Is it possible to make a marquee using picture? - scroll

Im trying to make a layout with a picture which appears to be moving like a marquee? Is it possible? Please help.. thanks...

Yes, you can:
<marquee scrolldelay="100" bgcolor="grey">
<img src="img.png"/>
jsFiddle here
Edit: it works in all modern browers, and even in ie6,7,8

if you just want a moving image....this should suffice :
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"><img src="/pix/smile.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="smile" /></marquee>
Useful link


HTML:Image won’t display

My image won’t display for no reason. I am a noob but I can’t figure it out. The image loads from the url so I know it’s not that. So I’m pretty sure it’s my problem with the coding.
<img src=
Your URL is pointing to non-image resource. It's actually pointing to an HTML document.
In URL, change www by dl and remove ?dl=0.
This is valid image URL :
Alternatively, you can replace dl=0 to raw=1. This is also valid image URL:
Not always required but as a good practice I'll suggest using quotes for values. Also as mentioned in comments seperate attributes from each other with white space.
<img src=""
height="300" width="250"/>
<img src="" height="300" width"250"/>
source : Mickel's Tutorial
I hope, you must use the url of image, But you are referring the url preview pane of dropbox.
It is the actual url for image.
You also need some improvisation with your code, as below
<img src="" height="300" width="250" />
It will work without any issue. You are not referring proper url that the actual issue.
Also, keep tag properties in quote "" if required.
<img src="url" height="200" width="300" />

Show file upload progress in Essence framework

So I have a simple upload file form and I want to use essence-progress as a loading spinner while the file is being uploaded. I use XMLHttpRequest2 so I can track my progress and I get in real time the percent left.
Can essence-progress display that percentage number?
I'm thinking something like this:
<Progress progress={'progress'} type={'circle'} />
Thanks in advance!
Looking into the source code of essence-progress I don't think there is a direct way of doing this. However, you could maybe build a new component, something like this:
<Progress type={'circle'} />
<Percentage value={'progress'} />
as a quick way to solve this issue. And with CSS you position it on top of the progress bar.
I hope this helps. Keep me posted :)

How to write the good xpath?

How to write the good xpath? I want to get the text 'Test Employee'
<div class="rowData">
<img width="40" height="40"/>
<b class="initials">TE</b>
<div>Test Employee</div>
Use like below:
Tell your devs to use ids and make everyone's life easier :-)
<div id="employee_name">Test Employee</div>
Can be found with
try the xpath below:

EmberJs ember-animated-outlet not working

I'm trying to use ember animated outlet (found here) and, I can not for the life of me get it to work, I understand that instead of using {{outlet}} I need to use {{animated-outlet}} and use {{link-to-aniamted}} instead but it seems to be switching like normal. I also know that I need to include the js after the ember.js and also I am including the css file it comes with, so I'm kind of stumped on this. :(
For my basic view, I'm using
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application">
<div class='wrapper'>
<div class='content row' id='content'>
and my link looks like:
{{#link-to-animated 'index' animations="main:slideLeft"}} Home #{{/link-to-animated}}
So, is there something i'm missing? Do I need to add something in my app.js? IF you need more code or info, just ask and I will edit this question! Thanks a lot in advance! I'm new to ember, so please take it easy!
You need to specify 'name' in the animated-outlet helper.
{{animated-outlet name="main"}}
The readme explains it:

EmberJs model output into an img tag in a handlebar template

I am trying to learn EmberJs, in conjuction with Laravel 4, to create a blog. Things have been going great, stuff hasn't been too difficult yet. But I got into a snag when trying to have a <img/> tag in one of my handlebar templates.
From my understanding to use info from a model in a template you use {{attribute_name}} and like magic, it's there! And so for my tag I was trying something like:
<img src="{{URL::asset('images/posts/')}}#{{id}}.#{{image_extension}}" }}" alt=""/>
Adding the url to images with Laravel and Blade, then on the template, just adding in those last little pieces to make the it all work. But I get this instead:
<img src="http://localhost/blog/images/posts<script id='metamorph-11-start' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>26<script id='metamorph-11-end' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>.<script id='metamorph-12-start' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>jpg<script id='metamorph-12-end' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>" alt="">
Obviously theres script tags in my src tag and this is causing some issues.
Now then, upon much research I discovered {{unbound attribute_name}} and came up with:
<img src="{{URL::asset('images/posts')}}/#{{unbound id}}.#{{unbound image_extension}}" alt=""/>
and while this works on the first blog post I click, it doesn't switch images when I switch posts. So is there a way to make this guy work? I'm running out of ideas! Any information you could shed on this would be great! I really like ember so far and want to get even better! IF there's any more info you need, let em know and I will edit this question! Thanks so much!
Based on the advise from #buruzaemon, I tried
<img src="{{URL::asset('images/posts')}}/#{{bind-attr src=id}}.#{{bind-attr src=image_extension}}" alt="Post image"/>
and it feels like it's on the right path, but not quite there. Any more advice?
Perhaps you should have a look at bind_attr in Ember.js. It will allow you to set the src attribute properly with value that can be set in your controller.
