JavaScript: Calculate the nth root of a number - algorithm

I'm trying to get the nth root of a number using JavaScript, but I don't see a way to do it using the built in Math object. Am I overlooking something?
If not...
Is there a math library I can use that has this functionality?
If not...
What's the best algorithm to do this myself?

Can you use something like this?
Math.pow(n, 1/root);
Math.pow(25, 1/2) == 5

The nth root of x is the same as x to the power of 1/n. You can simply use Math.pow:
var original = 1000;
var fourthRoot = Math.pow(original, 1/4);
original == Math.pow(fourthRoot, 4); // (ignoring floating-point error)

Use Math.pow()
Note that it does not handle negative nicely - here is a discussion and some code that does
function nthroot(x, n) {
try {
var negate = n % 2 == 1 && x < 0;
x = -x;
var possible = Math.pow(x, 1 / n);
n = Math.pow(possible, n);
if(Math.abs(x - n) < 1 && (x > 0 == n > 0))
return negate ? -possible : possible;
} catch(e){}

You could use
Math.nthroot = function(x,n) {
//if x is negative function returns NaN
return this.exp((1/n)*this.log(x));
//call using Math.nthroot();

For the special cases of square and cubic root, it's best to use the native functions Math.sqrt and Math.cbrt respectively.
As of ES7, the exponentiation operator ** can be used to calculate the nth root as the 1/nth power of a non-negative base:
let root1 = Math.PI ** (1 / 3); // cube root of π
let root2 = 81 ** 0.25; // 4th root of 81
This doesn't work with negative bases, though.
let root3 = (-32) ** 5; // NaN

The n-th root of x is a number r such that r to the power of 1/n is x.
In real numbers, there are some subcases:
There are two solutions (same value with opposite sign) when x is positive and r is even.
There is one positive solution when x is positive and r is odd.
There is one negative solution when x is negative and r is odd.
There is no solution when x is negative and r is even.
Since Math.pow doesn't like a negative base with a non-integer exponent, you can use
function nthRoot(x, n) {
if(x < 0 && n%2 != 1) return NaN; // Not well defined
return (x < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.pow(Math.abs(x), 1/n);
nthRoot(+4, 2); // 2 (the positive is chosen, but -2 is a solution too)
nthRoot(+8, 3); // 2 (this is the only solution)
nthRoot(-8, 3); // -2 (this is the only solution)
nthRoot(-4, 2); // NaN (there is no solution)

Well, I know this is an old question. But, based on SwiftNinjaPro's answer, I simplified the function and fixed some NaN issues. Note: This function used ES6 feature, arrow function and template strings, and exponentation. So, it might not work in older browsers:
Math.numberRoot = (x, n) => {
return (((x > 1 || x < -1) && n == 0) ? Infinity : ((x > 0 || x < 0) && n == 0) ? 1 : (x < 0 && n % 2 == 0) ? `${((x < 0 ? -x : x) ** (1 / n))}${"i"}` : (n == 3 && x < 0) ? -Math.cbrt(-x) : (x < 0) ? -((x < 0 ? -x : x) ** (1 / n)) : (n == 3 && x > 0 ? Math.cbrt(x) : (x < 0 ? -x : x) ** (1 / n)));
Math.numberRoot(-64, 3); // Returns -4
Example (Imaginary number result):
Math.numberRoot(-729, 6); // Returns a string containing "3i".

Here's a function that tries to return the imaginary number. It also checks for a few common things first, ex: if getting square root of 0 or 1, or getting 0th root of number x
function root(x, n){
if(x == 1){
return 1;
}else if(x == 0 && n > 0){
return 0;
}else if(x == 0 && n < 0){
return Infinity;
}else if(n == 1){
return x;
}else if(n == 0 && x > 1){
return Infinity;
}else if(n == 0 && x == 1){
return 1;
}else if(n == 0 && x < 1 && x > -1){
return 0;
}else if(n == 0){
return NaN;
var result = false;
var num = x;
var neg = false;
if(num < 0){
//not using Math.abs because I need the function to remember if the number was positive or negative
num = num*-1;
neg = true;
if(n == 2){
//better to use square root if we can
result = Math.sqrt(num);
}else if(n == 3){
//better to use cube root if we can
result = Math.cbrt(num);
}else if(n > 3){
//the method Digital Plane suggested
result = Math.pow(num, 1/n);
}else if(n < 0){
//the method Digital Plane suggested
result = Math.pow(num, 1/n);
if(neg && n == 2){
//if square root, you can just add the imaginary number "i=√-1" to a string answer
//you should check if the functions return value contains i, before continuing any calculations
result += 'i';
}else if(neg && n % 2 !== 0 && n > 0){
//if the nth root is an odd number, you don't get an imaginary number
//neg*neg=pos, but neg*neg*neg=neg
//so you can simply make an odd nth root of a negative number, a negative number
result = result*-1;
}else if(neg){
//if the nth root is an even number that is not 2, things get more complex
//if someone wants to calculate this further, they can
//i'm just going to stop at *n√-1 (times the nth root of -1)
//you should also check if the functions return value contains * or √, before continuing any calculations
result += '*'+n+√+'-1';
return result;

