cannot set user data in session codeigniter - codeigniter

please look at this.
The code below is from my model class (using datamapper orm)
function login()
$u = new User();
$u->where('username', $this->username)->get();
$this->salt = $u->salt;
if (empty($this->id))
// Login failed, so set a custom error message
$this->error_message('login', 'Username or password invalid');
return FALSE;
// Login succeeded
$data = array
'username' => $u->username,
'usergroup' => $u->usergroup->get(),
'is_logged_in' => true
return TRUE;
when i do this i get
**Fatal error: Call to a member function set_userdata() on a non-object**
but when i do this instead
$data = array
'username' => $u->username,
'usergroup' => $u->usergroup->get(),
'is_logged_in' => true
$obj=& get_instance();
It works.
Please what is the right way to get this working ?
Thanks in advance.

your model did not extends CI_Model
after that you have to add constructor to your model
add this code to yours
function __construct()

Well, you didn't provide enough information.
The first code looks fine, provided that:
You actually load the session class before calling it (you also need to create an encryption key in your configs).
The above code, or your code, is inside a controller, a model or a view.
$this relates to the CI's superclass, in particular to an instance of the Session class, so if you're calling that inside a helper (collection of functions), or inside a library (where you need to create a CI instance first), it won't work.


Adding a post_system hook from inside a controller method in CodeIgniter

I have some code i want to work after the request is sent to the client and closed so i want to add a post_system hook to the system from inside a controller, so the post_system hook runs only when specific method is invoked.
does CodeIgniter allow that in some workaround?
My version is 3.0rc3
It should be possible. One approach is to setup the post_system hook as described in the documentation - $config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;, define the hook in application/config/hooks.php, and write the hook class.
In the controller that will use the post_system hook define a var that will be used to decide if the hook function should actually run. Set the default value to FALSE in the constructor and set it TRUE in specific method you have in mind.
Check the value of this var in your post_system_hook function. You may want to start by checking that the controller is the one that should be hooked. Let's assume that class is 'Welcome';
//the type of $CI will be the name of the controller
if(get_class($CI) !== 'welcome') {
return false;
if(! $var_that_flags_do_the_task){
return false
//do post system code here
i understand that you want to check a controller like if it has permition to be in ther like logged.
you need to enable the hook in your application/config/config.php
$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
Then you need to add this lines in your application/config/hooks.php with the code
$hook['pre_controller'] = array(
'class' => 'PreLogin',
'function' => 'auth',
'filename' => 'PreLogin.php',
'filepath' => 'hooks'
in your apllication/hooks/PreLogin.php
class PreLogin{
public function __construct(){
$CI =& get_instance();
public function auth(){
if( ! isset($this->CI->session->userdata('id'))){
$this->CI->session->set_flashdata('error', 'You do not have permission to enter this url');
redirect(base_url(), 'refresh');

Trouble using hook in codeigniter

I want to use hook in codeigniter after perticular function of a controller. As per the documentation it will lead the hook to run after all controllers. But i want my hook to run after perticular function.
Please help with some example...
Thank You
If you want to set few function use hook you can add it to them straightly,
If most function use hook then set hook.And judge particular function in hook.
Here is my example:
$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
// I set the hook type to 'post_system', after rendering page hook execute.
$hook['post_system'] = array(
'class' => 'HookClass',
'function' => 'abc',
'filename' => 'hookClass.php',
'filepath' => 'hooks',
'params' => ''
class HookClass{
private $particularFunction;
private $CI;
function __construct(){
$this->particularFunction=array('f1','f2');//set particular function name
$this->CI=& get_instance(); //important!get CI class
function abc(){
//if method not in particular function array,execute hook
if(!in_array($this->CI->router->method, $this->particularFunction))){
//$this->CI->router->method gets the executing method name
//execute hooks
class Example_controller extends CI_controller{
function f1(){
//f1 function,and hooks will not execute.
function d1(){
//d1 function and hooks will execute

Codeigniter: Controller function name shows in url, how change to view file name?

