Adding default maven build configuration on Jenkins - maven

I am setting up a CI system using Jenkins for Maven based projects. I was wondering whether there is a way to specify a build configuration which would be common for all the projects deployed on Jenkins.
For instance, I want all the projects to generate JavaDoc's hence I require the maven-javadoc-plugin in maven pom. As I understand, this can't be added to the settings.xml file. And I don't have access to the super pom. And editing the super pom isn't a good idea anyways.
What is the best way to add a common build profile for all the projects?

Corporate POM, that's what I was looking for.


Maven settings.xml to include build tag properties

According to we have an example and explanation of all the elements.
But I want, for example, customize some build settings for ALL projects, not to be pushed in every project pom.xml.
Other people looking for this, too, but still no solution.
Maven ignoring build segment in settings.xml?
But, surprisingly, build tag is NOT available in settings.xml.
Is there a way to inject build parameters, like target dir into settings.xml using profiles, etc?
Two things:
The standard way is to create a company parent POM that is used as parent for all the projects. It can configure plugins and other build information.
If you want things be overridden by the settings.xml, use properties and then define the properties in the settings.xml.

Maven deploy configs in pom.xml VS jenkins post-build action

Actually I see two alternatives how can I deploy my project to NEXUS:
Configure distributionManagement and deploy-plugin in pom.xml. That in jenkins I should only call mvn deploy and my project will be deployed to the environment
Create in Jenkins Post-build Actions -> Deploy artifacts to maven repository, where I can set repository URL, repository ID and so on
What is pros and cons of each approach comparing with one another?
If you are configuring the deployment in Jenkins build configuration you are doing two things
you are separating the deployment from the project itself and therefore potentially can have different deployments for the same project
you remove the deployment setup from your version control setup/your source code
If you are leaving it in the pom using the default Maven setup you can run deployment of the project without modification from the commandline on any machine that has the credentials set up correctly. This can greatly help wit troubleshooting and it makes the setup independent of whatever CI server you use.
Both approaches as well as more custom setups like using the Artifactory Build Integration or the Nexus Staging Maven Plugin usage are fine. It will mostly depend on what you are aiming to achieve.
Personally I believe that the configuration should not be isolated to Jenkins and should remain with the project in the pom. But that is just my 2c.
Thanks for adding the Artifactory tag, now I can give you one more option - Artifactory Build Integration. With Artifactory Jenkins plugin you can configure your deployment options (target repository, whether or not you want to deploy build information, environment variables and custom properties etc.) without polluting your developers pom with ci-eyes only information.

Maven: Is it possible to have more than one settings.xml files?

I have a multimodule project. All of the modules, but one are different. There are some things in the settings.xml file that I want to be different in the one module than from the rest.
Is it possible to have two settings.xml file and use them for different modules?
Think of the settings.xml as the configuration for your installation of maven. It determines the behavior of maven across it's use in your various projects.
This being said, if an individual project, i.e. a pom, requires something unique, it should be in that pom.
I think the thing to remember is that the project should be able to build on an individual dev's machine without any special intervention. In other words, the ideal case is that a given pom can successufl execute mvn install in a vanilla environment. So, don't put something in it that requires tweaking for a dev to get it to work. Also don't put anything in your settings.xml that enables a project to build, but then puts the burden on other devs to know what secrets are in your settings.xml.
You can set up different things in your individual pom files. What's in the pom files will override what's in settings. For instance, if your child poms sets up different repositories they'll be used over what is defined in settings.xml. Settings.xml is the default is nothing else applies. Depending on exactly what you want to do you might also take a look at the profiles feature.

Modern Maven Pom Templates

Every time I make a new proper project using Maven hosted on Github I have to go look at either one of my own old projects and copy the pom file or I go find a project that I think does a good job and copy there POM file. Then I have to go search and replace things like project name... etc.
Now Maven has a solution to this through archetypes but I have yet to see one that is modern enough such that it:
Uses the release plugin and deploys to SonaType Central Maven reop.
Connects to Github (meaning the scm connections and release plugin work do the right thing)
Makes all three jar artifacts (sources, javadoc, and regular jar)
I have contemplated make some giter8 templates but was hoping somebody already did something like this (most of the g8 templates are for sbt).
You can use com.jcabi:parent:pom which does exactly what you need and many more. It deploys to Sonatype, defines common dependencies with versions, pre-configures most popular plugins, and defines a few useful profiles.
This article explains more: Don't Repeat Yourself in Maven POMs; Use Jcabi-Parent
You could have a look at the parent pom released by Sonatype. It's intended to be used as a parent pom for projects that deploy to (which may or may not be promoted to Maven Central).
When the sonatype-oss-release profile is enabled, it will ensure that sources and javadocs are built. It also includes an example of the <scm> pom element.
It turns out its incredible easy to create your own maven archetype.
Just make a generic project with stuff you like to use
In the project directory run mvn archetype:create-from-project
Generally Maven guesses the right things to make variable but if not you just edit the Velocity templates.
Install your archetype locally with mvn install
To use your new archetype: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.mygroup -DarchetypeArtifactId=my-archetype
Now the only caveat is that there is not very good doc on the web that I could find on the archetype system. Like its unclear what variables you have available to you for Velocity (although most of them are obvious).

How to make my maven project depend on non maven projects?

I want to create a maven project, which has to depend on a non maven project which in turn depends on 2 other non maven projects. I do not have ownership of any of the other projects and it would not be possible for me to change anything in those projects let alone the structure to conform to the maven structure.
I asked if I could just get jars -- but was told that because of multiple levels of dependency, it would be "difficult" -- although I haven't understood why.
Is this possible or should I just abandon the use of maven to create my project and go with a regular project with jars in the lib folder?
If you can go with a regular project build that means you must have access to the other project's jar files?
It doesn't really matter how the other project builds them, you can still gain more control over your own build process by loading the jars you depend on into a Maven repository.
I'd suggest using one of the following repository managers:
They'll give you management screens to uploading 3rd party jars, they'll also a more efficient way to use other Maven repositories like Maven Central.
Once you've got your Maven build process working, you could encourage the other projects to automatically publish their versions into your Maven repo.
They could use the ANT tasks provided by the Maven or Apache ivy projects. Worst case you just continue to load their libraries until they see the light :-)
