How do I set directory permissions in maven output? - maven

I am using the maven-assembly-plugin to package my build.
I am able to perform some copying of file sets and modify file permissions fine, but I am unable to modify directory permissions. From the documentation, I am trying to use on the directories I care about. However, regardless of what permissions I specify, directories are ALWAYS created based off of the current umask (0022).
Does anyone know of a clean way to modify directory permissions in this way during a Maven build. The only thing that works is umask 0, but I would rather not be forced to do this, since everyone working on this project would have to have this set.
Example maven assembly.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

I had the same problem. I tested all the above solutions and none of them worked for me.
The best solution I had in mind and that worked for me was to pre create these parent folders as empty folders, before actually writing to them.
So, to relate to the original problem, you should use:
This should be put before the actual copy to the subfolder of resources in your example.
./ - is simply some existing folder. It can be any other folder, as long as it exists. Note that we exclude any file from the fileSet.
So the result would be an empty folder with the appropriate set of permissions.
On a side note, whoever uses tar to pack the files, without this set, the tar file won't have the permissions set for this parent folder. So extraction will result with a new folder, but with permissions of the extracting user + his umask.
0700 was used only for the sake of the example, of course.

I've solved this problem with a combination of settings in the pom.xml and the assembly descriptor.
In pom specify the defaults for the entire zip file.
Then in the assembly descriptor I provide the overrides for individual folders that shouldn't have the default permissions.
Here the files in the bin directory will be given executable state for all users. The conf directory and files in it are accessible only by the owner, and the db directory inherits the permissions from the settings in the pom.
The assembly file settings are described at
I couldn't find any official documentation on the configuration section other than the JIRA issue that amra identified.

I found a JIRA issue describing this behavior. A workaround should be
<fileMode>420</fileMode> <!-- 420(dec) = 644(oct) -->
<directoryMode>493</directoryMode> <!-- 493(dec) = 755(oct) -->


How to auto clear Tomcat temp directory on server startup through maven

I want to delete all the files and subdirectories from the temp folder of Tomcat 8+ version.
In my application ActiveMQ is integrated which will create one folder inside temp folder of Tomcat on the server startup. So I want to clear my temp folder before creating another folder by ActiveMQ on server startup.
Is there any way to define any maven plugin to achieve this or there is any other way to get this done?
As I can understand you need to clean directories that are not exposed to maven.
So check this clean plugin for maven

Zip file empty using maven assembly plugin in pom

my pom.xml but i have written something like
My assembly.xml is
This creates an EMPTY in target!!NOT IN THE OUTPUT FOLDER LOCATION THAT I HAVE GIVEN.Is it always target? cant i override??
But in the given directory path I have 3 folders (in which some files) and readme.txt.I just tried giving *.txt inside include tag still I got empty zip folder. I initially guessed that my directory path and output directory path can be wrong.I directly hardcode still there is no luck.
Please help (This question is not duplicate but similar, and I have tried almost all stackoverflow questions related to this.they haven't solved anything)
For details see
Your descriptor is now configured like this:
create a zip called ${project.artifactId}
from the directory ${project.basedir}/${} put all files with an extension (not directories, since it says *.*, not something like **/*.* in the ${project.basedir}/${} folder inside the zip.
Especially the last part is weird. Where in the zip should these files end? It should be a relative path to make it predictable.
Don't like the zip file to be created in target? Set the outputDirectory in the plugin configuration, not in the assembly descriptor.

How can I rename a file when assembling a spring boot project?

I have the following assembly.xml. I was trying to figure out how when including files I can rename them to something else. Currently, my tar has the war file as project- and I want it to be project.war. How can I accomplish this?
If you want to control the destination name of the file in the assembly, you shouldn't use a <fileSet>, but a <file>. The reason is that the first groups several files together, and as such, doesn't provide a way to control the name of each file in the group. Since a <file> targets only a single file, you can control the destination name with the <destName> element:
Sets the destination filename in the outputDirectory. Default is the same name as the source's file.
You should have instead:
<!-- the other "fileSets" for etc/bin, unchanged -->
instead of the <fileSet>. This will make sure that the file specified in the <source> element is renamed to <destName> in the resulting assembly.
You are looking to add:

Maven Clean: excluding directory inside target from being deleted

I have tried many variants but could not make this work. One example (child pom.xml):
Maven always tries to delete my folder. Why?
As also suggested by #AR.3 in the answer here, the clean phase and goal would -
By default, it discovers and deletes the directories configured in,,, and
Still, if you want to exclude a specific folder from being deleted you can follow the inverse approach(a simple hack) to do it as follows -
<include><!--everything other that what you want to exclude--></include>
More about excludeDefaultDirectories from a similar link -
Disables the deletion of the default output directories configured for
a project. If set to true, only the files/directories selected via the
parameter filesets will be deleted.
It is indeed possible to exclude a specific folder from being deleted using a direct approach:
<exclude><!-- folder to exclude --></exclude>
From the documentation of the clean:clean goal:
This attempts to clean a project's working directory of the files that were generated at build-time. By default, it discovers and deletes the directories configured in,,, and project.reporting.outputDirectory.
Files outside the default may also be included in the deletion by configuring the filesets tag.
This means that whatever you declare in the filesets element, the target directory will always be deleted (EDIT unless excludeDefaultDirectories is set to true, see below edit). Given the above description, a workaround is to do the following:
Temporarily override the above properties to point to something other than the default target directory, before cleaning the directories.
Use the filesets mechanism to tell which directories to exclude from the target directory (same as what you already did).
Restore the properties after cleaning the directories.
The pre-clean and post-clean lifecycle phases can be used to do steps 1 and 3.
EDIT: (thanks to nullpointer for pointing it out)
Setting the goal parameter excludeDefaultDirectories to true will exclude the default directory from being deleted, in which case you can use the filesets approach without the hack of overriding the Maven properties.
Per the comment by #Christian, this solution uses a profile to determine whether or not to let maven-clean delete the excluded folder (and subfolders with /**). In my use case, a process generates parser source files in target/generated-sources prior to compilation. I usually want to keep them to save time. I'm also lazy (like most of us developers) and don't like to type. Commands to build the project:
Profile inactive, keep the parser source: mvn clean install
Profile activated, really, truly clean: mvn clean install delete-parsers
The code:
<!-- By default, clean will skip the parser source files
generated in this folder and its subfolders. -->
<!-- Activate this profile to delete parser sources. -->
<!-- Setting this property to null removes the exclusion
in maven-clean. -->
<skip.parser.source />
<!-- Required so maven standard folders won't be deleted. -->
<!-- Delete everything in target/** -->
<!-- But NOT this folder when the profile is activated. -->

Maven overwrite resource file in dependency

I have two Maven modules, A and B. A is a dependency of B. Both modules have a resource file named located in src/main/resources. I need to keep the filenames the same and the location of the file the same in both projects because both A and B are using code which expects the file to be named and located where it is. When building B, A's default properties is in the final jar. I wish to have B's properties when I build B. How can I do this?
I know this is 3 years old but I had the same problem and this is the closest question I found, but still without correct answer so maybe someone will find it useful.
Example maven-assembly descriptor based on jar-with-dependencies (fixes overriding of by dependencies):
<assembly xmlns=""
The key is to provide different rules for dependencies and the actual project (top of hierarchy). Those can be split by using <useProjectArtifact>false</useProjectArtifact> and providing separate rules in fileSets for the project. Otherwise none of would be packed, including the top one.
Ok, Maven Resources Plugin and Assembly plugin did not cut it, so I dug some more.
It seems this is doable with Maven Shade plugin.
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<!-- Main class -->
<mainClass> <!-- fully qualified package and class name --> </mainClass>
So, inside the <configuration> ... </configuration> -tags I've defined two things: a transformer-implementation that takes care of modifying the jar-manifest to be runnable and use the current directory as classpath root, and excluding all the files ending with .properties from inside of dependency org.something:SomeDependency.
The actual filtering part is where you can exclude the files you don't want to end up in the final jar built by shade. You can exclude the files from all the dependencies and the current project using <artifact>*:*</artifact> inside the defined <filter>, or you can select only certain dependency using <artifact>dependcyGroupId:dependencyArtifact</artifact>, for example <artifact>junit:junit</artifact>, or even using wildcards for one or the other (<artifact>*:junit</artifact>). The excluded files are then defined inside the <excludes>...</excludes> -tags. Again, you can use exact filenames or wildcards. This should get you going with your current problem, although I'd suggest reading the documentation from the plugin-site, because shade can do a lot more than this.
