Autocomplete DropDown Menu Testing using WatiN - watin

I am using WatiN to test an autocomplete drop down.
When a user types in the field after 3 characters have been entered jquery autocomplete is triggered and an un-ordered list is shown. It is mandatory for the user to select from the list.
I am unable to make a selection/trigger the autocomplete from the list using WatiN.
Here is some of the html the developers have used:
<ul class="ui-autocomplete ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" role="listbox" aria-activedescendant="ui-active-menuitem" style="z-index: 1; display: block; width: 275px; top: 301px; left: 262px; ">
<li class="ui-menu-item" role="menuitem"><a class="ui-corner-all" tabindex="-1">ABC DEFGHIJ </a></li>
<li class="ui-menu-item" role="menuitem"><a class="ui-corner-all" tabindex="-1">ABC KLMNOPQ </a></li>
They are using the jQuery UI autocomplete widget:
Googling for jQuery UI autocomplete testing, I found this Stack Overflow Q&A:
Testing JQuery autocomplete ui with cucumber
containing what seemed to be the crucial information: “You need to first trigger a mouseover, then a click”
Then I Googled for WatiN mouseover, and found
This has a little code sample that includes:
Div divStudent3 = ie.Div(Find.ById("idRadComboBox_c2"));
(to be clear our development code does not use telerik controls this is just an example)
At this point I thought I had a plan for how to drive this:
Type part of the desired value into the field (e.g. “ABC”)
Find a <ul> element with class “ui-autocomplete” and display style “block”, waiting until it is present
Within that <ul> element, find the <li> element whose text is the desired value (e.g. “ABC DEFGHIJ”)
Fire the “onmouseover” event on that <li> element
Click the <li> element.
I found two problems: firstly, that WatiN’s typing into the input field was very bad at triggering the appearance of the autocomplete menu,
and secondly that clicking on the menu item isn’t causing the autocomplete to occur.
I found that sending a downarrow key event to the input field encouraged the menu to appear, but didn’t cause the top menu item to highlight
(whereas if you type in manually and hit down arrow it does). Getting the menu item properly activated
(including getting its ID set to ui-active-menuitem) may be the missing link here.
Can anyone help me to understand and solve the two problems I have mentioned?

It took a bit, but here is a working example.
Key points
Call the JQuery object search method. This gets the dropdown list
to show.
then fire onmouseover the item you want.
Then click the item you want.
To get it to select the item correctly, I've needed to do all three above in that specific order.
string searchValue = "c";
string selectItem = "COBOL";
ie.List(Find.ByClass("ui-autocomplete ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all")).ListItem(Find.ByText(selectItem)).Links[0].FireEvent("onmouseover");
ie.List(Find.ByClass("ui-autocomplete ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all")).ListItem(Find.ByText(selectItem)).Links[0].Click();
The above works using Watin 2.1. It won't work on WatiN 2.0 RC. I didn't check the actual 2.0 release. 2.0 RC doesn't have the List and ListItem objects. Tested only on IE8.

I have also run into a similar problem in an application that I am testing. When I type in the textfield using TypeText, the characters get typed twice.
What we did is as follows.
string mySubStr = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 3);
datavalue.Value = mySubStr;
datavalue.AppendText(value.Substring(value.Length - 3, 3));
where datavalue is a reference to the textfield and value is the value that is to be keyed in.


Not able to check checkbox elements in Laravel Dusk

I'm trying to do test cases for my application on Laravel 6.0 with Dusk. I'm facing some difficulties in checkbox selection, it is not finding the 'check' element.
As per the documentation I have used the check method and defined the selector with id
My ID is : company-search-type-Investor and my code is:
Its strange that my test with ->assertNotChecked('#company-search-type-Investor') gets passed but ->check('#company-search-type-Investor') gives an error:
Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\UnrecognizedExceptionException: element click intercepted: Element <input data-v-c1e51704="" id="company-search-type-Investor" type="checkbox"> is not clickable at point (192, 497). Other element would receive the click: <label data-v-c1e51704="" class="kt-checkbox" style="margin-bottom: 6px; font-size: 1.1rem;">...</label>
Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.
This could be happening because CSS is being applied that moves the checkbox behind the label. There are two ways to check the checkbox.
You can call click on the label:
You can call sendKeys on the checkbox:

Not able to click a dropdown field which is designed in the DOJO Html using selenium

