Linked list vs. dynamic array for implementing a stack - performance

I've started reviewing data structures and algorithms before my final year of school starts to make sure I'm on top of everything. One review problem said "Implement a stack using a linked list or dynamic array and explain why you made the best choice".
To me, it seemed more intuitive to use a list with a tail pointer to implement a stack since it may need to be resized often. It seems like for a large amount of data, a list is the better choice since a dynamic array re-size is an expensive operation. Additionally, with a list, you don't need to allocate any more space than you actually need so it's more space efficient.
However, a dynamic array would definitely allow for adding data far quicker (except when it needs to be resized). However, I'm not sure if using an array is overall quicker, or only if it doesn't need to be resized.
The book's solution said "for storing very large objects, a list is a better implementation" but I don't understand why.
Which way is best? What factors should be used to determine which implementation is "best"? Also, is any of my logic here off?

There are many tradeoffs involved here and I don't think that there's a "correct" answer to this question.
If you implement the stack using a linked list with a tail pointer, then the worst-case runtime to push, pop, or peek is O(1). However, each element will have some extra overhead associated with it (namely, the pointer) that means that there is always O(n) overhead for the structure. Additionally, depending on the speed of your memory allocator, the cost of allocating new nodes for the stack might be noticeable. Also, if you were to continuously pop off all the elements from the stack, you might have a performance hit from poor locality, since there is no guarantee that the linked list cells will be stored contiguously in memory.
If you implement the stack with a dynamic array, then the amortized runtime to push or pop is O(1) and the worst-case cost of a peek is O(1). This means that if you care about the cost of any single operation in the stack, this may not be the best approach. That said, allocations are infrequent, so the total cost of adding or removing n elements is likely to be faster than the corresponding cost in the linked-list based approach. Additionally, the memory overhead of this approach is usually better than the memory overhead of the linked list. If your dynamic array just stores pointers to the elements, then the memory overhead in the worst-case occurs when half the elements are filled in, in which case there are n extra pointers (the same as in the case when you were using the linked list), and in the best case when the dynamic array is full there are no empty cells and the extra overhead is O(1). If, on the other hand, your dynamic array directly contains the elements, the memory overhead can be worse in the worst-case. Finally, because the elements are stored contiguously, there is better locality if you want to continuously push or pop elements from the stack, since all the elements are right next to each other in memory.
In short:
The linked-list approach has worst-case O(1) guarantees on each operation; the dynamic array has amortized O(1) guarantees.
The locality of the linked list is not as good as the locality of the dynamic array.
The total overhead of the dynamic array is likely to be smaller than the total overhead of the linked list, assuming both store pointers to their elements.
The total overhead of the dynamic array is likely to be greater than that of the linked list if the elements are stored directly.
Neither of these structures is clearly "better" than the other. It really depends on your use case. The best way to figure out which is faster would be to time both and see which performs better.
Hope this helps!

Well, for the small objects vs. large objects question, consider how much extra space to use for a linked list if you've got small objects on your stack. Then consider how much extra space you'll need if you've got a bunch of large objects on your stack.
Next, consider the same questions, but with an implementation based on dynamic arrays.

What matters is the number of times malloc() gets called in the course of running a task. It could take from hundreds to thousands of instructions to get you a block of memory. (The time in free() or GC should be proportional to that.) Also, keep a sense of perspective. This might be 99% of the total time, or only 1%, depending what else is happening.

I think you answered the question yourself. For a stack with a large number of items, the dynamic array would have excessive overhead costs (copying overhead) when simply adding an extra item to the top of the stack. With a list it's a simple switch of pointers.

Resizing the dynamic array would not be an expensive task if you design your implementation well.
For instance, to grow the array, if it is full, create a new array of twice the size, and copy items.
You will end up with an amortized cost of ~3N for adding N items.


