Using jqGrid's inline-editing with RESTful urls? - ajax

I'm using jqGrid and would like to be able to use its built-in editing functions to make ajax calls to add/edit/delete. Our API uses RESTful verbs and urls like so:
verb url action
GET /api/widgets get all widgets (to populate grid)
POST /api/widgets create new widget
PUT /api/widgets/1 update widget 1
DELETE /api/widgets/1 delete widget 1
Is it possible to use the built-in ajax handling with these restrictions, or do I have to use local data (as outlined here & here) and manage the ajax calls myself? If it is possible, what properties do I set on the grid?
(ajaxRowOptions looks promising, but the documentation is a bit thin on how to use it.)

The usage of POST in Add form is by default.
The main idea for customizing jqGrid for RESTfull backend you can find in the old answer.
To use 'DELETE' in form editing if you use the Delete button of the navigator toolbar. Look at here or here. So you should use about the following settings:
$("#grid").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager',
{edit: false, add: false, search: false}, {}, {},
{ // Delete parameters
mtype: "DELETE",
serializeDelData: function () {
return ""; // don't send and body for the HTTP DELETE
onclickSubmit: function (params, postdata) {
params.url = '/api/widgets/' + encodeURIComponent(postdata);
I use in the example above the encodeURIComponent function to be sure that if the id will have some special characters (spaces for example) if will be encoded so that the server part automatically received the original (decoded) data. Probably you will need to set some additional settings for the $.ajax call used during sending Delete request to the server. You can use for it ajaxDelOptions property.
You can make the above settings as your default settings. You can do this with respect of the following
$.extend($.jgrid.del, {
mtype: "DELETE",
serializeDelData: function () {
return ""; // don't send and body for the HTTP DELETE
onclickSubmit: function (params, postdata) {
params.url = '/api/widgets/' + encodeURIComponent(postdata);
The method onclickSubmit from the example above can be used for the Edit operations (in case of form editing) to modify the URL dynamically to /api/widgets/1. In many cases the usage of onclickSubmit in the above form is not possible because one need to use different base urls ('/api/widgets') different grids. In the case one can use
$.extend($.jgrid.del, {
mtype: "DELETE",
serializeDelData: function () {
return ""; // don't send and body for the HTTP DELETE
onclickSubmit: function (params, postdata) {
params.url += '/' + encodeURIComponent(postdata);
Then the usage of navGrid should be with explicit setting of url
$("#grid").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager',
{edit: false, add: false, search: false}, {}, {},
{ // Delete parameters
url: '/api/widgets'
To use 'PUT' in inline editing you can set the following default jqGrid settings:
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
ajaxRowOptions: { contentType: "application/json", type: "PUT", async: true },
serializeRowData: function (data) {
var propertyName, propertyValue, dataToSend = {};
for (propertyName in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
propertyValue = data[propertyName];
if ($.isFunction(propertyValue)) {
dataToSend[propertyName] = propertyValue();
} else {
dataToSend[propertyName] = propertyValue;
return JSON.stringify(dataToSend);
The setting contentType: "application/json" is not required in general, but it could be required for some server technologies. The callback function serializeRowData from the example above sent the data as JSON. It is not required for RESTfull, but it's very common. The function JSON.stringify is native implemented in the most recent web browsers, but to be sure that it work in old browsers to you should include json2.js on your page.
The code of serializeRowData could be very simple like
serializeRowData: function (data) {
return JSON.stringify(data);
but I use above code to be able to use functions inside of the extraparam of the method editRow (see here and the problem description here).
The usage of the RESTfull URL (like /api/widgets/1) in the editRow is very simple:
$(this).editRow(rowid, true, null, null, '/api/widgets/' + encodeURIComponent(rowid));
To use it in case of the form editing you should use
grid.navGrid('#pager', {},
{ mtype: "PUT", url: '/api/widgets' });
$.extend($.jgrid.edit, {
ajaxEditOptions: { contentType: "application/json" }, // can be not required
onclickSubmit: function (params, postdata) {
params.url += '/' + encodeURIComponent(postdata.list_id);
It is important to remark that to get id from the postdata inside of onclickSubmit and need use postdata.list_id instead of, where 'list' is the id of the grid. To be able to use different grid (<table>) ids one can use new non-standard parameter. For example, in the code below I use myGridId:
var myEditUrlBase = '/api/widgets';
grid.navGrid('#pager', {},
{ mtype: "PUT", url: myEditUrlBase, myGridId: 'list' },
{ // Add options
url: myEditUrlBase },
{ // Delete options
url: myEditUrlBase });
and the default setting defined as
$.extend($.jgrid.del, {
mtype: "DELETE",
serializeDelData: function () {
return ""; // don't send and body for the HTTP DELETE
onclickSubmit: function (params, postdata) {
params.url += '/' + encodeURIComponent(postdata);
$.extend($.jgrid.edit, {
ajaxEditOptions: { contentType: "application/json" }, // can be not required
onclickSubmit: function (params, postdata) {
params.url += '/' + encodeURIComponent(postdata[params.myGridId + '_id']);
In case of the usage of formatter:'actions' (see here and here) with inline or form editing (or a mix) you can use the same technique as described before, but forward all needed Edit/Delete option using editOptions and delOptions formatoptions.
The last your question was the usage of GET as /api/widgets. The classical RESTfull services will returns just array of all items as the response on /api/widgets. So you should just use loadonce: true and jsonReader which used methods instead of properties (See here and here).
loadonce: true,
jsonReader: {
repeatitems: false,
root: function (obj) { return obj; },
page: function () { return 1; },
total: function () { return 1; },
records: function (obj) { return obj.length; }
You should in some way include information which item property can be used as the id of grid rows. The id must be unique on the page. It your data has no id I would recommend you to use
id: function () { return $.jgrid.randId(); }
as an additional jsonReader method because per default the current version of jqGrid use sequential integers ("1", "2", "3", ...) as the row ids. In case of having at least two grids on the same page it will follow to the problems.
If the size of the data returned by 'GET' are more as 100 rows I would you recommend better to use server side paging. It means that you will add an additional method in the server part which support server side sorting and paging of data. I recommend you to read the answer where I described why the standard format of the input data are not RESTfull array of items and has page, total and records additionally. The new method will be probably not strange for the classical RESTful design, but the sorting and paging data in native or even SQL code can improve the total performance from the side of enduser dramatically. If the names of the standard jqGrid input parameters (page, rows, sidx and sord) you can use prmNames jqGrid parameter to rename there.

