How to send many form input values with $.ajax - ajax

I have a form with many input elements inside that looks like:
<input name="foo[abc]" />
<input name="foo[def]" />
(foo should be a array inside $_POST)
How can I send these values trough AJAX, without having to manually enter each value in the data parameter?

var data=$(your_form).serialize();
and send this data using ajax.
it'll automatically convert all array like inputs and normal to a string like get method..


Use the serialize function; see an example here (it's a $.post(), but same difference).


ASP Classic : Put a "variable" in a "Request.Form()"

I have a form that will send an array of data to an ASP page.
Let's say this array is called "matrix".
Usually, on the ASP receiving the form, I will write this out to retrieve the form inputs from the array "matrix".
Request.Form("matrix[]")(i) where i = 1, 2, 3 which are the elements in the array.
Let's say I want to do make a variable like this
and I want to use this variable a and put it into the request form, instead of writing "matrix", so that it would look something like this
How can it be done? For now, all my attempts are showing blank. e.g. when I try to make them appear on the page with response.write, nothing shows up.
Please help me or let me know if it cannot be done, I've been spending hours on this.
Request.Form("matrix[]") is taking a string value of "matrix[]" not an array of strings called "matrix".
So you need to do either
a = "matrix[]"
a = "matrix"
Request.Form(a & "[]")(i)
Unlike PHP which requires adding square brackets, in classic ASP you just have to give the same name to the elements you want to be combined into an array.
The HTML should be:
<input type="text" name="matrix" />
<input type="text" name="matrix" />
<input type="text" name="matrix" />
Then you can iterate over the submitted values like this:
For x=1 To Request.Form("matrix").Count
Response.Write("Value of matrix #" & CStr(x) & "is: " & Request.Form("matrix").Item(x))
Note that all elements are included, even if user left them empty.

filter_input behavior for integer input tag name

I have form inputs that have their name attribute in Integer like below
<input type="hidden" name="100351312" value="test" />
If I use
echo filter_input( INPUT_POST, '100351312' )
It returns NULL
echo $_POST['100351312'] prints the value correctly.
filter_input really needs three inputs; the type, the variable (both of which you have) and the filter, which you don't have. Here are some types of filters:
That said, if you're using WordPress you can almost always find a WordPress helper function you can use instead of filter_input()

Ruby Mechanize, save html as file after filling a form

I want to save the html after filling a form. lets say:
page.form.field.value = 'testing' 'test.html'
the generated test.html file don't have the modified value attribute
<input name='something' value=''>
I'm expecting:
<input name='something' value='testing'>
You want to use dom functions for that:'[name=something]')['value'] = 'testing'
In other words there's no reason to expect that changes to the Form fields will update the dom.

How to check of a Node is inside a form tag?

Using XPath, how do I determine if a node is within a form tag? I guess I am trying to locate the form tag of its ancestor/preceding (but I couldn't get it to work).
example 1:
<form id="doNotKnowIDofForm">
<div id="level1">
<span id="mySpan">someText</span>
example 2:
<form id="doNotKnowIDofForm">
This is a closed form.
<div id="level1">
<span id="mySpan">someText</span>
I can use xpath "//span[id='mySpan']" to locate the span node. But I would like to know if mySpan is inside a form (I do not know the id of the form). I have tried "//span[id='mySpan']/preceding::form/" and "//span[id='mySpan']/ancestor::form/"
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I would like the XPath to select the myForm form tag in Example1 but NOT in Example2
I'm not 100% sure from your description whether you're looking to select the form element, or the span element. It seems more likely that you're going for the form, so I'll address that first.
Your XPath with the ancestor::form would have been ok if it didn't have the slash at the end, but it's more roundabout than it needs to be. I think this is a better way:
//form[.//span/#id = 'mySpan']
or this:
//form[descendant::span/#id = 'mySpan']
To produce an XPath that locates certain nodes only if they are within a form, you would put the ancestor::form inside the predicate:
//span[#id = 'mySpan' and ancestor::form]
or you can do this, which would again be more straightforward:
//form//span[#id = 'mySpan']
Your own attempt
looks fine to me.
You can simply use,

get form values other than by name in codeigniter

hi i am using codeigniter . i have a form , there i add hidden fields dynamically . so every hidden field is <input type='hidden' name='hidden' value="+$(this).attr('title')+"> so the name is equal .
the problem is when i submit the form and try to get my hiden field values i can only get one hidden field value , because the names are same
i print my form values
i have 2 hidden fields but i get only one
[hidden] => march
[textbox] => march
[mysubmit] => Submit
i can change the name dynamically of hidden field when creating , but then i don't know exactly the name of my hidden field ,
how can i get hidden field values with same name ?? is there any way to get form values other than by name ?? i tried and can not find an answer , please help .............
You'll need to use brackets in your name attributes:
<input type='hidden' name='hidden[]'>
<!-- ^^^^ -->
This will allow PHP to accept multiple inputs with the same name as an array of values, so in this case, $_POST['hidden'] will return an array of strings.
By default they are indexed starting at 0, so $_POST['hidden'][0] will get you the first one, $_POST['hidden'][1] will get you the second, etc., however - you can explicitly index them if it's easier for you, either with numbers or strings.
<input type='hidden' name='hidden[first]'>
<input type='hidden' name='hidden[second]'>
<input type='hidden' name='hidden[0]'>
<input type='hidden' name='hidden[1]'>
You can nest these as deep as you want like hidden[first][1][], and they will be treated similarly to a PHP array when you get the $_POST values, but you need the brackets in the HTML.
Without brackets, only the last field's value will be available in the $_POST array. This is a PHP feature, Codeigniter can't do anything about it.