Efficient nested priority queue

I'm looking for a data-structure/algorithm (not multithreaded) which is essentially a nested priority queue. That is:
The next element to be taken is the one with the highest priority.
An element can either be a simple element with a priority, or it can be another priority queue (though a limit of one level of nesting is fine for my purposes). Regardless of the level of nesting, the element with the highest priority across the queue/sub-queues/sub-sub-queues/etc is the one chosen nexxt.
Elements can be added or deleted at any level, though a simple node never turns into a sub-queue (or vise-versa).
The priority of a simple element doesn't change after being inserted.
I haven't been able to come up with anything efficient/elegant, and Googling hasn't turned up anything.
I haven't actually built this, but I did some pretty extensive analysis on the idea and it seems like it should work. I call it a queue of queues. The reason I never built it is because the project I was building it for was canceled before I needed the queue.
First, I decided that a "simple element" would instead be a priority queue that contains a single element. Not having to manage two different types of elements simplified the design, and analysis showed that it shouldn't affect performance in any significant way.
Because a sub-queue's priority can change whenever a new item is added, or an item is removed from it, I elected to use a Pairing heap for the main queue and the subqueues. Pairing heap performs better than binary heap when you have to do a lot of priority changes. The problem with binary heap is that if you want to change an item's priority, you have to find the item first. In a binary heap, that's an O(n) operation. In pairing heap, the amortized cost of a priority change is O(log n) because you already have a reference to the node.
So the idea is, if you're adding a new sub-queue you just add it to the main queue and it'll get put in the proper place. If you're updating a sub-queue, you add or remove the item (which is O(log n) on the sub-queue), and then adjust the sub-queue's position in the main queue (which is O(log n) on the main queue).
All my analysis said that this should work quite well, although I'm still not sure how well it would work with multiple threads. I think I have a good idea how to synchronize access and not end up blocking the entire queue for every insertion and deletion, except for a very brief time. I guess I'll find out if I ever build it. It might be possible to create a lock-free concurrent pairing heap.
I selected Pairing heap because of its better performance in re-ordering keys, and also because it's much easier to implement than Fibonacci heap or many of the others, and although its asymptotic performance is slower than Fibonacci heap, its real-world performance is much, much better. The only drawback to me is that a Pairing heap will occupy more memory than an equivalent binary heap. It's the old time/space tradeoff.
Another option would be to implement a skip list priority queue, which also has O(log n) performance for insertion and changing priority. And I've seen lock-free concurrent skip list implementations. Implementing an efficient skip list isn't difficult in C, because it handles variable record sizes very well. In C# and other languages that don't allow you to build varying length structures, skip list can be a real memory hog.
As I said, I never actually built this thing, but all my research and design notes tell me that it should be reasonably easy to build and should perform quite well.

What is the best data structure to implement a queue? [closed]

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I only need the operations enque and dequeue.
From a theoretical standpoint, a singly-linked list with both a head and a tail. Remove from the front, append to the tail. There you have the theoretical O(1) constant-time complexity (even for worst-case) with less storage than a doubly-linked list.
From a practical standpoint, a growable array-based contiguous structure can perform better using circular indexing. The hardware excels at dealing with contiguous memory due to the spatial locality (cache lines that fit multiple adjacent elements, e.g.). Those have a worse algorithmic complexity with only amortized constant time and a worst-case linear-time complexity (though it's so infrequent that it generally doesn't matter very much).
Also from a practical standpoint, an unrolled list could work well (basically arrays of multiple elements stored in nodes that are linked together, giving you the locality of reference + guaranteed constant-time enqueues and dequeues).
"Best" is really hard to say here since it depends on your needs.
For example, the singly-linked list with a tail has the weakness of allocation/deallocation overhead per node and the lost locality of reference, unless you back that with an efficient, contiguous allocator that helps mitigate these weaknesses. It also pays a memory overhead of a list pointer/ref per element (plus potentially some more due to the separate allocations per node). As pointed out in the comments, linked lists are generally nowhere near as good as they sound because they don't line up quite as well (at least without a lot of help from an allocator) with the actual nature of the hardware.
The circular array has a weakness where it needs excess capacity to reduce the number of reallocations (or else that worst-case linear time complexity is going to kick in more frequently) and copies (though they could be shallow in some cases). Also since it's just one big contiguous memory block, if you're working with enormous data sets, you could get out of memory errors even on a machine with virtual addressing (out of memory doesn't necessarily mean all memory has been used up in such cases, it means that a contiguous set of unused pages matching the requested size wasn't found).
The unrolled list mitigates the list pointer and node allocation overhead but stores some excess capacity in nodes which could be quite wasteful if you're, say, using an unrolled list with the capacity to store 64 elements per node and you're just storing 3 elements in your queue.
You could use an array (continuous spaces in memory)
You could also use a linked list (not necessarily continous)
Array and its fancier derivatives (ArrayList, vector, etc) may be more complicated. They aren't as efficient because if you start adding too many elements, you may run out of continous memory space and you will have to copy everything in your queue over to a new block of memory.
A linked list to me seems pretty efficient as long as you keep track of the front and back (head and tail, whatever you want to call it).
This may help:
I do not recommend array (OR any data structure which is implemented on top of array) because dequeue operation will lead to shifting of all the elements.In this case i would go for single ended linkedList where you insert at the end and remove from the begining but if you want to remove from the last then you need doubly linkedlist because you will need a handle on penultimate node to remove the last node (dequeue) which would lead to scanning the complete list in case of single pointer linkedlist.