I have written an algorithm but it is slow when you need many numbers after the point:
NRoot(orginal, nthRoot, base, numbersAfterPoint);
The function returns a string.
var original = 1000;
var fourthRoot = NRoot(original, 4, 10, 32);


The minimum number of moves for which two knights will meet

On a chessboard consisting of M rows and N columns (for example, 8x10), there are two knights, the user enters their coordinates himself (for example, (2, 4) is a white knight and (7, 9) is a black knight). Each knight is located in the it's cell, but it is possible that both knights are in the same cell.
The knights take turns making moves in accordance with the rules of the chess knight's movement (the white knight goes first). The goal of the game is to place both horses in the same cell as quickly as possible.
Input format
The first line of the file contains the values M and N (2≤M,N≤1000). The second and third lines contain the coordinates of the cells in which the white and black knight are located, respectively. The first coordinate is in the range from 1 to M, the second is in the range from 1 to N.
Output format
Print a single number — the number of moves required to complete the game. If the knights can never be placed in the same square, print -1.
Since I'm new to algorithms and data structures, I tried to solve this problem like this: run for loop on all 64 possible combinations of two moves of a white and black knight, make a move for each knight (checking if it goes beyond the scope), check if there is a match and, if there is, then output it. Then run the same cycle inside of the current. At the same time, the moves are counted and it is also output. However, I have encountered such a problem that I cannot automate the process of running this loop inside the loop, I cannot know the number of times that this loop needs to be run. I tried to create a function with recursion in which it was possible to call this loop if a match has not yet been found, but I failed.
I decided that it would not work that way to solve this problem, so I looked at the algorithms that are usually used in such tasks. I was thinking of somehow creating an adjacency list for two horses, where the vertices are all the calculated positions of the horse; use BFS, or the Dijkstra algorithm.
Here is my swift code:
import Foundation
let mnstr = readLine()?.components(separatedBy: " ")
let m = Int(mnstr![0])!
let n = Int(mnstr![1])!
let wstr = readLine()?.components(separatedBy: " ")
let bstr = readLine()?.components(separatedBy: " ")
var w: [Int] = []
var b: [Int] = []
var count: Int = 0
let moves: [[Int]] = [[2, -1], [1, 2], [-2, -1], [1, -2], [2, 1], [-1, 2], [-2, 1], [-1, -2]]
var wp: Set = [w]
var bp: Set = [b]
func oneMove(lst: Set<[Int]>) -> Set<[Int]>{
let curr = lst
var out = lst
for i in curr {
for move in moves {
let item = [i[0] + move[0], i[1] + move[1]]
if item[0] < 1 || item[0] > m || item[1] < 1 || item[1] > n {
return out
while bp.intersection(wp).isEmpty == true {
wp = oneMove(lst: wp)
count += 1
if wp.intersection(bp).isEmpty != true {
bp = oneMove(lst: bp)
count += 1
if wp.intersection(bp).isEmpty != true {
if wp.count == 1 || bp.count == 1 {
count = -1
I know that an answer was already accepted, but for large distances between the pieces a BFS or Dijkstra's algorithm will use considerable time and resources.
There is however a pattern: when there is enough distance between the pieces (both in X and Y direction), an optimal path can be found within the bounding box of the two pieces and can be derived by a closed formula. And the more constrained or unsolvable situations can be identified also in constant time. The code for distinguishing the different patterns is quite "dull", but it will certainly run faster for when the paths are long: in constant time (if we assume arithmetic operations use constant time).
Here is some JavaScript code, which also includes the BFS algorithm so the outcome can be compared. It includes an interactive part, so that you can play with the board sizes and the positioning of the two pieces and check the results:
function knightDistance(rowCount, colCount, whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY) {
// Convert the state so to ensure that black is at the right & upper side of white, and below the diagonal
if (blackX < whiteX) return knightDistance(rowCount, colCount, blackX, blackY, whiteX, whiteY); // Swap pieces
if (blackY < whiteY) return knightDistance(rowCount, colCount, whiteX, rowCount - 1 - whiteY, blackX, rowCount - 1 - blackY); // Mirror against X axis
let diffX = blackX - whiteX;
let diffY = blackY - whiteY;
if (diffX < diffY) return knightDistance(colCount, rowCount, whiteY, whiteX, blackY, blackX); // mirror along diagonal
if (diffX == 2 && diffY == 2) return 4;
if (diffX <= 2 * diffY && diffX != 1) {
if ((diffX + diffY) % 2) return Math.floor((diffX + diffY + 1) / 6) * 2 + 1;
return Math.floor((diffX + diffY + 4) / 6) * 2;
if (rowCount == 1 || colCount == 2) return -1;
if (rowCount == 2 && diffX % 4 != 2 * diffY) return -1;
if (diffX + diffY > 3) {
if ((diffX + diffY) % 2) return Math.floor((diffX + 1) / 4) * 2 + 1;
return Math.floor((diffX + 3) / 4) * 2;
// Now rowCount > 2 and colCount > 2
// Other cases where lack of space plays a role
if (diffY == 1) {
// Now diffX == 1
if (rowCount == 3 && colCount == 3 && whiteX == whiteY) return -1;
if (whiteX == 0 && whiteY == 0 || blackX == colCount - 1 && blackY == rowCount - 1) return 4;
return 2;
// Now diffY == 0
if (diffX == 1) {
if (whiteY == 1 && rowCount == 3 && colCount == 3) return -1;
if (whiteY == 1 && rowCount == 3 && colCount == 4 && whiteX == 1) return 5;
return 3;
if (diffX == 2) {
if (whiteY == 1 && rowCount == 3) return 4;
return 2;
// Now diffY == 3
if (colCount == 4 && (whiteY == 0 || whiteY == rowCount - 1)) return 5;
return 3;
// The BFS algorithm for verification of the above function
function knightDistanceBfs(rowCount, colCount, whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY) {
let visited = new Set;
let frontier = [[whiteX, whiteY]];
visited.add(whiteX + whiteY * colCount);
let steps = 0;
while (frontier.length) {
let newFrontier = [];
for (let [whiteX, whiteY] of frontier) {
if (whiteX == blackX && whiteY == blackY) return steps;
for (let [dx, dy] of [[-2, -1], [2, -1], [2, 1], [-2, 1], [-1, -2], [1, -2], [1, 2], [-1, 2]]) {
let newX = whiteX + dx;
let newY = whiteY + dy;
if (newX < 0 || newY < 0 || newX >= colCount || newY >= rowCount) continue;
let key = newX + newY * colCount;
if (visited.has(key)) continue;
newFrontier.push([newX, newY]);
frontier = newFrontier;
return -1;
// Quick test of all possibilities on boards with at most 5 rows and 5 columns:
for (let rowCount = 1; rowCount <= 5; rowCount++) {
for (let colCount = 1; colCount <= 5; colCount++) {
for (let whiteX = 0; whiteX < colCount; whiteX++) {
for (let whiteY = 0; whiteY < rowCount; whiteY++) {
for (let blackX = 0; blackX < colCount; blackX++) {
for (let blackY = 0; blackY < rowCount; blackY++) {
let answer = knightDistanceBfs(rowCount, colCount, whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY);
let answer2 = knightDistance(rowCount, colCount, whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY);
if (answer !== answer2) {
console.log({rowCount, colCount, whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY});
throw "Test case failed";
// I/O handling
let [rowInput, colInput] = document.querySelectorAll("input");
let table = document.querySelector("table");
let outputs = document.querySelectorAll("span");
let whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY;
rowInput.oninput = colInput.oninput = function () {
// Create table
table.innerHTML = "";
for (let i = +rowInput.value; i > 0; i--) {
let row = table.insertRow();
for (let j = +colInput.value; j > 0; j--) {
whiteX = -1;
blackX = -1;
table.onclick = function (e) {
if ( != "TD") return;
let x =;
let y =;
if (x == whiteX && y == whiteY) { = "";
whiteX = -1;
whiteY = -1;
} else if (x == blackX && y == blackY) { = "";
blackX = -1;
blackY = -1;
} else if (whiteX == -1) { = "♘";
whiteX = x;
whiteY = y;
} else {
if (blackX != -1) { // Remove black piece first
table.rows[blackY].cells[blackX].textContent = "";
} = "♞";
blackX = x;
blackY = y;
if (blackX != -1 && whiteX != -1) {
outputs[0].textContent = knightDistanceBfs(+rowInput.value, +colInput.value, whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY);
outputs[1].textContent = knightDistance(+rowInput.value, +colInput.value, whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY);
} else {
outputs[0].textContent = outputs[1].textContent = "--";
table { border-collapse: collapse; cursor: pointer; margin: 2px }
td { border: 1px solid; width: 22px; height: 22px; padding: 0 }
input { width: 3em }
<div>Rows: <input id="rows" type="number" value="3"> Columns: <input id="cols" type="number" value="3"></div>
Number of moves: <span>--</span> (with BFS: <span>--</span>)
<div>Click on the board to place/remove pieces</div>
This would seem to be the basic logic you want, where ?_locs is a set of the locations a particular knight can be in (initialized to its initial location) and one_move yields a set of the locations that can be reached in 1 move from one of the locations in the argument:
while bk_locs intersect wh_locs is empty:
bk_locs = one_move(bk_locs)
wh_locs = one_move(wh_locs)
What this doesn't handle is counting moves (trivial) or identifying when to give up (harder).

