Toggling PanoramaItem Visibility via Delegate - windows-phone-7

I have a peculiar problem in Windows Phone Development. I have 4 panorama items each of them containing a webBrowser control. On the start of the application, I have only the first panorama item visible while the remaninig are in collapsed state.
Based on the interaction in the first webBrowser, we Notify the WP7 app (webBrowser.ScriptNotify event) and decide which panoramaitems to display. The visiblity is set in the delegate that handles the ScriptNotify event.
the issue I am facing is that though i set the visibility in the delegate to Visible, it doesn't show up in the Panorama. I have tried using Dispatcher in the delegate to change visibility but it hasn't helped:
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => {
discussions.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
Can someone suggest what i could be doing incorrectly?

First of all, you shouldn't use a WebBrowser control inside a Panorama. It's very bad performance.
Secondly, Panorama and PivotItems don't have a collapsed state.
And thirdly, the dispatcher have nothing to do with this (unless you're not running the code on the UI thread).
So what you need to do, is to add the PanoramaItems dynamically to the Panorama control. This can be done by databinding (recommended), or directly from C#.

I don't know about performace but i'm sure that a PanoramaItem has a collapsed *visibility* state i tried to toggle it from code and it works like a charm if the initial state is visible.
But if the initial state is collapsed when the panorama loads then it doesn't work anymore. I guess it is because if it is collapsed then it is not included in the panorama and so it won't be visible when you set it to visible.
Maybe that's a bug or i don't know but it is a bit awkward.
To add the PanoramaItem to the Panorama could work.

I'm sorry for not answering the question but the other way around, enforcing the problem :) .
I do have the same problem, one PanoramaItem with an ItemsControl databounded to a collection of the ViewModel. The PanoramaItem visibility property is databounded to {Binding} and a CollectionToVisibility converter is used. During debug with a breakpoint set inside the converter code I managed to see that the return value is ok but the PanoramaItem is not visible when the collections has items.
My investigation took me to realize that in fact when the first get to the Collection occours the return value is null because the Collection data comes from a async call to a service and the converter return value is Visibility.Collapsed, and only when the Collection is populated and the PropertyChanged event is raised, the second get to the Collection property triggers the databind refresh and the return value of the converter is now Visibility.Visible, this leeds me to think that the PanoramaItem isn't included in the Panorama control tree during the applytemplate because the visibility is set to collapsed, and after that the UI never loads the PanoramaItem again.
I made a test to verify this scenario returning in the get of the Collection property an hardcoded list of items so that the first get have items in it and the converter returns Visible in the first get request.Everything works like a charm.I can even string the collection out of items and it gets collapsed and the other way around.
All this is pure Xaml, no code behind.
The intent of this is to hide PanoramaItems that for some reason does not have content to show.

Basically, the panorama keeps an internal list of visible item. This list isn't updated when you set an item to visible. The easiest way to force the control to update this list is setting the MainItem property. So after setting the visibility of your panorama item, just add the following line:
yourPanorama.DefaultItem = yourPanorama.DefaultItem;
(given that the panorama is called yourPanorama)


Implementing a "fisheye" view with a ListBox

I am new to Windows Phone Programming. In my application, I Have a listbox which lists the phone contacts. Currently it is listed as a regular list with equal size for list items in the UI.I am looking to modify the front end like this :
I dont want to have different sizes /back ground color for each list items rather a fixed UI and let the lists scroll through it and the list item in the view, at any time, should be displayed as in the picture.
I dont expect any codes as answers but any examples are welcome too, just want to know using what feature this kind of functionality is possible so that i can do my reading!
It would be difficult to modify an existing control (ListBox for example) to act like this, so your best bet would probably be an ItemsControl with its RenderTransform set as a TranslateTransform.
If you place a Rectangle (with Fill="Transparent") over the ItemsControl, you can attach handlers to the ManipulationStarted, ManipulationDelta, and ManipulationCompleted events to control the "scrolling" by setting the TranslateTransform's Y offset.
To resize the items in the list there are two options: a custom panel or manual setting.
Custom Panel
You could create a custom Panel implementation that will appropriately resize its Children based on a property you would create to represent the scroll position. Set the ItemsControl to use your panel, and either through binding or attaching a handler to the panel's Loaded event and keeping a pointer to the panel, update the aforementioned property from inside the ManipulationDelta handler.
Manual Setting
From inside of the ManipulationDelta handler, you can also calculate the various heights of the boxes and use MyItemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex to get the visual for each item and set its height.
I would suggest putting this all inside of a custom UserControl.
You may have issues with clipping using the TranslateTransform but hopefully this will get you started. Unfortunately, this looks like a rather difficult control to try making as your first windows phone project!
So Finally I did manage to find a way to do it.
First approach was as #Murkaeus suggested, Using UserControl and ManipulationDelta event handler. However for some reason the manipulationDelta event was triggered only for 2 finger gestures (Zoom, Pinch..etc), I have no clue why. And after some trying I had to give up on this.
The next approach was using Listbox itself. The source of the Listbox was set as the List( of Models objects) that I create after reading the contact information from phone. The height and color of the listbox item was bound to a property in my model named "scaleLevel" and was accordingly converted by implementing IValueConvertors to give predefined color and height values for different scale levels.
I created an attached property for the scrollviewer vertical offset like mentioned [here] (!
This event is triggered on change of the vertical offset and every time there is a scroll, I find out which listbox item to be enlarged and which reduced based current vertical offset.
Once I have this information, I change the property ("scaleLevel") of the affected items in the List (of Model) (which is bound to listbox height and color). This change is updated in UI using the INotifyPropertyChanged Event.
I have no idea if this the best way of doing it , but it works well and there is no considerable in updating the UI despite the processing involved.
I would like to hear your opinion about the implementation and any other solution which you feel will work better.

