GlassFish 3 + Maven + remote deploy - maven

I couldn't find any clear answer about how to deploy simple Maven based project to remote GlassFish server via maven like
mvn package xxx:deploy
I think only cargo plugin supports GlassFish 3. Right?
I've problems at configuration side.
Any sample remote GlassFish deployment will be great. Cargo is not a must, if others are support remote GlassFish then we can also use it too.

In case you want to only use maven-glassfish-plugin (let say version 2.1), you can do a remote deploy by specifying the "host" parameter. Below is an example where configurations are setup in maven settings.xml and an plugin loads them using a profile:
In settings.xml define a profile:
Next put this profile in your active profiles:
In your maven project pom.xml, create a profile and add the maven-glassfish-plugin in your list of profiles:
This should do the trick. You can run this profile using maven : mvn glassfish:deploy -P production or just mvn deploy -P production (since we have added the goal deploy inside the executions part of plugin)
Using the model above you can create different profile per environment (dev, acc, tst, prd), and use different settings. For instance you can create a developer profile where a local glassfish is being used to deploy and run unit/integration tests on it.
Common mistake people make is to mix up the settings for the machine from where you are doing the remote deployment with the host where deployment is to be installed. glassfishDirectory is place from where you are running the deployment plugin from. As a result of mistake plugin just hangs, doing nothing and just waiting giving the impression that something is happening. Another mistake is to specify a password file instead of a password for a remote deploy which will also result in nothing.

As far as I know and could find around, only Cargo delivers (or deploys, in this case).
This is an example tested as working on a Maven OSGi WAR project:
As you can see, the trick lies in the deployment-client dependency.
For the sake of completeness, you then just mvn package cargo:deploy and Bob's your uncle.


How can I specify the path in tomee-maven-plugin such that both deploy and undeploy works?

I'm trying to build a pom.xml to handle the deployment and undeployment to a remote TomEE (PluME 7.0.3) server. However, I cannot figure out the correct value to use in the path configuration tag. Here's a working plugin configuration for deploying my application (full-blown EAR, for educational purposes) to the remote TomEE:
Whereas to undeploy, I would have to configure the plugin like this:
Notice the difference in the path configuration. From the command line, this behaves similarly; when the path tag in the pom.xml is omitted, I can deploy and undeploy like this:
mvn tomee:deploy -Dtomee-plugin.archive=target/someear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear
mvn tomee:undeploy -Dtomee-plugin.archive=someear-1.0-SNAPSHOT
Has anybody experienced the same behaviour, and found a way to mitigate this? I'd like to have both deploy and undeploy configured completely in the pom.xml without specifying additional parameters when calling mvn. But, as of now, I cannot do that, since tomee:deploy seems to expect a different path than tomee:undeploy.
Ok, based on #Old School's edited answer, I can do something like this:
Then, specify path in tomee-maven-plugin's configuration section like this:
Then, execute maven like this:
mvn tomee:deploy
mvn tomee:undeploy -Pundeploy
Which I consider more convenient than specifying some -D parameters at execution time (YMMV).
However, the perfect solution in my opinion would be if you could configure path in tomee-maven-plugin's configuration such that both tomee:deploy and tomee:undeploy work without further ado.
I discovered another possibility without profiles which I was seemingly unable to find before (based on:
<!-- no <path> tag -->
mvn tomee:deploy#deploy-it
mvn tomee:undeploy#undeploy-it
I use glassfish, not tomcat, but I think the same principles apply here. In GF, deploy requires the full path and the undeploy requires only the package name. For example, glassfish goes something like:
asadmin deploy C:\Projects\Java\helloworld\helloworld.war
asadmin undeploy helloworld
There is no path required on undeploy because the file is on the server and once you name it, glassfish/tomcat knows where it is.
EDIT based off comments: My apologies for the glassfish stuff, I wasn't paying attention to you mentioning tomcat and I've edited a bit to reflect that somewhat.
I do understand now, I think, what you're looking for. Check out:
Maven Resource Filtering
It's another SO answer where he does a fantastic job of explaining exactly what you're looking for, I think. I hope that works.

