codeigniter route removing function_name in url - codeigniter

I got stack on this in Codeigniter route, What do I want is to remove the function_name in url to be able to have a short url.
Here is the example want to have in my url
to this
Is there any other solution to have this if cannot be done in route? thanks!

If the above didn't work you could try:
$route['controller_name/(:num)'] = 'controller_name/lookup_function/$1';
Not much different from what was already suggested other than a hard coded controller name.

You can probably do it by trying:
$route['([a-z]+)/(\d+)'] = "$1/method/$2";
That is if you don't need to change the name of your method.


codeigniter with same route name with different controller functions

I want to keep routes like this
$route["signup"] = "Controller/signup";
$route["signup"] ="Controller2/fbsignup";
Is it possible to to give same route names with different controller functions.
Then how ?
No, you can't.
If you write same route again, it will overwrite first one.
It is just like an array variable.
If you assign any other value to variable, first one will overwrite.
But you can specify HTTP method with route.
No you can't do like this, you are going to make api then define method that will help
$route["signup"]["post"] = "Controller/signup";
$route["signup"]["GET"] ="Controller2/fbsignup";
I want to keep routes like this
$route["signup"] = "Controller/signup";
$route["signup"] ="Controller2/fbsignup";
then try this in routes and url should be like signup/signup and signup/fbsignup
$route["signup/signup"] = "Controller/signup";
$route["signup/fbsignup"] ="Controller2/fbsignup";
call the url like

Could I know, inside the controller, the current URL?

There's a way of know the current URL on a controller at Laravel?
You can use the following function from the Request class.
If you need more than just the current URI, you can find all of the pieces on the $_SERVER array. The documentation on that array:
URL::current() does what you're looking for I believe.

Route::get function like Kohana in CodeIgniter

Kohana have a smart routing system, I like feature when I can get url by route(Route::get('route_name',params), How implement this feature to codeigniter? Result that I need
CodeIgniter doesn't support this feature (some would call it "reverse routing").
Maybe I'm not understanding the question properly as I haven't used Kohona, but if you just want to get the uri segment, you would use:
$this->uri->segment(3); //=202 in
To route a url with params you would use something like the following:
$route['products/(:any)/(:num)'] = "products/get_product/$1/$2";
so for example with this you could have a url of routing to the get_product() method of your products controller and then you would pick up the uri segment as above.

Removing/hiding controller name in the URL - Codeigniter

I've tried several ways to remove the controller name in my url but nothing works
my url are like : and I just want
I've tried the routes but the controller name still remain in my url :/
Any trick to do that properly ?
This will do it for you:
$route['(:any)'] = "controller_name/$1";

Remove controller name from codeigniter 2 url path

I am having trouble removing the controller name from my url path on my localhost.
i have this url - localhost:8888/localhost/site_name/
i have been able to remove index.php from the url using my htaccess similar to so that:
is now:
but i can't remove the controller name from the path so that:
I am using only one controller, and i have added:
$route['^(function_name1|function_name2|function_name3)(/:any)?$'] = 'controller_name/$0';
$route['^(?!ezstore|ezsell|login).*'] = "home/$0"; /*similar variation i tried*/
and other variations to my routes file but it does not have any effect. i also tried using the _remap function but that does not help in this case.
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks
You can use a wildcard route,
$route['(:any)'] = "controller_name/$1";
Then when if you go to http://localhost/function_one/param1
it will call the controller controller_name the function function_once and pass param1 as the first parameter.
nb: I must point out, using only one controller for an entire site does raise warning bells for me, you may want to get your code design checked out, but that's just me.
