Eclipse SVN plugin install fail on mac pro - macos

Yesterday I had install the eclipse and the Android plugin. Everything works perfectly, but I would like to install the SVN plugin too. I had add the suite, and selected the three main components, but when I click on the next it stack in. The eclipse write "Calculateing requriements and dependencies" and than I just waiting.
So I had disabled all another update site and it works, but then I got the following message:
"could not upgrade:missing compnents: svn.rep.grap". It is very good, but I would like to install this component at NOW beside of the another svn tools.
Any ideas?

The Subclipse plugin can be installed from the Eclipse Marketplace Client or by adding the update site URL of
Note that Subclipse requires the JavaHL native library that is part of Subversion. The easiest way to get this is to install the latest Subversion client distribution provided by CollabNet:
You can also install Subversion via MacPorts. Both of these include the JavaHL library and properly link it in your System folder so that is visible to the Subclipse plugin running in Eclipse. I would assume you could also install via Homebrew but I have not tried that option.


How to use existing SBT installation instead of downloading a new one in intelij?

I'm using os x and I've installed sbt with brew. After I've installed intellij and scala plugin for intellij it recognized .scala files of my project and suggested to import sbt project. When importing I saw that intellij is downloading sbt instead of using sbt installation that I have installed previously. How to force intellij to use sbt from brew? I don't want to clutter my ssd...
It is not a wise decision. sbt API changes slightly between versions. If intellij requires certain version for inner processing, it would be better to fulfil its expectations.
Set sbt.version in project/ IntelliJ respects the requested version. It won't download again if it has already been downloaded. You probably see this because the launcher you installed is a different version than what is installed in intellij. You can also set intellij to use the launcher you already have installed by changing the setting in preferences

Install KarmaSphere plugin in NetBeans

I want to run a Hadoop MapReduce program (for example WordCount) with NetBeans. I found that there is "KarmaSphere studio for Hadoop" that is a plugin in NetBeans.
I followed the instructions given in the link below, to install the plugin :
But, when I add the plugin name and URL, the "KarmaSphere Studio" does not appear in my available plugins. So I can not download and install it.
I have NetBeans 7.3.1 with JDK7.
Anybody knows what should I do?
It seems netbeans is not supported by karmasphere studio for hadoop.For programming Hadoop in Eclipse, see here

SVN version in Maven tasks with SVNKit on MacOS

I am getting this error in a Maven build (mvn clean install) on a Mac with Mountain Lion
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: The path 'XYZ' appears to be part of Subversion 1.7 (SVNKit 1.4) or greater
working copy rooted at '/Users/XYZ/workspace/XYZ'.
Please upgrade your Subversion (SVNKit) client to use this working copy.
I had SVN installed as part of the Apple Command Line tools package and that gets installed at /usr/bin. I have installed the latest SVN as well but that got installed at /usr/local/bin.
When the maven build runs, it does not pick up the latest SVN, it picks the older one and fails.
Has anyone faced this kind of problem before?
I think there are 2 options -
1) Somehow force maven to use the new installed SVN.
2) Upgrade the SVN installed as part of Apple' Command Line tools to the latest SVN. I have reinstalled Command Line tools with the latest version but it still sticks to the older version.
I dont control the pom.xml so modifying it is not a viable option.
Any pointers in resolving this would be much appreciated.
This means your svn client is version 1.7 but the working copy(your project workspace) was checkout with the older version.
It's simple by execute the following command at your project root directory, where the pom.xml is there.
svn upgrade
please note, the maven use the svn client which is in your OS path.
After upgrade you should configure your IDE to use the version 1.7 as well. In my case I use the Eclipes Juno sr1 with Svnkit.
Anyhow if you would not like to change the working copy or IDE configuration. There is an alternative by install the svn clinet 1.4/1.5/1.6 and set it active via OS path instead.
I hope this may help.
Charlee Ch.

Netbeans + maven on Ubuntu

I have a properly set up Maven project, and my Netbeans on Windows recognizes it and can build it properly, but my Netbeans on Ubuntu wouldn't even see the project as a Netbeans project.
Any idea how to fix this?
Maven support in Netbeans comes in the form of an official plugin. The version that ships with Ubuntu has almost no plugins installed. To resolve this, navigate to Tools ▶ Plugins and install the Maven plugin from there. After a restart of the IDE, all Maven projects should be recognized automatically.
If you don't see the list of plugins, make sure the repositories are enabled in the Tools ▶ Plugins ▶ Settings tab. Check at least 🗹 Certified Plugins and 🗹 NetBeans Distribution. Reload the catalog in the Available Plugins tab. Now you should see a list of all available plugins.
I had the same issue on my Xubuntu when I downloaded netbeans with synaptic.
I have uninstalled the netbeans on synaptic et install the netbeans with all avalaible on netbeans website and it works fine (last column). I can now import maven project. Hope it helps you.

Installing Subversion on top of already installed Apache?

I have a working WAMP environment (Apache Friends). I decided to try Subversion and downloaded CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.9-1.win32.exe. On the download page there were packages including Apache server which I did not use - because I didn't want to replace my current Apache installation.
I just installed the one that did not include Apache, and now I want to configure it to work with my current Apache. What should I do?
Is there an easy step by step tutorial to explain this?
There's lots of tutorials such as the XAMPP (apache friends) version and the WAMP version
If all you want to do is create a repository and do checkins and updates locally on your windows machine then just install TortoiseSVN. Tortoisesvn only installs the shell extension for windows explorer, not any command line svn executables. To get those you have to download them separately and make sure they're the same version of svn that tortoise uses or you'll get errors about version mismatches when using the command line svn.
