Data binding controls in - controls

I have to display a set of data in the following manner:
Which ASP.NET 3.5 control best matches my requirement?
If one matches, could you please give me an idea about how to format it to view like the image?

Well, first off you have multiple blocks (multiple rows) so I would suggest a Repeater. Within each block you must display three columns (the image the text and the small images), and you should use a Panel (renders as a ). In the second panel you have multiple lines of text for which you can use Labels because they allow for rendering as a so that you an include a class.
Style everything nicely with CSS and you should be able to remake the above picture.

I think repeater control would be fine for your requirement.


Having multiple pages with multiple identical elements managed by a single code

in my xamarin application I have multiple pages that contain the same elements (header and horizontal menu), and every time I have to make a change I have to change the code in every single page, there is a way to insert fixed elements in each page ?
In xamarin, use Xamarin.Forms control templates to achieve what you want.
First create a template, design the style you want and set bindable parameters. Then when you use it, you only need to import the class directly, and you can flexibly bind the values you want to use.
For more information, please refer to the official documentation: Xamarin.Forms control templates.

Load a XAML Layout dynamically based on User interaction

Good day, I am quite new to windows phone and so please bear with me. I have a requirement to load a XAML layout based on what the user chooses. For example, if i have 4 XAML layouts A, B, C, D, when the user chooses C, the respective XAML layout should be loaded and if A is choosen later, that should come up. I can create different XAML layouts and use the OnNavigateTo Method, but i think its not very efficient. Is there a way, i can group the XAML Layouts together so that it can switch between them easily?.. I have heard of using templates, but can't really find any concrete example of how it works. Any help or links will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
From my understanding you do not need to use templates. Since there are four different actions that have four different views associated with them, there shouldn't really be a problem with having a separate page for each action.
The problem might also be this - how different are the layouts? If data is the only thing that changes across them, you might think about having a view model to bind to and simply change the bindable source.
Bottom line: just use pages, or a single page bound to dynamic data, depending on your scenario.
In my knowledge , I ask you to prefer the UserControls implementation in your UI. You can have A,B,C and D layouts as a separate UserControls and can have those UserControls in the same page. Just make the visibility changes based on the condition that recognize it in the code behind. I think it may help you.
You can solve this in many different ways. If you are not supposed to load the layout on the same page, create 4 separate pages for each view and navigate to correct page.
If you are required to update the current view, you can choose one of the following:
- Place all four layouts into each own Grid and set Visibility="Collapsed" for each one. Then, when you need to show a layout, simply change its Visibility to True.
- Same as above, but use Visual States to add some animations.
- Create 4 user controls and dynamically create the one you need and add it to the current page.
You need to account for several factors here:
- Clean code and clean design.
- Animations and transitions.
- What about Back key? If user is supposed to navigate back to selection screen once he is done, consider navigating to separate pages.
Don't forget the last point, it may be crucial when choosing the right solution.

Add an icon instead of a text in a column

in JQGrid 3.8, is it possible to have an icon instead of text in a column ?
I don't think it's possible but if you have a trick, i'd be happy
There are many ways to add icons in the grid. First way is: the data which be placed in the column header (colNames) or inside of the cell data could be HTML data. So you can easy insert the <img> element in the grid. One more method is th use custom formatters. See here some demos. If the standard jQuery UI icons contain all the icons which you need I would recommend you to use there.

DataGrid column header with a text box for filtering

I'm having a bit of problems creating a DataGrid with a header label AND a text box (at this point I'm not even entirely sure this is possible).
Here's what I want to do:
I need to dynamically create a table (the number of columns can and will change, so the grid needs to be created dynamically and cannot use bindings specified in the XAML code or similar). All the columns however will always be text columns.
Because those will be text columns, I'd like to add a text box to each header to enable simple filtering of the data in the DataGrid. I don't want to add extra text fields to OTHER parts of the Silverlight page, as I want to keep things as compact as possible. Also, since the number of columns is dynamic, adding a large number of text boxes above the DataGrid wouldn't look too good either. ;)
Also, if possible, I'd like to keep a label in each header to display the names of the columns as well.
So far I've tried adding the a TextBox as the Header of a DataGridTextBoxColumn but when I do that in a very simple Silverlight project, the whole DataGrid won't show up.
Please help.
I saw the answer to this question: placing a text box inside the silverlight data grid column header
However, the answer itself didn't give me much to go on (the example is too short, and I'm not too good with XAML yet), and the code on CodePlex just adds extra fields to the Silverlight page. None of it tackles the problem of dynamically creating the DataGrid.
OK, here's what I did that solved my issue...
I had to use a Style to achieve the functionality of having an extra text box inside each column header and filling out the Tag property of each thus created TextBox to later find out which column has been changed.

Two Column Article content Joomla

How to make some of article when I click readmore the paragraph not show
to the bottom but to the right side...
Here's the illustration screenshot:
You can't do proper columns - ie. when the text flows from the bottom of one column it moves to the top of the next, without use of CSS3 (which isn't widely supported). You could probably do something with a bit of mootools or jquery as an alternative.
However, if you just want to show the intro text in one div and the main text in another (something like then you need to modify your template /templates/templatename/html/com_content/article/default.php, by creating your required 'static' layout and then loading the different article pieces into each container, but this won't help with text flow.
