Ada Enumerated Type Range - enums

As I understand it, Ada uses 0 based indexes on its enumerated types.. So in Status_Type below, the ordinal value goes from 0 to 5.
type Status_Type is
My question is.. what are the ordinal values for the following examples? Do they start at 0 or do they start from the ordinal value from the super type?
subtype Sub_Status_Type is Status_Type
range Available.. Effected;
subtype Un_Status_Type is Sub_Status_Type
range Fout .. Assigned;
Would Sub_Status_Type ordinal values go from 1 to 4 or from 0 to 3?
Would Un_Status_Type ordinal values go from 3 to 4 or from 1 to 2 or from 0 to 1?

For the subtypes, a 'pos will return the same value as it would have for the base type (1..4 and 2..3 respectively, I believe). Subtypes aren't really new and different types, so much as they are the same old type, but with some extra limitations on its possible values.
But it should be noted that these values are assigned under the scenes. It really should make no difference to you what they are, unless you are using the 'val and 'pos attributes, or you are interfacing to code written outside of Ada (or to hardware).
Plus, if it does end up mattering, you should know that the situation is actually much more complicated. 'pos and 'val don't return the actual bit value the compiler uses for those enumeration values when it generates code. They just return their "ordinal position"; their offset from the first value.
By default they will usually be the same thing. However, you can change the value assignments (but not the ordinal position assignments) yourself with a for ... use clause, like in the code below:
for Status_Type use
(Undefined => 1,
Available => 2,
Out => 4,
Assigned => 8,
Effected => 16,
Cleared => 32);

The position number is defined in terms of the base type. So Sub_Status_Type'Pos(Assigned) is the same as Status_Type'Pos(Assigned), and the position values of Sub_Status_Type go from 1 to 4, not 0 to 3.
(And note that the position number isn't affected by an enumeration representation clause; it always starts at 0 for the first value of the base type.)
Incidentally, it would have been easy enough to find out by running a small test program that prints the values of Sub_Status_Type'Pos(...) -- which would also have told you that you can't use the reserved word out as an identifier.

As I understand it, Ada uses 0 based indexes on its enumerated types
Yes, it uses 0 for the indexes, or rather for the position of the values of the type. This is not the value of the enumeration literals, and not the binary representation of them.
what are the ordinal values for the following examples?
There are no "ordinal" values. The values of the type are the ones you specified. You are confusing "value", "representation", and "position" here.
The values of your Status_Type are Undefined, Available, Out, Assigned, Effected, and Cleared.
The positions are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. These are what you can use to translate with 'Pos and 'Val.
The representation defaults to the position, but you can freely assign other values (as long as you keep the correct order). These are used if you write it to a file, or send it through a socket, or load it into a register..

I think the best way to answer your questions is in reverse:
A subtype is, mathematically speaking, a continuous subset of its parent type. So, if the type SIZES is (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and you define a subtype MEDIUM as (4,5) the first element of MEDIUM is 4.
Type Small_Natural is 0..16;
Subtype Small_Positive is Small_Natural'Succ(Small_Natural'First)..Small_Natural'Last;
This defines two small sets of possible-values, which are tightly related: namely that Positive numbers are all the Natural Numbers save Zero.
I used this form to illustrate that with a few text-changes we have the following example:
Type Device is ( Not_Present, Power_Save, Read, Write );
Subtype Device_State is Device'Succ(Device'First)..Device'Last;
And here we are modeling the intuitive notion that a device must be present to have a state, but note that the values in the subtype ARE [exactly] the values in the type from which they are derived.
This answers your second question: Yes, an element of an enumeration would have the same value that its parent-type would.
As to the first, I believe the starting position is actually implementation defined (if not then I assume the LM defaults it to 0). You are, however free to override that and provide your own numbering, the only restriction being that elements earlier in the enumeration are valued less than the value that you are assigning currently [IIRC].


