Problem with Easy Gallery in Joomla 1.5 - joomla

I installed Easy Gallery on a Joomla 1.5 site and initially it worked beautifully. Then after I had installed / uninstalled a slideshow plugin, only one half of a selected image would appear in the lightbox (can't guarantee that this is the reason, but it was the only thing that I have changed). I've searched high and low for an answer. I really liked this plugin - did everything I wanted - and then something went awry. It may have something to do with slimbox, from what I've read. Also, strangely, the problem only occurred in Chrome and FireFox - in IE the images came up without any problem.
The site is getting a lot of visits at the moment and I've had to install another gallery while trying to sort this one out.


My web page all of a sudden opens only partially and cannot be changed

Vista 32; IE9; FrontPage 2003. I've updated my web page for years on a daily basis. Today, after updating my web page only displayed less than half of the Home Page. All other pages of my web page worked. Other computers were able to open the web page normally.
I tried to change the Home Page and uploaded, but the result was the same. I refreshed the page, I restarted and new-started the computer,no difference. I've spent several hours trying to fix the problem myself, but to no avail.
Thanks for any help
Max Klepp
Unfortunately I realized too late that I was in the wrong forum. You're right, it's of course not a programming problem. PLUS: today everything works without any changes having been made. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,...
Thanks for all your efforts
Max Klepp

Chrome pending on images, javascript streamlining?

There has been very little changed to this page since it just recently stopped loading properly on Chrome.
If you click the link three times things usually load up fine. I've looked through the developer tools and can see that it's hanging up on the js the first load. The second load has pending on most/all of the .jpgs, and then finally another click/load works.
I know it's a heavy site, but the other pages are fine, in terms of actually loading and not just going idle, and this loads well enough in Firefox. I don't think this site is even the largest of the pages in terms of images and video.
I've gone through others solutions to this problem by changing the "https" and renaming files incase an adblocker was causing it, but nothing seems to work.
Any idea of what in the page is causing the issue?

Prestashop, same product image URL resolving to different images for different visitors

We're using Prestashop, and something really weird is happening on a test site of ours, we have to use in a demo later today.
The following URLs:
are acting weird for different visitors. My colleagues in Indore, India, are seeing two different images, and we've tested on about 3 different machines at their offices. They are seeing the correct images, one of a baby boy, and one of a baby girl product cover image.
In South Africa, myself and two other colleagues are seeing the same image for both the above links. The -girl.jpg image is the same as the contents of the -boy.jpg image.
This is a really weird issue, and none of the conventional fixes work. I tried browser cache and cookie clearing. I tried 2 other machines in South Africa. I thought maybe Chrome is borked, so I tried different browsers as well as Mac OS X and Windows 7. All of them show the same image contents.
And that's not the end of it. When I add more products in Prestashop, these additional products also show the same cover graphic as for the first product in the store.
I even tried browsing through a proxy to see if I can get the correct images displaying. Nothing works.
I didn't believe my colleagues in India when they told me they see different (the correct) image content, so I TeamViewed into one of their PCs and saw that the images are displaying correctly.
The only other potential culprit I suspected is web server caching, but the thing is, the images were just uploaded minutes ago, and how on earth does the -girl.jpg image get to look the same as -boy.jpg. I tried re-uploading the images with different filenames, I even deleted the product in the eCommerce platform.
NOTHING works...any ideas?
Note: I also tried regenerating images in Prestashop...with no effect.
Prestashop has a feature to configure image quality. I turned "Use PNG only if the base image is in PNG format." off, and the problem got fixed.
I'll try using this again once we've upgraded to the latest version.

DropShadowExtender in ie9

I have a very wierd problem and I dont know where to begin to fix it. I have tried my website on 8 computers using IE9 and for 2 of them the page doesnt show the correctly. I found out that when I take out the dropshadowextender it looks ok. So what I did is first try to go in cleared out all cookies, etc.. and then went into advanced settings to compare the ones that were working to the ones that were not, but that didnt work. I tried the site on all machines using FireFox on all computers and they work fine. My problem is what could it be causing those 2 computers to not show up correctly. I could see if it showed up wrong when I ran the site on all computers.
CSS3 Pie is a .htc file that, when placed on your server, provides extra code for IE so it can render many CSS3 styles on IE9, 8 and 7 properly.
Works well. Worth checking out.

Website Images That Are Cached In Chrome Disappear On Page Refresh

I'm having a strange issue with Chrome.
I'm working on development with a very image heavy website. If I reload a page over and over again, eventually half the images or more will just disappear. (they don't seem to be broken, just not visible).
If I clear my local cache in Chrome and refresh the page, the images return.
Any idea what may be causing this and how to possibly fix?
edit: just to note, it's not just me. Others hav reported the same issue on the website I'm working on. Always Chrome.
Images, which contains "content-length" header randomly disapper, removing this at the server side solves this bug...
(chrome dev team has this issue in "open" state in their bug tracing system)
I've been getting this recently too. I generally use the latest dev channel for Chrome and assumed it was related to that, but even when launching the regular version of Chrome I get the same issue. I've only noticed it for the past 2-3 months though. Hard-refresh does the job, but it's a really odd bug.
