Magento wsdl. Looking for a guide - magento

Well I am new in Magento Api theme, so I don't know how to create wsdl for api2. Any good guide will be appriciated.
What I need is:
How to write wsdl.xml in magento?
How magento will understand that if I type v2_soap? wsdl array then it should take mine version of wsdl.xml for my module?

I was looking for the same thing
I found the answer here:
balexander: Your answer is really hostile!

Finally I found ca I was looking for:
From comments below :
I'v managed to create v2 service, but it was more copying from catalog's wsdl.xml. But finally I'v managed to do what I asked ;)


How can i change the wso2 main template

How can i change the wso2 main template (Management console) of the base link 'https://localhost:9443/carbon/'. I would like to change the layout and maybe logo's or something like that.
If anyone could help me i would be quite grateful.
Thank you everyone.
Following doc is from Identity Server. But it should work for all carbon products.

How to create your own controller in Magento

I am new to mangento. I have the knowledge on MVC architecture and codeigniter framework. Now I am working on magento. I tried with some of the tutorials that how to create the our own controller. But not getting the proper response.
So please share me some of the links through which I can learn magento. As i learnt the codeigniter with ellislab, there has no such tutorials found for me to learn magento.
Please share if anybody have the video links, through which I can learn magento.
Thanks in advance
You can use module creator or check on web.
here is one of the link I can suggest for Magento:-

Magento Custom Module Creation

I want to build a custom interface (See PSD) for the user to add social urls and display an icon if not empty. I did something similar in WP but no idea how to do it in Magento. I was wondering if someone can help or point to a tutorial. Thanks a lot
You can read this series by Alan Storm:
"Magento For PHP MVC Developers"

Is it possible to use Twitter Bootstrap to create a Magento site?

A client wants a Magento site done, and I have never used it before. I thought, "Sure, I'll create a standard site using Bootstrap and just query the database for the products". Now that I've been looking into it, it looks like the only way to use Magento is by creating a Theme which doesn't look to be Bootstrap friendly.
Please someone tell me that creating Themes isn't the only legitimate way of creating a Magento site.
Some starting points: (info and code) or demo here (doesn't seem too active though ?)
If this is something you are planning on doing yourself, the second link looks like a promising candidate to download, reverse engineer then cusomise!
Good luck
Newest, Magento 1.8 supported
Yes, Try this Magento Bootstrap framework but it's unstable version.

Adding Magento attributes and attribute-sets programmatically

Adding attributes to Magento via code is very obscure. Are there any examples?
I believe you can find the answer to your questions in this code example:
