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I'm using nginx for proxy cache and I'm having trouble to make it cache some ajax requests.
Nginx are making cache correctly for all pages but not for ajax requests.
The uri for ajax requests are like: /process/leaveyourmessage/getMessages?id=XX
My location config is:
location / {
proxy_cache microcache;
proxy_cache_valid 200 5s;
proxy_cache_use_stale updating;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
On the http block I've added:
proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2
keys_zone=microcache:5m max_size=1000m;
Anyone know what could be the problem?
My back end is apache + php
I've found the problem. Nginx respect cache-control and expires header and those ajax was sending it.
Writing down "proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires;" made it work.
Hi I am having a gloo deployment. The gloo recieves http requests from the client. It then forwards the requests to the upstream micro services.
I have a requirement so that when the gloo recieves an inbound request I have to generate the following headers to be available in the response.
How can i achieve it ?
I'm trying to use keycloak in my load balance service with Nginx.
But when I call service API, I received the error "Too Many Redirects" in browser.
I guess this process should be:
1. Request load-balanced to service A
2. Keycloak in service A redirect to login page
3. Login with password & username
----------------The above is correct----------------------------------
4. Keycloak redirect to the original page but **load-balance to service B**
5. Keycloak in service B redirect to login page
6. Auto login without password
7. Keycloak redirect to the original page but load-balance to service A
8. Keycloak in service A redirect to login page
9. Auto login without password
10. Then loop forever...
How should I change my keycloak config and fix the bug?
http {
upstream backend{
server weight=1;
server weight=1;
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
And Springboot keycloak config in the
server.port=8002 # modify by command line
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].securityCollections[0].name= common
keycloak client config
You should follow the Official Keycloak Guide Setting Up a Load Balancer or Proxy. Also don't forget to add the following configuration as mentioned in the official docs.
Also enable reverse proxy configurations for your configurations.
Configure your reverse proxy or loadbalancer to properly set X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP headers.
Configure your reverse proxy or loadbalancer to preserve the original Host HTTP header.
Configure the authentication server to read the client’s IP address from X-Forwarded-For header. - from Keycloak Documentation - Identifying Client IP Addresses
I have nginx that will handle https, but the login and register forms of keycloak have http actions and I can't find a way to set them to https.
Making them to https in the browser works correctly.
There are two variables:
Where are these values coming from?
I made a workaround
{url.registrationUrl?replace('http', 'https')}
Use proxy-address-forwarding.
Forward the original schema in Nginx (server.conf)
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
Use this information in Keyclok (standalone/domain.xml)
proxy-address-forwarding=true in http-listener
We are using Keycloak 2.0.0.Final installed behind a nginx proxy on a RedHat environment.
We are currently facing a problem with the Reset Password functionality which send an email with the internal server host instead of the external one in the action URL as we are behind a proxy.
I receive this by email: https://internal/auth/realms/MYREALM/login-actions/reset-credentials?code=wYhHP(...) but the end user should see https://external/auth/realms/MYREALM/login-actions/reset-credentials?code=wYhHP(...). The whole proxy settings work perfectly otherwise, it's basically an URL rewriting function.
I found this ticket relating a similar case but the solution isn't ideal:
Any hidden properties, settings we could use or solution to fix this issue?
Nginx sets the emailed URL prefix from the contents of the Host header, so your nginx proxy needs to be configured to pass the Host header intact.
Something like this:
proxy_pass <your internal keycloak URL or IP address>
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
You may also need to set X-forwarded-proto if your internal URL is not https
I am using spring mvc for my web application, but redirect acts a little weird.
I have a code adding a user to the database for signup and redirecting a user to another page, but when I deploy it into my server, the redirect keeps looking for 'localhost' instead of the domain name.
here is my code. It's pretty simple.
public ModelAndView register(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
// does a successful database process.
return new ModelAndView("");
But when it reaches that line, somehow it tries to redirect a user to localhost, even though it is not running locally.
Is it related to any spring configuration? I used spring framework before a little bit, but I haven't run into this kind of problem.
Assuming you're using a good old UrlBasedResourceViewResolver which creates RedirectView instances to handle redirect view names, then, no, Spring doesn't do anything that would cause the redirect to go to localhost.
The RedirectView will simply use HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect(String) to send the redirect. The javadoc for that says
If the location is relative without a leading '/' the container
interprets it as relative to the current request URI
So, with a URI of
a redirect view name like
will cause Spring to send a 302 response with a Location header of
There must be something else in your setup (or you user's browser) that is causing this.
I have faced with same issue when spring-boot was behind a proxy. Nginx in my case. You should pass http-header Host from Nnginx to spring-boot. So spring-boot can figure out what is the original URL
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_connect_timeout 240;
proxy_send_timeout 240;
proxy_read_timeout 240;
proxy_pass http://localhost:9912;
Above is my nginx configuration, as I can see i'm passing Host header. Otherwise spring-boot thinks that I'm running at localhost:9912
I can say that Cloudflare pass this header correctly, not sure about AWS load balance.