Cannot see Selenium logs - selenium-rc

I am not able see Selenium LOGs files by clicking the Show log button present in the Selenium rc window after each time my scripts run. Are any settings needed to show the log?

The log window often appears off-screen for me, probably because I have multiple monitors. I get it into view by right-clicking on the window name on the taskbar, selecting "Move" from the context menu, and then using the arrow keys to move it into view. Once it's partly in view, I can drag it anywhere I want using the mouse.


Log Event Details Window is Not Showing Up in Data Stage Designer (IBM)

I can't see the detailed job log message from IBM Data Stage Designer (client) from a few days ago. I had worked well by double-clicking the log message on the job log panel, but suddenly it has been stopped to show up in the popup windows.
I tried to push the key combination: Shift + Window + Left/Right arrows, but it still does not provide the job log window. Could anyone has an idea how to make it visible again? I would appreciate it.
If you're working with multiple monitors, maybe on a laptop, changing the connected monitors, then maybe the popup window is showing "outside the box". You already tried to fix it with Shift+Win+←→, but this type of modal window will not stick to that.
Instead, try the following procedure:
Press Alt+SPACE while the window has focus. This will bring up the context menu of the window.
Use the arrow keys ↑,↓ to select Move and press ↵Enter. Do not click on it using the mouse.
The window is now in moving state. Press any arrow key ←↑↓→, just one keystroke.
Now, the window will be stuck to the mouse. Move the mouse around (without clicking) to retrieve the window.
Click once to release the window from the mouse.

How to mouse hover using Blue prism on a web page

I am trying to mouse hover a menu option using blue prism. I tried HTML/Win32/AA/Region mode while spying but none of them worked. If I click on that element, I will be navigated to a different page.
Any pointers will help.
Not sure if you still need an answer on that as this question is more than month old.
If I understood you correctly, you want to hover mouse pointer over menu and then select one of the options from the drop down list. If so, there might be some options to achieve that without clicking on the menu itself.
If you want to open same link every time you navigate through this website, then you can launch the target URL instead of navigating through the menu.
Some HTML elements doesn't need to be visible to be active, on some websites you can 'click' on menu item without it being presented in form of drop down list. You can try to spy that element and navigate directly to it. If you won't be able to spy it you can search for correct element in application tree (Application Modeller -> Select some element -> click on arrow next to Identify button -> Open Application Navigator). Then you can use Mouse Click on that element via Navigate stage.
I've tried to imitate mouse hover on some website by spying whole browser window with Win32 mode, and then using Drop option in Navigate stage, giving the menu exact coordinates. Seems to be working, you can try this option as well.
You can test how menu reacts on Focus method in Navigate stage, but I wouldn't get my hopes up with this option.
If you share link to the website, then maybe I'll be able to help more.

How can I specify on which monitor the console window is opened?

I've currently connected two monitors via a dock to my notebook.
When I'm running my console application, the console window always pops up on the first monitor. How can I change that it's automatically opened on another monitor, e.g. on monitor 3? Maybe there is a property I need to modify?
It's very annoying to always drag the console window onto the monitor on which my IDE is opened.
Console applications (unlike GUI applications) don't create their own window; that's done by Windows, and in the case when you're running in an already created console, then you kinda inherit, e.g., cmd's window.
What you can do, though, is to find your window and move it to a different monitor.
Another option is to change the window manager settings for that application in the properties of the console window under Layout. Especially the check box »Let system position window«. To do so, first move the window where you'd like it to appear, then open the properties, go to the Layout tab, and just click »OK«.

vscode on MacOS: getting navigation menu to show up in a full screen mode

Is there a way to get vscode show navigation menu i.e Code|File|Edit|... and the project name in a full screen mode on MAC. It's almost impossible to see the name of the project when having multiple instances of code open in full screen mode.
v1.42 has a new option that may help:
Controls if native full-screen should be used on macOS.
Disable this option to prevent macOS from creating a new space when going full-screen.
"window.nativeFullScreen": true,
I believe this is not what the full screen mode is made for. If you go full screen you are supposed to work almost exclusively in that application (only occasionally switching to other apps like mail, e.g. via command+tab). You can always have the menu bar (and the window title) appear when you move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen, however.
The name of the project is visible in the file explorer.
In this example, the project name (i.e. root folder) is testgit
You can always quickly show the file explorer using the keyboard shortcut Shift-Cmd-E.

Is there a way to make the displayed tab in Firefox "follow" the opened Inspector window(s)?

When I am debugging frontend work, I frequently have multiple Inspector windows open at the same time, each inspecting a different page. As I change Inspector windows, I would like the displayed tab or window to follow me. In other words, I would like the browser to always automatically change to the page I am inspecting; I do not want to change Inspector windows, then go to the browser and find the corresponding tab or window myself.
Is this possible in Firefox? Is it possible in any browser?
(I realize I could dock the Inspector to each tab or window. I do not want to do that because I use the multiple Inspector windows side-by-side for comparison.)
While I am not aware of any way to switch to the target browser tab when selecting a given inspector window, you can certainly do it the other way around:
Say you have 3 tabs opened, and you have opened devtools for each them, in window-mode (undocked). Now, whenever you select any of these 3 tabs, if you just hit F12 (or ctrl+shift+I/cmd+alt+I), then the corresponding devtools window will be brought to the front.
That's an easy way to keep track of which devtools window is linked to which browser tab.
Now, doing this the other way around would require a new feature to be implemented. This can't really be automatic (or at least hidden behind a config of some sorts) because it could be considered frustrating to some users, having their current tab being switched away from each time they click in a devtools window.
I have filed this bug to get it done:
