Automate in Shell Script Terminal - macos

Oh my god! I have tried everything about expect. What I want to do is create a script to automate input password when changing to root in terminal. My code look like this
expect -i
spawn sudo pmset schedule sleep "{query}" expect { Password: send "password\r" }; interact;
expect1.1> spawn sudo pmset schedule sleep "06/19/11 23:40:00" expect { Password: echo "lovegun\r" }; interact; exit
spawn sudo pmset schedule sleep 06/19/11 23:40:00 expect Password: send "password\r"
I am stuck in password:
Can somebody look at my code? What is wrong with this.
expect -c '
proc abort {} {
puts "You have Authenticated\n"
exit 1
spawn sudo pmset schedule sleep "{query}"
expect {
Password: { send "password\n" }
default abort
puts "Finished OK\n"
Finally I found the answer

If you're going to have your password buried in an expect script, you could either 1) change pmset to run set-user-id so you don't have to use sudo, or 2) give yourself NOPASSWD access to sudo so you aren't required to enter a password. Either way would keep you from having to store your password in a file.


Expect script does not work with multiple password requests

I'm trying to execute a perl script to connect to linux hosts generate a snap and then I need to SCP this snap to my local server. So I have to put password 2 times 1 - to login on the servers and 2 - to SCP the file previously generated.
The problem is, my expect script is only working for the first password, would anyone have any idea?
[linuxserver]$ ./
spawn perl
Cleaning up /tmp/logs
Getting logs from server 9.x.x.x using snap
export PASSWORD='mypassword'
/usr/bin/expect -c '
spawn perl
expect {
-nocase "*assword*" {
send "$env(PASSWORD)\r"
expect -c "
expect "*assword*"
send \$env(PASSWORD)\r
First, use a quoted heredoc when putting an expect script inside a bash script, it reduces quoting hell significantly.
It seems you need to enter the passwords and then just wait for the perl program to end:
put multiple patterns in the same expect command
use the special eof pattern to expect the end of the spawned program.
/usr/bin/expect <<'END_EXPECT'
set timeout -1
spawn perl
expect {
-nocase "*assword*" {
send "$env(PASSWORD)\r"

How to pass username/password into ambari-server sync-ldap command

I am trying to run a playbook with sync ldap command :
ambari-server sync-ldap --all
The thing is, after the executing of the command, it asks for username and then password.
Is there anyway to pass the username and password automatically from echo or using a script shell, without having to pass it manually ?
Check out expect.
An simple example is to use the following script.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
ambari-server sync-ldap --all
# wait until the prompt shows "enter username". Change this to adapt to your application.
expect "enter username"
send "your_username\r"
# wait until the prompt shows "password: ". Change this to adapt to your application.
expect "password: "
send "yourPAssWoRD\r"
Disclaimer: I have never used ambari-server command before.
try with below script
# cat /tmp/
set timeout 20
spawn /usr/sbin/ambari-server sync-ldap --groups=/etc/ambari-server/ambari-groups.csv
expect "Enter Ambari Admin login:" { send "admin\n" }
expect "Enter Ambari Admin password:" { send "notTheRealPasswordOfCourse\n" }