I am not able to click an arrow drop down filed in my application using selenium web driver.
I tried lot of XPath using class name and relative XPath
This is the code used for the problem
<span class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport"
Please add some more information from your HTML i just add some text and xpaths are like that
<span class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport"
Xpaths are:
//span[#class='dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport']
//span[#data-dojo-attach-point='iconNode' and #class='dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport']
Add some more informaton if you have any concern
dojo combo are basically <input type= "text">, once u click on it or type the first letter of the option you want to select, a <div> is attached to the html body which has following structure:-
<div resultname="option name" resultvalue="option value" class="dojoComboBoxItem dojoComboBoxItemEven ">Option Value</div>
now there are 3 steps to select from dojo
identify the input text
type the first few letters of the option you want to select
create dynamic xpath to select the option
the code goes as followes
String optionName = "Option You Want to Select";
WebElement dojoBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("<provide the xpath here>"));
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='page-home']/span/div[#resultvalue='" + optionName + "']")).click();
if you are not sure about the dynamic xpath structure, then manually select the option, and inspect the div you have added, generally it should have the similar structure.

not able to click radio button element by xpath in selenium using python

Below is my HTML
<div id="slectrole" class="collapse in" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="selectrole">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="dropdown">
<input class="search-control jsSayt jsRolesFreeText" onfocus="this.placeholder = ''" onblur="this.placeholder = 'Eg: Delivery, BPO, Driver'" placeholder="Eg: Delivery, BPO, Driver" value="" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" data-toggle="dropdown" type="text">
<ul class="jsSaytList jsRolesFilter">
<li id="jsFilter_subRole_1" class="checkbox-inline jsFilterSubRole jsRoleValue_1" data-value="Accountant">
<input id="Accountant" class="radio-custom jsFilterRadio jsRole" value="Accountant" name="Role" data-roleid="1" type="radio">
<label class="radio-custom-label" for="Accountant">Accountant</label>
Below is the code I am using to click the radio button:
wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[#id='slectrole']/descendant::li[#data-value='Accountant']/label[#for='Accountant']")))
The code runs ok but it does not select the radio button.
OK, so I can understand your frustration, I tried your code and wasn't able to .click() (select) the element when located via xpath. See bellow print-screen:
As you can see, it was only clicking the radio-button when issuing a .click() via a CSS-located element.
Question No.1: Are you bound to the xpath locator strategy in one way or another?
If NOT, then just use a regulat CSS selector: 'input[id="Accountant"]'.
Else, you have to figure out what is wrong with the website you are testing, or switch to another WebElement locator strategy. (e.g.: ID, Class, CSS, LinkText, etc.)
If you would opt to go with the CSS locator-strategy, then your code would look like this:
wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "label[for='Accountant']")))
Alternatively, you can try to click on the <label> tag attached to the radio-button, which in my console works the same way:
wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "label[for='Accountant']")))
Explanation: In a real-life scenario, you can select the radio-button both via the actual radio-button, or via its label. That's why your solution worked.
Question No.2: Why are you using such a long xpath selector?
In order to have a optimal selector, you should ALWAYS go with the shortest, combination of tags/attributes that will UNIQUELY identify your target element. Else you will be susceptible to website changes, flaky test cases, etc.
You can perform the click on the drop down and then wait for the radio button to appear, before clicking it. Hence, try following:
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//div[#id='slectrole']/descendant::li[#data-value='Accountant']/input[1]')))
Let me know, if above code works for you.

CKEditor - Show current color on toolbar button

I would like to add a toolbar button to CKEditor that shows the current color of the selection. Is this possible?
So far I managed to add a new toolbar button by following this tutorial and the colorbutton plugin, but I can't find any example of a toolbar button with dynamic presentation.
You could use a transparent image for the button and set the background color of the button span within your plugins functionality.
It looks like it might be easiest to get that span by finding the anchor tag with the title that you assigned (the tooltip) and then set the background color of the child span with id=cke_icon.
This is what the HTML for one of my plugin buttons looks like, the name of the particular plugin that the button calls isn't used, it's functions are assigned variable function numbers, so the plugin name isn't available:
<a id="cke_33" class="cke_off"
onclick=", this); return false;"
onfocus="return, event);"
onkeydown="return, event);"
onblur=" =;" aria-haspopup="true"
aria-labelledby="cke_33_label" role="button" hidefocus="true" tabindex="-1"
title="Block Background Color">
<span class="cke_icon" style="background-image:url
background-position:0 0px;">
<span id="cke_33_label" class="cke_label">Block Background Color</span>
<span class="cke_buttonarrow"> </span>
It will be a fair amount of work if you want to determine the color each time the user selects a portion of the content area because they could select multiple elements with multiple colors. Even if they simply click in the content area, you may have to walk up the DOM tree to find the element that the cursor position is inheriting it's color from.
I helped with a plugin for another question that had a different goal, but it involved firing each time a selection was made, creating an object based on the selection, and walking up the DOM tree to look at the class assigned to the elements. You may be able to modify it to fit your goals:
How to block editing on certain part of content in CKEDITOR textarea?

