How to add a reference to native COM library in Visual Studio? - visual-studio

There is the Deploying COM Components with ClickOnce article in MSDN that says that native DLLs also could be referenced:
To add a native reference, use the Add Reference command, then browse
to the manifest.
So, I'm trying to reference Skype4COM library. I've generated a manifest using mt
tool. But when I try to reference this manifest, VS says me:
What am I understand or I'm doing wrong?

You are mixing up deploying with building. Adding a reference requires a type library or a DLL that contains a type library embedded inside the DLL. Skype4com.dll has one but it has a problem which prevents it from being added through the Add Reference dialog.
Use the Visual Studio Command Prompt from the Start + Programs menu. Use cd to navigate to the correct directory and type tlbimp skype4com.dll. You'll get a warning that you can ignore as long as you are running 32-bit code. Go back to VS and use Add Reference, Browse tab and select the generated SKYPE4COMLib.dll file.


How to create a managed plugin for Unity with Visual Studio Community for Mac

I'm going to create my first managed plugin for Unity (2018.2) using Visual Studio Community for Mac (7.6.11 build 9).
I've read the documentation but I think that the step-by-step instructions are not meant to be followed on Visual Studio Community for Mac.
As you can see in the screenshot below, I've created several projects using each and every library template available.
All of them compiled successfully to a DLL targeting versions of .NET framework that are incompatible with Unity.
The only project I could change the .NET framework version to match Unity's 3.5 is the one based on the Other > .NET > Library.
Everything works fine but I'd like to know if the assumptions, the process and the final result are correct. Can you tell me, please?
I don't know the difference between the "Class" and the "Class Library" option but you're supposed to use the "Class Library" option. This is not the main point of this answer.
Two future issues you haven't solved yet:
1. Referencing Unity's API.
If you ever have to use any Unity library or API in youir plugin such as Vector3, you need to add Unity's UnityEngine.dll to your library settings. If you don't, you will run-time exceptions.
Go to Project --> Add Reference ---> Browse ---> Browse Button
then select <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll. You can now build your managed plugin. Since you're using Mac, this path is different on your OS. On Mac, this could be /Applications/Unity/ You just have to find where UnityEngine.dll is located.
2. Invisible stack trace
With your current setup, if you run into error with your managed plugin, the stack trace won't be there. You won't have the file names and line numbers and this makes is very hard to debug your plugin code.
When you build the project, Visual Studio generates a PDB file instead of an MDB file. Unity can't use this directly. You have to convert the PDB files into MDB files.
From command line, run this:
<UnityInstallationDirecory>\Data\MonoBleedingEdge\lib\mono\4.5\pdb2mdb.exe UnmanagedPlugin.dll
Again, the path might be different on Mac, you just need to find "pdb2mdb.exe" that converts the PDB files into MDB files.
After that, copy the MDB and dll file into the "Assets" folder in your Unity project.

Build creation fails in Visual Studio for test written using selenium references

When i create build after creating a build definition for a test project developed using selenium references it throws me an error as follows.
"The type or namespace name 'OpenQA' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
Even though i have used appropriate references in my project and it does not throw any error while running the test.
Error remains the same on adding reference as.
Using OpenQA;
What i am planning to do is to create a test a project using selenium references and execute it using Test Manager.
Please Help!!!
Thanks in advance.
As #Arran stated.. The evidence suggests that you really do not have the appropriate assembly references.
Excerpt from the WebDriver Documentation -
As of Selenium 2.2.0, the C# bindings are distributed as a set of signed dlls along with other dependency dlls. Prior to 2.2.0, all Selenium dll’s were unsigned. To include Selenium in your project, simply download the latest selenium-dotnet zip file from If you are using Windows Vista or above, you should unblock the zip file before unzipping it: Right click on the zip file, click “Properties”, click “Unblock” and click “OK”.
Unzip the contents of the zip file, and add a reference to each of the unzipped dlls to your project in Visual Studio (or your IDE of choice).
Problem resolved.
While creating a build definition, under 'Process', in 'items to build' we need to set proper 'configurations'. Using 'Configurations' as 'release' and platform as 'x86' or according to your CPU will resolve the problem.

Visual Studio, added DLL reference but type not found

I'm new to Visual Studio and Windows, trying to figure out how to include a 3rd party lib into my project. I'm using VS2010 "free edition", i've added the required DLL file: Ionic.Zlib.dll and can see it under the references recent tab. The type "ZipFile" is still not resolving but should be according to the readme. Is there something else I need to do to make VS aware of the DLL?
You also need to add a Imports statement at the top of the source file in order to be able to use a type without declaring the fully qualified name.
you need to write on the top of the file
in c#:
using Your_namespace;
in vb:
imports Your_namespace

Unable to compile .NET application with referenced TLB when library is not registered

I have a C# 4.0 application that is referencing a type library from a C++ application. This is used for some secure COM interop, a question I originally had asked here.
On my development machine this second application is installed so I can compile without any issues. If I attempt to compile on our automated build server, or any machine with Visual Studio installed but without this second program, I receive the following errors and compilation fails:
Text for google:
The type or namespace name could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Cannot get the file path for type library "guid...." version 1.0. Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED))
The referenced component 'SecurityAgentLib' could not be found
Picture for readability:
I'm not sure how to get around this other than by installing the application that registers the actual dll that implements these types, but I don't want to do that on our build server. The code that uses these types are wrapped in a class that is never instantiated unless prerequisite checks are run to verify the app is actually installed, so there is no chance of a runtime error. In fact I can run my app just fine on a machine without the second app installed - I just can't compile it there.
In visual studio the reference points to the .tlb file which is included in the solution directory, so the tlb file itself is present.
I can't imagine it should work this way, and I've searched around, but I'm apparently not searching for the right terms.
Running tlbimp.exe generates a dll but the type library should be sufficient for compilation, I thought at least. There is also an issue of broken references. I was reading this article Troubleshooting Broken References and it says that if the reference was to a COM component that is not installed than installing the component corrects the error, which is true.
Installing it on the build server really isn't an option. Opening visual studio and re-adding a reference if the path was broken doesn't work either.
I was able to use tlbimp to create a dll and used visual studio add a reference to that dll. That let me compile, but how would this work in an unattended build server?
Okay I came up with two solutions that worked given my requirement of this all being unattended
Ran tlbimp to create a dll from the type library. I removed the reference to the tlb from my project and added a reference to the dll itself. When the source code was copied over to a new computer it compiled without issues.
In this scenario ideally we would checkout from SVN on the build server and copy the latest DLL from the second project, then compile this project.
I also removed the tlb and added the dll in visual studio and did a diff on the .csproj file. I don't see any downside to just having a reference to the dll instead of the tlb but if needed the build server could make modifications directly to this file to remove the tlb section and add a reference to the dll following a build of the second product.
Here are a couple options that each worked.
Ran tlbimp to create a dll from the type library. I removed the reference to the tlb from my project and added a reference to the dll itself. When the source code was copied over to a new computer it compiled without issues.
In this scenario ideally we would checkout from SVN on the build server and copy the latest DLL from the second project, then compile this project.
I also removed the tlb and added the dll and did a diff on the .csproj file. I don't see any downside to just having a reference to the dll instead of the tlb but the build server could make modifications directly to this file to remove the tlb

Visual studio browse references source?

I remember being able to do this but I must have changed something as I can no longer view an external projects source even though the pdb is with the reference. I can step into external functions when debugging but I can't go to them using "Go to implementation/declaration"
This will work if you have a separate class library Project as a part of your Solution, and you added a reference to the Project, not the compiled .dll.
You cannot step into a .dll when debugging.
It's all in how you add the reference.