Also check out this excellent general tutorial for how to set-up jqGrid for RESTful URL's here, which also includes how the corresponding Spring MVC server portion would look.

I have managed to achieve it by implementing beforeSubmitCell event handler:
beforeSubmitCell: function(rowId) {
cellurl: s.getBaseModule().config.baseAPIUrl + "humanResource/" + rowId
I am using jqGrid 4.6 version.


jqGrid: How to load only rows that an attribute is set to true

I have a JSON Object as the following:
"rows": [
"name": "Peter",
"hasData": true,
"name": "Tom",
"hasData": false,
And I want the jqGrid to load only rows that have data, meaning when "hasData" == true.
I am firstly wondering what is the best way to do such and secondly wondering how to do it.
I have tried the following:
gridComplete: function(){
var rowObjects =;
for(var i = 0; i<rowObjects.length;i++){
if(rowObjects[i].hasData == false){
but the problem is when I go to the next page, all the data is loaded new from the JSON.
I suppose that you load the data from the server using datatype: "json" in combination with loadonce: true option. The solution is very easy if you use free jqGrid fork of jqGrid. Free jqGrid allows to sort and to filter the data, returned from the server, before displaying the first page of data. One need to add forceClientSorting: true to force the applying the actions by jqGrid and postData.filters with the filter, which you need, and the option search: true to apply the filter:
datatype: "json",
postData: {
// the filters property is the filter, which need be applied
// to the data loaded from the server
filters: JSON.stringify({
groupOp: "AND",
groups: [],
rules: [{field: "hasData", op: "eq", data: "true"}]
loadonce: true,
forceClientSorting: true,
search: true,
// to be able to use "hasData" property in the filter one has to
// include "hasData" column in colModel or in additionalProperties
additionalProperties: ["hasData"],
See the demo, which demonstrate it. The demo uses Echo service of JSFiddle to simulate server response.
I can recommend you another solution (in case you use Guriddo jqGrid) , which can be used with any datatype and any settings. The idea is to use beforeProcessing event to filter the needed data.
For this purpose we assume that the data is like described from you. Here is the code:
beforeProcessing : function (data, st, xhr) {
var test= data.rows.filter(function (row) {
if(row.hasData == true ) { // true is not needed but for demo
return true;
} else {
return false;
data.rows = test;
return true;
I suppose the script will work in free jqGrid in case you use them

How to assign skip and take value in kendo dropdown

I need to populate a lot of data into a kendo dropdown list(probably could go to millions). SO I am trying to use serverFiltering of kendo to achieve that. I checked their official api in github and they are using parameters skip and take and it seems to be working fine for them. I am trying to send skip and take through the following code
filter: "startswith",
dataTextField: "ProductName",
dataValueField: "id",
optionLabel: ' --Select--',
dataSource: {
serverFiltering: true,
data: {
skip:0 ,
take: 10
transport: {
read: {
url: webApiUri + '/Product/ProductSel',
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
My Apicontroller is as follows: -
public List<SpProductSel_Result> ProductGet(int skip, int take)
//return result
Now my problem is this api controller is not being called. What am I doing wrong here?
One of the possibility can be you need to use correct configuration. When using Tranport configuration we specify data as a part of read please see the code snippet below.Refer to kendo documentation
transport: {
read: {
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp", // "jsonp" is required for cross-domain requests; use "json" for same-domain requests
data: {
q: "html5" // send "html5" as the "q" parameter , like int skip and take
transport: {
read: {
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp", // "jsonp" is required for cross-domain requests; use "json" for same-domain requests
data: function() {
return {
skip: 0, // send 0 as the "skip" parameter
take:10 // send 10 as the "take" parameter

Jqgrid custom form and custom function

I have the following problem. I m using a custom form for Jqgrid, the problem is that I can t figure it out how can I use different functions for submit button in add/edit/delete. Can you help me? I can use delfunc with succes. How can I add delfunc to the button submit from del form, and the function addfunc to submit button from the form of add.
$('#jqGrid').navGrid("#jqGridPager", {
edit: true,
add: true,
del: true,
refresh: true,
view: false,
addfunc : function(){
var angajat = new Object(); = null;
angajat.firstName = "andrei" //jQuery("#jqGrid").jqGrid('getRowData');
angajat.lastName = " chivu " //jQuery("#jqGrid").jqGrid('getRowData');
type: "POST",
url: "rest/user/add",
data: JSON.stringify(angajat),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (data) {
delfunc : function (id){
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
}).done(function( msg ) {
alert("Content Deleted: " + id);},
editCaption: "Update Employee",
template: template,
//onClick: alert("alaaaaa"),
errorTextFormat: function (data) {
return 'Error: ' + data.responseText
// options for the Add Dialog
addCaption: "Add new Employee",
template: template,
sData: alert("alaaaaa"),
errorTextFormat: function (data) {
return 'Error: ' + data.responseText
// options for the Delete Dialog
caption: "Delete the Employee",
msg: "Are you sure ? ",
beforeSubmit: alert("alaaaaa"),
errorTextFormat: function (data) {
return 'Error: ' + data.responseText
One don't need to use delfunc, addfunc, editfunc or viewfunc in the most cases. The function are replacements for delGridRow, editGridRow and viewGridRow, but to replace the methods which code is not so small one have to understand the code in details.
I try to explain your problem how I understand it. I'll start with the usage of delfunc. What you try to do is calling of URL rest/user/delete using HTTP DELETE. Thus I suppose that you have RESTful services on the backend. To use HTTP DELETE you need to append the id of deleted item to the URL, use DELETE operation and be sure that no other information (like oper parameter) are placed in HTTP body. Thus you can use existing options of delGridRow.
It's important to understand that navGrid just add some buttons in the navigator bar and it calls the methods delGridRow, editGridRow and viewGridRow if the user clicks on the corresponding buttons. The options of navGrid looks like
$("#gridid").jqGrid('navGrid','#gridpager', {parameters},
prmEdit, prmAdd, prmDel, prmSearch, prmView);
(see the documentation). The parameters parts are real options of navGrid and it informs navGrid for example which buttons should be included on the navigator bar. The other options are the options of delGridRow, editGridRow, searchGrid and viewGridRow methods which shoule be used if the user clicks on the corresponding button of navigator bar. To configure the behavior of Delete button we need to specify prmDel parameter. The value of the parameter should be object with the properties and
callbacks of delGridRow method. See the documentation.
In the same way if one uses formatter: "actions" or inlineNav then another buttons will be added and one have to use the corresponding options to specify, which options of delGridRow should be used.
I find that the options of navGrid is difficult to understand. Because of that I introduced in free jqGrid alternative way of specify default options used in jqGrid by delGridRow inside of formDeleting of jqGrid options. Thus the most free jqGrid looks like the demo. It uses formEditing, formViewing, searching options of jqGrid and the call of navGrid is either without any parameters or with the small set of options. Now back to your main problems. See the wiki for more information.
If the main logic is clear then it will be clear how one configure jqGrid to do on Delete exactly what you need. To do this you should specify mtype: "DELETE" option and ajaxDelOptions: {...} to specify other options of Ajax call. To append the id to the URL you can use onclickSubmit or beforeSubmit callbacks (see the answer), but in free jqGrid and can use url defined as function (see the answer) and have more readable code. Thus I suggest you to use formDeleting option with the value
mtype: "DELETE",
url: function (rowid) {
return "/rest/user/delete/" + rowid;
ajaxDelOptions: { contentType: "application/json" },
serializeDelData: function () {
return "";
reloadGridOptions: { fromServer: true },
The grid will be reloaded automatically on successful deleting because reloadAfterSubmit: true is default option of delGridRow (see here). The last option reloadGridOptions is helpful in case of usage loadonce: true option of jqGrid. It will force reloading of grid from the server.
In the same way to configure Add and Edit buttons you can use formEditing option of jqGrid with the value
url: function (id, editOrAdd) {
return "/rest/user/" + (editOrAdd === "add" ? "add" : "edit");
mtype: function (editOrAdd) {
return editOrAdd === "add" ? "POST" : "PUT";
serializeEditData: function (postData) {
return JSON.stringify(postData);
serializeEditData: function (postData) {
var dataToSend = $.extend({}, postData); // make copy of data
// don't send any id in case of creating new row or to send `0`:
if ( === "_empty") {
delete; // or = 0;
return JSON.stringify(dataToSend);
ajaxEditOptions: { contentType: "application/json" },
reloadGridOptions: { fromServer: true }