Firefox 3.5.2 Refresh(F5) causes Highlighted Form value to get copied to next field

I am having a strange issue in Firefox 3.5.2 with F5 refresh.
Basically, when I focus on an input field and hit f5 the contents of that input field gets copied to the next form field after the F5 refresh.
But, if you inspect the HTML source code, the values are correctly loaded.
I am not having this issue in IE8 or Safari 4.0.3.
The problem does not occur if I do a hard refresh or run window.location.refresh(true).
After F5 Refresh:
Here's an overview of what's going on.
I believe the thing you should look into is the autocomplete attribute,
you should set it to off on the input box. However be careful since this will trigger two effects.
When you refresh the page it won't remember the old values
The default dropdown of the already used values on that input box will also be disabled.
If you want to keep the second behavior you should set the autocomplete attribute back to on with JS.
Browsers can remember form field contents over a refresh. This can really throw your scripting off if it is relying on the initial value of a field matching what's in the HTML. You could try to prevent it by calling form.reset() at the start.
Different browsers have different strategies for detecting when a form or a field is the same as in the previous page. If you have clashing names, or names that change on reload, it is very possible to end up confusing them. Would have to see some code to work it out for sure.
In the backend, I am using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 with the Spark View engine. When I examine the source code after an F5 refresh in Firefox 3.5.2, the page renders correctly; however, if you look at the page visually the adjacent form field field gets populated with the value from the previous field.
I included enough code so you can just get an idea of what I'm trying to do.
Again, the rendering is fine and the final view/HTML code is fine. It's what I see on the screen that is incorrect. I am using hidden vars; but the issue occurred before using it as well.
Note in the code below, I have 2 distinct ID fields: "date_{projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" and "finishDate_{projectTask.ProjectTaskId}, which gets renders to something like "date_1" and "finishDate_2".
<for each="ProjectTask projectTask in projectTasksByProjectPhase">
<input type="hidden" value="${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" />
<td class="date">
<div class="box">
<div class="datefield">
<input type="text" id="date_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" value="${startDate}" /><button type="button" id="show_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" title="Show Calendar"><img src="~/Content/yui/assets/calbtn.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="Calendar" ></button>
<div class="box">
<div class="datefield">
<input type="text" id="finishDate_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" value="${finishDate}" /><button type="button" id="finishShow_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" title="Show Calendar"><img src="~/Content/yui/assets/calbtn.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="Calendar" ></button>
FYI: ${} are used to output variables in the Spark View engine.
I am also using the YUI 2.7 Connection to make Ajax calls to update the datebase for "change" and "enter/tab key press" events. I am able to verify that the AJAX calls are made correctly and the form field values are still valid.
The problem occurs when I just do a F5 refresh; for some reason, the "finishDate_1" gets populated with the value from "date_1".
This problem occurs just by clicking on "date_1" and hitting F5; so, the adjacent field just gets populated even if there are no AJAX calls.
Here's the Javascript code I call towards the end of the body"
function() {
var idList = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(function (el) { return (el.type == 'hidden'); }, 'input');
len = idList.length;
var startDatePickers = new Array();
var finishDatePickers = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var id = idList[i].value
startDatePickers[i] = new DatePicker("date_" + id, "show_" + id, "cal_" + id);
startDatePickers[i].valueChanged.subscribe(updateDate, 'S');
finishDatePickers[i] = new DatePicker("finishDate_" + id, "finishShow_" + id, "finishCal_" + id);
finishDatePickers[i].valueChanged.subscribe(updateDate, 'F');
The form field gets copied over before any Javascript code is processed because I call the Javascript code towards the end of the body after all HTML is rendered. So, I'm guessing it's a refresh issue in Firefox? What do you guys think?
As you can see above, I created my own calender date picker objects which allows you to either enter the date in the text manually or by clicking on a button to view the calendar and select a date. Once you enter or select the date, an AJAX call will be made to update the datebase in the back end.
Thanks everybody for the quick responses.
#Anonymous: whoever you are, you are awesome!
#bobince: thanks for the feedback as well.
I added a dummy form tag with the attribute autocomplete="off" and that solved the problem!
I was scratching my head because I didn't get this issue in Safari 4.0.3 or Internet Explorer 8.
<form action="" autcomplete="off">
<!-- my code -->
The values were loading correctly in the back end (ASP.NET MVC 1.0/Spark View engine) and the HTML source code reflected this, but the input field values were not getting populated correctly. I was using the YUI Connection Manager and Javascript to support edit-in-place and the date pickers.
I tried changing the XHR call to a GET call instead of POST and the same issue was happening.
Anyway, the problem was that the Firefox was not setting the correct values for the input fields for F5 refreshes.
Again, thanks so much! You guys rock!
All element id's must be unique, if two elements have same id's then that could be reason why Firefox inserts same values to elments that didn't orginally have those values entered.
I had a similar problem related to my question at Input control shows incorrect value, even 'though inspect element shows the right value is there
The problem occurred for me in Firefox, but not Chrome, for some but not all controls on the form, and when I pressed F5, but not ctrl-F5.
The "dummy form" seems to have resolved it for me.
