How to make it so events cannot occur while an event is running in DOJO? - events

Is there some way I can disable all events until an event is completed in DOJO? For instance I am fading elements and the user can click the event again and it will not complete the last event.

If you control all events that need to be disabled, you could try using a global variable as a "lock" - set it on when you start the animation (and have all events abort if they find this flag triggered) and unset it when it ends.
Javascript is not concurrent (so you don't need to worry about timing issues and having an "actual" lock) but perhaps the fading uses setTimeout behind the scenes (allowing other events to trigger before it is done). If this is the case, just remember that you would need to use the onEnd callback to properly detect when the anim is over
var lock = false;
function my_event_handler(evt){
if(lock) return; //someone else is using the lock;
//perhaps cancel event propagation as well?
lock = true;
onEnd: function(){
lock = false;
caveat: this is pseudocode off the top of my head. I haven't used dojo animations in a while if you didn't notice already :P

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by events here, but if you want to prevent interaction with elements on a page, you can put up a modal shield... basically a transparent DIV element to capture events, positioned over your content with a high z-index


Polymer 1.0 Unable to stop on-tap event propagation

I have a paper-button with the on-tap function that opens a paper-dialog that contains a "Accept" paper-button that will close it when clicked.
The problem i'm getting is if depending on my screen resolution, and the dialog's "Accept" button is over the initial button to open the dialog, when clicked, the dialog opens and closes. I'm assuming the on-tap event is being fired to both.
I've tried these 2 methods but they do not seem to help.
event.cancelBubble = true;
The problem is that a capacitive screens or even mouses can generate multiple tap event on the same spot within a few milisec.
The mouses because a quick change in a high and low voltage (logical 1 and 0) generating an AC signal wich can jump trough on a capacitator (which can be the button two contactor between the air) if the conditions matching. But the onclick event is already catching this case and you does not require to do anything to solve it.
The capacitve screens are capacitators and just rolling your finger should trigger multiple tap events because your skin has different depth of insulation and hard to mark the tap begin and end in some cases.
This physical problem should be solved by the platform, but it is not in every situation currently (but most of the devices are filtering this). Im usally solving this isse with a transparent overlay element wich can catch the pointer events for a little duration so I could catch the "prelling" of a button or the capacitive screen for a few ms.
If a 10-20ms is enough for you then wait a frame in your on-tap function with requestAnimationFrame and then show the dialog. Cheap trick, but it does what it has to, but ultimately you can wait a fix timeout to show the dialog, because you have 100ms to respond a user interaction.
You cannot fix this by manipulating the browser events options though because as I know you dont have option to how much time need to pass until the next same event should happend. But if you wait a frame thats could behave like you add a delay between the events.

WP7 controls: When to set VisualState after recovering from Tombstone?

My question is simple: WHEN (on what event?) can I be sure that a control has fully loaded and has its states and templates also?
Why am I asking:
I'm trying to restore the state of my own WP7 control after recovering from tombstone. This control looks like a calendar in a weekly view. In this calendar you can select many items displayed as colored Rectangles.
If I select any of them, and then go to tombstone and come back to the page, it seems like my control forgot which Rectangles were selected. In fact, it did NOT forget the data itself, but the Rectangles forgot their selected state.
After recovering from tombstone, I try to select the Rectangles by setting their VisualState to "Selected" (which works in any other scenario). I found out, that it fails, because VisualStateManager can't find the "Selected" state.
I know this is tricky, because when coming back from tombstone the controls do not build exactly as in any "normal" case. (for example Bindings and Templates do not apply in the same order) But up until now I could always trust, that when FrameworkElement.Loaded fired, I had my controls ready. Now it seems like VisualState is not. (I tried to set the state from Loaded event handler, but results are the same, VisualStateManager.GoToState returns with false.)
What more can I do?
This is a tricky one! I have also experienced issues where UI events fire before the UI itself is fully constructed, see this blog post for an example. My general approach to this is to handle the LayoutUpdated event, which fires each time the visual tree is updated. You will find that this event fires multiple times, both before and after the Loaded event.
When the Layoutupdated event fires, you can check whether the visual state change has worked, if so, no longer handle the event. If not, keep trying!
Within your loaded event, try the following:
// try to set the state
if (VisualStateManager.GoToState(myControl, "myState") == false)
// if failed, wait for the next LayoutUpdated event
EventHandler updateHandler = null;
updateHandler = (s, e2) =>
if (VisualStateManager.GoToState(myControl, "myState") == false)
myControl.LayoutUpdated -= updateHandler;
myControl.LayoutUpdated += updateHandler;

