Install Numpy on Mac OS X Lion 10.7 - xcode

I need to install Numpy on my Mac OS X Lion 10.7. I googled a little bit, it seems like there are a lot of stuff needs to be installed. And some says I need install Xcode before I install Numpy. But the official website of Numpy doesn't give much information about installing Numpy on Mac. I really don't want to install Xcode as it would cost a lot space.
So anyone knows how to install Numpy? What's the prerequisites?

Lion comes with numpy installed. It should already be there:
$ python -c 'import numpy, numpy.version; print numpy, numpy.version.version'
<module 'numpy' from '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/numpy/'> 1.5.1

For anyone that hits this from google, here is where I figured out how to build numpy on Mac OS.
On lion, it amounts to setting some environment variables (after Xcode is installed):
export CC=gcc-4.2
export CXX=g++-4.2
export FFLAGS=-ff2c
Then pip install numpy works just fine.

I have used a few software packages that require a fresh install of NumPy, that won't work with the built in NumPy or even with the built-in Python. The easiest way to install NumPy on the mac is to download any of these packages. This will work for most OS versions.
Python 2.7
Python 2.6
Python 2.5
Still the other answers are valid, though this is a more general answer.
This is the SourceForge page of the project.

If you do install Xcode you can get the latest and greatest open source libraries and packages. Consider using the excellent Mac Ports ( project. It is a package manager that will download source packages and their dependencies and build all the libraries and tools for you.
Installing Numpy becomes a one line command once Xcode and mac ports is installed:
sudo port install py27-numpy

The easiest way that I found was to visit, pick the folder of the latest version, and then download the .dmg file that matched my installed version of Python.

Based on this post, I found that Chris Fonnesbeck keeps a highly functional installer script for OSX 10.7 at the OSX SuperPack Github site.
Because I hapened to have all the dependencies (such as gfortran) already, I did not use his full shell script. Rather I just did
git clone --depth=1 git://
python -m easy_install -N -Z ScipySuperpack/*.egg
And it worked beautifully. In particular, it worked better than the .dmg files from the official numpy and scipy distributions, and better than pip install.

You can install numpy/scipy using pip, If pip is not installed on your machine, you can install it with easy_install:
sudo easy_install pip
Then install numpy:
sudo pip install numpy

A very easy route is to install Anaconda from Continuum, or Enthought's Canopy. These are python distributions that include numpy, as well as other useful scientific computing libraries

Generally, unless you have a good reason you might want to avoid trying to have to build numpy/scipy et al. yourself.
For Mac's there are two nice everything-included packages for numerical python. Enthough distribution (paid, and Sagemath (free, I'm happily using Sagemath on 10.7 - it has numpy, scipy etc.


Is there a way to install Qutip on apple m1 macbook?

I bought a new apple m1 macbook pro. I installed python and other basic packages like numpy, scikit-learn and matplotlib though miniforge. When I tried installing qutip through conda it shows no such package exists on the osx-arm64 channel.
Is there a way to install the x86-64 version of Qutip through rosetta 2?
In short, yes. QuTip can be installed using rosetta. It is, however, not free of complications. I found myself in the same situation, with a new M1 mac.
In my case, I had to create a new installation of miniforge (THE x86_64 VERSION) and download every package (matplotlib, cython, numpy, scipy, jupyter and qutip). QuTiP could be found because I was using the standard channels instead of the new arm64 channel. In order to be able to import qutip some additional steps have to be taken. If one tries to import qutip a couple of errors appear, to which the solution has been given in .
Basically, you first need to install ipython. The following line worked for me: conda install -c anaconda ipython. Secondly, you have to find the document in your qutip files. In my case it was in /diego/miniforge3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qutip/ Once found, comment the following lines:
results.update({'cpu_freq': int(float(os.popen('sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string')
With that done, I have a fully operational installation of jupyter notebook with qutip. Addressing the situation described in the question, I don't know if it is possible to download qutip from the regular x86_64 channels while having installed miniforge with the arm64 installer. Maybe someone who knows more than me can add further information about it.

Installing PySide on Mac: is there a working method?