Longest slice of a binary array that can be split into two parts

how to find longest slice of a binary array that can be split into two parts: in the left part, 0 should be the leader; in the right part, 1 should be the leader ?
for example :
[1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1] should return 7 so that the first part is [1,0,1,0,0] and the second part is [1,1]
i tried the following soln and it succeeds in some test cases but i think it is not efficient:
public static int solution(int[] A)
int length = A.Length;
if (length <2|| length>100000)
return 0;
if (length == 2 && A[0] != A[1])
return 0;
if (length == 2 && A[0] == A[1])
return 2;
int zerosCount = 0;
int OnesCount = 0;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
int count=0;
//left hand side
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
end = i;
if (A[i] == 0)
if (A[i] == 1)
count = i;
if (zerosCount == OnesCount )
int zeros = 0;
int ones = 0;
//right hand side
for (int j = end+1; j < length; j++)
if (A[j] == 0)
if (A[j] == 1)
if (zeros == ones)
return count;
I agree brute force is time complexity: O(n^3).
But this can be solved in linear time. I've implemented it in C, here is the code:
int f4(int* src,int n)
int i;
int sum;
int min;
int sta;
int mid;
int end;
// Find middle
sum = 0;
mid = -1;
for (i=0 ; i<n-1 ; i++)
if (src[i]) sum++;
else sum--;
if (src[i]==0 && src[i+1]==1)
if (mid==-1 || sum<min)
if (mid==-1) return 0;
// Find start
for (i=mid-1 ; i>=0 ; i--)
if (src[i]) sum++;
else sum--;
if (sum<0) sta=i;
// Find end
for (i=mid ; i<n ; i++)
if (src[i]) sum++;
else sum--;
if (sum>0) end=i+1;
return end-sta;
This code is tested: brute force results vs. this function. They have same results. I tested all valid arrays of 10 elements (1024 combinations).
If you liked this answer, don't forget to vote up :)
As promissed, heres the update:
I've found a simple algorithm with linear timecomplexity to solve the problem.
The math:
Defining the input as int[] bits, we can define this function:
f(x) = {bits[x] = 0: -1; bits[x] = 1: 1}
Next step would be to create a basic integral of this function for the given input:
F(x) = bits[x] + F(x - 1)
F(-1) = 0
This integral is from 0 to x.
F(x) simply represents the number of count(bits , 1 , 0 , x + 1) - count(bits , 0 , 0 , x + 1). This can be used to define the following function: F(x , y) = F(y) - F(x), which would be the same as count(bits , 1 , x , y + 1) - count(bits , 0 , x , y + 1) (number of 1s minus number of 0s in the range [x , y] - this is just to show how the algorithm basically works).
Since the searched sequence of the field must fulfill the following condition: in the range [start , mid] 0 must be leading, and in the range [mid , end] 1 must be leading and end - start + 1 must be the biggest possible value, the searched mid must fulfill the following condition: F(mid) < F(start) AND F(mid) < F(end). So first step is to search the minimum of 'F(x)', which would be the mid (every other point must be > than the minimum, and thus will result in a smaller / equally big range [end - start + 1]. NOTE: this search can be optimized by taking into the following into account: f(x) is always either 1 or -1. Thus, if f(x) returns 1bits for the next n steps, the next possible index with a minimum would be n * 2 ('n' 1s since the last minimum means, that 'n' -1s are required afterwards to reach a minimum - or atleast 'n' steps).
Given the 'x' for the minimum of F(x), we can simply find start and end (biggest/smallest value b, s ∈ [0 , length(bits) - 1] such that: F(s) > F(mid) and F(b) > F(mid), which can be found in linear time.
input: int[] bits
output: int
//input verification left out
//transform the input into F(x)
int temp = 0;
for int i in [0 , length(bits)]
if bits[i] == 0
//search the minimum of F(x)
int midIndex = -1
int mid = length(bits)
for int i in [0 , length(bits - 1)]
if bits[i] > mid
i += bits[i] - mid //leave out next n steps (see above)
else if bits[i - 1] > bits[i] AND bits[i + 1] > bits[i]
midIndex = i
mid = bits[i]
if midIndex == -1
return //only 1s in the array
//search for the endindex
int end
for end in [length(bits - 1) , mid]
if bits[end] > mid
end -= mid - bits[end] //leave out next n searchsteps
//search for the startindex
int start
for start in [0 , mid]
if bits[start] > mid
start += mid - bits[start]
return end - start

Figure out Pattern for a Recursive Function

I have difficulty to understand a pattern for this code. I tested this function and I know for input Ack(3,2) this function circles 541 times, so it must have a pattern for solving this problem. Please help me find the pattern.
public static int Ack(int m,int n)
if (n < 0 || m < 0) return 0;
else if (m == 0) return n + 1;
else if (n == 0) return Ack(m - 1, 1);
else return Ack(m-1,Ack(m,n-1));
Here is some non-recursive python code that computes the same thing (note that it requires a stack-like data structure):
def ack(m,n):
if n < 0 or m < 0:
return 0
next_m = []
while m != 0 or (m==0 and next_m!=[]):
if (m==0 and next_m!=[]):
m = next_m.pop()
n = n+1
if n==0:
m = m-1
n = 1
n = n-1
return n+1

Division without using '/'

