How can I make a property page always show up? - visual-studio-2010

I'm currently extending a custom "Platform" for VC-2010 (it is extremely similar to the standard pipeline and mostly just swaps 'cl' for 'gcc') and have run into a problem with the property pages.
I can't seem to figure out how to force a property page to always be visible. This page is for a tool that will pretty much always be run on a special control file that has many different tools run over it (hence why I don't want to directly link it to the file type via the 'FileExtension' in my 'ProjectSchemaDefinitions' file). So far I've only been able to get property pages to display when I've added a file with the correct 'ItemType' as an 'Item' in the vcproj file.
How can I make it so that my custom property page is always displayed, regardless of whether there is a property group for it in the vcproj file?

A fresh look at the code this morning revealed the 'ProjectTools' MSBuild item which seems to do exactly what I want.


Apply HalloJS to elements created after initialization

I recently replaced Aloha editor with HalloJS in my CMS for several reasons, the most important of which are HalloJS being more leightweight and a lot easier to customize. A severe problem I have however run into is that it doesn't seem possible to init the HalloJS toolbar to elements that are dynamically added to the DOM after initial initialization of Hallo.
Judging from the source, something is definitlety happening, since a div#hallojstoolbar appears upon clicking the newly created editable in the DOM, but it isn't visible and its widgets, controls & dialogs aren't to be found anywhere.
Ok, I feel slightly silly now. After sifting through heaps of 'foo is not a function' notices in the console before posting this question I found out that it wouldn't work because several of the options set in initialization weren't read/set (anymore).
After manually setting some of the vars at the point they were supposed to be used but missing, I discovered that HalloJS was using all the plugin's default options, such as the contextualToolbar (where I am using the static one) and, more importantly, an empty plugin list. I find this weird, bacause after dynamically adding my new element I tried calling HalloJS with all options set, to no result.
However, if you copy all your prefered option settings (including all plugin references!) into the jQuery.widget('IKS.hallo') settings in the hallo.js file, everything works as expected.
I chose to post this on here anyway since there isn't a single reference to any problem remotely related to this anywhere on the netz. So I figured this could save someone googling the same issue in the future the time it took me to figure this out.

Programatically setting control properties vs. using designer

Often, when I'm looking for information of how to set certain properties of controls (I'm using Visual Studio primarily, but this question does apply to any IDE), the examples I find normally involve programatically setting said properties.
Here's an example, using the DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle property on MSDN:
So my question is: is it better for a programmer to modify these properties by code, or is it better to use the IDE itself to change them via the properties pane? I realize that doing it the latter way will result in auto-generated code anyway, but it will be "somewhere else" in relation to the main bulk of user-generated code.
It depends on your requirements. If the app you are developing is planned to be dynamic, then it is a good idea to do it the way it is described in the reference you provided. For example, you may create a class containing the method which will set the basic settings of the gridview, so on every page you may just call this method and pass to it the gridview as a parameter instead of repeating setting the grid properties on every page.

How to detect back button -vs- GoBack() in WP7 app

Maybe I'm over-thinking this, but here's what I'm trying to accomplish.
I have two MVVM projects (assemblies) in my WP7 app. One page in the main project will call another page in the second project. The second page will allow the user to browse through a list of files on the web and select one to be downloaded to Isolated Storage. The files are rather small.
For a little background: I want two assemblies because this file-selection feature is not used often in the app and I want the Main assembly to be as small as possible to decrease startup time. I also want to be able to re-use this file-selection/download component in other apps.
The simple thing I'm trying to figure out is that when the user selects the file and it is downloaded, I will execute a GoBack() to return to the calling page. On the calling page, I need to know if, in fact, the user downloaded a file or if they cancelled out of the operation by simply hitting the back button. I thought the obvious thing might be to just check for the existence of the file in Isolated storage, but that just feel like a bit of a kludge to me.
I also thought about the Messenger, but I'm not sure how that would work across two assemblies.
Any advice would be appreciated.
It is tough to know without looking at the code. However, I would suggest that you could pass back a value to the page depending on whether you successfully downloaded your file. Navigate with the value as follows (pass true or false depending on download success):
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(("/Page.xaml?download=true", UriKind.Relative));
Then evaluate the page in the destination as follows:
string download = "";
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("download", out imageurl))

How do I edit the actual content of this TYPO3 plugin object?

I've inherited a site using TYPO3 and I don't have that much experience with it. I have a page with a left column in the layout. In that left column is an object using an "insert" plugin. On the actual page is a graphic map. I'm just wondering how to edit the actual content that this is referring to. Here is a screenshot:
Here it is a bit more zoomed in...
Based on all of the meta-data this is some kind of "Magento"/"Insert" plugin being used. Again, the question is, where do I edit/change the actual content associated with this object?
If I click on the plugin icon to the left of the "Magento Left" label and select "edit", this is what I get:
Clicking the "Plugin" tab gives me this:
My guess (and it is a guess, since I've never used Magento before) is that you can't, at least not through the TYPO3 backend. The Magento plugin is probably creating the output itself and then piping it into the plugin directly. So to alter the output you'd need to go into the Magento plugin's source code and edit that.
I have also not used this particular extension, but you might have success in clicking the plugin icon just to the left of the "Magento Left" title. At any rate, if this is the plugin called "Magento", it seems to be simply a bridge for content from somewhere else, and the displayed content should then probably be edited somewhere else. All speculation here. Further info about the plugin might be obtained from

Bindings MInefield in Xcode and Interface Builder

All right, after having worked through Cocoa Dev Central's "Build a Core Data Application" tutorial I started experimenting with building my own application, using the code and .nib file from the tutorial as a reference to make sure that things are put together properly. Overall I've been managing pretty well with it, however I seem to have hit a snag.
I'm building a form with two NSTextView boxes, like in the tutorial, however linked to different attributes within the same entity. All the other controls work properly and save/refresh their values when I go between records (minus some date box silliness, where the second box doesn't want to save its values). I have checked all of the bindings settings and the NSArrayController against the .nib from the tutorial to see where things could be off; that led to unhooking the first text box and then reconnecting it with the same settings and it suddenly magically working. The second box doesn't want to behave, however, and persists in breaking the program (the debugger shows up, listing all manner of variables and memory addresses and stuff that's frankly quite beyond my comprehension).
Currently, the offending box is configured as follows:
Class: NSTextView
Value: Bound to `history`
Controller Key: selection
Model Key Path: `description`
Checked: Allows Editing Multiple Values Selection
Checked: Conditionally Sets Editable
Checked: Raises For Not Applicable Keys
Any insight into what's going on here?
All right, got it figured out. Changed the attribute name from description and it started behaving; seems the name was triggering something when it compiled that the initial bug check missed.
