Flowplayer - get # of seconds - flowplayer

Is it possible to get the number of seconds of the playing video in flowplayer?

Player Methods



How to do syncronized playback using AVAudioPlayer API?

There is an example here on using AVAudioPlayer. In the description it says it's able to:
Play multiple sounds at the same time with optional synchronization.
I don't see how to do that in the example.
Apple API that says the same thing:
Play multiple sounds simultaneously by synchronizing the playback of multiple players
Note: The repository is archived and does not allow adding issues.
Use the playAtTime() method on all the sounds you want and pass in the same date to all the sounds to play at the same time.
I read about the playAtTime() method and thought it was "play at this position in time of the sound" BECAUSE IT SAYS IT SAYS THE PARAMETER IS NAMED TIME NOT DATE:
but it actually takes a Date and that means play at a future date and time.
So if you were only looking at the auto complete API and it says playAtTime(time) you don't get the details you do when looking at the documentation. Seeing that there is another property on sound player that is currentTime that is a number and not a date.
Plays audio asynchronously, starting at a specified point in the audio
output device’s timeline.
func startSynchronizedPlayback() {
// Create a time offset relative to the current device time.
let timeOffset = playerOne.deviceCurrentTime + 0.01
// Start playback of both players at the same time.
playerOne.play(atTime: timeOffset)
playerTwo.play(atTime: timeOffset)

Ensure Batch request for Google API occurs once per second

I'm having some trouble with sending batch requests for the pagespeed API. From what I have seen in my google developers console I should have 100 requests per second with a max of 25,000 per day. However, I'm running into a problem even just trying to do 50 per second. I have tried to impose timing into my ruby application and for some reason that doesn't change the error. I still get the rateLimitExceeded Error from google on a decent amount of the results. I'm doing this on arrays containing ~1000 urls if that matters.
Here's my batch function, I call it in a loop from another function, I thought this might work better for timing. But it didn't seem to change anything.
def send_request(urls)
#psservice.batch do |ps|
urls.each do |url|
ps.run_pagespeed(url) do |result, err|
err.nil? ? #data.push(result) : #errors.push("#{url}, #{err}")
This gets called from
#urls.each_slice(50).to_a.each do |url_list|
send_request(url_list, options)
Any ideas why this would occur? Thanks in advance
I misread the quota for Google Pagespeed - it's 100 requests / 100 seconds. So one request a second. It seems the more I check that it actually is 1 request / second. I still have trouble trying to run 100 requests then waiting 100 seconds.

tokumx1.2.1 update slow,why?

we have a java application ,use tokumx1.2.1。we use mongo-java-client-2.10.1 for write and read.Write about 5 times per second,but sometime it use time exceed 10s.the dba monitor tokumx times not exceed 10ms,can anyone help me? thank you!

how to convert the player current time to seconds

i want to convert AVPlayer current to minutes and seconds.
Please suggest me how to convert Player Current time to minutes and seconds
when i gone through the documentation of avplayer,i came to know that it returns cmtime
Check Apple's documentation for CMTime: CMTime Reference.
value divided by timescale equals seconds.

Do periodicalTask every 5 minutes

I want to use PeriodicAgent and do something in backround, but the default interval for PeriodAgent is 30 mins, which is too long for my app. Is there any way (in wp7.0 or above) to change the interval?
Thank you in advance.
No, there is not. Even the 30 min interval is not guaranteed.