wondering if anyone can guide me to what ive done wrong (or need to do) and think the problem is in my routes file. When the user is displayed the login form and for example they get their username wrong after submit the url displays as this: http://localhost:8888/codeigniter/login/login_validation. When the are successful and log into the admin area (which pulls news articles from the db) this url is still shown. I am wondering if there is a way to make it to http://localhost:8888/codeigniter/news. I have looked in my routes folder and i tried to use 'wildcards' and was unsuccessful. Here is my code for reference, any other info or files needed let me know! Thanks.
class Login extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
public function index() {
//Validate login area
public function login_validation() {
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'trim|required|xss_clean|callback_username_check');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required|xss_clean|callback_password_check');
if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
//Field validation failed. User redirected to login page
$query = $this->user_model->login_details();
// if the user's credentials validated...
if($query) {
$data = array(
'username' => $this->input->post('username'),
'is_logged_in' => true
$data['error'] ="Invalid Username or Password";
function logout() {
login_details function from user_model.php
function login_details() {
$this->db->where('username', $this->input->post('username'));
$this->db->where('password', md5($this->input->post('password')));
$query = $this->db->get('login');
if($query->num_rows == 1){
return true;
If you're logging into any kind of system, you're going to need to store a session using CodeIgniter's Session class. Provided controllers/news.php exists, you can set the session and immediately just perform a redirect with redirect('news');. No need to $this->load->view() because this logic will be in news.php's index anyway and you'd be duplicating code.
I'm not sure what $this->user_model->login_details() is returning, but I'm assuming false or null because you say CodeIgniter is sending you back to the login view. Head into the login_details() function and make sure things are working properly (you might want to post it too). Also, post your routes.php file for us if you made changes just in case.
On a side note: Space is a valid password character, don't trim it or folks with leading or trailing space's in their passwords won't be able to get in ;)

codeigniter datamapper relationship validation issues

I need to set up the validation rules to validate the related items on a specific object, ie: A user can have no more than 3 products related to it.
I believe DataMapper can check for this validation using _related_max_size rule, but I can't figure out how to use it on the $validation array in the model.
So far I've tried this in both my user and product models:
var $validation = array(
'product' => array(
'rules' => array('max_size' => 3)
Can somebody show me an example on how to set up this at the model, controller and finally the view?
Edit: What I mean is, a user has many products, and can create a certain amount of them, let's say 3 products, when that amount is reached, the user can no longer create products, and this validation rule should not permit the user to create more products.
This would be the DB Schema:
Users table
id | username |
Products table
id | user_id | name |
More info here:
Ok, I got it all working now… Except, I need to do the following:
var $validation = array(
'product' => array(
'label' => 'productos',
'rules' => array('required','max_size' => $products_limit)
The $products_limit comes from the “plan” the user has associated, and it’s stored in the session when the user logs in. When I try to run this I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /var/www/stocker/application/models/user.php on line 11
Is there any way to make this setting dynamic?
In model
var $validation = array(
'field' => 'username',
'label' => 'Username',
'rules' => array('required')
In controller. $this -> $object = new Your_model();
if ($object->valid)
{ $object->save();
// Validation Passed
{ $data['error'] = $object->error;
// Validation Failed
In view.
echo $error->field_name
I never use Codeigniter before, but give me a chance to help you. So far I didn't found any built-in validation in Code-igniter (correct me if I'm wrong).
One workaround that I could think of is to Callback:Your own Validation Functions. Below is a snip. Pardon me if it didn't work as you want.
In Model: (create something like)
function product_limit($id)
$query = $this->db->get('products');
if ($query->num_rows() > 3){
return true;
return false;
In controller: (create something like)
function productkey_limit($id)
public function index()
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'callback_product_limit');
For more information Please refer to the manual page which gives more complete. I am also new to CodeIgniter. But I hope this helps you, not complicate you.
First, set up a custom validation rule in libraries/MY_Form_validation.php
If the file doesn't exist, create it.
Contents of MY_Form_validation.php:
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation
function __construct($config = array())
function valid_num_products()
//Perhaps it would be better to store a maxProducts column in your users table. That way, every user can have a different max products? (just a thought). For now, let's be static.
$maxProducts = 3;
//The $this object is not available in libraries, you must request an instance of CI then, $this will be known as $CI...Yes the ampersand is correct, you want it by reference because it's huge.
$CI =& get_instance();
//Assumptions: You have stored logged in user details in the global data array & You have installed DataMapper + Set up your Product and User models.
$p = new Product();
$count = $p->where('user_id', $CI->data['user']['id'])->count();
if($count>=$maxProducts) return false;
else return true;
Next, set up your rule in config/form_validation.php.
Contents of form_validation.php
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
$config = array
'addProduct' => array
'field' => 'name',
'label' => 'Product Name',
'rules' => 'required|valid_num_products'
Next, set up your error message in language/english/form_validation_lang.php. Add the following line:
$lang['valid_num_products'] = "Sorry, you have exceeded your maximum number of allowable products.";
Now in the Controller, you'll want something along the lines of:
class Products extends MY_In_Controller
function __construct()
function add()
$p = $this->input->post();
//was there even a post to the server?
//yes there was a post to the server. run form validation.
//it's safe to add. grab the user, create the product and save the relationship.
$u = new User($this->data['user']['id']);
$x = new Product();
$x->name = $p['name'];
//there was an error. should print the error message we wrote above.
echo validation_errors();
Finally, you might wonder why I've inherited from MY_In_Controller. There is an excellent article written by Phil Sturgeon over on his blog entitled Keeping It Dry. In the post he explains how to write controllers that inherit from access-controlling Controllers. By using this paradigm, controllers that inherit from MY_In_Controller can be assumed to be logged in, and the $this->data['user']['id'] stuff is therefore assumed to be available. In fact, $this->data['user']['id'] is SET in MY_In_Controller. This helps you seperate your logic in such a way that you're not checking for logged in status in the constructors of your controllers, or (even worse) in the functions of them.