Enter sudo password while in expect script

I have an expect code inside bash script, something like this
env input1=${INPUT1} input2=${INPUT2} expect << "EOS"
set timeout -1
spawn ./
expect {
"Input 1" { send -- "$env(input1)\r";exp_continue }
"Input 2" { send -- "$env(input2)\r";exp_continue }
During the execution of I am prompted to enter sudo password, but I'm not able since I'm stil in expect.
What can I do in order for me to be able to enter the sudo password and for the script to continue running after that?
I don't want to save the password in the script and then pass it to expect, but I want to be able to type it in.
The answer from Donal Fellows is the right way to go, but for completeness here is the interact solution you were trying for. The command to use is
expect {
"Input 1" { send -- "$env(input1)\r"; exp_continue }
"Input 2" { send -- "$env(input2)\r"; exp_continue }
"password for" { stty -echo
interact -u tty_spawn_id -o "\r" return
stty echo
exp_continue }
The problem you have is that you are running expect with the script on stdin, so interact has trouble unless you use -u tty_spawn_id to get it to work with /dev/tty and the user. You need to set the echo on/off on this tty explicitly, as sudo will only have done it on the pty between the spawned command and expect.
The standard way of handling an event like this is to watch for a prompt for the sudo password, supply it, and then continue. But with a long-running script, you'll want to cache the password within the expect script so that you don't have to go back to the user for it several times over a few hours. Indeed, for usability you probably need to ask for the password up front rather than waiting until the underlying system needs it.
Fortunately, expect includes support for stty so it's an easy thing to add.
env input1=${INPUT1} input2=${INPUT2} expect << "EOS"
# Prompt for password, cribbed/converted from example on expect(1) manpage
stty -echo
send_tty "sudo password: "
expect_tty -re "(.*)\n"
send_tty "\n"
set password $expect_out(1,string)
stty echo
# Rest of the script, with clause for sending the password at the right time
set timeout -1
spawn ./
expect {
"Input 1" { send -- "$env(input1)\r"; exp_continue }
"Input 2" { send -- "$env(input2)\r"; exp_continue }
"assword: " { send -- "$password\r"; exp_continue }
From man sudo: The sudoers policy caches credentials for 15 minutes, unless overridden in sudoers(5).
With that, call sudo -v before calling expect. It checks for the credentials, and if they aren't cached, it will ask for the root password. That way you can enter them before expect and later sudo commands don't need to ask again.
for what you comment I think you have it in cron. In that case you would neeed to run the script as sudo. you can just call it in the sudo crontab. you can access it by running sudo crontab -e

Why does my expect script exit prematurely?

Here is my except script:
spawn openvpn --config peter.ovpn
expect -exact "Enter Private Key Password: "
send -- "mypassword\r"
I run it and see OpenVPN ask for my client password. But the script exits, apparently without ever sending the password. When I try with an incorrect password it is the same (no incorrect password message). It is also exactly the same result if I delete the send -- "mypassword\r" line from the end of the expect script.
It's my first expect script so probably my syntax is wrong. Or could it be that OpenVPN is kicking me off for using an expect script to connect?
Your syntax is fine. The problem is the script has no more commands to run after you send the password, so the expect script exits and that kills openvpn.
What do you need to do after you send the password?
If you just need to keep openvpn running, then do this:
spawn openvpn --config peter.ovpn
expect -exact "Enter Private Key Password: "
send -- "mypassword\r"
set timeout -1
expect eof
-1 means "infinite", and expect eof means you are waiting for the spawned process to exit before the expect script can exit.

Why does this expect code not work?

Not sure if this is more of a scripting/unix question or a programming one, but I tried on the unix stackexchange and got no responses, so:
The following expect code seems to work; that is, it appears to enter text in answer to the password prompt. However, the device never actually mounts.
But if I simply enter the command into a shell and type the password in by hand the device mounts successfully.
So I'm curious where the input is actually ending up, as it never seems to 'catch' the password yet doesn't present an error message either? In fact the output looks exactly the same in both instances, but only in the case of running the command and typing the password manually do I see my files appear over the network.
Here is the code:
spawn sudo mount.cifs "//WinPC/My Pictures" /home/LinPC/Desktop/Pictures -o user=Me
expect "Password: " {
set send_slow {1 .1}
send -s "a_password"
UPDATE: Got the help I needed to make it work: had to insert 'expect eof' after sending the password so that it doesn't end prematurely. However I now wish to progress to changing it to 'expect_background' so that I can have the same trigger response to issuing multiple mount commands. The following ends prematurely, and 'expect eof' at the end causes an error:
expect_background "Password:" {
send "a_password\r"
expect eof
spawn sudo mount.cifs "//WinPC/My Pictures" /home/LinPC/Desktop/Pictures -o user=Me
expect eof
What should it look like?
UPDATE: the following code block illustrates the current problem:
expect_background "Password: " {
send "a_password\r"
expect eof
spawn sudo mount.cifs "//WinPC/My Pictures" /home/LinPC/Desktop/Pictures -o user=someone
expect "Password: " {
send "a_password\r"
expect eof
#The password prompt gets answered by 'expect' but not 'expect_background'.
#If I delete the last 'expect' and insert 'expect eof' it hangs for a short
#while at the password prompt (around 3 seconds) then exits.
Add one more expect statement after sending the password.
send -s "a_password\r"
expect eof
The eof will make the Expect to wait till the end of program.
