How do you implement custom views similar to Conversations in OS X Lion Mail? - cocoa

I'm wondering how to implement views similar to the conversation views in mail (for Lion).
I want the effect where it looks like a sheet of paper laying on the background.
I'm thinking that it may just be a view based table view.
A nudge in the right direction would be fine. Just need to know where to look to find out how to do it.
Thanks in advance.

It could be a view based table view or just a normal container view with some simple tiling logic (ie, "roll through each subview and set their frames"). The effect you're looking for, though, can be easily accomplished with layer-backed views with a background shadow enabled.
There are several perfectly valid approaches to this goal (the layout and drawing parts). Pick one, start down the path, then post questions as problems arise.


SFML RenderWindow Views and GUI

I dont know how many people have use SFML, but I basically want to draw my GUI and am unsure of how to do so.
To clarify I know how to draw a GUI but I don't know the 'correct' way to do so.
Currently I am drawing a GUI in the same RenderWindow that is used to draw the Game.
I have started to introduce Views into my game, I have a Game View and a GUI View, which take up 75% and 25% of the screens height (respectively).
Now the question is:
Should I render the GUI in the same RenderWindow but in a portion of the 'map' the player is unable to reach and have the GUI View locked on that location displaying the GUI.
Another idea I have thought of (unsure if it is plausible) is to have a second RenderTarget which renders the GUI and is dispalyed in the GUI View.
If there is a method I have not discovered or one that is recommend I am happy to hear about it, I searched but all I have found is the SFML Documentation in which I couldn't find my answer.
Your question is slightly confusing as I do not know whether you are having a design issue, or a technical issue of implementing the UI. In terms of the design issue:
I have started to introduce Views into my game, I have a Game View and a GUI View, which take up 75% and 25% of the screens height (respectively).
I haven't encountered where using multiple views will be needed for an UI. Take this example:
The UI consists of all the images in the black area. The positions' of those images are always updated relative to the position of the game view that follows the player around, nothing more. A second view isn't needed because the components (images) of the UI follow the view around, just as the view follows the player around.
Now, if you are having a technical issue, then please elaborate on the exact issue that has some accompanying code and I will do everything I can to help out.

Xcode image/pixel manipulation realtime

Hi I'm looking to do the following:
For a game, Create some effects based on the current view.
The code needs to grab part of a view then manipulate it.
One I need is "glass", so when the character walks behind the glass(or where the glass should be), the code will grab the image behind the glass and stretch it and reprint it where the glass should be, to give the effect of walking behind a lens.
What is the best way to do this?
I've never tried any thing like this before, so any help will be great!
I think you're asking about the image manipulation capabilities of the cocoa framework, in which case I reccomend looking into CoreImage:
The NSBox draws on top of the player view, the resulting composition gets a CIFilter (distortion) applied to it before drawing.

UI Like Youtube in Android (Tablet)

I've spent 2 hours looking for a solution. I need to make a design
like the Youtube UI (Tablet UI) where it shows a vertical scroll, but
in each row there are 4 videos (landscape view). I've tried to do
something similar, but i couldn't =(
Is there any place where i can get the source code of the youtube
application for Tablet? Or maybe some resource to solve this? :(
BTW, my try was designing UI with scrollView, LinearLayout and my_item.xml, i tried to inflate my_item.xml adding programmatically into the linearlayout (horizontal orientation), but it doesn't work in the way that i want. I need something like a linearlayout but with horizontal and vertical orientation at the same time (something like a div).
I was thinking to use a ListView and a custom adapter (with my_item.xml), but i'm not sure if this can be the best solution.
You should create seperate resources for each layout.
For example if the user is in Portrait mode you would have the correct layout in.
layout-port: layout for portrait orientation
layout-land: layout for landscape orientation
Read more on providing alternative resources here
Also i would recommend to read more on Handling runtime changes
This will help you with recognizing when the user changes orientation. You could actually use this guide and when the user flips the devices orientation you could then change the layout. Keep in mind hard coding this can be dangerous though. I would recommend using the layout folders.
Good luck!
Finally i solve my problem.
It works with a linearLayout(vertical) and adding linearlayout(horizontal) for each row. And obviously managing my scrollview.
BTW, i still think android should have a layout like a "div".
Thxs all

Cocoa control to render a tile map

Is there any Cocoa control that is capable of drawing tile maps with multiple layers and multiple texture sources which can also intercept touches into single tiles? Having multiple layer support is not a real requirement but an optional feature (the views could still be stacked). Hardware acceleration is not needed at all.
So far I have toyed around with NSMatrix, IKImageBrowser and NSCollectionView but non of them felt like a good solution for the problem. Ideally I need an control similar to the one in Is there anything, third party or built-in, or do I have to handcraft this control?
I fear that you will be hardly able to find a ready-to-use control for managing tile maps.
If I had to implement something like that on my own, I would consider using CATiledLayer, since this is the closest thing to a tile map control that I know of.
From CATiledLayer Reference:
CATiledLayer is a subclass of CALayer providing a way to asynchronously provide tiles of the layer's content, potentially cached at multiple levels of detail.
There is a nice sample by Bill Dudney (the author of "Core Animation for MacOS and the iPhone"). This sample could provide you a solid foundation for your own project, though it only displays one single PDF, allowing you to zoom in the area you clicked on (this requires rereading the tile at a different detail level).
Another interesting introduction can be found here. This is more step-by-step, so you might start with this.
Finally, on Cocoa is my Girlfriend there is a nice article, although it focuses on iOS, but you may find it anyway relevant.
Cocos2D supports building mac applications now
Article on cocos2d stating this:
Aee here for how to do it:
Aee here on how to use TMX tile maps with Cocos2D to build tile based maps:
This means you can use the power of Cocos2d and you will have to write much less code to get to where you want with a tile based map.
If you don't want to use Cocos2D:
It seems you would have to code it yourself, but it shouldn't be too hard to do.
First you can create your .TMX file using the tile editor "" then you would need to parse the XML using a standard xml library for Cocoa.
To lay out the tiles use a UIView for the overall container and then create a tile class that holds your tile display information and responds to clicks the tile class should extend UIView. For the tile class allow the assigning of a click delegate and assign your ViewController as the click delegate for all tiles so you can handle clicks easily with the clicked tile being passed to you.
Loop through your xml data and create and position the tiles in the overall UIView by using the tiles width/height and your tilemaps rows/columns.
I think in about a day or 2 you could have the tile map being rendered and clickable using the standard TMX format which will allow you to edit your map in ""
The TMX standard is covered here:
route-me might fit the bill.

Sliding from One View to Another

How would I change from one view to another with a slide transition?
Place them side by side, and use NSViewAnimation to perform the animation.
This may turn out tricky if the views' size can change. Doubly so if the two views are not the same size as each other.
Marcus Zarra gives a good example of how to use Core Animation to achieve this effect in his post on how to implement a wizard. It's very simple to do using subviews and a CATransition.
Implement all the actual drawing using CALayers. (Having not used Core Animation myself, I can't get more specific.) Put them in a single view, hosting that layer hierarchy, and use Core Animation to perform the slide transition.
This may not work so well if the views are not display-only—that is, if they host controls that the user can interact with. Layers are more or less display-only, since you can't put a view in a layer, and only views, not layers, are responders.
