Force encrypted network traffic with Oracle thin client and jdbc? - oracle

Is there a way to force encryption of network traffic (that is, result set data) using Oracle thin client and jdbc?
I understand that this can be done by setting up a java.util.Properties object and passing that to DriverManager.getConnection( String, Properties), but is there a way to specify this in the jdbc url?
I'm using a third party tool written in Java, which handles creating its own connections, so creating and passing the Properties object won't work for me.

Have a look at the Oracle JDBC documentation. There is a chapter about Client Side Security Features, that talks about using system properties to configure a Thin Driver for SSL.


connection checker java class in spring boot using HikariCP

Jboss have a mechanism where by I can execute a connection checker class(OracleValidConnectionChecker) before a connection is checked out from the connection pool. That would be helpful in calling a stored procedure before each DB call.(This is needed for setting security context in DB layer for Oracle Layer Security)
Is there any similar mechanism in spring boot (tomcat) using HikariCP ?
I know that there is a connection checker SQL query config (spring.datasource.hikari.connection-test-query). But I am looking for a way to execute a Procedure with input parameters.
As per I believe connectionInitSql would make more sense in your case. connectionTestQuery is for "legacy" drivers that do not support the JDBC4 Connection.isValid().
You may be able to construct your own stored procedure query and pass it into this property, however, be wary you will not benefit from the protection prepared statements generally provide eg. sql injection.

How to access gemfire cache from jdbc driver

I have a gemfire cache v8.2.1 from which I want to access data using a third party tool which can only access data using jdbc driver only. Does anyone know how can I connect to gemfire cache for accessing data using jdbc? I don't require to write to cache, just want to read from the cache.
I came across with gemfirexd on internet but can see that its marked as "End of availability".
Is there any other way where persisted Objects can be retrieved or OQL can be fired but can mimic a jdbc driver so that the any tool that accepts only jdbc drivers can be used?
Please help.
Apache Calcite has a Geode adapter that enables you read data from GemFire over JDBC. There is also this video explaining this.

JDBC connectivity from Airpal

Airpal currently uses presto client to connect to PrestoDB. However as I understand, it can also use JDBC for this connectivity. Is there any code available for this purpose? Even if it is for connecting to any other database it might be helpful for me. The model for presto client looks a lot different than other models like JDBC etc.
Airpal is using presto client connectivity and also using these objects (mostly for schema and data like Column, QueryResults etc.) internally in its various modules.
One way for providing JDBC connectivity is to move its lowest layer of DB connectivity (executeWith invocations of com.airbnb.airpal.core.execution.QueryCliemt: there is 1 for data and about 6 for metadata) to JDBC query execution. The JDBC results (mostly data and schema) can then be converted to presto client api equivalent objects and rest of the logic in airpal would follow.
Another approach is to rewrite airpal with native JDBC support by moving over to JDBC objects for internal use and communication as well. It looks like a much bigger change.
I am planning to add support for dynamically choosing between presto client or JDBC connectivity. I will use the com.airbnb.airpal.presto.QueryRunner to hold either a presto client session or a JDBC connection accordingly.

Jax rs client pool

I am working on setting up a REST Client using jax-rs 2 client API.
In the api doc it says "Clients are heavy-weight objects that manage the client-side communication infrastructure. Initialization as well as disposal of a Client instance may be a rather expensive operation. It is therefore advised to construct only a small number of Client instances in the application." ( As per this statement it sounds like Client is not thread-safe and i should not be using single Client instance for all requests.
I am using CXF implementation, so far i didn't find a way to set up pool for Client objects.
If anyone has any information reg this could you please share.
Thanks in advance.
By default, CXF uses a transport based on the in-JDK HttpURLConnection object to perform HTTP requests.
Connection pooling is performed allowing persistent connections to reuse the underlying socket connection for multiple http requests.
Set these system properties to configure the pool(default values)
Increment the value of http.maxConnections to set the maximum number of idle connections that will be simultaneously kept alive, per destination. See in this link the complete list of properties properties.html
In this post are explained some detail how it works
Java HttpURLConnection and pooling
Note also that the default JAX-RS client is not thread-safe by default. Check the limitations for proper use here
When you need many requests executed simultaneosly CXF can also use the asynchronous apache HttpAsyncClient. Ser details here

number of live connections

My application is using Websphere 6.1, Spring JDBC and oracle.I am using connection pooling to manage the connections.Is there any way to find out the number of connections active(alive) between the application and database at any point of time?.Can we have any indicator to let us know when a connection is/was dropped?
One option would be to manage your connection pool via JMX. Spring has excellent support for it. You just need to expose your connection pool bean via org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter. You can pick and choose the methods you want to expose. For example if you use DBCP you can use the method BasicDataSource#getNumActive().