What are appropriate applications for a linked (doubly as well) list?

I have a question about fundamentals in data structures.
I understand that array's access time is faster than a linked list. O(1)- array vs O(N) -linked list
But a linked list beats an array in removing an element since there is no shifting needing O(N)- array vs O(1) -linked list
So my understanding is that if the majority of operations on the data is delete then using a linked list is preferable.
But if the use case is:
delete elements but not too frequently
access ALL elements
Is there a clear winner? In a general case I understand that the downside of using the list is that I access each node which could be on a separate page while an array has better locality.
But is this a theoretical or an actual concern that I should have?
And is the mixed-type i.e. create a linked list from an array (using extra fields) good idea?
Also does my question depend on the language? I assume that shifting elements in array has the same cost in all languages (at least asymptotically)
Singly-linked lists are very useful and can be better performance-wise relative to arrays if you are doing a lot of insertions/deletions, as opposed to pure referencing.
I haven't seen a good use for doubly-linked lists for decades.
I suppose there are some.
In terms of performance, never make decisions without understanding relative performance of your particular situation.
It's fairly common to see people asking about things that, comparatively speaking, are like getting a haircut to lose weight.
Before writing an app, I first ask if it should be compute-bound or IO-bound.
If IO-bound I try to make sure it actually is, by avoiding inefficiencies in IO, and keeping the processing straightforward.
If it should be compute-bound then I look at what its inner loop is likely to be, and try to make that swift.
Regardless, no matter how much I try, there will be (sometimes big) opportunities to make it go faster, and to find them I use this technique.
Whatever you do, don't just try to think it out or go back to your class notes.
Your problem is different from anyone else's, and so is the solution.
The problem with a list is not just the fragmentation, but mostly the data dependency. If you access every Nth element in array you don't have locality, but the accesses may still go to memory in parallel since you know the address. In a list it depends on the data being retrieved, and therefore traversing a list effectively serializes your memory accesses, causing it to be much slower in practice. This of course is orthogonal to asymptotic complexities, and would harm you regardless of the size.

Linked List vs Vector

Over the past few days I have been preparing for my very first phone interview for a software development job. In researching questions I have come up with this article.
Every thing was great until I got to this passage,
"When would you use a linked list vs. a vector? "
Now from experience and research these are two very different data structures, a linked list being a dynamic array and a vector being a 2d point in space. The only correlation I can see between the two is if you use a vector as a linked list, say myVector(my value, pointer to neighbor)
Vector is another name for dynamic arrays. It is the name used for the dynamic array data structure in C++. If you have experience in Java you may know them with the name ArrayList. (Java also has an old collection class called Vector that is not used nowadays because of problems in how it was designed.)
Vectors are good for random read access and insertion and deletion in the back (takes amortized constant time), but bad for insertions and deletions in the front or any other position (linear time, as items have to be moved). Vectors are usually laid out contiguously in memory, so traversing one is efficient because the CPU memory cache gets used effectively.
Linked lists on the other hand are good for inserting and deleting items in the front or back (constant time), but not particularly good for much else: For example deleting an item at an arbitrary index in the middle of the list takes linear time because you must first find the node. On the other hand, once you have found a particular node you can delete it or insert a new item after it in constant time, something you cannot do with a vector. Linked lists are also very simple to implement, which makes them a popular data structure.
I know it's a bit late for this questioner but this is a very insightful video from Bjarne Stroustrup (the inventor of C++) about why you should avoid linked lists with modern hardware.
With the fast memory allocation on computers today, it is much quicker to create a copy of the vector with the items updated.
I don't like the number one answer here so I figured I'd share some actual research into this conducted by Herb Sutter from Microsoft. The results of the test was with up to 100k items in a container, but also claimed that it would continue to out perform a linked list at even half a million entities. Unless you plan on your container having millions of entities, your default container for a dynamic container should be the vector. I summarized more or less what he says, but will also link the reference at the bottom:
"[Even if] you preallocate the nodes within a linked list, that gives you half the performance back, but it's still worse [than a vector]. Why? First of all it's more space -- The per element overhead (is part of the reason) -- the forward and back pointers involved within a linked list -- but also (and more importantly) the access order. The linked list has to traverse to find an insertion point, doing all this pointer chasing, which is the same thing the vector was doing, but what actually is occurring is that prefetchers are that fast. Performing linear traversals with data that is mapped efficiently within memory (allocating and using say, a vector of pointers that is defined and laid out), it will outperform linked lists in nearly every scenario."
Use vector unless "data size is big" or "strong safety guarantee is essential".
data size is big
:- vector inserting in middle take linear time(because of the need to shuffle things around),but other are constant time operation (like traversing to nth node).So there no much overhead if data size is small.
As per "C++ coding standards Book by Andrei Alexandrescu and Herb Sutter"
"Using a vector for small lists is almost always superior to using list. Even though insertion in the middle of the sequence is a linear-time operation for vector and a constant-time operation for list, vector usually outperforms list when containers are relatively small because of its better constant factor, and list's Big-Oh advantage doesn't kick in until data sizes get larger."
strong safety guarantee
List provide strong safety guaranty.
As a correction on the Big O time of insertion and deletion within a linked list, if you have a pointer that holds the position of the current element, and methods used to move it around the list, (like .moveToStart(), .moveToEnd(), .next() etc), you can remove and insert in constant time.

