor) ?? true;
bool YAxisColor = #ViewBag.YAxisColor ?? false;
#Html.CheckBox("chkXAxisColor", XAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkXAxisColor",
onClick = "this.form.submit();" })
X Axis Color
#Html.CheckBox("chkYAxisColor", YAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkScatter",
onClick = "this.form.submit();" })
Y Axis Color
When first time the page is loaded, RenderCharts() Action gets called and Chart is rendered.
But when i Click any of the CheckBox, RenderCharts() Action gets called twice.
I could not understand this issue. I have created a sample Application which can be downloaded from here
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This appears to be something to do with Internet Explorer. Using your sample application, everything works fine in both Google Chrome and Firefox, but when using IE9, there are two Action requests on a postback.
Using the F12 developer tools on the network tab, it shows an initial request to RenderCharts which appeared to be aborted:
The (aborted) line in the middle is, I suspect, the additional request you're seeing. Why this happens, I don't know!
Finally got the answer. The problem was
in the Img tag.
Removing runat fixed the issue.
I can eliminate the IE issue in the following manner by simply using a bit of JQuery instead. A few possible advantages...
It eliminates the cross-browser issue.
It is an unobtrusive approach (not mixing javascript and HTML in the view).
You can update the image via ajax.
Create a new file in the scripts folder (e.g. "chart.js") which will simply attach an anonymous function to the the click events of your checkboxes from the document ready function. You would obviously need to include the script reference in your page as well:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Attach a function to the click event of both checkboxes
$("#chkXAxisColor,#chkScatter").click(function () {
// Make an ajax request and send the current checkbox values.
url: "/Home/RenderCharts",
type: "GET",
cache: false,
data: {
XAxisColor: $("#chkXAxisColor").attr("checked"),
YAxisColor: $("#chkScatter").attr("checked")
success: function (result) {
$("#chart").attr("src", result);
Best of all, you get to eliminate the javascript from your view :)
<div style="margin: 2px 0 2px 0">
#Html.CheckBox("chkXAxisColor", XAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkXAxisColor" })
X Axis Color
#Html.CheckBox("chkYAxisColor", YAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkScatter" })
Y Axis Color
This is of course a very basic example which does eliminate the IE issue but you could get fancier from there in terms of how you update the image + show a loading gif, etc with only a few more lines.
Hopefully it is a workable solution for you!

Navigate to last page on mvc telerik grid

How can you navigate to the last page of a telerik grid using javascript. My scenario is that I want to go to the last page of the grid in which the new record was added. I know I can use the 'pageTo' method in the Telerik Client API but I am not able to figure out how to count the number of pages a grid has. I was looking up if somebody was doing the same thing that I want to do and stumbled across this piece of code
var lastPage = ticketsGrid.totalPages(;
But the value of the variable lastPage is infinity which is not possible as I only have 1 page in that grid.
Any suggestions anyone?
You can use the OnDataBound event.
You need to use a boolean flag which checks if this is the first load.
var firstTimeLoad = true;
function onDataBound(e) {
if (firstTimeLoad) {
firstTimeLoad = false;
var grid = $('#Grid').data('tGrid');

jqGrid filter row is out of sync with grid columns

Please look at my jsFiddle posted:
I have a fixed width jqGrid with scroll enabled and shrinktofit: false. Now when I tab through the 4th field in the jqGrid filter textbox, the filter textboxes are misalinged with the jqGrid columns. How can this be fixed?
jqGrid has very restricted support of keyboard navigation. I agree that the problem which you describe exist in the current (v. 4.3.1) implementation of jqGrid. So +1 from me for the question.
To fix the problem I suggest the following
.find('.ui-jqgrid-htable .ui-search-toolbar .ui-th-column')
.find('input, select')
.focus(function (e) {
var $header = $('.ui-jqgrid-hdiv'),
$body = $header.siblings('.ui-jqgrid-bdiv');
setTimeout(function () {
// we syncronize the scroll in the separate thread
// to be sure that the new scrolling value
// already set in the grid header
$body[0].scrollLeft = $header[0].scrollLeft;
}, 0);
The usage of setTimeout is required in the Google Chrome web browser for example.
See the demo here.

Livequery fires click no matter where the user clicks in the document

I have replaced the traditional select/option form elements with a nifty little popup window when a triggering image is clicked. The page is for accounting purposes and so multiple line items are to be expected. I've written the javascript that will dynamically generate new line item select/option elements. When the page loads, the initial set of choices loads and the user can click on them, get a pop up with some choices, choose one and then the box closes. The move to the next choice and so on and so forth. I've added livequery to my code for those dynamic elements. However... the livequery("click"...) seems to fire no matter where the user clicks on the page. Very frustrating.
I've read on here how great "live()" is in jQuery 1.3, but I am not able to upgrade fully to jquery 1.3 because a custom JS file depends on 1.2, so using live() is out of the question, however I have invoked the livequery() plugin and I really need to understand if I'm using it correctly.
I will post partial code. There's just way too much to post all of it.
Basically, I'm searching for divs starting with "bubble" and then a number afterwards. Then run the event on each them. Only bubble1 is static, 2 and up are dynamic. Am I missing the whole usage of livequery?
>$jb('div[id^="bubble"]').each(function () {
> var divid = $jb('div[id^="bubble"]').filter(":first").attr("id");
>var pref = "bubble";
>var i = divid.substring((pref.length));
>var trigger = $jb('#trigger' + i, this);
>var popup = $jb('#pop'+ i, this).css('opacity', 0);
>var selectedoption = $jb('selectedOption' + i, this);
>var selectedtext = $jb('selectedOptionText' + i, this);
>$jb([trigger.get(0), popup.get(0)]).livequery("click",
> function () {
// code removed for brevity (just the contents of the popups)
Live works by using event delegation. A click event is attached to the body, and anytime something is clicked the selector is tested against the target. If it passes the selector test it calls the function (thus simulating a click event).
You probably want something like this:
$('div[id^="bubble"]').livequery("click", function() {
var divId = $(this).attr("id");
var i = divId.substring("bubble".length);
var trigger = $("#trigger" + i, this);
var popup = $("#pop" + i, this).css("opacity", 0);
// alert(i);
