Is this disclosure button like view a standard view? - macos

There is a view used frequently in Mac applications, for example, Mail, iTunes: . But I didn't find it in the library. Is there any third-party implementation?

Not sure if it's included or not, but you can use any kind of icon inside a button.


Expanding List in MAC Cocoa App

Is there any way to create this Type control in Cocoa MAC app.
You can use NSStackViews for this. Use one for each group of items.
Then place all stack views including your header views.
StackViews can easily show & hide single elements.
InfoBarStackView is a nice example app by Apple, which does exactly what you need.

Use of UIBarButtonSystemItemAction

A lot of people I talked to seem to think action button (UIBarButtonSystemItemAction) is for Share or Export functionalities (e.g. like its use in the Photos app).
According to HIG, this meaning of button is to:
"Open a modal view that lists system-provided and app-provided actions
that can work with the current content."
Question - what do you use this button for in your app?

Selecting iPhoto images within a cocoa application

I was wondering what the best way of selecting photos from iPhoto within a cocoa application? Right now, the open file dialogue doesn't allow me to go into the iPhoto library. How can I allow the user to go into that folder? IKPictureTaker was one option, but it appears that it allows the selection of one picture at a time. I'd like a user to be able to select 1 picture, or many.
Just use NSOpenPanel and set the allowed file types to the public.image UTI:
[panel setAllowedFileTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"public.image"]];
This will automatically add a Media section and Photos item to the sidebar in the open panel that allows the user to select from their iPhoto library.
Alternatively, you can use Karelia's open-source iMedia Browser.
There is a private API of Apple that contains exactly the control you want; this control is an ILMediaBrowserView and provides the exact same view than the one in NSOpenDialog.
If you are planning an AppStore release of your app don't use it but it can be useful.
The framework to integrate to your project to get that view is iLifeMediaBrowser.framework in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks.
Let's all hope Apple brings the same view in the documented IK.

How to achieve the screen using Graphical Editing Framework in eclipse

I want to achieve the GUI represents in the link provided
I want that kind of view as drag and drop.
Is there any resource available to get that kind of screen. I tried the snippets available for Zest already. But my objective is to get the drag and drop of buttons to the editor window as a GUI Builder.
Check UML project for Eclipse, probably you need something like that...

Drop down menu like the default iPad application menus

I'm currently working on my first iOS application to run on the iPad, and I've come across a problem. I have been asked to implement menu's similar to the ones in the default applications such as when you click on the "Calendars" button in the top left of the calendars app.
Only issue is, I cant seem to find a standard UI object that looks like these, with the arrow connecting the menu to the button etc. Is this a standard UI component that I should be able to use, or will I have to imitate them by creating a custom object?
Thanks for any help.
That is a UIPopoverController. There isn't an Interface Builder control for this. You need to create one programmatically:
UIPopoverController *popover = [[UIPopoverController alloc]initWithContentViewController:someTableViewController];
See the documentation for more information and sample projects, specifically ToolbarSearch:
