residual header space for TTTableViewController on iOS 5 - three20

I have a class that inherits from TTTableViewController, and overwrites the "createDelegate" method to use the TTTableViewDragRefreshDelegate instead of the default Delegate.
The problem that I am seeing right now is that there is some header space that appears before my table content (supplied by data source, of course) for iOS 5, but this isn't there on pre-iOS 5 versions.
I searched around and found this article (, but it doesn't quite help me as I did not overwrite tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: method.
What I have noticed is that for all my TableViewControllers that have this problem, they all seem to overwrite the "createDelegate" method and return TTTableViewDragRefreshDelegate, as mentioned above.
My question is: anyone ran into the same issue? How can I fix this problem?

Okay, figured it out. The problem is with an old three20 library that I was using. Once I upgraded to the latest, it was fixed.


Cshtml file getting frozen

After a couple of times changing and saving a .cshtml file, the view starts to get frozen.
I recorded a video, you can check it right here.
Does anybody know how to solve it?
this is a known bug in VS for Mac and it will be fixed in an upcoming release. You'll need to update to the latest version (I'm not sure when that will be released, but hopefully soon).
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Swift find() method throwing error

When i opened my app today, Xcode asked if i wanted to update some syntax. I followed through the update prompts and after all was said and done my app now has this error on one of the "find" methods. Ive been scratching my head over this one for about an hour now. Any advice on what might have changed?
As discussed here, Swift 2.0 removed the find method and replaced it with indexOf (as indicated by the error Xcode is giving you).
You can fix your code as follows:
if let index = playlistArray.indexOf(playlistImageView)
Read the error message carefully. It says
find(haystack, needle) is unavailable, call haystack.indexOf(needle)

Ninject 3.0 MVC kernel scan not working

What happened to kernel.Scan in Ninject 3.0?
kernel.Scan(scanner =>
Get a build error.
'Ninject.IKernel' does not contain a definition for 'Scan' and no extension method 'Scan' accepting a first argument of type 'Ninject.IKernel'
Been banging my head for hours trying to figure out what to change it to.
Have not seen any good site or posts explaining how to fix this simply.
This all was working perfectly fine, some piece of ninject got upgraded. After hours of figuring out why nothing was working. I did not reinstall it(knowingly), not sure what happened, but now I've reinstalled everything to 3.0, figured it woulf be better, now I'm stuck with a lack of any help.
Will be checking out this later. Think this is what i was looking for.
See out my other ninject3 question on auto discovery
Ninject 3.0 MVC kernel.bind error Auto Registration
I ran into a very similar issue recently because of some library documentation incorrectly referenced “AutoLoadModules”. I had a hard time finding out this was actually a thing from the past. And half of the accepted answer is now a dead link. So in case this can be useful to someone else…
There has been, with NInject3, several breaking changes around Ninject.Extensions.Conventions.
So if you are looking for AutoLoadModules, IKernel.Scan and the like, tough luck.
Instead, you are now left with only IKernel.Bind extension method:
_kernel = new StandardKernel();
_kernel.Bind(s=> s.FromAssembliesMatching("LR.Service.*", "LR.Repository.*")

Magento sites in IE9, prototype bugs

Internet Explorer 9 was released today, and I decided to check a few Magento sites we build in the last couple of months to see if everything continues to work with the new version.
But unfortunately it doesn't. I came across one particular problem that is caused by the version of the prototype library which is shipped with Magento, version
It looks like the cancelling events in eventhandlers isn't working.
For example, if you try to log in to a Magento shop, and just leave the login and password fields empty, IE9 submits the form even if there were errors, and the errors disappear after the refresh.
So that's quite a big problem I think.
So my question is: how can we deal with this problem? I see a couple of ways to deal with this:
Wait for Magento to release a new version with fixes
Upgrade the prototype library to the latest version which probably already has fixed the issue
Mess around in the existing library and try to fix the bug in there
Waiting for a new Magento release isn't a good idea because it probably will take a few weeks before there is one, and because it will cause a whole lot of other problems if you are running a very old version of Magento.
Upgrading to the latest prototype library is probably the best idea, but will everything in Magento continue to work with the latest version of prototype, does anybody has any experience with this?
So what's everybody's opinion about this problem?
Any ideas other than mine?
As upgrading Prototype has the potential to break a lot of things in Magento (and, honestly, doing anything in Magento has the potential to break a lot of things in Magento), I created a theme override for my
file and slapped the following as the first element under the head tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
This tells IE to pretend as if it is IE 8, where possible. This solved an issue where, for example, you could not check out and complete the payment process if you only have one payment method enabled, as in IE 9 the fields will all be grayed out.
Note that it really must be the first tag underneath the <head>.
Since upgrading Magento in any way has the potential to cause problems, I feel this is the least intrusive way to solve the issue in the near term.
I spent a couple days on this, and discovered the only thing that truly works is disabling things at the form level. This should solve all your problems.
As a quick fix, I think I would take the same approach you are advocating, and upgrade Prototype to a version that does not contain this issue. However, Magento will be coming along with a patch (this is too big to ignore), and at that point, it would be wise to undo your changes and apply the patch they provide to keep in line with normal upgrades.
It is rarely worth it to manually dig in the internals of Magento's JS, so that option seems a bit off to me. There are probably several places where this semantic is used and you may miss some of them.
Hope that helps!
Joseph Mastey
I've updated the prototype.js file to 1.7 and so far it's correct. I dont see any errors. If you apdate and find errors please notify!
The proper fix is in the Magento forums.
In template/catalog/product/view/tabs.phtml, change the line that reads:'li', 'ol').each(function(el){

How to display strings in Xcode debugger?

I always used to be able to see NSString values in the debugger, without problem. Since updating to 3.2.5 all I see is the format string {(char *)Xcode_CFStringSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s
I can't see anything wrong with that. Can anybody please tell me what the correct formatter should be?
I'm having this same problem and haven't found a solution. But at least I did figure out you can still view the strings by right clicking on the string variable and selecting "Print Description to Console".
I also had this problem and at the same time I noticed a couple of errors about missing symbols for xcode debug libraries (see here). Fixing the errors as described in the link also made my strings start working again. I realise you are talking about a different version of the SDK, but maybe the problem is the same.
