How to add aliases for Windows netbeans terminal - windows

I am using NB on windows and I want to add aliases for the netbeans terminal. Is that possible??I have cygwin and minGW32 installed on my computer. On cygwin, I added aliases in .bash.bash_rc and it works. On mingw32 it also works fine but I can't get it work on NB neither in GitBash.
Any solution?

I just found your question because I needed to solve the same situation.
Type cd to go to your home directory.
Then edit the file .bashrc using vi editor.


IntelliJ Terminal CTRL+C does not work

When using IntelliJs integrated terminal - for example with git - sometimes my CTRL + C keystrokes don't make to the terminal. For example the current line is not aborted.
What can I do as this behaviour is very annoying.
As I had git for Windows installed anyway I just replaced the terminal used by IntelliJ from cmd.exe (which is the default on windows) to bash.exe supplied by git for Windows (which is cygwin btw)
To change it for all projects go to File >> Other Settings >> Default Settings and then Tools >> Terminal. (see screenshot)
In the shell path field set the following line:
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" --login -i
Please make sure git is installed at the proper localtion or adjust the path (for example if you have the 32bit version of git installed)
Using bash instead of cmd, the problem does not occour for me. Plus the bash supports some commands that cmd does not support, which is kinda nice when been used to a linux environment.
EDIT 2020-09-30: In latest Intellij versions the Terminal is a project-level setting and can be changed here:
Sometimes it could be because of vim emulator just turn it off
Go to Tools
Deselect Vim Emulator
Because Vim mode is checked,
Tools, Vim Emulator, there will be a √ in front of it, just cancel it, as shown in the figure:picture
I hope i can help u.

Embed Cygwin (Git Bash) Terminal in CLion On Windows

I am trying to embed the Cygwin terminal in CLion like the default Windows CMD is above.
I have set the Cygwin terminal location as above in the settings.
But when I select the terminal it pops up a detached version as above. What I want is it embedded like the first image.
I have managed to get an embedded version of Git Bash working in PHPStorm using some flags, but these do not seem to work for Cygwin.
Any help is much appreciated :)
The "Shell path" setting expects a path to a shell, not a terminal emulator. Please try specifying a path to bash.exe instead of mintty.exe.
If you've managed to embed the Cygwin terminal in CLion on Windows, but the commands like ls -l, etc. won't work, try to add the path to the directory "bin" of cygwin (e.g. C:\cygwin64\bin) to the path-variable.
This should work.
X:\Git-Install-Dir\Git\bin\bash.exe works for me.

get vim working in mobaxterm

I have installed gvim and vim in mobaxterm 8 (using apt-get and mobapt respectively), and can't get either to work. nano works fine.
When I run the program, the cursor moves to a new line in the terminal but nothing happens.
I have also tried creating a .vimrc. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
I installed the latest version of MobaXterm as up today which is 9.1 ( and the list of bug fixes includes the freezing problem you are are talking about. It works for me now and I no longer see that issue. The only thing is that after the installation is completed you need to download the CygUtils plugin and copy it to the same folder where the MobaXterm executable is located and then restart the application. It seems overall more stable now. Hope that helps.
I am using V9.4 which already has the vim. To configure the environment for your vim you may creat a .vimrc file in your home directory (go to the directory using cd command only).

Installing pathogen vim plugin on Windows

I was going to install the pathogen plugin in GVIM for windows but the instructions say to install in the \vimfiles\autoload folder which I don't have. How would I install pathogen?
If it does not exist you can simply create the folder.
Place pathogen.vim inside ...\vim\vimfiles\autoload and you should be good to go.
Bundles go into ...\vim\vimfiles\bundle
You can read this document..
GVim for Windows
You can go to this link
Vim and Pathogen for Windows
You need to create the folders if absent.
Open Vim, type ":e $VIM" and you'll find your vim directory where the vimfiles folder is. (if you did not know that already)
Also, please see gvim pathogen issues
for more help.

How to install vim on Cygwin

First, I saw that you can install vim normally in the setup.exe, but I realized that I wanted to install vim with Ruby support. I downloaded the vim 7.3, untared it and ran
./config --enable-ruby-interp
and everything configured fine. Then I ran
$ make && make install
and everything installed ok, but it put a vim.exe in /usr/local/bin. I don't want a vim.exe, I want a vim, which I can run by typing
$ vim
in my Cygwin shell.
Is there a way to tell vim during the installation to install it like it would if I was on Linux? Meaning, to ignore the fact that I'm on Windows?
Now, when I type vim into the shell, it just does nothing. So it found it, but it doesn't do anything with it.
You can drop a Windows build of Vim that has Ruby support (like this one) into your PATH (add vim's folder to PATH before everything else) and then when you run vim from inside cygwin it will run that (the first vim.exe in PATH. should also work in cygwin's MinTTY)
Remember to close and re-open your shell after changing PATH from windows settings.
reinstall the cygwin, or re-install git-bash. (which also included the cygwin environment)