Julia type instability: Array of LinearInterpolations

I am trying to improve the performance of my code by removing any sources of type instability.
For example, I have several instances of Array{Any} declarations, which I know generally destroy performance. Here is a minimal example (greatly simplified compared to my code) of a 2D Array of LinearInterpolation objects, i.e
for l in 1:n
for alpha in 1:m
so that typeof(abstract_arr) gives Array{Any,2}.
How can I initialize abstract_arr to avoid using Array{Any} here?
And how can I do this in general for Arrays whose entries are structures like Dicts() where the Dicts() are dictionaries of 2-tuples of Float64?
If you make a comprehension, the type will be figured out for you:
arr = [LinearInterpolation(arr_x, ;alpha.*arr_x.^n) for l in 1:n, alpha in 1:m]
isconcretetype(eltype(arr)) # true
When it can predict the type & length, it will make the right array the first time. When it cannot, it will widen or extend it as necessary. So probably some of these will be Vector{Int}, and some Vector{Union{Nothing, Int}}:
[rand()>0.8 ? nothing : 0 for i in 1:3]
[rand()>0.8 ? nothing : 0 for i in 1:3]
[rand()>0.8 ? nothing : 0 for i in 1:10]
The main trick is that you just need to know the type of the object that is returned by LinearInterpolation, and then you can specify that instead of Any when constructing the array. To determine that, let's look at the typeof one of these objects
julia> typeof(LinearInterpolation(arr_x,arr_x.^2))
Interpolations.Extrapolation{Float64, 1, ScaledInterpolation{Float64, 1, Interpolations.BSplineInterpolation{Float64, 1, Vector{Float64}, BSpline{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}}, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, BSpline{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}}, Tuple{LinRange{Float64}}}, BSpline{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}}, Throw{Nothing}}
This gives a fairly complicated type, but we don't necessarily need to use the whole thing (though in some cases it might be more efficient to). So for instance, we can say
using Interpolations
for l in 1:n
for alpha in 1:m
which gives us a result of type
julia> typeof(abstract_arr)
Matrix{Interpolations.Extrapolation} (alias for Array{Interpolations.Extrapolation, 2})
Since the return type of this LinearInterpolation does not seem to be of known size, and
julia> isbitstype(typeof(LinearInterpolation(arr_x,arr_x.^2)))
each assignment to this array will still trigger allocations, and consequently there actually may not be much or any performance gain from the added type stability when it comes to filling the array. Nonetheless, there may still be performance gains down the line when it comes to using values stored in this array (depending on what is subsequently done with them).

Programming and data structures

Suggest a data structure for representing a subset S of integers from 1 to n. Following operations on the set S are to be performed in constant time (independent of cardinality of S).
You may assume that the data structure has been suitable initialized.
(i). MEMBER (X):
Check whether X is in the set S or not
(ii). FIND-ONE(S): If S is not empty, return one element of the set S (any arbitrary element will do)
(iii). ADD (X): Add integer X to set S
(iv). DELETE (X): Delete integer X from S.
My analysis:-
I think hash table will work fine here ,but how will hash table work for FIND-ONES(S) operation.Because i might need to scan the entire has table to look for the present element.
You can just use a regular hashset for this in java. In the case of the FIND-ONE(S) what you would do is, call isEmpty(). If that returns false, use the built in iterator, and just get the first value the iterator returns.
A hash table would work, but you need to think about the specific implementation. If you use the compact version from Python 3.6, you can perform FIND-ONEs in constant time by inspecting the entries list.
For example, the dictionary:
d = {'timmy': 'red', 'barry': 'green', 'guido': 'blue'}
is represented as follows:
indices = [None, 1, None, None, None, 0, None, 2]
entries = [[-9092791511155847987, 'timmy', 'red'],
[-8522787127447073495, 'barry', 'green'],
[-6480567542315338377, 'guido', 'blue']]

