ScheduledAgent and GeoCoordinateWatcher - how to make them work? - windows-phone-7

I'm trying to get GPS position via GeoCoordinateWatcher running in ScheduledAgent. Unfortunately only location I get is some old one, recorded when application was running. How to get current (latest) location in ScheduledAgent?

I have come across the same problem. Unfortunaty, this is intended behaviour according to the WP7.1 APIs
According to the documentation, "This API, used for obtaining the geographic coordinates of the device, is supported for use in background agents, but it uses a cached location value instead of real-time data. The cached location value is updated by the device every 15 minutes."

My 2 Centlys.
it is probably becoz the GeoCoordinateWatcher takes some time (2 seconds or so) to get the new coordinate values and to lock to GPS or Cellular Mast or Wifi or whatever. And it will give you the last recordered position in the meantime.
So, try to hook to the following events
watcher.StatusChanged += new EventHandler< GeoPositionStatusChangedEventArgs>(watcher_StatusChanged);
watcher.PositionChanged += new EventHandler< GeoPositionChangedEventArgs< GeoCoordinate>>(watcher_PositionChanged);
where watcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher(GeoPositionAccuracy.High);
and call the NotifyComplete(); in your "watcher_PositionChanged" event handler.


How to do syncronized playback using AVAudioPlayer API?

There is an example here on using AVAudioPlayer. In the description it says it's able to:
Play multiple sounds at the same time with optional synchronization.
I don't see how to do that in the example.
Apple API that says the same thing:
Play multiple sounds simultaneously by synchronizing the playback of multiple players
Note: The repository is archived and does not allow adding issues.
Use the playAtTime() method on all the sounds you want and pass in the same date to all the sounds to play at the same time.
I read about the playAtTime() method and thought it was "play at this position in time of the sound" BECAUSE IT SAYS IT SAYS THE PARAMETER IS NAMED TIME NOT DATE:
but it actually takes a Date and that means play at a future date and time.
So if you were only looking at the auto complete API and it says playAtTime(time) you don't get the details you do when looking at the documentation. Seeing that there is another property on sound player that is currentTime that is a number and not a date.
Plays audio asynchronously, starting at a specified point in the audio
output device’s timeline.
func startSynchronizedPlayback() {
// Create a time offset relative to the current device time.
let timeOffset = playerOne.deviceCurrentTime + 0.01
// Start playback of both players at the same time. timeOffset) timeOffset)

Trigger indefinite notification on Windows 10

I'm trying to trigger a notification which has no expiry but must be closed by pressing the top-right X close button. Is this possible?
I've been able to trigger a timed notification which also closes when anywhere else is clicked. With this answer.
$notify = new-object
$notify.icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Information
$notify.visible = $true
$notify.showballoontip(10,"New Chat!","You have received New Chat!",[]::None)
Per Microsofts NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip Method documentation, the actual timeout property is set by the current system settings.
Minimum and maximum timeout values are enforced by the operating system and are typically 10 and 30 seconds, respectively, however this can vary depending on the operating system. Timeout values that are too large or too small are adjusted to the appropriate minimum or maximum value. In addition, if the user does not appear to be using the computer (no keyboard or mouse events are occurring) then the system does not count this time towards the timeout.
According to a couple of more google searches, you can set the time for your profile through the Registry ( Regedit - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility: MessageDuration - didn't work for me).
Through group policy, or using theSystemParametersInfo API which is out of my league to explain any further. Only reference I can find was configuring the Accessibility/System Parameter: SPI_SETMESSAGEDURATION.
Its C++ though and only other article I could find was this one:SystemParametersInfoA function.
Seems possible but, it will definitely be a hassle to get it working.

Get current no from prooph event store

I try to update a projection from event store. The following line will load all events:
$events = $this->eventStore->load(new StreamName('mystream'));
Currently i try to load only not handled events by passing the fromNumber parameter:
$events = $this->eventStore->load(new StreamName('mystream'), 10);
This will load all events eg from 15 to 40. But i found no way to figure out which is the current/highest "no" of the results. But this is necessary for me to load only from this entry on the next time.
If the database is truncated (with restarted sequences) this is not a real problem cause i know that the events will start with 1. But if the primary key starts with a number higher than 1 can not figure out which event has which number in the event store
When you are using pdo-event-store, you have a key _position in the event metadata after loading, so your read model can track which position was the last you were working on. Other then that, if you are working with proophs event-store projections, you don't need to take care of that at all. The projector will track the current event position for all needed streams internally, you just need to provide callbacks for each event where you need to do something.

Google Calendar v3 Error "The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past. [410]"

We are using the Google Calendar v3 API to return a list of events for a user that have been updated since a point in time.
In the v2 API there was no limitation on setting this date in the past.
If we set the UpdatedMin to a date too far back (like 2 months) then the error is thrown
"The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past. [410]"
If we set ShowDeleted to false then we do not get the error.
I cannot find any reference to a limitation here. Does anybody know the details of this limit. Unfortunately when synchronising calendars this is a show stopper when synchronisation has not run for a period of time for a calendar (other than running a full list which we would prefer to avoid)
EventsResource.ListRequest lr = new EventsResource.ListRequest(service, c.uc.calendar);
lr.UpdatedMin = c.primaryModTime.ToLocalTime();
lr.ShowDeleted = true;
Events el = lr.Execute();
if (el.Items.Count > 0)
the following also discusses this issue but without any resoluton.!msg/google-calendar-api/_rk9o45sXT0/3APXqxi8jvkJ
There is some explanation at:
It says that on 410 you should wipe your storage and perform a full sync instead.
Also consider switching to sync tokens as recommended in the last paragraph.

Any body have any luck with ShellTileSchedule?

Any body have any luck with ShellTileSchedule? I have followed the Microsoft example and still have gotten no where.
"How to: Update Your Tile Without Push Notifications for Windows Phone"
Has any one seen a complete example that works on a device or emulator?
Yes...I started with the sample at
and skipped immediately down to "Task 3 – Processing Scheduled Tile Notifications on the Phone." After that I had to wait about 1 hour, leaving the emulator running on my desktop (1 hour is the minimum update interval, indicated as such for "performance considerations."
_shellTileSchedule = new ShellTileSchedule
Recurrence = UpdateRecurrence.Interval,
Interval = UpdateInterval.EveryHour,
StartTime = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(59),
RemoteImageUri = new Uri(#"")
Note that setting the StartTime to DateTime.Now - 59 minutes did nothing. It still waited a full hour for its first update. I could not find any mechanism to perform "go to this URI and Update yourself NOW!", other than calling out to a web service that tickles a Tile Notification.
as #avidgator said, you'll have to wait an hour.
i have written a tutorial on how to update the tile instantly here:
basically it involves opening a push/toast update channel and then getting the phone to send "itself" a live tile update request. this will trigger the phone to go and get the tile "right now"
hope this helps
Are the channels necessary for this kind of update?
Is there a full code example of what has to be done to create an app that just updates its tile?
BTW: How about setting the Recurrence to UpdateRecurrence.Onetime and the StartTime to Now + 20 seconds for testing purposes?
I just got an tile update after an hour without channels and so on. So that answered my first question. But having to wait an hour while trying to develop an app is... unsatisfying.
It is easy. Just use the following code when you setup ShellTileSchedule.
ShellTile applicationTile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
new StandardTileData {
BackgroundImage = new Uri(""),
Title = ""