What is the standard OCaml data structure with fastest iteration?

I'm looking for a container that provides fastest unordered iterations through the encapsulated elements. In other words, "add once, iterate many times".
Is there one among OCaml's standard modules that is fast enough (such that further optimization of it would be useless)? Or some kind of third-party GPL-ready ones?
AFAIK there's just one OCaml compiler, so the concept of being fast is more or less clear...
...But after I saw a couple of answers, it appears, it's not. Of course, there's a plenty of data structures that allow O(n) iteration through container of size n. But the task I'm solving is one of those, where difference between O(n) and O(2n) matters ;-).
I also see that Arrays and Lists provide unnecessary information about the order of elements added, which I don't need. Maybe in "functional world" there exists data structures such that can trade this information for a bit of iteration speed.
In C I would outright pick a plain array. The question is, what should I pick in OCaml?
You are unlikely to do better than built-in arrays and lists, since they are hand-coded in C, unless you bind to your own native implementation of an iterator. An array will behave almost exactly like an array in C (a contiguously allocated block of memory containing a sequence of element values), possibly with some extra pointer indirections due to boxing. List are implemented exactly how you would expect: as cells with a value and a "next" pointer. Arrays will give you the best locality for unboxed types (especially floats, which have a super-special unboxed implementation).
For information about the implementation of arrays and lists, see Section 18.3 of the OCaml manual and the files byterun/mlvalues.h, byterun/array.c, and byterun/alloc.c in the OCaml source code.
From the questioner: indeed, Array appeared to be the fastest solution. However it only outperformed List by 7%. Maybe it was because the type of an array element was not plain enough: it was an algebraic type. Hashtbl performed 4 times worse, as expected.
So, I will pick Array and I'm accepting this one. good.
To know for sure, you're going to have to measure. Based on the machine instructions the compiler is likely to generate, I would try an array, then a list.
Access to an array element requires a bounds check, address arithmetic, and a load
Access to the head of a list requires a load, a test for empty list, and a load at a known compile-time offset.
The details of which is faster probably depend on your application and what else is happening on your machine. They also depend on the type of elements; for example, if they are floating-point numbers, ocamlopt may be clever enough to make an unboxed array, which will save you a level of indirection.
Other common data structures like hash tables or balanced trees generally require that you allocate some context somewhere to keep track of where you are. With an array, keeping track requires only an integer index; with a list, keeping track requires a single pointer. I think this is going to be hard to beat in another data structure.
Finally please note that there may be only one OCaml compiler, but it has two back ends: bytecode and native code. Naturally if you care about this level of performance, you are using the native-code ocamlopt version. Right?
Please take measurements and edit the results into your question.
Don't forget about Bigarrays, they are most close to C arrays (just a flat piece of memory), but cannot contain arbitrary OCaml values. Also consider switching bounds checking off (unsafe_set/get). And of course you should profile first.
The array - a linear piece of memory with the items visited in sequential order - best utilises the CPU's L1 data cache.
All common data structures are iterable in O(n) time, so the differences between data structures will only be constant (and very probably not significant).
At least lists and arrays allow iteration without significant overhead. I can't think of a situation where that would not be fast enough.