Verilog, using enum with don't cares

Is it possible to use enum with don't cares? I've tried the following
typedef enum reg [31:0] {
BLTZ = 32'b000001_?????_00000_????????????????,
BGEZ = 32'b000001_?????_00001_????????????????,
BEQ = 32'b000100_?????_?????_????????????????,
BNE = 32'b000101_?????_?????_????????????????,
Then using the syntax given by, I tried the following to see if I can get an "ADD" instruction to be displayed on the waveform viewer
op_mne_e op_mnemonic;
assign op_mnemonic = op_mne_e'(32'b000000_?????_?????_?????_?????_10000);
but what I see is
Is it possible to have something similar to a casez for enum?
I have edited the tags to this question, because you are asking about System-Verilog, not Verilog. What we call Verilog is now a subset of the System-Verilog standard, IEEE-1800.
In System-Verilog, enumeration types have an underlying base type. By default this type is int, which is a 2-state type (each bit can only take the values 0 or 1). You can specify other base types if you wish. Each member of the enumeration type is represented by a different value of the type of the base type.
You have specified a 4-state, 32-bit base type: reg [31:0]*. Those 4 states are 0, 1, Z (or ?) and X. So, each member of the enumeration type is represented by a 4-state value, ie some combination of 0, 1, Z (or ?) and X. But, when you display the value with a "%b" format specifier, that's what you get: you get the underlying 4-state value (using Zs, not ?s).
In a casez statement, a Z or a ? represents a don't care. So, you can use an such an enum with a 4-state base type in a casez statement if you wish:
casez (op_mnemonic)
BLTZ : $display("BLTZ");
BGEZ : $display("BGEZ");
BEQ : $display("BEQ");
BNE : $display("BNE");
but, as we're speaking System-Verilog here, why not use case ... inside instead?
case (op_mnemonic) inside
BLTZ : $display("BLTZ");
BGEZ : $display("BGEZ");
BEQ : $display("BEQ");
BNE : $display("BNE");
case ... inside is usually considered safer than the old casez, because it exhibits asymmetrical wildcard matching. In other words, unlike in a casez, in a case ... inside an X or Z (or ?) in the test expression (op_mnemonic in this case) does not act like a don't care (but does in the branch expression, of course).
*It would be more usual in System-Verilog to specify logic [31:0], which is identical, but logic is usually used in System-Verilog in preference to reg.
If you want the labels of your enum variable displayed in the waveform, you will need to set the radix to display it. Most tools default to displaying in binary. SystemVerilog has a number of operators that treat 'z' as a don't care (casez is one of them) so '?' is allowed as part of a numeric literal in place of a 'z'. However, that '?' gets immediately converted over to a 'z' and you will never see a '?' printed out.
If you are trying to assign a value to an enum and have it decode the instruction and pick a matching label, that won't work. You would need to loop the the enum values and use the wildcard equality operator ==? to find a match.
But if you are only doing this to get a label in the waveform, Modelsim/Questa has a radix define command that will decode the instruction for you.

How to get precision (number of digits past decimal) from a Ruby BigDecimal object?

Given the following expression for a new BigDecimal object:
b ="3.3")
How can I get the precision that has been defined for it? I would like to know a method that will return 1, as there is 1 digit after the decimal. I'm asking this because b.precision or b.digits don't work.
Thanks to Stefan, a method name for dealing with such information is BigDecimal#precs. Given that a BigDecimal object comes from a database, I don't know the precision of that database object. I have tried the following, but it does not seem useful for my situation.
b =, 2)
=> [18, 27]
How can I retrieve the 2 information/argument?
In Ruby 2.2.2 (and, I'm guessing, in prior versions), you can't get
back the precision that was given to BigDecimal::new. That's
because it is used in some computations; only the result of those
computations is stored. This doc comment is a clue:
The actual number of significant digits used in computation is
usually larger than the specified number.
Let's look at the source to see what's going on. BigDecimal_new
extracts the parameters, does some limit and type checking, and calls
VpAlloc. mf holds the digits argument to BigDecimal::new:
return VpAlloc(mf, RSTRING_PTR(iniValue));
In VpAlloc, mf gets
renamed to mx:
VpAlloc(size_t mx, const char *szVal)
The very first thing MxAlloc does is to round mx (the precision) up to
the nearest multiple of BASE_FIG:
mx = (mx + BASE_FIG - 1) / BASE_FIG; /* Determine allocation unit. */
if (mx == 0) ++mx;
BASE_FIG is equivalent to RMPD_COMPONENT_FIGURES, which has a platform
dependent value of either 38, 19, 9, 4, or 2.
There are further computations with mx before it is stored in the
BigDecimal being created, but we can already see that the original
argument passed to ::new is destroyed and not recoverable.