Can anyone tell me an efficient approach to perform the division operation without using '/'. I can calculate the integer value in log(n) steps using a method similar to binary search.
57 * 3 > 115
28 * 3 < 115
47 * 3 > 115
38 * 3 is quotient value .....
But is there any other more efficient method?
The typical way is to shift and subtract. This is basically pretty similar to long division as we learned it in school. The big difference is that in decimal division you need to estimate the next digit of the result. In binary, that's trivial. The next digit is always either 0 or 1. If the (left-shifted) divisor is less than or equal to the current dividend value, you subtract it, and the current bit of the result is a 1. If it's greater, then the current bit of the result is a 0. Code looks like this:
unsigned divide(unsigned dividend, unsigned divisor) {
unsigned denom=divisor;
unsigned current = 1;
unsigned answer=0;
if ( denom > dividend)
return 0;
if ( denom == dividend)
return 1;
while (denom <= dividend) {
denom <<= 1;
current <<= 1;
denom >>= 1;
current >>= 1;
while (current!=0) {
if ( dividend >= denom) {
dividend -= denom;
answer |= current;
current >>= 1;
denom >>= 1;
return answer;
This works pretty much like when we do long division by hand. For example, let's consider 972/5. In decimal long division, we do something like this:
Then we figure each digit individually. 5 goes into 9 once, so we write down a 1 in that digit of the answer, and subtract 1*5 from (that digit) of the dividend, then "bring down" the next digit of the dividend:
We continue doing the same until we've filled in all the digits:
So, our answer is 194 remainder 2.
Now let's consider the same thing, but in binary. 972 in binary is 11 1100 1100, and 5 is 101. Now there is one fundamental difference between doing the division in binary vs. decimal: in decimal a particular digit could be anything from 0 to 9, so we had to multiply to find the intermediate result we were going to subtract from the dividend. In binary the digit is only ever going to be a 0 or a 1. We never need to multiply because we would only ever multiply by 0 or 1 (which we normally handle in an if statement--either we subtract or we don't).
So, our first step is to figure out which will be the first digit in the result. We do that by comparing 101 to 1111001100, and shifting it left until it's greater. That gives us:
As we do that shifting, we count the number of places we've shifted so we know which digit of the result we're filling in at any given time. I've shown that with the vertical bar above. Then we shift the intermediate result right one place, and shift the vertical bar right with it to signify where we're doing to fill in a result digit:
From there we check if the shifted divisor is less than the dividend. If it is, we fill in a 1 in the proper place in the answer, and subtract the shifted divisor from the intermediate result [and to help keep columns straight, I'm going to insert some spaces]:
101)1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1
We continue the same way, filling in digits of the result, and subtracting the shifted divisor from the intermediate result until we've filled in all the digits. In a further attempt at helping keep things straight, I'm going to write in each digit of the result at the far right next to the subtrahend:
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
101)1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 0 1
1 0 1 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0
1 1 0
1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
So, we get a result of 11000010, remainder 10. Converting those to decimal, we get the expected 194 and 2 respectively.
Let's consider how that relates to the code above. We start by shifting the divisor left until it's greater than the dividend. We then repeatedly shift it right and for each right shift check whether that value is less than the intermediate we got after the last subtraction. If it's less, we subtract again and fill in a 1 for that digit in our result. If it's greater, we "subtract 0" (don't do anything) and fill in a '0' for that digit in the result (which, again, doesn't require us to do anything, since those digits are already set to 0's).
When we've filled in all the digits, that's our result, and any amount left that we haven't subtracted yet is our remainder.
Some have asked why I used |= instead of += in the code. I hope this helps explain why. Although in this case they produce the same result, I don't think of adding each digit to the existing partial answer. Rather, I think of it that spot in the answer as being empty, and the or just fills it in.
Code your own division algorithm based on the long division algorithm you learned in grade school.
Take the -1 power of the denominator, and multiply onto the numerator
Take the logs of the numerator and denominator, subtract, and then raise the base of the log to that same power
Simple Python implementation using basic high school math. A denominator is simply a number to the power of negative 1.
def divide(a, b):
return a * b ** -1
Following is the Java code for dividing number without using division operator.
private static int binaryDivide(int dividend, int divisor) {
int current = 1;
int denom = divisor;
// This step is required to find the biggest current number which can be
// divided with the number safely.
while (denom <= dividend) {
current <<= 1;
denom <<= 1;
// Since we may have increased the denomitor more than dividend
// thus we need to go back one shift, and same would apply for current.
denom >>= 1;
current >>= 1;
int answer = 0;
// Now deal with the smaller number.
while (current != 0) {
if (dividend >= denom) {
dividend -= denom;
answer |= current;
current >>= 1;
denom >>= 1;
return answer;
(This is a solution to the problem where you are not allowed to use multiplication either).
I like this solution:, but I find it somewhat hard to reason about (especially the |-part). This solution makes a little more sense in my head:
var divide = function (dividend, divisor) {
// Handle 0 divisor
if (divisor === 0) {
return NaN;
// Handle negative numbers
var isNegative = false;
if (dividend < 0) {
// Change sign
dividend = ~dividend+1;
isNegative = !isNegative;
if (divisor < 0) {
// Change sign
divisor = ~divisor+1;
isNegative = !isNegative;
* Main algorithm
var result = 1;
var denominator = divisor;
// Double denominator value with bitwise shift until bigger than dividend
while (dividend > denominator) {
denominator <<= 1;
result <<= 1;
// Subtract divisor value until denominator is smaller than dividend
while (denominator > dividend) {
denominator -= divisor;
result -= 1;
// If one of dividend or divisor was negative, change sign of result
if (isNegative) {
result = ~result+1;
return result;
Initialize the result to 1 (since we are going to double our denominator until it is bigger than the dividend)
Double the denominator (with bitwise shifts) until it is bigger than the dividend
Since we know our denominator is bigger than our dividend, we can subtract the divisor until it is less than the dividend
Return the recorded actions it took to get as close to the denominator as possible using the divisor
Here are some test runs:
console.log(divide(-16, 3)); // -5
console.log(divide(16, 3)); // 5
console.log(divide(16, 33)); // 0
console.log(divide(16, 0)); // NaN
console.log(divide(384, 15)); // 25
Here is a gist handling both the 0 divisor case and negative dividend and/or divisor:
Since the OP said it's an interview question, I think the interviewer wants to see the following things in addition to your coding skills. (Suppose you are using Java)
How to deal with negative numbers? It's common to convert both the dividend and the divisor to positive numbers. However, you may forget that Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) is still Integer.MIN_VALUE. Therefore, when the dividend is Integer.MIN_VALUE, you should calculate it separately.
What's the result of "Integer.MIN_VALUE/-1"? There is no such value in Integer. You should discuss it with the interviewer. You can throw an exception for this condition.
Here is the Java code for this question and you can validate it leetcode:divide two integers:
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
if(divisor == 0)
throw new Exception("Zero as divisor!");
int a = Math.abs(dividend);
int b = Math.abs(divisor);
boolean isPos = true;
if(dividend < 0) isPos = !isPos;
if(divisor < 0) isPos = !isPos;
if(divisor == Integer.MIN_VALUE){
if(dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE) return 1;
else return 0;
if(dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if(divisor == -1){
// the result is out of Integer's range.
throw new Exception("Invalid result.");
} else {
// Because Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) = Integer.MIN_VALUE
// we avoid it by adding a positive divisor to Integer.MIN_VALUE
// here I combined two cases: divisor > 0 and divisor < 0
return divide((dividend + b), divisor) - divisor/b;
int res = 0;
int product = b;
while(a >= b){
int multiplier = 1;
while(a - product >= product){
product = product << 1;// "product << 1" is actually "product * 2"
multiplier = multiplier << 1;
res += multiplier;
a -= product;
product = b;
return isPos?res:-res;
The main concept :
Let's say we are calc 20/4, so
4*(1+1) = 8 *(1+1) = 16 *(1+1) == 32 (which is bigger) X
so go back to 16 and try 16*(1+0.5) == 24 (bigger) X
so go back to 16 and try 16*(1+0.25) == 20
The code:
float product=1,multiplier=2,a=1;
int steps=0;
void divCore(float number, float divideBy,float lastDivison)
//epsilon check e.g (10/3) will never ends
if(number - divideBy < 0.01)
lastDivison = divideBy;
divideBy *= multiplier;
if(number >= divideBy)
product *= multiplier;
a *= 0.5;
multiplier = 1 + a;
float Divide(float numerator, float denominator)
//init data
int neg=(numerator<0)?-1:1;
product = 1;
multiplier = 2;
a = 1;
steps =0;
return product*neg;
Division of two numbers without using /
int div(int a,int b){
if(b == 0)
return -1; //undefined
else if (b == 1)
return a;
else if(b > 1){
int count = 0;
for(int i=b;i<=a;i+=b){
return count;
Here is a simple divide method for ints without using a '/' operator:-
public static int divide(int numerator, int denominator) throws Exception {
int q = 0;
boolean isNumPos = (numerator >= 0) ? true : false;
boolean isDenPos = (denominator >= 0) ? true : false;
if (denominator == 0) throw new Exception("Divide by 0: not an integer result");
numerator = Math.abs(numerator);
denominator = Math.abs(denominator);
while (denominator <= numerator) {
numerator -= denominator;
return (isNumPos ^ isDenPos) ? -q : q;
Here's one in JavaScript:
function divideWithoutDivision(a, b, precision) {
precision = precision > 0 ? precision : 10
var result = 0
var decimalPosition = 1
var A = a*0.1
var howManyTimes = 0
while (precision--) {
A = A * 10
howManyTimes = 0
while (A >= b) {
A = A - b
howManyTimes += 1
result = result + howManyTimes*decimalPosition
decimalPosition = decimalPosition * 0.1
return result
document.write('<br>20/3 = ', divideWithoutDivision(20, 3))
document.write('<br>10/3 = ', divideWithoutDivision(10, 3))
document.write('<br>10/4 = ', divideWithoutDivision(10, 4))
document.write('<br>17/14 = ', divideWithoutDivision(17, 14))
document.write('<br>23/4 = ', divideWithoutDivision(23, 4))
It could be further improved by rounding after the last decimal place of the precision.
Perhaps you can devise a way to do it using sequences of >> (bit shifts) with other bitwise operators. There's an example in psuedo-code in the Wikipedia: Bitwise Operator article.
Well, if this is only integer/integer = int type division, it's pretty easy to get the integer part of x / n = int.dec by adding n+n+n+n until n is greater than x, then subtracting one from your 'n' count.
To get int/int = real without using *, /, %, or other math functions, you could do several things. You could return the remainder as a rational, for example. That has the advantage of being exact. You could also use string modification to turn your r into r0... (you pick the precision) and then repeat the same addition trick, then concatenate the results.
And of course, you could try having fun with bit shifting.
I don't know if this is so much a 'silly trick' as it is a test of how well you can use simple things (addition, subtraction) to build a complex thing (division). This is a skill that your potential employer might need, because there isn't an operator for everything. A question like this should (theoretically) weed out people who can't design algorithms from people who can.
I do think it's a problem that the answer is so readily available on the internet, but that's an implementation issue.
This is the function that solved my problem:
func printRemainderAndQuotient(numerator: Int,divisor: Int) {
var multiplier = 0
var differene = numerator - divisor
var dynamicNumber = 0
if divisor == 0 {
print("invalid divisor")
if divisor == numerator {
print("quotient : " + "1")
print("remainder : " + "0")
while differene >= divisor {
multiplier = multiplier + 1
dynamicNumber = divisor * multiplier
differene = numerator - dynamicNumber
print("quotient : " + "\(multiplier)")
print("remainder : " + "\(differene)")
If you take the division as a subtraction, what it basically is, you could use a method "decrement" what allows you to not use any operator at all, except for ~ at the end, to invert the result later into a positive integer or any other value.
private static int decrement(int i) {
System.out.println("Value of decrement : ");
return i - 1;
private static int divide(int n, int d) {
assert n > 0 && d > 0;
int counter = 0;
while (n >= d) {
for (int i = d; i > 0; i = decrement(i)) {
n = decrement(n);
counter = decrement(counter);
counter =~decrement(counter);
return counter;
well, let's see... x/y = e^(ln(x)-ln(y))
private int divideBy2(int number){
int count = 1;
return count;
return count;

