Keeping a rich:modalPanel open on validation fail? - validation

I'm trying to keep my modal from closing when validation, done with an actionLister, fails.
I've seen numerous discussions on this issue with several purposed solutions but have had no luck with any of them. Anyone have any working solutions?
I'm using RichFaces 3.3.3.Final.

Have you tried this?
oncomplete="if (#{!validation.failed}) Richfaces.hideModalPanel('accounts_popup1');"

I love StackOverflow because I always find the solution immediately after posting a question.
The first solution in works for me.
Paraphrased, put an id on your h:messages element and then do this Javascript check to see if you can close the modal.
function modalClose() {
if (!document.getElementById('fullresolvedidofmessagepanel')) {
The strings here are stand ins.

Yup - in the oncomplete(..) function of your button verify whether the facesContext contains any errors. If not - hide(), otherwise do nothing.


Tinymce disappears after gowd package event handle (GoLang)

Have a problem with gowd package after event behavior.
When I use event in:
button.OnEvent("onclick", EventHandleFunction) { ... }
and trying to change DOM with function like:
element.AddHTML("<p id='myId'>This is a paragraph</p>")
.. my TineMCE stops to work - whole theme is lost, and only empty textarea remains.
Something is going wrong I guess, and some html nodes are deleted, not keeped by gowd functions anymore.
Has anyone any idea what is wrong and how to fix it ?
Searched for issue everywhere but haven't found a solution.

Laravel Dusk how to check if element is visible/clickable?

I have a scenario where I'd like not check IF an element exists and is visible/clickable. If not, script processing continues.
While Laravel Dusk provides $browser->assertVisible($selector) method, this ends up in an exception if the element is not visible. Or $browser->waitFor('.selector'); but this also ends the script processing if element doesn't appear.
Here is the criteria Selenium uses to check for an element being visible is found here: How to force Selenium WebDriver to click on element which is not currently visible?
Apparently Dusk doesn't provide this kind of method. What would be the best way to implement it?
Better late than never I suppose.
isDisplayed() works pretty well (though not if it's covered up by other elements)...
if($browser->driver->findElement(WebDriverBy::cssSelector('#my-selector'))->isDisplayed()) {
// do something
if I have overlays covering my elements, I use ->waitUntilMissing(), or in extreme cases I call on $browser->driver->executeScript() and run some jQuery to temporarily manipulate an element that is "in the way".
You can try to find the element and try to retrieve properties of it. If the properties are empty, the element is not visible. E.g.
$hiddenBtn = $browser->element('#show-more');
if($hiddenBtn && $hiddenBtn->getText()){
This worked for me.
Without a good idea of what you're trying to accomplish you can always wait until the element is visible:

kendo grid works fine when javaScript alert exist but not working without javaScript alert

When I add a new row kendo ui grid it does not move to next page even I set page number dynamically.
But when there is a javaScrip alert it's working fine.
Has any one faced this issue before. Please suggest me a solution.
Thank you.
The problem is that when you add a new row there are a series of actions that happen in parallel and they are not immediate. If you try to move to the end but the row still is being created, if fails.
When you add an alert, you delay the fact of moving and creation now have time.
If you really need to do it, you can add a timeout (delay) it is not nice/clean but should work.
Do something like:
setTimeout(function() {;
}, 500);
for introducing half second (500 ms) delay, should be enough.
We had sort of similar issue in IE - onchange fired twice with alert in the event handler. According to what you saying, it sounds like when the alert is NOT in you are getting correct behaviour. Review your code without having the alert in or post a fiddle. Below is an answer from Kendo support in regards to alerts while debugging. Do not use alerts with kendo to stay safe.
Basically this behavior is caused by using "alert" method for debugging purposes - please note that this is not recommended because it can lead to unexpected behavior when interacting with focusing elements. After replacing the "alert" method and with "debbuger" command or "console.log()" function the change event is working as expected - please check this screencast(
Hope it helps.

Conditional update in Primefaces/jsf

First of all, so that there are no misunderstandings, while this is the same question as PrimeFaces: conditional update on validation I am asking it again, because the answer to that question is not acceptable to me, because while it may have given the original poster a workaround for what they were asking, it doesn't really answer the question, and this workaround doesn't work for me.
So, here's my question: how do I conditionally update a primefaces component based on the results of the submition?
I have a component that must not, under any circumstances be updated UNLESS the validation is successful and backend code was executed successfully. (i.e. if the validation succeeds but there was an SQL exception on the back end, the component still shouldn't be updated).
Why can't I always update it? If the logic doesn't succeed it'll be updated to the same thing it was before the submit button was clicked. Because I can't. It's the captcha component. If you update it via ajax, it disappears, end of story. There was a ticket opened at Primefaces and they closed it as won't fix, because flash compoents aren't supposed to be updated w/ ajax.
So when I submit the form, unless the logic succeeds I need to leave the captcha alone. IF the logic succeeds, I need to make sure the captcha disappears off screen. What's the easiest, cleanest way to do it?
Excuse me if this is a n00b question. I'm really new to Primefaces and JSF.
Helps for conditional updates.
For recaptcha try
You can use a combination of JavaScript and RemoteCommand:
<p:commandLink action="#{bean.doIt()}" process="#form" update="#none" oncomplete="if(!args.validationFailed){updateMyImportantUI();}" />
<p:remoteCommand name="updateMyImportantUI" process="#this" update=":myImportantID" />
You can use a variable at the backing bean and use it on the xhtml part.
Like this:
So, after the condition you can put the value for updateString, but when you define it on the backingMB, you need to put it as:
String updateString=""; // this will be id of the component to be updated
This way you won't get a NullPointerException.

ModalPopUpExtender with checkbox validation

I have an AJAX Application that I have been working on. At this point in the development - I have a modalpopupextender with a warning message and an OK and Cancel button. I have just been tasked with changing this to be three checkboxes and having the OK button disabled until all three boxes have been checked. I'm having a difficult time trying to accomplish this. I'm not sure if I should use a checkboxlist control or just three checkboxes. I am also not sure if the enabling/disabling of the button should be handled through javascript or codebehind. I have tried a little of both - with no success so any guidance is very much appreciated.
Three checkboxs would seem to work quite well if you ask me.. you can have each check box run the same validation function to check on the other 2. Also, i have found that using 'this.disable=true' would work quite well for what you are trying to accomplish. This way everything is handled under JS and there is no need to use the codebehind.
function validate() {
if ('checkbox is not checked')
if ('checkbox2 is not checked')
if ('checkbox3 is not checked')
submit.disabled = false;
