CreateProcess returns non 0 but GetExitCodeProcess() returns 128 - windows

I am creating an application that will start another process using CreateProcess(). And in the parent process I will use GetExitCodeProcess() to check whether the process active or not.
Here CreateProcess() is successful (returned a non negative value) but GetExitCodeProcess() returns 128 (There are no child processes to wait for). I am not seeing any trace of the child process started(usually some debugs). It happens intermittently.
Any idea what really happened to the child process?. Where we get more information (in system/application event logs?).
Please guide me.

Thanks for your comments.
I have found the following MSDN articles that gives the same symptoms and resolution for the problem.
Cmd.exe, Perl.exe, or other console-mode applications may fail to initialize properly and terminate prematurely when launched by a service using the CreateProcess() or CreateProcessAsUser() APIs. The calling process has no way of knowing that the launched console-mode application has terminated prematurely.
In some instances, calling GetExitCode() against the failed process indicates the following exit code:
128L ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN - There are no child processes to wait for.


How to get process id from SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION struct?

I am iterating on all the processes in the system using:
Get the first process using "NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessInformation, buffer, buffer_size, NULL)".
Get the next processes using "NextEntryOffset" in SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION whose format is at
and I want to filter these processes based on their PID. How do I get the PID from SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION struct is not clear to me. There is a field called "UniqueProcessId" which gives a HANDLE to the process but after passing it to "GetProcessId" I get error code 6 which means process handle is not correct.
Any suggestions on finding either the process handle or pid from SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Most of the NT api will contain the following statement:
[Nt*** may be altered or unavailable in future versions of Windows.]
In your case, you can use the following methods instead of NtQuerySystemInformation to retrieve the process of the system:
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot + Process32First/Process32Next

How to check if a process started in the background still running?

It looks like if you create a subprocess via exec.Cmd and Start() it, the Cmd.Process field is populated right away, however Cmd.ProcessState field remains nil until the process exits.
// ProcessState contains information about an exited process,
// available after a call to Wait or Run.
ProcessState *os.ProcessState
So it looks like I can't actually check the status of a process I Start()ed while it's still running?
It makes no sense to me ProcessState is set when the process exits. There's an ProcessState.Exited() method which will always return true in this case.
So I tried to go this route instead: cmd.Process.Pid field exists right after I cmd.Start(), however it looks like os.Process doesn't expose any mechanisms to check if the process is running.
os.FindProcess says:
On Unix systems, FindProcess always succeeds and returns a Process for the given pid, regardless of whether the process exists.
which isn't useful –and it seems like there's no way to go from os.Process to an os.ProcessState unless you .Wait() which defeats the whole purpose (I want to know if the process is running or not before it has exited).
I think you have two reasonable options here:
Spin off a goroutine that waits for the process to exit. When the wait is done, you know the process exited. (Positive: pretty easy to code correctly; negative: you dedicate an OS thread to waiting.)
Use syscall.Wait4() on the published Pid. A Wait4 with syscall.WNOHANG set returns immediately, filling in the status.
It might be nice if there were an exported os or cmd function that did the Wait4 for you and filled in the ProcessState. You could supply WNOHANG or not, as you see fit. But there isn't.
The point of ProcessState.Exited() is to distinguish between all the various possibilities, including:
process exited normally (with a status byte)
process died due to receiving an unhandled signal
See the stringer for ProcessState. Note that there are more possibilities than these two ... only there seems to be no way to get the others into a ProcessState. The only calls to syscall.Wait seem to be:
syscall/exec_unix.go: after a failed exec, to collect zombies before returning an error; and
os/exec_unix.go: after a call to p.blockUntilWaitable().
If it were not for the blockUntilWaitable, the exec_unix.go implementation variant for wait() could call syscall.Wait4 with syscall.WNOHANG, but blockUntilWaitable itself ensures that this is pointless (and the goal of this particular wait is to wait for exit anyway).

How to debug MPI program before bad termination?

I am currently developing a program written in C++ with the MPI+pthread paradigm.
I add some functionality to my program, however I have a bad termination message from one MPI process, like this:
= PID 37805 RUNNING AT node165
[proxy:0:0#node162] HYD_pmcd_pmip_control_cmd_cb (pm/pmiserv/pmip_cb.c:887): assert (!closed) failed
[proxy:0:0#node162] HYDT_dmxu_poll_wait_for_event (tools/demux/demux_poll.c:76): callback returned error status
[proxy:0:2#node166] HYD_pmcd_pmip_control_cmd_cb (pm/pmiserv/pmip_cb.c:887): assert (!closed) failed
[proxy:0:2#node166] HYDT_dmxu_poll_wait_for_event (tools/demux/demux_poll.c:76): callback returned error status
[proxy:0:2#node166] main (pm/pmiserv/pmip.c:202): demux engine error waiting for event
srun: error: node162: task 0: Exited with exit code 7
[proxy:0:0#node162] main (pm/pmiserv/pmip.c:202): demux engine error waiting for event
srun: error: node166: task 2: Exited with exit code 7
[mpiexec#node162] HYDT_bscu_wait_for_completion (tools/bootstrap/utils/bscu_wait.c:76): one of the processes terminated badly; aborting
[mpiexec#node162] HYDT_bsci_wait_for_completion (tools/bootstrap/src/bsci_wait.c:23): launcher returned error waiting for completion
[mpiexec#node162] HYD_pmci_wait_for_completion (pm/pmiserv/pmiserv_pmci.c:218): launcher returned error waiting for completion
[mpiexec#node162] main (ui/mpich/mpiexec.c:340): process manager error waiting for completion
My problem is such that I have no idea about why I have this kind of message, and thus how to correct it.
I use only some basic functions from MPI, and ensure that there is no threads which uses MPI calls (only my "master process" is allowed to call such functions).
I also checked that one process does not send message to itself, and that the process destination exist before sending a message.
My question is quite simple: how to know where the problem comes from to then debug my application ?
Thank you a lot.
one of your processes has had a segmentation fault. This means reading from or writing to an area of memory that it is not permitted to.
That's the cause and MPI functions often are difficult to get right the first time - for example it could be MPI send and receive functions with incorrect sizes or locations.
The best solution is to fire up a parallel debugger so that you can watch all the processes. It looks like you are using a proper HPC system so there is a chance that there is one installed on the system -- ddt or totalview are the most popular.
Take a look at How to debug an MPI program
My experience with this problem when writing in C++ and using MPI is that this frequently occurred when I did not set MPI_Finalze(); before every return statement.

Trying to implement `signal.CTRL_C_EVENT` in Python3.6

I'm reading about signals and am attempting to implement signal.CTRL_C_EVENT
From what I"m understanding, if the user presses CTRC + C while the program is running, a signal will be sent to kill a program. I can specify the program as a parameter?
My attempt to test out the usage:
import sys
import signal
import time
import os
os.kill('python.exe', signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
print ("Wait...")
However, it seems I need a pid number and 'python.exe' doesn't work. I looked under processes and I can't seem to find a PID number. I did see a PID column under services, but there were so many services -- I couldn't find a python one.
So how do I find PID number?
Also, does signal_CTRL_C_EVENT always have to be used within os.kill?
Can It be used for other purposes?
Thank you.
Windows doesn't implement Unix signals, so Python fakes os.kill. Unfortunately its implementation is confusing. It should have been split up into os.kill and os.killpg, but we're stuck with an implementation that mixes the two. To send Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break, you need to use os.kill as if it were really os.killpg.
When its signal argument is either CTRL_C_EVENT (0) or CTRL_BREAK_EVENT (1), os.kill calls WinAPI GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent. This instructs the console (i.e. the conhost.exe instance that's hosting the console window of the current process) to send the event to a given process group ID (PGID). Group ID 0 is special cased to broadcast the event to all processes attached to the console. Otherwise
a process group ID is the ID of the lead process in a process group. Every process is either created as the leader of a new group or inherits the group of its parent. A new group can be created via the CreateProcess creation flag CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP.
If either calling GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent fails (e.g. the current process isn't attached to a console) or the signal argument isn't one of the above-mentioned control events, then os.kill instead attempts to open a handle for the given process ID (PID) with terminate access and call WinAPI TerminateProcess. This function is like sending a SIGKILL signal in Unix, but with a variable exit code. Note the confusion in that it operates on an individual process (i.e. kill), not a process group (i.e. killpg).
Windows doesn't provide a function to get the group ID of a process, so generally the only way to get a valid PGID is to create the process yourself. You can pass the CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flag to subprocess.Popen via its creationflags parameter. Then you can send Ctrl+Break to the child process and all of its children that are in the same group, but only if it's a console process that's attached to the same console as your current process, i.e. it won't work if you also also use any of these flags: CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, or DETACHED_PROCESS. Also, Ctrl+C is disabled in such a process, unless the child manually enables it via WinAPI SetConsoleCtrlHandler.
Only use os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.CTRL_C_EVENT) when you know for certain that your current process was started as the lead process of a group. Otherwise the behavior is undefined, and in practice it works like sending to process group ID 0.
You can get pid via os.getpid()
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)

Win32: Get message notification of other application's close/exit

My application needs to monitor all other running applications on the system. Is there some way I could get notified on exit of every application exe?
The methods I could find:
1) Use PSAPI functions to get the list of running exes at frequent intervals. At each poll compare with the previous list to find which application/process has exited.
Disadvantage: Requires constant polling, will take CPU time.
2) Set a global hook for WM_CLOSE message: Using this I would be able to get a notification when any application gets closed through the close button on the title bar
(-)Not all the applications are generating a WM_CLOSE message(Ex: Total Video Player Exe)
(-)If the application was closed through the "Exit" menu or button (e.g. File->Exit) , I can't trap that message
Is there any other better way that I missed? Please advise.
Get a list of PIDs using PSAPI.
Then get a handle on each process using OpenProcess().
Use WaitForMultipleObjects() to be signalled when one of the processes exits.
You could try the RegisterShellHookWindow() API and filter for HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED and HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED messages.
Of course, that will only get you notified about applications that have a window.
I recently ran into this problem and found a solution so wanted to share with you all. It all correct the way we should obtain handle to the process. Instead of WaitForSingleOBject though, I would recommend to use RegisterWaitForSingle object function. With this function you are giving a callback function and whenever the process exits, your callback function will be called. This is better than calling WaitForSingleObject in a thread. Calling WaitForSingleObject in your code by itself will cause your code to wait until the process exits. Here is an example of how to call it:
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&waitHandle, processHandle, ProcessTerminatedCallback, param, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);
[out]waitHandle - new handle created for you. Please note that you cannot use this handle to call CloseHandle, but you can wait on it, if you want to.
[in] processHandle - handle to the process that you are supposed to obtain yourself
[in] ProcessTerminatedCallback - the callback function that will be called when the process exits
[in] param - LPVOID parameter that will be passed to the callback
[in] INFINITE - either wait infinitely or for a specified time, look up MSDN for more info
[in] WM_EXECUTEONLYONCE - will call the callback function only once. look up MSDN for more info
> Is there any other better way that I missed?
Yes, plenty. See on Win32 group (system notifications, without any hook)