Can jqgrid formatter call an ajax/json method?

I'm using a formatter on one of my columns in jqGrid. The formatter uses some logic to decide what to display, and in some cases, it calls an ajax method. I've verified in Fiddler that the proper data comes back from my ajax calls. I've also verified in Chrome degbugging tools, that my variables are getting set properly. However, the sequence is all out of sorts, so the returned value in my column is "undefined". I can see in debugging tools' timeline that my getJSON calls are getting called after the jqgrid is already loaded.
I tried this first:
function myFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject)
if (rowObject[0] == something) {
$.getJSON('#Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController"), function (myResult) {
var myObject = myResult[0];
return myObject.myID;
else {
return "";
I also tried using an ajax call w/ async=false and I've tried different values for type and dataType, but the results are all the same:
function myFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject)
if (rowObject[0] == something) {
type: 'POST',
url: '#Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController"),
async: false,
success: (function(result) {
var myObject = myResult[0];
return myObject.myID;
else {
return "";
It seems like you should be able to get this to work by using a synchronous AJAX call and a closure:
function myFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject)
var value = "";
if (rowObject[0] == something) {
type: 'POST',
url: '#Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController"),
async: false,
success: (function(result) {
var myObject = myResult[0];
value = myObject.myID;
return value;
In general it is bad practice to use synchronous AJAX calls though, because they can block the UI for an undetermined amount of time. This case could be especially bad if you have a lot of rows in your grid, because one AJAX call will be made per row.
If you can, a better approach might be to either retrieve the ID's ahead of time and cache them locally on the page, or just do the formatting server-side. As always, use your best judgement.

Handling objects and routes with MVC3/Razor?

I have a geo collection that contains items like:
[state name]
[city], [state]
A text box is available for a user to begin typing, and a jQuery autocomplete box fills displays possible options.
The URL structure of the post request will depend on which was selected from the collection above, ie (if a country is selected) (if a city, state is selected)[state name]/someterms (if a state is selected)
These are already defined in my routes.
I was initially going to add some logic on the controller to determine the appropriate URL structure, but I was thinking to simply add that as an additional field in the geo table, so it would be a property of the geo collection.
Here is my jQuery function to display the collection details when, fired on keypress in the textbox:
$(function () {
$("#txtGeoLocation").autocomplete(txtGeoLocation, {
source: function (request, response) {
url: "/home/FindLocations", type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
selectFirst: true,
autoFill: true,
mustMatch: true,
data: { searchText: request.term, maxResults: 10 },
success: function (data) {
response($.map(data, function (item) {
return { label: item.GeoDisplay, value: item.GeoDisplay, id: item.GeoID }
select: function (event, ui) {
alert(ui.item ? ("You picked '" + ui.item.label + "' with an ID of " +
: "Nothing selected, input was " + this.value);
document.getElementById("hidLocation").value =;
What I would like is to have structure the URL based on an object parameter (seems the simplest). I can only seem to read the parameters on "selected", and not on button click.
How can I accomplish this?
To resolve this, I removed the select: portion from the Javascript, and added the selected object parameters in the MVC route sent to my controller.