Check if one integer is an integer power of another

This is an interview question: "Given 2 integers x and y, check if x is an integer power of y" (e.g. for x = 8 and y = 2 the answer is "true", and for x = 10 and y = 2 "false").
The obvious solution is:int n = y; while(n < x) n *= y; return n == x
Now I am thinking about how to improve it.
Of course, I can check some special cases: e.g. both x and y should be either odd or even numbers, i.e. we can check the least significant bit of x and y. However I wonder if I can improve the core algorithm itself.
You'd do better to repeatedly divide y into x. The first time you get a non-zero remainder you know x is not an integer power of y.
while (x%y == 0) x = x / y
return x == 1
This deals with your odd/even point on the first iteration.
It means logy(x) should be an integer. Don't need any loop. in O(1) time
public class PowerTest {
public static boolean isPower(int x, int y) {
double d = Math.log(Math.abs(x)) / Math.log(Math.abs(y));
if ((x > 0 && y > 0) || (x < 0 && y < 0)) {
if (d == (int) d) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
if ((int) d % 2 == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(isPower(-32, -2));
System.out.println(isPower(2, 8));
System.out.println(isPower(8, 12));
System.out.println(isPower(9, 9));
System.out.println(isPower(-16, 2));
System.out.println(isPower(-8, -2));
System.out.println(isPower(16, -2));
System.out.println(isPower(8, -2));
This looks for the exponent in O(log N) steps:
#define MAX_POWERS 100
int is_power(unsigned long x, unsigned long y) {
int i;
unsigned long powers[MAX_POWERS];
unsigned long last;
last = powers[0] = y;
for (i = 1; last < x; i++) {
last *= last; // note that last * last can overflow here!
powers[i] = last;
while (x >= y) {
unsigned long top = powers[--i];
if (x >= top) {
unsigned long x1 = x / top;
if (x1 * top != x) return 0;
x = x1;
return (x == 1);
Negative numbers are not handled by this code, but it can be done easyly with some conditional code when i = 1
This looks to be pretty fast for positive numbers as it finds the lower and upper limits for desired power and then applies binary search.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
//x is the dividend, y the divisor.
bool isIntegerPower(int x, int y)
int low = 0, high;
int exp = 1;
int val = y;
//Loop by changing exponent in the powers of 2 and
//Find out low and high exponents between which the required exponent lies.
val = pow((double)y, exp);
if(val == x)
return true;
else if(val > x)
low = exp;
exp = exp * 2;
high = exp;
//Use binary search to find out the actual integer exponent if exists
//Otherwise, return false as no integer power.
int mid = (low + high)/2;
while(low < high)
val = pow((double)y, mid);
if(val > x)
high = mid-1;
else if(val == x)
return true;
else if(val < x)
low = mid+1;
mid = (low + high)/2;
return false;
int main()
double a=8;
double b=64;
double n = Math.log(b)/Math.log(a);
double e = Math.ceil(n);
if((n/e) == 1){
} else{
I would implement the function like so:
bool IsWholeNumberPower(int x, int y)
double power = log(x)/log(y);
return floor(power) == power;
This shouldn't need check within a delta as is common with floating point comparisons, since we're checking whole numbers.
On second thoughts, don't do this. It does not work for negative x and/or y. Note that all other log-based answers presented right now are also broken in exactly the same manner.
The following is a fast general solution (in Java):
static boolean isPow(int x, int y) {
int logyx = (int)(Math.log(x) / Math.log(y));
return pow(y, logyx) == x || pow(y, logyx + 1) == x;
Where pow() is an integer exponentiation function such as the following in Java:
static int pow(int a, int b) {
return (int)Math.pow(a, b);
(This works due to the following guarantee provided by Math.pow: "If both arguments are integers, then the result is exactly equal to the mathematical result of raising the first argument to the power of the second argument...")
The reason to go with logarithms instead of repeated division is performance: while log is slower than division, it is slower by a small fixed multiple. At the same time it does remove the need for a loop and therefore gives you a constant-time algorithm.
