MVC 3 Won't Serve Content files from Areas subfolder -

I have an MVC3 application with a couple of areas and a portable area as well (using MVCContrib)
Normally, I keep all my content files under ~/Content and my scripts under ~/Scripts.
However, I am building a fairly complex webclient to another service on my site and I want to organize those javascript and image files (LOTS of image files and resources) under the Area's folder structure, which looks something like this, under ~/Areas/WebClient
I have a resource aggregator controller (one of my portable areas) that is able to reach into the CSS/JS folders just fine to provide that content. However, the CSS files reference the images/fonts folders directly and all of those links show up broken. I have double and triple checked the paths and made sure everything was right but I still get 404 errors.
As far as I know MVC3 is supposed to ignore routing so long as there's a static file there. Also, as far as I know, only the App_* folders enjoy special protection. What am I missing? I'd rather not mix in my images and resources with my main application if I can at all avoid it.
As an example: http://localhost/Areas/WebClient/Content/images/knownimage.png will not work, but should, as it exists!

So after some sleep and, more importantly, stepping away from the problem I remembered that MVC does in fact offer you protection from people downloading views directly, which led me to remember the Web.config file required in the Areas folder. Sure enough, there's an httphandler that basically sends all requests to the FileNotFound handler.
All I had to do was drop a web.config file in the content folder I wanted to expose with the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
<remove name="BlockViewHandler" />
Problem solved.


Umbraco Back Office not showing tree properly

I'm experiencing a strange issue with the umbraco back-office. The umbraco version is 7.5.3. Inside umbraco back-office when i try to open a node of Settings or Users tab , either templates, partialviews, stylesheets, etc, automatically a .aspx file is generated and downloaded and the node gets loading infinitely. For example clicking Create in templates a file create.aspx is generated and downloaded. Clicking in any of the templates a file EditView.aspx is generated and downloaded.
In chrome console appear the following:
jquery.min.js?cdv=865237568:3 Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream: "http://localhost:54531/umbraco/settings/Views/EditView.aspx?treeType=templates&templateID=3289".
The same problem happen both in back-office local environment and back-office production environment. Fortunately the page in production has not problem but I can't access into the nodes into the back-office. Please, any help would be very appreciated. At the end, an image of the logs. Any other information required about the issue please let me know.
Tracking in version control I realized that I had deactivated the ImageProcessor module by commenting the following line in web.config:
<!--<add name="ImageProcessorModule" type="ImageProcessor.Web.HttpModules.ImageProcessingModule, ImageProcessor.Web" />-->
but this line:
<add name="StaticFileHandler" path="*" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.StaticFileHandler" />
which was added previously when I installed ImageProcessor.Web.Config also was necessary to comment it. so I commented too and the problem dissapeared.

What is the proper way to add rewrite rules in an Azure App Service

I want to add re-write rules to my Azure app service, but if I even try create a web.config with a simple rewrite as shown below, the site returns an HTTP 500.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rule name="Test" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="test" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/index.html" />
What I did is create the web.config from scratch and FTP it into the wwwroot folder for the app service which is where I Ftp'd the rest of my web site files.
I have seen an old conversation about web.config files in Azure, but I'm not even sure if this is in regards to Azure app service - and things change so quickly in Azure that I thought I should ask separately anyways.
I have also seen this link about using web.config transforms. Maybe this is required?
This other link seems to indicate that updating web.config is possible, but their example results in an HTTP 500 for me as well.
I've looked through configuration options in the Azure portal for my app service and nothing seems to jump out at me.
>>”This other link seems to indicate that updating web.config is possible”
Yes, we could update the configuration of Web App by updating Web.config file directly. You could upload a new version of configuration file to wwwroot folder by FTP/WebDeply or any other ways provided by Kudu. Another easy way to edit files in wwwroot folder is using the App Service Editor, you could use it to edit the configuration file.
I can’t reproduce your problem on my side. Following are what I done.
Create a Web App using a Web App Plan with “Shared” SKU.
Create 2 file, a index.html file and a Web.config file. The content in Web.config is same as yours.
Upload these files to wwwroot folder of my web app using FTP.
Open a web browser and input a URL like this “http: //”. The web server will return the content of index.html. It proves that the rewrite is working fine.
>>”but their example results in an HTTP 500 for me as well.”
Firstly, please mark sure whether the rewrite is working fine or not. I suggest you view the index.html page directly and check whether the error code(500) comes from index.html page.
Sometimes we provide the wrong syntax for rewrite rule, it will return 500 (URL Rewrite Module Error). Have you enabled Detailed Error Logging and Web Server Logging for your web app. If yes, you could view the detail error message to get more useful information. For how to enable and view diagnostics logging, link below is for your reference.
Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App Service

Using HttpHandler (ashx) to serve images

I'm trying to implement an httphandler to serve images. I've seen plenty of examples and the process seems simple enough. However, it seems that my image tag
<img src="ImageHandler.ashx?picture=moon.jpg" />
persists in interpreting the call to the handler as a straight URL. ImageHandler.ashx is in the App_Code folder. I figure the problem is in registering the handler. Here's my current web.config entry (I've tried lots of them, includeing *.jpg as the path.):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add name="ImageHandler" path="*.ashx" verb="*" type="ImageHandler" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll" />
resourceType="Unspecified" />
What am I missing?!
Visual Studio decided that the ashx file needed to be TWO files. I knew that was going on. However, what I didn't know (until I tried copying the files into and out of the App_Code folder) was that having the ashx file in the app root and the ashx.vb file in the App_Code folder would make the handler work - without needing to register it in the web.config file. Never seen anything like it.

web.config file not being read by Google PageSpeed Insights

I have read through answers here and still stuck: IIS7 Cache-Control
I have the following web.config.xml file in the root directory of my website:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="365.00:00:00"/>
The purpose of this web.config file is to pass the Google PageSpeed Insight 'leverage browser caching' test. I am using Windows Plesk hosting, and therefore cannot use a .htaccess file for this.
No matter how I try and format the contents of the web.config file, Google does not seem to recognise any form of browser caching is occurring. I am not sure if it is just Google, or if it means that the images and other static resources on my page are being cached or not. Is there an easy way to check this?
Can anyone see any issues with my web.config.xml contents that might be causing the issue? Or is there anything else I need to do with it other than stick it in the root directory of my site?
The file name should be web.config and not web.config.xml
*.config is already a xml type of file

Downloading ISO file

When i try to download iso file, it results in 404 page not found. The link in this instance is like:
virtualDir points to a location on our file servers.
I don't want to read the binary array and then push it out as download since it is almost 600mb. I want the browser to handle this just like exes and zips.
What is the best way to handle this?
I would imagine it is because IIS doesn't serve unknown file extensions. You need to add the MIME type to the overall IIS settings, or the web.config. As you asked for in the comment, I'd probably recommend placing it in the web.config since it doesn't require additional configuration from a sysadmin and everything is in one place.
<mimeMap fileExtension=".iso" mimeType="application/octet-stream" />
