How do I fix my auto indent in Textmate? - textmate

I'm editing a django template.
When I press enter while my cursor is between html tags:
Textmate indents with three spaces:
This is driving me crazy. (I want four spaces!)
When my cursor is between tags, Textmate tells me that my current scope is
Where do I find the setting that controls the number of spaces Textmate indents with?

There's a little menu that might display Tab size: 3 at the bottom of the window. Whatever you set here is supposed to stick.


How to Add tab space to multilple line at the same time in any text editor

If you select a text you can add multiple tab spaces to the all lines simultaneously.
For that you must select the n lines of the code and press the key tab. If you want
remove the tab spaces should select the text and press shift+tab.
I was programming in my job and I accidentally discovered this in the IDE eclipse. I test the same process
in the Sublime Text and Geany and it works too.
Y suposse and pressume that works for the most of text editor
I can confirm the answer from kelgwiin for sublime text.
Depending on your platform you could also do the following in sublime text:
Linux: Hold shift and the right mouse button, then move the mouse up or down to make a column selection.
Windows + OS X: Simply hold down the mousewheel and move your mouse up and and down to select the columns.
Hope this helps!
On Geany you can create by using Alt+Shift+Mouse (Windows) or Ctrl-Shift-Mouse (*x) a multiline cursor or an rectange selection, where you can work on many lines at the same time. This is only working for lines 'in row' so you cannot choose line 9 and lines 12-16 and lines 23-44 to be edited at the same time.

Textmate 2 indentation with Python

When I indent by tabbing "Tab" key, the tab is replaced by 4 spaces. Does anyone know how could I set it to normal?
At the bottom of the editor window there is a menu for tab size, you can set the desired width there as well as turning on soft tabs which inserts spaces instead of tabs but treats them as tabs when editing. Your choice will be saved based on the active file type so make sure to set it when in a python file.

iTerm2 - hide split pane title bars?

After recent update of iTerm2 the split panes look different:
This is how it looked before (some random image found on the Internet):
Is there a way to get the original look back or do I have to get used to it?
Edit: just to avoid confusion, what I'm concerned about are the "header" lines, the "(x) Default" thing. I'd like to have just a line there.
Edit 2: it's in this changelog:
- Add title bars to split panes that show the title. You can drag
panes by their titles, and there is a menu and a close button in it as
Turn off prefs->appearance->show per-pane title bars with split panes.

emacs like fill-paragraph option in textmate?

Is there an option to reformat lines/paragraphs/selected text to 80 cols in TextMate like in emacs (fill-paragraph bound to M-q)? If not, do you know of any option to add this to TextMate - a known plugin/macro? any help in writing such a macro is most welcome too. :)
It only changes how the text is displayed — not the text itself — but in the menu bar, "View" > "Wrap Column" > "78". Or choose "Other…", it displays a vertical ruler you can move to the desired column.
If the "Soft Wrap" option is checked, your text will look like it's reformated.
To reformat the text for real, simply hit ctrlq. It will use the number checked in the aforementioned menu.
If what you want is to hard-wrap paragraphs see here:

Does TextMate have an easy way to indent 2 spaces for a HAML file?

I look around for the preferences in TextMate and there seems to be no method to set the indent to 2 spaces when we highlight some code and choose
Text -> Shift Right
Right now it is indenting 4 spaces but is there a way to make it 2?
It's on the bottom bar off the application towards the middle.
It'll say something like 'Soft Tabs: 4' if you click it you can change it to do 2 spaces for tabs.
Also you can edit multiple lines by holding Option and dragging your mouse along the spot in the lines. When you type, the text will be on all the lines you selected at that spot.
