Oracle: Aging - 7 Buckets - By Account Report Definition (ARXAGS) - oracle

Is it possible to get the code file behind a standard Oracle report from a resource other than my IT department?
I only have minimal read-only permissions on our server, and the IT folks here are not willing to share this information with me.
I am trying to write a query similar to the standard report: Aging - 7 Buckets - By Account Report and would like to see the tables/logic that are behind it to point me in the right direction.
Is this data available anywhere? We are on version

You should be able to easily extract the underlying SQL logic for this very report by simply viewing the concurrent request log file. The log file includes the executed SQL and lexical parameters. I used this approach to migrate this very seeded report to another custom Oracle BI solution.


Get time and number of OBIEE 12c users login

My requirement is just to monitor and know how many a user log in per month.I need to count number of logins for a user with the time they login
Can anyone please help me in how to do this?
Is there any log file such as obis1-query log file for queries processing monitoring in OBIEE to get these info?
Not familiar with obiee and if users log in via a connection pool, but if they log in as an Oracle defined user ID, you want a System Trigger in PL/SQL:
create trigger user_logged_in
after logon database
insert into some_audit_table
(user_id, login_time)
values (sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER'), sysdate);
Not tested, but that should give you a start. Above example derived from Oracle PL/SQL Language Reference Example 9-21.
User tracking is your friend. You can set up to log information in the OBIEE RCU database (that database you create/configure as part of OBIEE installation), and it includes the login information. Look how to set up it in Oracle documentation, as well as blog posts (look for OBIEE User tracking in Google). Keep in mind your OBIEE version, as the details to set it up have changed in different versions, basically it involves two steps:
Set up the RPD to query to the RCU database and table (mainly, in
your XXX_BIPLATFORM DB user, the S_NQ_ACCT table for general
information, and the S_NQ_DB_ACCT table for the physical
Modify the OBIEE config file or in the EM Beans (depending on
your OBIEE version) referencing the RPD Physical layer you have set
I am going to share with you my finding about my question which has asked. As you may know, OBIEE repository tables, which can be used to show to end users as subject area that this is usgae tracking utility, just track information around sent queries to BI server and not more about users specifically. In this occasion, you can use a method which called enhanced usage tracking for OBIEE that is presented completely here:
This is exactly what you want. All detail information about users activities in OBIEE and even some redundant ones. You can create a physical table, then add it to repository file and display as subject area to end user with any permission. Of course, according to your software environment or implementation structure, you are supposed to make some changes in this manner.
I hope this goes well.

OBIEE sql statment generation for jdbc

How does OBIEE generate the sql statements that are then run against the target database? I have a report that generates one SQL statement when executed against Oracle database and completely different when executed via jdbc driver against Apache Drill. My problem is that in the second case the query is not even syntactically valid.
I've read this -
but still don't understand the mechanism through which Oracle decides on the actual query to be executed based on the driver.
OBIEE uses a "common metadata model" known as the RPD. This has a logical model of your data, along with the physical data source(s) for it. When a user runs a report it is submitted as a "logical" query that the BI Server then compiles using the RPD to generate the necessary SQL query (or queries) against the data sources.
Whilst Hive and Impala definitely work with OBIEE, I've not heard of Drill being successfully used. If you've got the connectivity working then to sort out the query syntax it generates you need to fiddle with the DBFeatures configuration which OBIEE uses to understand what SQL statements are valid for a given database. So if Drill doesn't support, for example, INTERSECT, you simply untick INTERSECT_SUPPORTED (I'm paraphasing the exact dialog terminology).

oracle - Schemas issues when migration from discoverer to OBIEE

I'm working on migrating some reports from Oracle Discoverer to OBIEE. I've already exported the layouts from discoverer to OBIEE. I have all I need in the OBIEE Admin tool now, but when I try to perform this operation:
I got this message:
I've read in many forums that this is because of the query (enter link description here) but I've executed the query in SQL Developer and all is fine.
Any idea?
I can see from the icon on your object that it is an Opaque View that your trying to run View Data on.
This is probably because of a syntax issue in your opaque view. Make sure the code in the opaque view doesn't end with a semi-colon or slash, that will cause problems. Try eliminating any blank lines, if there are any. However, without knowing exactly the syntax of the code it's impossible to say exactly what the cause is.
It's also possible that there is a connection script attached to the connection pool you are using to View Data, running on connection or before execution with bad syntax.
Otherwise have a look in the Admin Tool log to see if there's more information about what is causing the error. It will usually contain more detailed information than is passed back through the GUI.

Linking Oracle tables to Access 2007 File (Performance)

I'm running into a problem while linking some tables and views present on a Oracle 11g database to a Access 2007 file.
I'm using the Oracle Client (SQORA32.DLL) version
If the view/table returns a small amount of data, there's no problem. The problem happens when the view or the table returns a "large" amount of data. I've tried to increase the buffer size on the driver (default is 64000) to see if that happens. I've also removed the "Enable query timeout" option - otherwise I would get a "Query cancelled by user" or a "ODBC - Call Failed" error.
In order to link the tables/views, I've used the "native tool" (External Data -> ODBC Database -> Link to data source by creating a linked table).
I was wondering if I could retrieve the data from the tables/views using vba. Sometimes, I (you should read "I" as "the users") may need to update data on some tables (control tables).
Please let me know your thoughts.
EDIT: Our goal with this project was to migrate from SQL Server 2005 to Oracle 11gR2. After analyzing the behaviour of the Access files regarding the SQL Server, I've concluded that the results are showing like a "cursor" - if you scroll down on the result window, it will load more.
I think that this may be the issue because, AFAIK, Oracle (driver, maybe?) pulls everything from the DB and, only then, populates MS Access.
It's a long time after this so here goes the solution. MS access has a flag for the ODBC connection as "Treat Float as Numeric". This have made the trick.

Saving a report to a file on a client PC?

I would be grateful for a quick sanity check!
When calling Oracle Reports 10g from Oracle Forms 10g, is it possible to run an Oracle Report and save it on the users PC to a specified directory? (I know that if an Oracle Report is run in such a format as PDF the user can save the report to x location). To call the Oracle report I am using the Oracle Forms built-in "Run_Report_Object".
I don't think it is (but would be happy to revise my opinion!) and to obtain such functionality I would have to implement something similar to what is discussed in this thread
I have amended my question to include the fact that I am using the Oracle Forms built-in "Run Report Object" to call Oracle Reports.
There is a Oracle Report parameter: DESTYPE which can accept a value called LOCALFILE which saves the output to the client machine using the file name specified by DESNAME, however as I'm using "Run_Report_Object" it is not possible to use the value LOCALFILE.
One solution is to follow the steps given here.
Sources: Oracle Reports 10g Help (look for DESTYPE),
OTN thread