Codeigniter MVC Sample Code

I am following the getting started guide for Codeigniterr given at
I have followed the instruction to create the front view and added controller to handle form submission. Ideally, when i submit the form, it should load the model class and execute the function to put details on the database, but instead it is just printing out the code of the model in the browser.
**Code of view (Welcome.php)**
class Welcome extends Controller {
function Welcome()
function index()
$data['title'] = "Welcome to our Site";
$data['headline'] = "Welcome!";
$data['include'] = 'home';
function contactus(){
function thankyou(){
$data['title'] = "Thank You!";
$data['headline'] = "Thanks!";
$data['include'] = 'thanks';
/* End of file welcome.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/controllers/welcome.php */
**Code of Model**
class mcontacts extends Model{
function mcontacts(){
function addContact(){
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$data = array(
'name' => $this->input->xss_clean($this->input->post('name')),
'email' => $this->input->xss_clean($this->input->post('email')),
'notes' => $this->input->xss_clean($this->input->post('notes')),
'ipaddress' => $this->input->ip_address(),
'stamp' => $now
$this->db->insert('contacts', $data);
**OUTPUT after clicking submit**
class mcontacts extends Model{ function mcontacts(){ parent::Model(); } } function addContact(){ $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data = array( 'name' => $this->input->xss_clean($this->input->post('name')), 'email' => $this->input->xss_clean($this->input->post('email')), 'notes' => $this->input->xss_clean($this->input->post('notes')), 'ipaddress' => $this->input->ip_address(), 'stamp' => $now ); $this->db->insert('contacts', $data); }
I have tried doing these things
1. Making all PHP codes executable
2. Change ownership of files to www-data
3. make permission 777 for whole of www
But, the code of model seems to be just printed ... PLEASE HELP
Just a few minor points that might help you:
In your controller, point the index method at the method you would like to call on that page. For example:
function index()
That will help keep things clean and clear, especially if anyone else comes in to work on the code with you later. I chose welcome because that's the name of your controller class and that will keep things simple.
In your model, this:
class mcontacts extends Model{
Should be:
class Mcontacts extends Model{
Capitalize those class names! That could be giving you the trouble you describe.
See here for more info on this:
Don't use camel case in your class or method names. This isn't something that will cause your code to fail, but it's generally accepted practice. See Codeigniter's PHP Style guide for more information on this:
It's difficult to see with the formatting as it is, but do have an extra curly brace after the constructor method (mcontacts()) in the model? This would cause problems! Also although the code looks generally ok, there are probably better ways to use the framework especially if you do anything more complicated than what you've shown. For example, autoloading, form validation etc. Can I suggest you have a read of the userguide? It's very thorough and clear and should help you alot.