Convert Enum to Binary (via Integer or something similar)

I have an Ada enum with 2 values type Polarity is (Normal, Reversed), and I would like to convert them to 0, 1 (or True, False--as Boolean seems to implicitly play nice as binary) respectively, so I can store their values as specific bits in a byte. How can I accomplish this?
An easy way is a lookup table:
Bool_Polarity : constant Array(Polarity) of Boolean
:= (Normal=>False, Reversed => True);
then use it as
B Boolean := Bool_Polarity(P);
Of course there is nothing wrong with using the 'Pos attribute, but the LUT makes the mapping readable and very obvious.
As it is constant, you'd like to hope it optimises away during the constant folding stage, and it seems to: I have used similar tricks compiling for AVR with very acceptable executable sizes (down to 0.6k to independently drive 2 stepper motors)
3.5.5 Operations of Discrete Types include the function S'Pos(Arg : S'Base), which "returns the position number of the value of Arg, as a value of type universal integer." Hence,
Polarity'Pos(Normal) = 0
Polarity'Pos(Reversed) = 1
You can change the numbering using 13.4 Enumeration Representation Clauses.
...and, of course:
Boolean'Val(Polarity'Pos(Normal)) = False
Boolean'Val(Polarity'Pos(Reversed)) = True
I think what you are looking for is a record type with a representation clause:
procedure Main is
type Byte_T is mod 2**8-1;
for Byte_T'Size use 8;
type Filler7_T is mod 2**7-1;
for Filler7_T'Size use 7;
type Polarity_T is (Normal,Reversed);
for Polarity_T use (Normal => 0, Reversed => 1);
for Polarity_T'Size use 1;
type Byte_As_Record_T is record
Filler : Filler7_T;
Polarity : Polarity_T;
end record;
for Byte_As_Record_T use record
Filler at 0 range 0 .. 6;
Polarity at 0 range 7 .. 7;
end record;
for Byte_As_Record_T'Size use 8;
function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => Byte_As_Record_T,
Target => Byte_T);
function Convert is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => Byte_T,
Target => Byte_As_Record_T);
-- TBC
end Main;
As Byte_As_Record_T & Byte_T are the same size, you can use unchecked conversion to convert between the types safely.
The representation clause for Byte_As_Record_T allows you to specify which bits/bytes to place your polarity_t in. (i chose the 8th bit)
My definition of Byte_T might not be what you want, but as long as it is 8 bits long the principle should still be workable. From Byte_T you can also safely upcast to Integer or Natural or Positive. You can also use the same technique to go directly to/from a 32 bit Integer to/from a 32 bit record type.
Two points here:
1) Enumerations are already stored as binary. Everything is. In particular, your enumeration, as defined above, will be stored as a 0 for Normal and a 1 for Reversed, unless you go out of your way to tell the compiler to use other values.
If you want to get that value out of the enumeration as an Integer rather than an enumeration value, you have two options. The 'pos() attribute will return a 0-based number for that enumeration's position in the enumeration, and Unchecked_Conversion will return the actual value the computer stores for it. (There is no difference in the value, unless an enumeration representation clause was used).
2) Enumerations are nice, but don't reinvent Boolean. If your enumeration can only ever have two values, you don't gain anything useful by making a custom enumeration, and you lose a lot of useful properties that Boolean has. Booleans can be directly selected off of in loops and if checks. Booleans have and, or, xor, etc. defined for them. Booleans can be put into packed arrays, and then those same operators are defined bitwise across the whole array.
A particular pet peeve of mine is when people end up defining themselves a custom boolean with the logic reversed (so its true condition is 0). If you do this, the ghost of Ada Lovelace will come back from the grave and force you to listen to an exhaustive explanation of how to calculate Bernoulli sequences with a Difference Engine. Don't let this happen to you!
So if it would never make sense to have a third enumeration value, you just name objects something appropriate describing the True condition (eg: Reversed_Polarity : Boolean;), and go on your merry way.
It seems all I needed to do was pragma Pack([type name]); (in which 'type name' is the type composed of Polarity) to compress the value down to a single bit.