In cases where y is 2, there is a quick approach that avoids the need for a loop. This approach can be extended to cases where y is some larger power of 2.
If x is a power of 2, the binary representation of x has a single set bit. There is a fairly simple bit-fiddling algorithm for counting the bits in an integer in O(log n) time where n is the bit-width of an integer. Many processors also have specialised instructions that can handle this as a single operation, about as fast as (for example) an integer negation.
To extend the approach, though, first take a slightly different approach to checking for a single bit. First determine the position of the least significant bit. Again, there is a simple bit-fiddling algorithm, and many processors have fast specialised instructions.
If this bit is the only bit, then (1 << pos) == x. The advantage here is that if you're testing for a power of 4, you can test for pos % 2 == 0 (the single bit is at an even position). Testing for a power of any power of two, you can test for pos % (y >> 1) == 0.
In principle, you could do something similar for testing for powers of 3 and powers of powers of 3. The problem is that you'd need a machine that works in base 3, which is a tad unlikely. You can certainly test any value x to see if its representation in base y has a single non-zero digit, but you'd be doing more work that you're already doing. The above exploits the fact that computers work in binary.
Probably not worth doing in the real world, though.
Here is a Python version which puts together the ideas of #salva and #Axn and is modified to not generate any numbers greater than those given and uses only simple storage (read, "no lists") by repeatedly paring away at the number of interest:
def perfect_base(b, n):
"""Returns True if integer n can be expressed as b**e where
n is a positive integer, else False."""
assert b > 1 and n >= b and int(n) == n and int(b) == b
# parity check
if not b % 2:
if n % 2:
return False # b,n is even,odd
if b == 2:
return n & (n - 1) == 0
if not b & (b - 1) and n & (n - 1):
return False # b == 2**m but n != 2**M
elif not n % 2:
return False # b,n is odd,even
while n >= b:
d = b
while d <= n:
n, r = divmod(n, d)
if r:
return False
d *= d
return n == 1
Previous answers are correct, I liked Paul's answer the best. It's Simple and clean.
Here is the Java implementation of what he suggested:
public static boolean isPowerOfaNumber(int baseOrg, int powerOrg) {
double base = baseOrg;
double power = powerOrg;
while (base % power == 0)
base = base / power;
// return true if base is equal 1
return base == 1;
in the case the number is too large ... use log function to reduce time complexity:
import math
base = int(input("Enter the base number: "))
for i in range(base,int(input("Enter the end of range: "))+1):
if(math.log(i) / math.log(base) % 1 == 0 ):
If you have access to the largest power of y, that can be fitted inside the required datatype, this is a really slick way of solving this problem.
Lets say, for our case, y == 3. So, we would need to check if x is a power of 3.
Given that we need to check if an integer x is a power of 3, let us start thinking about this problem in terms of what information is already at hand.
1162261467 is the largest power of 3 that can fit into an Java int.
1162261467 = 3^19 + 0
The given x can be expressed as [(a power of 3) + (some n)]. I think it is fairly elementary to be able to prove that if n is 0(which happens iff x is a power of 3), 1162261467 % x = 0.
So, to check if a given integer x is a power of three, check if x > 0 && 1162261467 % x == 0.
Generalizing. To check if a given integer x is a power of a given integer y, check if x > 0 && Y % x == 0: Y is the largest power of y that can fit into an integer datatype.
The general idea is that if A is some power of Y, A can be expressed as B/Ya, where a is some integer and A < B. It follows the exact same principle for A > B. The A = B case is elementary.
I found this Solution
//Check for If A can be expressed as power of two integers
int isPower(int A)
int i,a;
double p;
return 1;
for(int a=1; a<=sqrt(A);++a )
return 1;
return 0;