I may be doing something wrong, but I have been trying to install pyside on Mac 10.12 (Sierra). Here is what I tried (after installing Qt with brew):
With the precompiled package (1.2.1); fails because of "incompatible package".
With sudo -H pip install pyside (1.2.4): fails with the following error:
Qt QTGUI library not found.
Qt QTXML library not found.
Qt QTCORE library not found.
CMake Error at ApiExtractor/CMakeLists.txt:82 (qt4_add_resources):
Unknown CMake command "qt4_add_resources".
With brew install pyside==1.2.2 : works successfully but when calling it from a python program, fails with ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PySide/, 2): Libmrary not loaded: libpyside-python2.7.1.2.dylib
Referenced from: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PySide/
Reason: unsafe use of relative rpath libpyside-python2.7.1.2.dylib in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PySide/ with restricted binary
The last one did offer some hope, and I tried PySide import error Mac OS X El Capitan, Library not loaded: #rpath/libpyside.cpython-34m.1.2.dylib . Unfortunately, the explanation was quite elliptic and I ended up breaking things further.
Am I missing something obvious? The fact that the precompiled packages are old and the web doc is not updated, that brew install does not seem to work (and the documentation makes no mention of it) and generally number of questions asked about pyside and the technical complication of the answers do not seem very good signs.
Does someone know what the matter is with PySide's installation on Mac OS, technically? What's the best solution in my particular case?
More generally, is there hope for improvement with PySide on Mac?
Update (25 Jan 2017): Workaround?
Since we are waiting for an update from Pyside, is someone willing to take the challenge of installing 1.2.2 on OS Sierra with brew, and resolve the "unsafe use of relative path"? Perhaps propose a step-by-step tutorial?
That might save the day for PySide on Mac... while relieving the time pressure on the Pyside development team?
I have MAC osSierra (10.12.6). I needed to install PySide 1.2.4 for Python 3.3.6. I did the following to build and install PySide 1.2.4 that I need. You can do the following for any Python 3.3.x, I guess.
I am a newbie to Mac and Python. Please ignore if I have any mistakes.
Install pyenv
brew install pyenv
Install Python 3.3.6 using pyenv
pyenv install 3.3.6
Add python 3.3.6 into system path
export PATH
Install Xcode from app store, then run the following. Xcode download and install took 30-40 minutes for me.
xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license
Install cmake
brew install cmake
Verify cmake is installed. I see version 3.10.0 installed
cmake —version
Tap qt4. Note: I tried qt5, but pyside build is not working for me with qt5.
brew tap cartr/qt4
brew tap-pin cart/qt4
Install qt#4.
brew install qt#4
Verify qmake is installed. I see version 2.01a installed
qmake —version
(If qmake is not recognized, create links to it using below command)
brew link cartr/qt4/qt#4 —-force
If you are using “PySide.QtWebKit” in your programs, you need to install qt-webkit. Install pyside (1.2.2 ??), which will install qt-webkit. I am not sure if qt-webkit can be installed directly, if so someone can correct me.
brew install pyside
Download PySide 1.2.4 tar file.
Untar the tar file
tar -xvf PySide-1.2.4.tar.gz
Go into the folder
cd PySide-1.2.4
Build pyside. This build step took almost 30-40 minutes for me
python bdist_wheel
Verify that “dist” folder is created and it has pyside wheel file in it.
Go into the “dist” folder
cd dist
Instal PySide, last step!!
pip install PySide-1.2.4-cp33-cp33m-macosx_10_12_x86_64.whl
Congratulations!, now you have PySide 1.2.4 for Python 3.3.x
This isn't the answer but unfortunately there has not been any output from pyside team for macOS sierra .Only supported OS from apple are
10.6 Snow LeopardOS X
10.7 LionOS X
10.8 Mountain LionOS X