How to configure maven jar plugin to exclude properties on profile

I have this configuration in my pom
I use profiles to handle different behaviour from local environment to production environment.
Is it possible not activate the exclusions when executing mvn install with local profile?
I tried to set a blank properties on local environment like this
but the plugin complains.
This is a workaround solution, maybe a better one exists. I think the easiest you could do is to let your DEV environment free from any config of the jar plugin. And then place your PROD config in a dedicated profile :
When you need to build the production jar, launch :
mvn clean install -PPROD
Are the logging and config files resources for testing only? If yes, put them in ${basedir}/src/test/resources. They'll be on the classpath for your tests but will not end up in the final jar, and you won't need specific jar plugin config.
The best workaround I found is to use an invalid value to filter on when executing on DEV environment.

Cargo maven plugin - start goal ignores configuration, "run" works fine

I want cargo maven plugin to start a Tomcat7 so i put into my pom:
<!-- minimal configuration to let adb run (mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run) in a local tomcat -->
The Problem is if i run:
mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run
all is working fine but if i run
mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:start
the configuration set in pom is beeing ignored:"No container defined, using a default [jetty6x, embedded] container"
you can reproduce this easily. just create an war-maven app:
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-webapp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webappp
Then add the code above to pom and run both commands.
So how to set ContainerId and Url properly for goal start -- Am I missing something?!
so i contacted cargo support. the configuration above works indeed only with run goal, but there is also a configuration that works with both (the cargo doc is somehow misguiding):
<!-- minimal configuration to let adb run (mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run) in a local tomcat -->
notice the additional container and zipUrlInstaller tag instead of containerUrl.

Define maven profiles outside POM

Is there a way to define my maven profiles outside POM file but not in .m2/settings.xml?
I want to define them in a separate xml file inside the application (way to work efficiently with maven 2 and 3) because I am using maven 2 and intend to switch to 3 soon.
Until Maven 2.2.1 you could define your profiles into the profiles.xml file as a separate file but with Maven 3 this opportunity has been removed. The question ist why do you need a separate file for the profiles?
You may want to go through this maven documentation on build profiles, which describes the types of profiles and how each can be used.
As I see it, profiles cannot be defined outside pom.xml or settings.xml, if you want to use maven 3.
And add a filter
And add any directory (dev, prod, test)
I was recently migrating an application to maven3 from maven2. With maven 3 there is no possibility to have external profiles. But what can be done is to have external property files. This can be achieved by maven-properties-plugin
<!-- Associate the read-project-properties goal with the initialize phase,
to read the properties file. -->
So here I have explained how to do that

How to skip unittests when using mvn scm:bootstrap

I'm trying to use the mvn scm plugin to check out the daily tag, and create an assembly from that version of the code. I configured the scm plugin and everythhing is working well, except that I can not seem to tell it to not run the unittests.
I tried:
Passing the -Dmaven.test.skip=true command line parameter
Creating a profile where the surefire plugin skips test, and list that profile in the scm configuration "profiles" section
setting the "maven.test.skip=true" as an environment variable
In all cases, when the scm plugin starts running the goals I told it to run in the configuration (see below), it also runs the unittests.
Below is the example I used to skip tests by using a profile:
And this is the profile (I defined this in the pom.xml of the project):
The command I use to do the checkout and bootstrap is:
mvn scm:bootstrap -DscmVersion=daily-20110427-421 -DscmVersionType=tag
I'm running mvn 2.2.1 on a Linux machine, and doing a checkout from a CVS repository. It's an existing project, I have continuous integration and tagging all up and running, I just want to check out a daily tag and create an assembly from that.
Any tips are much appreciated.
Edit: Got it to work with the answer below, but only after I upgraded to maven-scm-plugin version 1.1. Apparently, 1.0 did not propagate profiles.
Try this in the profile:
