Colored Output with Cygwin Commands on cmd - windows

Operating system: Windows XP SP3 (Unfortunately)
I have downloaded and installed the latest version of Cygwin and Git. I also have configured my environment to include the "bin" folders for each in my system path and also set a user variable TERM=msys. I can now go into cmd and use the following command, for example:
git status
and get colored output, i.e. for status, changes to be committed are green, while untracked files and such are red. This was not the case without having set TERM=msys.
However, since I also added the Cygwin bin to my path, I can use
to get a directory listing, but not with colored output. Am I correct in assuming that, since I'm only using the binaries through cmd, and not Cygwin itself, that getting colored output would have to be done differently from just configuring a BASH profile? Assuming this is possible; however it would seem to follow that if it can be done with Git, then it can also be done with the Cygwin binaries.
I'd be happy to elaborate or clarify any details. Thanks.

The basic colors should still work when you do ls --color. Since you can't use alias in cmd.exe, you can use the doskey windows utility.
doskey ls=ls --color
There are various ways you can make it so the command gets run automatically every time you start a cmd.exe shell. Here's one:


Is it possible to use fzf (command line fuzzy finder) with windows 10 git-bash?

I downloaded the .exe file and placed it into my PATH variable. fzf seems to work in command prompt. But I would like to use it in git-bash. When i use fzf in git-bash it seems to start but nothing happens.
Any advice would be helpful. I'm trying to save myself some keystrokes.
Yes it is.
I just downloaded fzf.exe from fzf-bin, launched bash.exe, and typed ./fzf.exe
But for that, I use a simplified PATH first:
set PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
set GH=C:\path\to\git
set PATH=%GH%\bin;%GH%\usr\bin;%GH%\mingw64\bin;%GH%\mingw64\libexec\git-core;%PATH%
With that PATH, fzf just works.
I know this question was a while ago, but hopefully I can be of some use for any new readers trying to get fuzzy finder working, in git-bash
For whatever reason, I had tried the package from the GitHub repo #VonC shared and the new repo linked thereof and neither package executed in terminal as expected - Only thing could do was fzf --help
As you know git-bash is based on MSYS2, and they have pacman to install packages and a package list can also be found here including a fuzzy finder, however not fzf, but fzy
To get the Windows compatible file, go straight to 'File', not the upstream URL and within the downloaded compressed file you will find the .exe
Move that .exe to your git-bash /usr/bin and either rename fzy.exe to fzf.exe or bash alias fzf to execute fzy

Why "gofmt -d" gives "computing diff: exec: "diff": executable file not found in %PATH%" error on windows?

I would like to see what mistakes I made in my golang files. In order to figure it out, I issue a command like this:
gofmt -d myfile.go
According to the gofmt --help manual, it is supposed to list the diff of the current and the desired versions of the file. Instead of this, it produces this error message:
computing diff: exec: "diff": executable file not found in %PATH%
How could this be fixed?
The gofmt tool assumes the system has an installed and available diff. Unfortunately, this tool is not part of a standard Windows installation so you need to add it manually.
For most of us, the easiest way to add the path of the diff tool we already have on our computer. This is the one that has been installed as part of git. (If git hasn't been installed yet then do it at first.)
In order to solve this, you should issue a command from the DOS prompt in which you want to execute gofmt:
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
(Maybe you need to change the path according to your git installation.)
For a more permanent solution, you should add the path of diff.exe to the PATH environment variable via the Control Panel.

Git print files in Windows Format

The most common use case I deal with git is to checkout file or remove or add file from Windows Command prompt.
I don't intend to use fancy gui tools. I like to work with keyboard and command prompt as much as possible.
So whenever I ask git status or any other report, git prints the file name like this
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:
The problem is, I can't just copy paste that text and use git checkout or git add anything. Since Windows can't understand / it expects you to give with \
Is there anyway git can print the info in Windows format or Windows can accept the *nix format [del Tasks/Test/MyTest.js]
I just tested Git using the Command Prompt and I had no trouble running git add on a file path which included forward slashes, so I don't see your problem as being reproducible.
Another option for you to consider is to use the Git Bash command line tool which ships with the Windows download of Git. The bash is a window, similar in appearance to the Command Prompt, but more powerful. On my Windows setup the Git Bash program is located here:
C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe
The Git Bash tool does not make a distinction between / and \ in the path. Since either will work, you only need to copy the output you want, which is also easy and straightforward.
And good for you for sticking to command line Git. I believe you will become a stronger Git user by learning the nuts and bolts first on the command line.