10.9 MavericksOS X
10.10 Yosemite
Update : (You can try this still )
curl -O
brew install ./qt5.rb
If above lines doesn't work :
You’ll need the Xcode commandline tools:
xcode-select --install sudo xcodebuild -license
Then the following packages can be easily installed via brew:
brew install qt5 cmake libxslt libxml2
This will install Qt 5.6.1-1 and cmake 3.5.2 your system
Now time to clone ! Not from github but from this link :
So Clone the pyside-setup repository and have it also pull down its gitmodules:
git clone --recursive
This command worked fine for people using Python 2.7.11 and Python 3.5.1. Remember to have pip installed with the wheel package or you’ll get an error about bdist_wheel.
python bdist_wheel --ignore-git --qmake=/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.6.1-1/bin/qmake --cmake=/usr/local/bin/cmake --openssl=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2h_1/bin
(Note :
The exact paths given in the arguments may not be identical on your system so verify those prior to compiling)
Install the wheel :
A wheel was hopefully built in the dist folder. So just cd dist and pip install away!
Notes on pre-compiled wheels
Unfortunately, and like with PySide, these wheels are not “portable” and won’t install on systems which doesn’t already have the specific Qt5 version installed used during compilation. This, I believe, is because PySide2 links dynamically (instead of statically) against the Qt5 installation. Hopefully, this is something The Qt Company will address via official PySide2 wheels, as Riverbank Software is now providing a fully portable PyQt5 wheel for Python 3 which is absolutely awesome.
New Repository (not from github)
The Mac steps from here worked for me:
You’ll need the Xcode commandline tools:
xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license
Then the following packages, easily installed via brew:
brew install qt5 cmake libxslt libxml2
Clone the pyside-setup repository and have it also pull down its gitmodules:
git clone --recursive
Build it. This command worked fine for me using Python 2.7.11 and Python 3.5.1. Remember to have pip installed with the wheel package or you’ll get an error about bdist_wheel.
cd pyside-setup
python bdist_wheel --ignore-git --qmake=/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.6.1-1/bin/qmake --cmake=/usr/local/bin/cmake --openssl=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2h_1/bin
Last but not least, install the wheel:
cd dist
pip install PySide2-2.0.0.dev0-cp27-cp27m-macosx_10_12_x86_64.whl
All credits go to Fredrik Averpil's wonderful post.
You need a specific version of Qt and pyside.
Install both the QT 4.8.5 package as well as pyside from the Mac installers on the page below:
You need QT4 to install PySide on 10.11 (not sure about 10.12).
Install QT5 either via Brew or via installer, get cmake via brew and get the latest PySide source ( Run the following to get Qt4:
brew tap cartr/qt4
brew tap-pin cartr/qt4
brew install qt_4
Once you do so; cd in the source folder and run the following to build:
python bdist_wheel --ignore-git --qmake=[QMAKE_FROM_QT4_PATH] --cmake=[YOUR_CMAKE_PATH]
cd dist
Once you do so, you can check that PySide is working correctly, opening a Python console and typing import PySide
I still not have a solution, but I found an alternative.
First of all, I am not an expert (I am super new coding). Based on my own experience below you will find a solution as well.
I need to clarify something first, there are two ways to use this GUI QT - PyQt by Riverbank Computing or(and) PySide, originally developed by Nokia.
I tried many differents ways to install PySide on my MacOS Sierra version10.12.5, but no success, so I ended up finding PyQt, that does the same thing.
Watching this video I installed the PyQT5 in my Mac OS and now it is working.
Example of Hello World using PyQT
The says "PySide has included support for Python 3.2 since version 1.0.8." but it doesn't work for me.
Good lucky.