Intercepting and Disabling Global Mouse Events

I have a problem with my mouse. Every now and then it will double click when I only single click. I know this is a problem with the mouse, and I've contacted the manufacturer, still waiting for a reply. But in the meantime I was wondering if there was a way that I could find out when the left mouse button had been clicked twice within a very short period (probably 1-10 milliseconds) of time, and disable the second click.
I mostly know how to use hooks, so that's not the problem, my main question is how to stop an event from happening, if that's possible.
The information on how to prevent the mouse message from being processed is in the documentation of the "LowLevelMouseProc callback function" in MSDN:
Specifically, it says: "If the hook procedure processed the message, it may return a nonzero value to prevent the system from passing the message to the rest of the hook chain or the target window procedure." So, if you know about windows hooks, you know how to do it.
EDIT: Actually, now that I think more about it, you don't want to discard any event. You simply want to transform the doubleclick event into just another left-button-down event. I believe you can do it from within the hook handler, and it will work. Have you tried it?
In C#'s WinForms, you write an event handler involving the mouse receiving a MouseEventArgs object. Inside it, you can access certain info such as the number of times it was clicked, for example.
protected void RowClicked(object sender, MouseEventArgs evt)
// Trigger it when the mouse was clicked only once
if( evt.Button.Clicks == 1 ) {
// ... more things ...
Other GUI libraries have other possibilities. That said, your problem has nothing to do with GUI libraries. You have to change the sensitivity of your mouse, in the configuration options of your operating system. For example, in the Windows' control panel, you can change how much time has to pass between a click and another one to be considered a doble-click. In lUbuntu, you can do the very same, in System menu >> Preferences >> Keyboard and Mouse.

Different layers in Corona/Lua

I've got a question about layering images/buttons with Corona/Lua. If I create one button on top of another one and then click it, both buttons' events are triggered. How do I prevent this?
Thanks, Elliot Bonneville
EDIT: Here's how I create the buttons:
button1 = display.newImage("button1.png")
button1:addEventListener("tap", Button1Call)
button2 = display.newImage("button2.png")
button2:addEventListener("tap", Button2Call)
Return true from the event handling function. Touch events keep propagating through the listeners until handled; it's explained here:
Note that the event listeners must be listening for the same event. In other words, both listeners must be set on either "touch" or "tap". Literally last night I was tripped up by this; I had a button listening to "touch" and another image on top listening to "tap" and was wondering why the button was still receiving events.
Use return true in the event handler where you handle the event to prevent further event propagation.
So, in your example, button2 will get the event first, since it's created last. If you handle the event in Button2Call andreturn true, Button1Call won't see the event at all. If you return false, or simply leave out the return statement altogether, Button1Call will get the event and can decide whether to handle it.

How do I stop events from bubbling/multiple events with animated mouseovers?

I noticed a lot of JQuery answers on this, but I'm using MooTools...
I have a Table of Contents which uses CSS Fixed positioning to keep it off to the left side, except for 20 pixels. The user hovers their cursor over the 20 pixels, which fires the DIV's mouseover event and the ToC slides fully into the page. When the cursor leaves, the ToC slides back to where it was.
'mouseover': function(event){
event = new Event(event);
$('frameworkBreakdown').tween('left', 20);
'mouseout': function(event){
event = new Event(event);
$('frameworkBreakdown').tween('left', (10 - $('frameworkBreakdown').getStyle('width').toInt()) );
This works well (aside from unrelated issues) except that when I move the mouse on the DIV it starts to jitter, presumably because the contents of the DIV are also firing the event, or the event refires as the mouse tracks over the DIV.
How can I stop this behaviour from occuring? Is there a standard method, or do I use some sort of nasty global variable that determines whether effects are in action, and thus ignore the event?
Use mouseenter/mouseleave instead of mouseover/mouseout.
Also, you shouldn't be doing this in MooTools 1.2+:
event = new Event(event);
A simple event.stop() will suffice.