WebBrowser as ListItem and scroll

This question about WP8 project.
I have a LongListSelector with pictures and html formatted text below. Currently each pictire implemented as an Item of the list. The last Item with browser has its own template and shows WebBrowser instead of picture.
I am expected this item behave such as TextBox which I can scroll by interacting with LongListSelector.
But this WebBrowser has it's own scroll inside and intercepts any surrounding scrolling events. Thus whenever I scroll down the list to show WebBrowserControl to the whole screen, I can't go back to the pictures.
Please help me with this issue. What is the appropriate solution? I need a separate pictures since want to implement "Clicked" logic on top of it. And I want to have WebBrowser too (but prefer to behave it similar to RichTextBox (which I can't find in WP8))
USE ListBox.ItemTemplate along with DataTemplate and inside dataTemplate we could custom create xaml tag !

Scroll management for LongListMultiSelector

In my WP8 application I use LongListMultiSelector and I would like to save it's scroll position when application is closed or tombstoned and then restore it when application is opened again. I will also need to scroll it programmatically to a specified item or specified position with animation when application is active.
The problem is that so far I can't find any methods on LongListMultiSelector that will allow me to scroll it with or without animation to a specified item or position. I also can't find methods that will allow me to get a list of all current items so I could choose of them to which one to scroll.
It can't be that scrolling is unmanageable on LongListMultiSelector so I'd like to get your advice on how I can get to this scroll functionality.
LongListSelector is kind of a "smart" controls. It means it has very complex behaviour but if you need to change it - better you shouldn't...
You have two options:
Write your own behavior on top of the content of the LongListMultiSelector. It contains primitives:ScrollBox control inside it.
Use standard LongListSelector and implement native ScrollTo method and your own multiselection. Multiselection is a simple task, ScrollTo is quite tricky since you basically can't scroll to position, only to item.

How to make Listbox to not remember its last view

I have a Listbox that bind to an ObservableCollection. In my app, I need to clear this collection in OnNavigatedFrom and read it in OnNavigatedTo to reduced memory.
However, I see that when using StackPanel as ItemsPanelTemplate, Listbox can remember its last view (its seletected item), while VirtualizingStackPanel does not.
So how can I disable this behavior when using StackPanel ?
It is a common problem, you need to set the Listbox's SelectedIndex to -1

Silverlight 2.0 RC Drag and drop ordering of a ListBox

I am trying to give a ListBox drag and drop ordering functionality and I have hit a wall. I got it to work when I specify the list box items in xaml but it does not work when I bind to a list it no longer works because the items are no longer of a listboxitem type.
I found this code that allows me to get the underlying ListBoxItem but I can't get the mouse move event to fire.
I have went through other tutorials but have not been able to find one that deals with a ListBox. Has anyone done this with a ListBox.
The events I am using are SelectedChange, MouseMove, and LeftMouseButtonUp (I think that name is right). I am not using LeftMouseButtonDown because I couldn't get it to fire.
As far as i know you cannot get at the listbox item container when using data binding. YOu could in Beta 1.
You also cannot set a mouse event handler in the style, you must use a data template, just so you know.
You will likely have to use the mouse move event from a parent element, probably the UserControl or main layout control that hosts the listbox.
State changes and animations need to be in the style though so... you still cant get at the listbox item, just the element inside it in the data template.
Oh and if doing drag and drop HitTest is now protected so that will make the Drop harder.
since today you can download the final 2.0 version of Silverlight with some add ons, check the Scott's web log
I've been trying to do the same thing in WPF,
but have only found many buggy implementations.
One person has guided me towards the blog of Beatriz Costa,
and from what I remember she's one of those rare geniouses,
so I suggest you read that as well... I know I will
Blog of Beatriz Costa