can't install scipy on mac OS X

I have numpy and matplot installed and working properly with python 2.7, but when I use pip to install scipy, I get this error.
numpy.distutils.npy_pkg_config.PkgNotFound: Could not find file(s) ['/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/lib/npy-pkg-config/npymath.ini']
Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in /var/folders/61/dpn0d5p51z19g5vypnmh3vfh0000gn/T/pip-build/scipy
There is no end to the amount of grief that you can run into when trying to install numpy, scipy, and matplotlib on Mac OS X. If you want to stay on the bleeding edge I would suggest downloading the git repositories and building each one.
If you don't need to be on the bleeding edge I would suggest, following the instructions on the SciPy web site:
Finally, there is the great work that Chris Fonnesbeck: At
The Fonnesbeck method has never failed for me.
I also was not able to install scipy using pip. However an option that has worked for me was using the .dmg package provided by
Important: you will have to update to the latest version of python in your Mac OS. That is, you can still use the Python 2.7, however it is necessary to update to the latest build which you can download at
I could suggest you to use some package manager for Mas OS X (for example macports). Using a kind of such system could avoid you from such things like manual resolving of dependencies, and so on.

Where is PyGTK for Mac OS X?

Is there a binary out there for the current mac os x, python for PyGTK? I work with multiple desktop environments (mac, windows, gnome) and really consider python's lack of cross platform GUI's a problem. Does anyone know where I can find a built version of PyGTK and GTK for Mac?
I cant clone the git repository, it keeps timing out.
brew install pygtk worked for me (requires homebrew).
Confirmed to work with OS X 10.10 too, but by default it will install it into brew's Python distribution, so if you are still using the native python, it will not find it.
I don't use macports but it seems that jhbuild works for me. Below is the steps that I've done.
download from: and save it to your home directory.
fire up terminal and navigate to your home directory and run the command sh
the shell script will warn you that ~/.local/bin isn't added to your environment variable to do this, edit your .profile file located at your home directory and /Users/<username>/.local/bin to your environment variable. to know more on how to edit this file check out:
after that, do a ~/.local/bin/jhbuild bootstrap command. it will download and install some necessary utilities.
download and install the beta version of the gtk+ osx framework at:
before installing the meta-gtk-osx-python, you need to build and install some other packages that jhbuild doesn't install automatically, so what i did was i installed libpng by doing the command: ~/.local/bin/jhbuild build libpng
you also need to install libtiff so do the command: ~/.local/bin/jhbuild build libtiff
and also gtk-doc is needed so: ~/.local/bin/jhbuild build gtk-doc
and finally you can now install meta-gtk-osx-python by doing a: ~/.local/bin/jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-python
Let me know if it works.
There is an installer for PyGTK 2.24 in test here, announced on the PyGTK list.
UPDATE project has moved on macpkg's sourceforge page.
I couldn't make it work with meld (segmentation fault), but sample PyGTK programs work OK.
UPDATE 2 since then a new package Py3GTK3 appeared on the same sourceforge page. Haven't tested though.
There is now a mac package on sourceforge
Download the latest package from and install.
If you're just trying to use the system python, this is all you'll have to do.
If you're not, the following is how to install it with pyenv, which can be installed with Homebrew. With brew installed, you can install version pyenv and Python 2.7.8 with:
brew install pyenv && pyenv install 2.7.8
After you've done that, you'll then have copy the gtk package and its dependencies into your python installation:
cd /opt/gtk/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ && \
cp * ~/.pyenv/versions/2.7.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
That's it. You can also similarly install the Py3GTK3 package which has packages for python 2.7 and 3.2 from
Have you tried doing it using macports? This website shows how.

How to install scons on Mac OS X

Can you please tell me how can I install scons on MacOSX?
I don't see a mac specified download from
Thank you.
An alternative to MacPorts would be to use HomeBrew, where you'd just to
brew install scons
Download the tarball and then refer to the first chapter of the user guide, Building and Installing SCons. In short:
# cd scons-1.2.0
# python install
Install MacPorts, then at the Terminal (Applications > Utilities >, type:
sudo port install scons
This command will automatically download and install scons for you. MacPorts requires that you have the developer tools installed, so if you don't, you will need to download and install the Xcode 3 DVD.
NOTE 1: Xcode 2.5 is the last version of Xcode that will work on Mac OS X Tiger.
NOTE 2: This may seem awfully painful if you don't already have MacPorts installed. However, you really should go this route, as MacPorts makes it easy to update installed software, it automatically manages dependencies between software, and it makes it easier to install other packages in the future.
If you have the Python setuptools, the following will install scons-1.2.0 from sourceforge:
easy_install scons
But bear in mind the issues people raise with setuptools.
Also, keep in mind this question and the answers about virtualenv and pip for isolating Python environments.
There is also a GUI installer for SCons on Mac OS X that I wrote available for download here:
Since version 2.3.0 SCons should work without installing:
# get the source and switch to stable 2.3.0 version
hg clone -r 2.3.0
# make sure to use Python 2 for now
python scons/src/scripts/
When running 2.3.0 from source, the SCons.__version__ is not set correctly, so EnsureSConsVersion() will likely to fail if that's ok for you.
pull down SCons source and put it in /Library/Python/X.X/. Make sure you have the dir structure like this: /Library/Python/X.X/SCons/
remember, import searches for modules, and /Library/Python/XXX is by default in the search path.
