Resharper equivalent of CodeRush's "Tab" shortcut (go to next/prev usage) - visual-studio

I'm trying to switch to Resharper from CodeRush and really struggling with this one.
In CodeRush when you are over a variable/method etc. if you press "Tab" it will jump to the next usage of it. Similar to VS.NET's Ctrl + Shift + Down/up
Is there anyway to do this in Resharper? Is there any plugin or a way for me to assign Tab to similar command in Resharper?

ReSharper has this functionality, but only after you have either found or highlighted the usages of a variable/method/etc...
The keyboard shortcuts depend on whether you are using the Visual Studio or IDEA keyboard mappings (set in ReSharper -> Options -> Visual Studio Integration -> Keybarod Shortcuts).
To find the usages, press Shift + F12 (Visual Studio) or Alt + F7 (IDEA).
To highlight usages, press Shift + Alt + F11 (Visual Studio) or Ctrl + Shift + F7 (IDEA).
Once you have done either of the above, you can move to the next usage using Ctrl + Alt + FPgDn (Visual Studio) or Ctrl + Alt + Down (IDEA).
This ReSharper help page has a more complete set of shortcuts.


Visual studio 'Ctrl + Alt + Click' goes to implementation

I used resharper and there has been a very useful thing .
'Ctrl + click' - goes to definition
'Ctrl + Alt + click' - goes to implementation
If there are more than one implementation the list of all implementations shows up and you can choose a necessary implementation
Is there a way to make it in the visual studio 2019.
PS: I know about visual studio Ctrl + F12 .But I'm interested particularly in ctrl + alt + click
If you are using ReSharper, then you can enable this in the Options -> Search And Navigation but I don't think VS offers this out of the box.
And if you are using JetBrains Rider, then you can go to File -> Settings, search for implementation and right click on Implementation(s) and select Add Mouse Shortcut and then do Ctrl Alt Click

What is the equivalent shortcut for CTRL + D ("add selection to next location match") of VSCode in Visual Studio?

VSCode has a very useful shortcut: CTRL + D - Add Selection To Next Find Match.
What is the equivalent in Visual Studio?
Below an example:
Update Visual Studio 2017+
This is natively available starting in Visual Studio 2017 under the command(s):
Shift + Alt + . - Edit.InsertNextMatchingCaret
Shift + Alt + ; - Edit.InsertCaretsatAllMatching
You can change the shortcut in keyboard options if you want.
Comparison VS Code and Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio
Ctrl + D editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch Add Selection to Next Find Match
Shift + Alt + . Edit.InsertNextMatchingCaret
Ctrl + Shift + L editor.action.selectHighlights Select All Occurrences of Find Match
Shift + Alt + ; Edit.InsertCaretsAtAllMatching
Further Reading
Multiple select in Visual Studio?
Highlight all occurrences of a selected object with ReSharper
I figure out that this feature (Multi-Caret Support) was added through an update in Visual Studio 2017.
With Ctrl + Alt + Click you can add multiple insertion points or carets, as shown here here.
As far as i know, there is no equivalent directly in Visual Studio, but you can use Select Next Occurrence extension that mimics this behavior.

How to change "Navigate backward" in Visual Studio 2013?

Default shortcut (Ctrl + .) is not working, I would like to change it to Mouse Button 4/5.
How can I achieve that ?
The shortcut for navigating backward is Ctrl + -. Have you tried that?
You can also refer to Customizing a keyboard shortcut

What's the equivalent for eclipse's ALT+UP/DOWN (move line) in Visual Studio?

In Eclipse, selecting a line and pressing Alt + ↑/↓ will move the line up and down, a quick way to avoid copy&paste.
Is there an equivalent in Visual Studio?
In Visual Studio 2013 and later, this functionality is built in. ALT + UP/DOWN will move a line up or down.
If you need this functionality in VS2012 (works with VS2010 too), take a look at the MoveLine Visual Studio Extension or the Productivity Power Tools suite.
ReSharper's Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ↑/↓/←/→ is even more powerful - when on the beginning of the line, it will move the entire line, but can also be used to move entire methods, change the order of parameters, etc.
For me in Visual Studio 2019 it comes default closed.
For open it:
Tools -> Options -> Keyboard then select Edit.MoveSelectedLinesUp, click "Press shortcut keys" input and press Alt + Up (or whatever you want for it). And the other one is Edit.MoveSelectedLinesDown, click "Press shortcut keys" input and press Alt + Down (or whatever you want for it).
This is now working out of the box with Visual Studio 2013, same way as in Eclipse.
For Visual Studio 2013:
Tools -> Options -> Keyboard then select Edit.MoveSelectedLinesDown, click "Press shortcut keys" input and press Alt + Down. You also have to select the scope of the shortcut to be within "Text Editor".
In Visual Studio 2013 and later, you can move lines up and down using Alt + ↑ / Alt + ↓. Unfortunately this will not adjust the indentation if you move between blocks, as of today only ReSharper (and all other IDE's by Jetbrains including Rider) can help you with that.
To move entire blocks of code around you can move the cursor to its head and press Ctrl + m twice fast to collapse it, and then use the command above to move it around.
Here is a neat reference to all default keyboard shortcuts in different versions of Visual Studio.
With the VSCommands extension, you have exactly that keyboard shortcut. And, by the way, a Stack OVerflow notification toolbar :)

Visual Studio: ctrl+shift+v opens clipboard ring window

I'm trying to get the clipboard ring working by pressing Ctrl + Shift + V, but this only opens a window showing what the clipboard contains. I would like the items to cycle through as I press V, not open in a window.
Ctrl + Shift + Insert works as expected, and they both seems to be mapped to Edit.CycleClipboardRing, so why don't they behave the same way?
I think this is a ReSharper shortcut that's in conflict with your Visual Studio shortcuts. See if you can find a ReSharper shortcut mapped to Ctrl + Shift + V, if you've got resharper installed
