Computationnal Geometry Package & "Nontensor object generated" in Mathematica - wolfram-mathematica

Each time i compute the ConvexHullArea of a set of points, I get the following :
CompiledFunction::cflist: Nontensor object generated; proceeding with uncompiled evaluation. >>
The output seems correct
Is it normal ?
Is there a way to solve this problem ? To mute it permanently ?
Thank you

Does Off[CompiledFunction::cflist] mute it? I am not sure why you are getting it, I don't; can you give an example?


How to use formula CASE WHEN on Netsuite Oracle?

Hi Can someone help me with the Saved Search: So I’m trying to create a formula(numeric) that would say:
CASE WHEN {internalid} = ‘32319’ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
— didn’t work it didn’t even show on the description
I also tried:
CASE {internalid} WHEN 32319 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END — also didn’t work and didn’t show on the description.
Not sure if perhaps using formula on my saved search is disabled on my end if so how can I know or check? Or maybe I did not use to correct syntax for the CASE WHEN? The formula is also grayed out(highlighted).
I managed to find a solution. As it turns out I just needed to put a value of 1 on the textbox for Value to validate the CASE WHEN Statement. Also whether there's a single quote for the numbers or in this case without a single quote, it still worked.
Either of those forms should work but your screen shots show a Formula(Text) rather than Formula(Numeric)

How do I copy large ranges between workbooks efficiently?

i'm writing a copy paste function for a fairly large dataset to be copied from one workbook to a specific sheet in another. I have written the bellow code, in the hope that it will copy paste as efficiently as possible, however during debugging the code was shown not to be working at all, it doesnt copy or paste anything and I dont understand why, does anyone have any ideas / solutions? thanks in advance
numofrows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Workbooks("TempResults.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2", "AE" & CStr(numofrows)).Copy Destination:=Workbooks("Excel Results Extractor V2.xlsm").Sheets("Gate_Results").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
I guess this is what you want
numofrows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Workbooks("TempResults.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2", "AE" & CStr(numofrows)).Copy Destination:=Workbooks("Excel Results Extractor V2.xlsm").Sheets("Gate_Results").Range("A1")
Regarding the efficiency concern expressed in your question: you can try an alternative approach, like the following:
Workbooks("Excel Results Extractor V2.xlsm").Sheets("Gate_Results").Range("A1").Value = Workbooks("TempResults.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
Try to see how it works, then modify the range correspondingly to your case.
Hope this will help. Regards,

term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments

Please have a look at the following OpenCV code
Mat *curent;
current = new Mat();
cv::Rect bRect = cv::boundingRect(Mat(*points).reshape(2));
Mat roi = *current(bRect);
Here, I am trying to get a ROI to the Mat called roi. But whenever I try to get execute the last line of the above code I get the error term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments. I have followed the same technique of getting an ROI without pointers number of times before in C++ and they worked. I guess the issue is with pointer current ? current must be a pointer because local variable slowed the application in an unbelievable way.
So, how can I solve this issue and get the ROI ?
please, throw out those pointers!
you're going to wreck havoc on the internal Mat refcounts, produce undefined behaviour and memleaks
"local variable slowed the application in an unbelievable way."
really, you think, copying a 58 byte struct is the reason ? i just don't believe you.
well i'll give you a hint, anyway - the ( ) operator has a higher precedence than the * operator.

How do I set the texture sampler state in XNA for BasicEffect?

According to microsoft the BasicEffect.Texture uses the TextureFilter state and if it's not set it uses TextureFilter.Linear.
Where can I set the TextureFilter state for BasicEffect?
Is it possible to set a clamp/wrap method for texture sampling?
This can also be specified in SpriteBatch.Begin().
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
See a discussion on this at:
Got rid of my last answer. I knew that I had written it a cleaner way before.
GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0] = SamplerState.LinearWrap;
SamplerState members can be found here.

How do you print nicely in LEDA

How do you print 'nicely' in LEDA?
I am looking for the equivalent to
I have got a little further with this.
There is a difference between precision and output precision.
I can set LEDA's output precision with e.g bigfloat::set_output_precision(4);
but I still do not know what LEDA's equivalent to fixed is.
Also, I do not know what the latest LEDA of todouble is
I have tried mu.todouble() where mu is declared as a bigfloat, but I get a compiler error
A further answer is mu.to_double()