Best strategy for installing cygwin under restrictive IT policies?

My organization has a group policy in effect that will only allow executable programs to reside under the Program Files (or Program Files X86) directory. Obviously, these directories are not writable by normal users. I have access to local admin rights, so I can install things there if I want. But of course it doesn't make sense to put the whole cygwin tree there, since users need to be able to write to /home, /tmp, etc. I am thinking I might be able to do something with links, maybe install to c:\cygwin, then move just the /bin directory under Program Files and create a hard link to it?
Has anyone run into a similar situation and come up with an elegant solution? This is Win 7 Enterprise.
Prior to Cygwin 1.7.34, solving such problems required a fair bit of hoop-jumping,¹ but now it's easy:
If you haven't installed Cygwin yet, do so.²
If you have Cygwin installed already and you started with a version of Cygwin prior to 1.7.34, move /etc/passwd and /etc/group out of the way,³ then upgrade to the current version.
Start the Cygwin Terminal.
Open Cygwin's /etc/nsswitch.conf in your favorite text editor.⁴ Add a line like this:
db_home: /%H
That's it! When you next re-start Cygwin, it will treat your Windows profile directory as your Cygwin home directory.⁵ This means you will have useful sub-folders like Desktop and Downloads as sub-folders, which matches the way OS X and a lot of desktop Linuxes work.
Some people might not want these two directories to be treated as equivalents. You can choose any path scheme you like. For example, you could change it to /cygdrive/c/Users/%U/cygwin to put your Cygwin home folder into a cygwin subdirectory of your Windows profile directory.
This new feature of Cygwin is very powerful and can do a lot more than I show here. For example, you can change a Cygwin user home directory via AD instead, if you like. See that documentation for details.
You might also want to rearrange a few other elements of the Cygwin path scheme. You can do so by editing Cygwin's /etc/fstab file. You probably want to move /tmp, /usr/tmp, and /var/tmp to a directory that non-admin users can write to, for one thing:
c:/tmp /tmp ntfs auto 0 0
c:/tmp /usr/tmp ntfs auto 0 0
c:/tmp /var/tmp ntfs auto 0 0
This will let you install (and later update) Cygwin as an Administrator while still letting unprivileged users run Cygwin. This makes Cygwin behave more like Linux or Unix. Since most software in the Cygwin package repository comes from that world, you can count on it to behave correctly under such a scheme.
The first version of this answer tells you how to do an equivalent thing with older versions of Cygwin.
Cygwin doesn't care where you install it, so if the default doesn't work for you, feel free to change it. Some ideas:
C:\Program Files\Cygwin
Cygwin will remember your choice on subsequent updates.
If you don't move these files out of the way, they interfere with the solution we build above. This part of Cygwin is complex enough to deserve a whole section in the Cygwin user manual. Hint. :)
Cygwin installs a stripped-down version of the Vim text editor by default.
If you don't like vi, there are many other text editors in the Cygwin package repository.
If you do like vi, I suggest installing the full version of Vim, then adding alias vi=vim to your ~/.bashrc.
You can also use a native Windows GUI text editor. Cygwin's /etc/nsswitch.conf parser appears to cope with DOS line endings.
The Cygwin DLL is building this path from the %HOMEDRIVE% and %HOMEPATH% environment variables, then converting it to POSIX form.

Why are files created in git bash not visible in Windows explorer?

So I just moved from Ubuntu to Windows (read forced to move, thanks to compatibility issues) and am using Git Bash to pull in my files. I've noticed something extremely strange.
Git Bash is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\, and when I first run the Git Bash program, the default location is this. Normal right? Right.
But here's the weird part..
When I run the command mkdir srv in the Git Bash command line, I can see it in the Bash window - but I can't see it in Windows Explorer?! What the heck. Same thing happens with files created using vi in the CLI. Invisible in Windows Explorer. (Yes, I have enabled the Show hidden files option in Explorer, so it's not that).
Here are some snapshots (no, I'm not blind - nor am I insane). Help?
You might not be able to see the folder because of missing privileges. Try running your explorer as Administrator and look again.
The proposed solutions above didn't help me. However, I copied the hidden directories to another place via git bash. Then I copied them once again via windows explorer to the original place. Now they've become visible. I created those invisible folders via git bash with git clone command before.
I had similar issue, but with file attributes, not with missing privileges.
In cmd under C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\ run command attrib
attrib *
You will know if srv folder has System or Hidden file attribute.
If you would like to view it in cmd then use dir /a:s
